LodeMike, to politics in Pregnant women in Missouri can't get divorced. Critics say it fuels domestic violence

What the fuck?

swan_pr, avatar

I live in Canada. I never cease to be flabbergasted by laws in the US. It’s like living next to a time warp.

halcyoncmdr, avatar

A LOT of this country never left the 19th century, and they don’t care to. They feel safe in the old ways, they’re scared of change.


Took the words right outta my mouth.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Established in the 1970s, the rule was intended to make sure men were financially accountable for the children they fathered.

Some how I don’t think they thought that through. Idiots.


Well either they were stupid, or they knew exactly what they were doing.

I used to think that you should never attribute to malice what’s easily explained by stupidity. And as I’ve grown up, I find a lot of malicious assholes hide behind stupidity.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Left to myself, I’m just gonna assume both. Malice and stupidity go hand in hand way too often


What were they doing? I’m trying to figure out why you think this was stupid or malicious in the 70s


There was no genetic testing for paternity back then. If you weren’t married you could contest paternity.

FuglyDuck, avatar

‘Cuz nobody back then ever cheated…

Further the reality of parentage doesn’t change with a divorce. This is arbitrary bullshit.


People cheated for sure, but if you were married you were simply on the hook for the offspring even if it wasn’t yours.

I’m not saying the law is good, I’m saying it made sense for the time it was passed in. Now that we have genetic testing to confirm paternity or should be repealed.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Or they could have just created the law that said “the child was conceived under wedlock, the husband is on the hook.”

But details. There’s no reason to use birth, as the critical time. Because if they knew she was pregnant to hold the divorce…. Then they could just make the guy cough up support. (Including while pregnant.)


Or they could have just created the law that said “the child was conceived under wedlock, the husband is on the hook.”

To make someone the father they have to inform them of it. There’s nothing stopping the father from flying the coop once divorced. While the proceedings are in progress, the judge has the right to keep the father to be present. And this was more of a concern when you could disappear and start a new life by moving across town.

Ranvier, to politics in Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows

Turns out doctors prefer helping people, providing needed medical care, and being adaquately trained. They don’t like being thrown in jail. And they want access to obstetrics procedures like abortions for themselves or their loved ones when needed.


Not to mention they don’t want politicians telling them how to do their jobs.


Also residents want the opportunity to learn and practice essential medical procedures.

FenrirIII, avatar

Doctors prefer not being sued and/or thrown in prison for providing medical care

mp3, to politics in Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows avatar
Rapidcreek, to politics in Fed keeps interest rates at 23-year high

Bad news for those seeking to purchase/sell homes

Good news for rolling over cds

Serinus, (edited )

If you’re not getting 4% on your savings account, you should be switching banks.

That’s $40/year for every thousand you keep in the account, $200/year for $5000.

mriormro, avatar

These sorts of comments are always kind of funny to me cause they strike me as somewhat out of touch. Nearly half of all Americans don’t have savings of more than $500.


But they could if more of them put their money into CDs

mriormro, avatar

They mostly don’t have any money left over to put into a CD…


What genres?


It’s important to note here that just because a person may not have savings accounts over $500 doesn’t mean the person doesn’t have a 401k


Yeah I don’t think I get any interest on the $1000 that goes into my account one day and is gone the next for bills.

Hazzia, to politics in Gov. Ron DeSantis' war on 'woke' appears to be losing steam in Florida

It’s almost like people have started to realize that “sticking it to the libs” doesn’t actually improve their lives in any way.


I’ll believe that depending on how election season goes.

ms_lane, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

the Athletes’ Village will be cooled by a system of water pipes running beneath the floorboards.

Cool, like underfloor heating but in reverse. If it works well, of course.

Officials aim to keep the rooms at between 73 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit

Nice 26c is fine.

Officials … will also provide fans.

oh, so it doesn’t work…


No no, they’ll provide FANS to serve as butlers. Fetch the odd cool drink, ice cream or condoms. That sort of thing


Idk if they tested enough to work out if it will be able to keep up with all the screwing they will happen


26C is way too hot for me to sleep properly.

Imagine training your whole life for one Olympics where you’re at peak performance, then having it fucked up because organisers decided to do this performative nonsense.

No wonder half the teams are bringing air con.


Underfloor heating is great. Underfloor cooling without some form of dehydration will lead to condensation, moisture, and mould.


Not to mention, hot air rises up from the floor. Cold air…doesn’t.


Therefore they need ventilators


Or run the piping in the ceiling?


