jordanlund, to world in Israel says it will launch Rafah assault if hostages not freed by Ramadan avatar

Read as “Israel promises to attack DURING Ramadan…”

MeanEYE, avatar

Unlike others who never attacked during Yom Kipur or party for example.

MacStache, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers

I’m pretty sure that’s against italian constitution. Freedom of religion is a fundamental freedom on EU level as well.


Municipalities in Italy have been pushing an anti-Muslim agenda since at least 9/11 as part of the right-wing identity politics agenda.

Mosques and cultural centers are seen as radicalization centers.

They know that any court would shoot down shit like this as unconstitutional, but Italian law is slow as molasses and their goal is signaling to xenophobes and racists.


Who knew electing fascists would lead to fundamental freedoms of minorities being removed?

soulsource, avatar

Who knew electing fascists would lead to fundamental freedoms being removed?



That’s nice, since when have fascists ever cared? I mean like in all of human history?


They remember to care once the institutional boot of liberal democracy hovers above them.

redcalcium, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers

The decision to ban burkini is weird. You can’t swim nude on Italy’s beaches, but can’t swim fully clothed either?


I can see how banning the Burkini in indoor pools makes sense from a hygienic perspective, but banning them on public beaches is just to take something enjoyable away from a specific group of people.

Akasazh, avatar

How is burkini different from a swimming suit that would warrant banking them from indoor pools?


You usually use the public shower before entering the pool and wearing a burkini in there kinda defeats the point. For the same reason you’re not allowed to wear anything other than regular swimwear.


I don’t understand how wearing a burkini defeats the point of the shower. A burkini is swimwear.


The shower before a pool is to ensure people aren't entering the pool coated in dirt (e.g. sweat, hair, dead skin, etc..).

The chemicals in a pool are designed to bind to that dirt and kill any bacteria introduced.

There is a limit to the chemicals you can add to a pool (before it hurts humans) and once the amount has activated you need to drain the pool and refill it.

Swimming pools hold crazy amounts of water which is also really expensive to heat up, so pools want to do that as little as possible.

Clothing interfers with cleaning your body, so people entering near fully clothed (e.g. like a Burkina) will likely introduce more dirt into the pool.

That translates into increased costs for swimming pools or pools which maintain the old schedule and just operate unsafely.

This is all based on owning a hot tub and learning how to maintain it.

Hopefully this also explains why it doesn't matter people enter the sea fully clothed


Dude, I own a pool. What do you think a burkini is made out of, wool?


Yes? No? Maybe?

Do you know what they’re made of?

Without looking it up?

Cause I sure as hell don’t


Of course I looked it up, I’m not about to get on here and spew bullshit like some ignorant jerkwad.


You seem to be intentionally missing the point, but to reiterate..

You shower before entering a pool to wash the dirt from your body off (your cleaning yourself).

The more of your body covered the less effective that shower is.

Ideally everyone would be naked in the shower, but there are probably outfits which increasingly render the shower less and less effective (e.g. speedos are better than shorts, etc .).

It would not surprise me if a Burkina covered so much that the cleaning shower is rendered pointless

WeirdGoesPro, avatar

Is there any data to show that the amount of extra dirt potential is actually enough to worry about? Seems like only a fraction of the people using the pool would be wearing them, and the end result would be no worse than a child who sneezed a booger in it.

Idk man, I understand the point you’re trying to make, but it all seems like thinly veiled bullshit to me (the law, not your words).


The sheer amount of fabric


And what’s wrong with that? How does that make it unhygienic


It makes it more unhygienic because there’s more fabric that carries dirt, sweat, whatever

Linkerbaan, avatar

People pee in the pool. I doubt a Burkini is going to make the hygienic difference.

WeirdGoesPro, avatar

Hard agree. Pools are gross—anyone getting in one knows that and accepts it. I’ll take a lady in a burkini over an unattended child any day.


