fluxion, to politics in Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case

At least he’s more professional about recusing himself than a certain insurrectionist Supreme Court judge

Linkerbaan, avatar

As the legal opinions appeared to be divided on this case we can be glad he decided to recuse himself indeed.

From the other article:

Peter Joy, who studies legal ethics at Washington University in St. Louis, said it is often difficult to predict how judges will rule on recusal.

“They make a strong case for the judge to step down,” said Joy. “Here’s somebody who went on a trip, the explicit purpose of which was to try to get Israel’s point of view across.”

Cassandra Burke Robertson, director of the Center for Professional Ethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, did not think it was a clear-cut case for recusal.


Or Cannon

Linkerbaan, to politics in Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case avatar
millie, to politics in Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too

The Intercept really needs a new editor.

t3rmit3, (edited )

Because you don’t like the truth?

“I think it’s so important to understand how immigration enforcement has been a pillar of the Democratic party’s governance for three decades,” activist and scholar of border imperialism Harsha Walia told Intercepted podcast in February 2021, when it was already becoming clear that Biden’s tenure would hardly see the undoing of the border regime.

Harsha Walia is a Canadian activist and writer based in Vancouver. She has been involved with No one is illegal, the February 14 Women’s Memorial March Committee, the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre, and several Downtown Eastside housing justice coalitions. Walia has been active in immigration politics, Indigenous rights, feminist, anti-racist, anti-statist, and anti-capitalist movements for over a decade.

Walia is the author of Undoing Border Imperialism (2013) and Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism (2021), co-author of Never Home: Legislating Discrimination in Canadian Immigration (2015), and Red Women Rising: Indigenous Women Survivors in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (2019). She has also contributed to over thirty academic journals, anthologies, magazines, and newspapers.

I feel this person knows what she is talking about.


No, because they mixed up “parties’” and “party’s” and didn’t catch it, along with a couple of other weird writing quirks and clunky usages. Also it’s a pretty messy headline. There’s also a lot more descriptive and poetic language than is actually helpful for getting their point across. Like to the point that it’s wandering into New York Times levels of fluffing the length with flowery language. The writer could have used a couple of notes that they clearly didn’t get.

I agree with the writer’s position on the DNC’s failure to find their compassion and humanity on immigration. It’s the editing that needs work.


Apologies, I am just very used to seeing knee-jerk reactions denying Biden’s culpability for his actions, and clearly I’ve developed some knee-jerk reactions of my own that I need to work on.

return2ozma, to politics in Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too avatar

While it is true that Biden is bending to Republican pressure over the so-called border crisis — quite literally relying on Trump-era legislation — border fascism has for decades been a bipartisan commitment.

Democrats couch their border logics in the neoliberal language of management and order, rather than explicitly racist “America First” slogans. The maintenance of the border — a racist tool that serves capital and divides labor — has the same disastrous, deadly effects no matter what rhetoric justifies it.

As the American Civil Liberties Union noted of Biden’s executive order, it “will severely restrict people’s legal right to seek asylum, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk.”

Paragone, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

Within 4y of Trump being made ruler of the US,

executions of leftist media will have happened.

Natural Selection applies even in political situations.

The “action” of ignoring/denying actuality creates the “reaction” of correction:

No Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod that is caught in a human-category-life which relies-on its assumptions & its established Entitlement, deserves other than what it gets, ( sow-reap-law, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph called it, aka karma, as the religion he absorbed during his “lost years” calls it, works ) and just as stock-markets get the corrections they deserve ( through their fakery: the greater the phoniness of their regulation, the more-savage their corrections are, it’s Nature’s LAW ), so too do political-herds.

IF the left’s publishing-system won’t be loyal to actuality/correctness/objectivity, THEN they’re going to be … obliterated.


It may take a few years for Trump to transform into the absolute-psychopath which is his evolution-vector’s endstate, but it will happen, if not prevented, and … you can search for articles with “the guardrails are off” or “the guardrails are gone” or however they phrased it, when the people limiting the progression-into-psychopathic-machiavellianism … left their roles.

This is bog-standard self-amplifying positive-feedback-loop-of-corruption stuff, that human history is littered with.

Nero, anybody??

Arjuna’s corrupt relatives, that he hadn’t the guts to face, but had the obligation to face?

( Eknath Easwaran’s “The Bhagavad Gita” is the only one I recomnend in English, if anyone wants some beautiful spiritual scripture )

Consequences won’t obey making-believing.

US Civil War Part2’s coming, because the Confederates only pretended to surrender, and now they’re getting even with the ones who violated their supremacist religion…

Either get out, or dig in.

But prepare for the next decade to reduce the US’s population by about 1/3 to 2/3rds.

It hasn’t been preventable since Reagan, possibly since the 1950’s, and it would have required one hell of great investment in quality education, nutrition, etc, in order to get the children competent in Critical Thinking as their bedrock instinct, which is the only antidote to ideological-supremacism ( replacing 1 ideological-supremacism with another doesn’t “win the war”, it just wins a battle, & gives a point to whichever ideology it was that one that point, but another ideology will try breaking the country to being owned by it, later, because they all are.

That is the problem!

Breaking ALL ideologies from owning/possessing countries is required, and nobody’s been creating that result!

How could humankind survive The Great Filter, if humankind won’t commit the only victory which could save its life?? )

Whatever, eh?

_ /\ _

snooggums, to politics in Leonard Leo Built The Conservative Court. Now He's Funneling Dark Money Into Law Schools. avatar

This is one of the best reminders that Trump does not deserve credit for stacking the courts, he just did what behind the scenes conservatives wanted. Yes, Trump made that easy by using their recommendations, but even if he went away tomorrow the whole underlying push by people like Leo won’t stop.


Trump was handed lists of people, and picked names he liked. I assume there was absolutely minimal thought put into it on his part.

Theprogressivist, to politics in Leonard Leo Built The Conservative Court. Now He's Funneling Dark Money Into Law Schools. avatar

Read article here the actual website asks for your email.

CharlesDarwin, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump avatar

They are doing the same stupid stuff they did in 2015 and 2016.

bquintb, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump avatar

They know, they just don’t care because capitalism

gravitas_deficiency, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

Mmmm… they know exactly what is happening, and the c-suites are fine with it because it’s profitable as fuck.

Cybermonk_Taiji, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

They grasp it just fine

They are complicit.

JimSamtanko, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

Meh… neither does the far left. But they sure do love a good Biden post.

Burn_The_Right, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

Conservatives know their normal (non-conservative) friends, colleagues and family members will be cruelly oppressed and will lose fundamental human rights. But as long as conservatives maintain their own rights, they are happy with that.

It’s bizarre and chilling to watch otherwise decent people delight in the misery of others. Conservatives truly, deeply enjoy watching vulnerable people suffer.


otherwise decent people

citation needed


To Kill a Mockingbird moment


Anyone who enjoys that is NOT otherwise a good person.

PorradaVFR, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

They know perfectly well but prefer the revenue to fulfilling their journalistic responsibility and acting ethically.

When news is a product to market and not a social responsibility this is the result. They’re selling a narrative and horse race delivers profits - also their delusion that kissing the ass of the guy that calls them the enemy might save them could be a factor.

Shameful how their response has been to cower and equivocate and not report objectively and clearly.

Spesknight, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

You put Pinochet in charge, now have a taste.


We’ll all have a taste maybe

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