Indirectly they are, since they’re multistory buildings.

RIP to the top floor.


Why would having fans means it doesn’t work? I use fans along with AC to make the cold air distribution faster, doesn’t mean my AC is not working.


If you’re running an AC and the room is still at 24°C+ I would say it’s not working.


If the AC was set to 26 °C, you’re expecting the temp to be below 24 °C? What are you even talking about?


You’re not wrong, but if you’re setting to 26c and still need a fan, you should just set it lower.

I personally run 27c in summer and don’t need an additional fan.


Yeah, but we’re talking about an underfloor cooling system here. They don’t really have a way to distribute the cold air like air-conditioning systems do. So in the Olympic village’s case, a fan should be needed.


I disagree, a fan is way more economical and ecological than the AC.

So you should put the fan first and if the fan is not enough then you put the AC on. Especially if it’s a ceiling fan that is almost completely quiet.


79f is not exactly chilly, circulating air makes it feel more comfortable.


It’s not exactly hot either though, after being in 35+c sun, it’s pretty chill.

For reference, my aircon is set to 27c in summer (still comfortable, but cost effective) and 18c in winter (WHO minimum recommended house temp, any less is a health hazard - also for cost effectiveness - electricity is expensive)


I hear you, but 79 is “hot” if you are used to be in 70 degree ac. They will get used to it of course but athletes don’t want to have to get used to it.

Butterbee, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump avatar

Nooooooooo. Reeaaaallly?

snooggums, avatar

Say it ain’t so!


Your [judicial bias] is a heartbreaker!

dhork, to politics in Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology

It’s very interesting to me that the main way that Conservatism is being held to account these days is through defamation lawsuits. They are extremely hard to prove here in the States, yet several key players have all been found liable. Fox News, Alex Jones, Giuliani, Trump are at the top of the list, and there are others like this.

It reminds me of Ronald Suskind’s article about the GWB administration, and how it was contemptuous of the Reality-Based Community

The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’.

If it were up to these folks, history (and the facts it is based on) would be determined by the victors. But even these folks have gone too far “creating reality”. I’m glad we found a mechanism to hold these liars to account.


This is how free speech works. You are allowed to say anything you want and the government can’t stop you. You are, however, accountable if what you say is false and causes harm to others.

Unfortunately, because of the way our media cycle works, the damage is done way before the perpetrator is held accountable and the corrective action is not broadcast well enough to reverse the damage from the original action. Especially, when the correction gets shrugged off while the perpetrator goes on another round of disinformation.

It’s a big problem.

Butterbee, to technology in German parliament will stop using fax machines avatar

“fax machines are at odds with a world embracing artificial intelligence.” So bring on the fax machines! MORE fax machines!

RobotToaster, avatar

I don’t see how that makes sense as a statement, an ai with access to a 56k modem can send a fax. It feels like they’re just using ai as a buzzword.


Of cause that is a BS reason. But they should have stopped using fax machines 20 years ago. How can any reason they give why they have to stop now be any other than BS.


The issue is not sending, it is receiving. With a fax you need to do some OCR to extract the text, which you then can feed into e.g an AI.


ChatGPT can recognize text on images already.

sweng, (edited )

At horrendous expense, yes. Using it for OCR makes little sense. And compared to just sending the text directly, even OCR is expensive.


I was about to say, you could do serviceable OCR on a 486, which illustrates just how little processing power is needed for conventional approaches compared to this hallucinating AI nonsense.


OCR existed long before the 486. AFAIK it was already used in the 70’s or 80’s to scan mail and presort them based on the postcode. I remember that postcards had light orange boxes (presumably because this color was invisible to B/W scanners?) with dots inside where you where supposed to write the postcode numbers in.


Doing OCR in a very specific format, in a small specific area, using a set of only 9 characters, and having a list of all possible results, is not really the same problem at all.


a set of only 9 characters



I meant OCR of arbitrary printed or faxed text, which really only became feasible for home users in the 1990s. There were professional, but often very limited, solutions earlier than that, of course.


My phone can recognize text on images. How hard could it be to send that data to an AI?


How many billion times do you generally do that, and how is battery life after?


I wouldn’t do it on my phone. 🙄

What I’m saying is that it would probably be fairly easy to incorporate an already existing technology in to an AI.


Yes, and what I’m saying is that it would be expensive compared to not having to do it.