France is pretty strict on that. Apparently men can't wear trunk style swimming bottoms. I'm not sure how they handle the burkini vs rashguard issue. I know rashguards are very popular with a lot of east asians because they worry about skin cancer.

nifty, avatar

It doesn’t make sense even from a hygiene perspective, it’s just racism because no one has banned surfers and their wetsuits.

TheBananaKing, to world in Israel says it will launch Rafah assault if hostages not freed by Ramadan

So the assault isn’t some necessary part of their plan to target Hamas, it’s just a fucking holocaust they’re using as a threat.

Good to know.


Maybe Hamas should release the hostages.


They said they’re willing to, but only in exchange for a permanent ceasefire and the release of Palestinian prisoners


Of which there are thousands in arbitrary detention waiting to be tried in sham military courts.


Yeah the Israelis seem like a sensible bunch. I’m sure that will be the end of it.

afraid_of_zombies, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers

Christianity did this.

merdaverse, to world in ‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

Can’t we just force heavy taxation for the amount of plastics in products? That would force producers to look at alternatives to plastic for packaging.

I am always in shock when I buy some product and it has layers and layers of thick plastic to give the impression of some premium product. And sometimes I don’t even have an alternative product to buy to avoid it since I only have 2 supermarkets in my area.


The difficult thing with this type of tax is that products will become more expensive. In most cases, manufacturers choose plastic because it is the cheapest option. If plastic becomes more expensive they may choose an alternative, but this will still result in a price increase.

This type of policy also tends to be regressive, i.e. it hurts people with lower income much more than wealthier people. This makes it unpopular.

Jaysyn, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers avatar

Christofascists are gonna fash.


Abraham hates everyone but mostly his children.

OccamsTeapot, to world in Israel has gone ‘beyond self-defence’ in Gaza, says Labour’s Streeting

Oooo quick better sack him for “antisemitism”


Seems unlikely, given he's simply paraphrasing what Joe Biden said last week and Starmer is now calling for an immediate cease fire. He's a front bencher, this is likely an agreed upon statement.


Yeah I was joking because people have recently been fired for less. Good for Labour though, god knows it took them long enough

DragonTypeWyvern, to world in Russian pilot who defected found dead in Spain, says Ukraine security agency

Well, at least we know the West doesn’t just not give a fuck if witnesses and whistleblowers die, they don’t give a fuck if someone who straight up gave them an attack helicopter dies either.

Deceptichum, avatar

What do you want them to do, build a time machine and go back to save him?


noobs, rez now or you’re kicked off the raid team

Reddfugee42, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers

I am stunned, stunned I tell you, that a culture famous for its misogyny is also backwards in nearly every other possible way.


now come on - don’t judge all Italians based on piece of shit Berlusconi and other fascists.


I’m sure all the good Italians will start rioting any minute now.


The article clearly says that 8k people in a town of 30k took to the streets.


That’s an impressive percentage. For comparison, 86.3 million US citizens protesting, which has never come close to happening, would be the same percentage as this little town.


… but how would I know that, not having read the article? /s

Yes, I commented without reading the article. Shame.

FartsWithAnAccent, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers avatar

Bigotry aside, that seems like a wildly unenforceable law: What are they going to do? Go house to house to make sure people aren’t praying the wrong way?

theinspectorst, avatar

I mean, bigotry and unenforceability aside, it's also pretty unambiguously illegal.

Italy is a signatory to the ECHR which creates an explicit right to privacy (Article 8) and freedom of religion (Article 9).

The Italian constitution itself also specifies a right to religious equality before the law (Article 8).


Not defending this at all, but the ban only covers praying at “cultural centers”, which I assume doesn’t include people’s private residences.

They truly could enforce against public Islamic worship illegal, depending on how broadly “cultural centers” is defined, and I expect fascists to define it to cover all of public life.

StrongHorseWeakNeigh, to world in Italian town in turmoil after far-right mayor bans Muslim prayers


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  • davepleasebehave,

    in my city they are more magnanimous. putting unmovable barriers on the bench that makes it impossible to lie down upon.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I don’t understand where cities expect homeless people to go. All sleep out in cornfields?


    The expect them to become slave labor in our for profit prison industry. 💅


    Homeless shelters. If there’s a problem, it’s either:

    • Homeless person prefers alcohol over shelter
    • Homeless person prefers narcotisc over shelter
    • Homeless person likes being homeless and is parasite

    Please do not question it with points like shelters being full, alcohol and narcotics addicitions and not something you can just drop or people rarely choosing to be homeless out of their own volition. It’s all their fault.

    Cause “I say so”.


    In my city, there was a homeless encampment by the river, under an overpass. Not bothering anyone. Local police went in without warning. Instead of just moving them along, which is already bad enough, they literally cut up tents, poured out food and water supplies, and then arrested several of them for various bullshit reasons when questioned.


    The priest at the church my mom used to work at did the same thing with the bus stop benches an Eagle Scout built because of the same reason.


    As opposed to the benches that are purposely designed so you can’t lie on them. You see those all over the place under the guise of modern design language.


    Not just benches. Hostile Architecture is all over the place.


    Well, modern design language includes a fucktonne of synonyms for ‘social violence’

    Maybe we need to start getting crews to go around with crowbars and remove these human-hateful expressions of the owner class’s power.

    Buffalox, to world in ‘It’s legalised robbery’: anger grows at China’s struggling shadow banks | Chinese economy | The Guardian

    It seems there are a lot of bad stories about the Chinese economy lately. At first they claimed they could isolate the real estate crisis, and shield the rest of the economy, but there are so many stories, also the car industry is in a real bad downturn. Cars and real estate combined is a very strong indicator that consumer confidence right now is about at zero, and they are in a recession.


    Evergrande is a staggeringly large company and basically China’s entire real estate market was driven by rabid speculation and borrowing. The government’s attempts to keep the bubble from popping by enforced price controls was an absolutely awful response. Market corrections are always painful but it’s always less disruptive to force prices to remain artificially low (you can do that through subsidization)… when you price fix a product to keep it from dropping sellers will try to offload it asap and everyone just tries to avoid being caught holding the bag whenever you release your mandate.


    enforced price controls was an absolutely awful response.

    I had no idea they did that. There were warnings for a long time, but I had doubts, because China had freaking 40 years of strong growth. So I guess I kind of believed the Chinese government could perform economic miracles.

    There are rumors that this economic crisis has created demands in China to democratize the economy, so I hope it may help create some political progress in China. Xi seriously needs to go, he is a very dangerous person, not unlike Putin IMO.


    A lot of the economy is based on “feels”.

    The Chinese economy has been growing so well so consistently for so long the Chinese have a lot of faith in it and recessions haven’t happened.

    But if that confidence changes bad things could happen. Because of this isolation bubble China is in, its hard to know what’s going on over there. Is there any way to find out how the man in the street on China feels about things? Because if they feel bad, it will be bad. Or is it just looking at the figures?


    I think this channel is probably biased, but it’s the best I know of:
    According to them, it’s very bad.

    cosmicrookie, to world in Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution avatar

    Wood is not biodegradable in space. What are they on about? A wooden satellite would not be environmentally friendly debris. It would just be wooden debris


    It’s for reentry. Normal satellite create alumina particles.

    All the satellites which re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere burn and create tiny alumina particles, which will float in the upper atmosphere for many years,” Takao Doi, a Japanese astronaut and aerospace engineer with Kyoto University, warned recently. “Eventually, it will affect the environment of the Earth.


    I’m kind of baffled you wouldn’t read the Article and instead jump to conclusions and assume that some of the smartest people on the Planet would overlook such a huge flaw.

    cyd, to world in Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution

    I would have thought that space debris is deadly no matter if it’s made of wood or metal. If something comes at you at a few kilometers a second, it doesn’t really matter what material it is.

    kadu, (edited ) avatar

    The goal isn’t preventing the whole “lots of tiny pieces moving around could collide with you” issue.

    The article mentions that aluminium fragments from space debris, upon reentry, end up damaging the ozone layer. The wooden ones do not.

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