It reads to me more just as a statement of contrast, as in ‘we’re in a world of incredibly high-tech new technology, we shouldn’t still be using something from the Victorian era!’

ganksy, to politics in A federal judge says migrants can sue the company that flew them to Martha's Vineyard avatar

Lawyer people do your thing

NocturnalMorning, to world in Unanimous Supreme Court restores Trump to Colorado ballot

We’re in for a wild ride the next few years. This is not gonna be fun. It’s crazy to see our institutions being torn down before our very eyes.

It’s like watching a car accident in slow motion, and I’m powerless to do anything about it.

cyborganism, to world in U.S. begins airdropping food in Gaza, but it's a less-than-ideal means of aid delivery

Canada did an air drop and Israeli soldiers shot at people reaching the drops. It was a slaughter. Canada foreign affairs minister tried to talk to their government afterwards and apparently the discussion was “very frustrating”.

I doubt this will go any differently.


Got a source for that claim?


I’m trying to find the article but i can’t find it in my history. I could swear the article I read was modified. It clearly said our foreign minister had a call with Israel’s foreign minister about a Gazan massacre while they were getting aid and she said the call was frustrating. But the whole article was cut in half.

It wasn’t an air drop though. It was an aid convoy.

This is some 1984 shit. News being rewritten to remove facts.


If you suspect that it’s been modified, try going to places like the internet archive or archivetoday to check. The claims you’ve made seem big, so back them up with sources.


Ok but still… How the fuck are we supposed to back our fucking claims when governments are putting pressure on news and information media to modify their articles to cut out incriminating information about Israel or any other state??? This is some 1984 level bullshit.

We should be scared of this. This is wrong!!!

How can you ask for a fucking source then??? How are you supposed to believe what you see?

2+2=5 at this point. Fuck this.


I know it feels bad in the world, but the person you’re responding to already gave you the answer to your questions.


Honestly it’s more likely that you missremembered or maybe the article was incorrect and it was fixed.

gregorum, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

And now, even though the Democrats have a slam dunk against the Republicans (ONCE AGAIN!), they will do absolutely fucking nothing with it, because they’re fucking goddamn pussies.

Fal, avatar

What does this even mean? What do you propose?

snooggums, avatar

Rant and rave in a way that gets the notice of the press I stead of taking the high road and being ignored.

Dems need some fucking spines to show they will do anything to stand up to Republicans.


Almost like it’s intentional, eh?


Uh huh. Whatever you say bud 🙄

MisterD, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

Tldr: the rooms will have pipes INSIDE the floors to cool rooms between 73-79F.

What about the humidity?

Cold floors + humidity = slippery wet floors


Don’t think that’s ever been a problem anywhere close to Paris climate. It’s not that humid and it’s not that hot. The difference between inside and outside climate is not that extreme.

And if humidity is a problem, you are dealing with mold, not actual wet floors. That is if the buildings are not well engineered and it would show in the long run, not during the gamee.


Condensation shouldn’t be an issue as long as you’re not cooling below the current dew point.

However, after experiencing one of these underfloor cooling systems once, I can say that the biggest issue is that cold air tends to be heavier and thus stay down. So in order to cool the entire room, not just the layer of air right above the floor, you need something to move the air, which is probably why they’re providing fans. Either that or you can just lie on the floor all the time…

Floor heating works because warm air rises. I never understood why ‘floor’ cooling wasn’t piped through the ceiling, instead. There are probably some engineering or heat transfer issues there, though.


Heating/cooling works better with a heat sink, such as concrete. Water is also heavy, so laying it on top of the floor is far easier than suspending it from the ceiling. Also, in many places you will want to both heat and cool, and running heating and cooling in different locations costs up to twice as much. The easiest solution is to move the air, so fans do just fine.


I’ve seen a video where they did have cool pipes in the ceiling of a big building or skyscraper.

johan, avatar

I have this system at home and it’s great. Similar climate to Paris and never a problem.

Jaysyn, to politics in A year later, Florida businesses say the state's immigration law dealt a huge blow avatar

No shit, Sherlock.

This is what happens when you vote for 25+ years.

Also, this wasn't a mistake or error. They knew this would happen. The GOP wants these smaller farmers to fail so they can get bought out by their Big-Ag buddies for pennies on the dollar.


Ding ding ding!


This is what happens when unrestricted funds corrupt politics.

Who benefits the most from lower domestic production due to a decrease in the workforce in Florida?

Extremely rich landowners in Mexico, and Central America whose production windows overlap.

Buying a corrupt politician is cheaper than advertising.

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