givesomefucks, to politics in They Used to Say Arabs Can’t Have Democracy Because It’d Be Bad for Israel. Now the U.S. Can’t Have It Either.

Gee, who could have predicted electing someone that spent 50 fucking years loudly declaring that there is absolutely nothing that would ever make him support Israel any less…

Biden talking about current protestors sounds a hell of a lot like trump talking about BLM tho


“Dissent is essential for democracy,” Biden said at the White House. “But dissent must never lead to disorder.”

“Can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?”

Yup. Indistinguishable.


“There’s the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos,” Mr. Biden said into cameras in his first personal remarks on the campus fray in 10 days. “People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked.” Antisemitism, he added, “has no place” in America.…/biden-campus-protests.html

It’s peaceful protests to get him to stop funding a genocide, and he’s saying the protestors are the violent ones…

Like, you realize racists said the same thing about MLK and the civil rights movement?

Biden was friends with most of those senators. When he talks about the “good ole days” he’s talking about hanging out with Strom Thurmond and fighting school integration.

This is who he’s always been.

If protests arent inconvenient, how is it going to work?

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

He’s not talking about peaceful protest there. He’s clearly addressing attacks on Jewish people. In case you’re not aware, antisemitism is prejudice against Jews, prejudice against Israel is nationalism. I know Netanyahu likes to conflate the two, but Biden knows the difference.


He’s clearly addressing attacks on Jewish people.

But those haven’t been happening…

And cops are getting violent with all of them. Even the protestors who are also Jewish and carrying signs saying so.

This isn’t a religious thing. It’s a genocide thing.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

That’s outrageously incorrect. We’re not talking about attacking pro-Israel protesters, or attacks by pro-Palestinian protesters. We’re talking about people ignorantly attacking Jewish students simply because they’re Jewish. They’re being attacked verbally and physically, receiving harassing emails, and being doxxed for being Jewish.

Antisemitism in the US is up 400% since October. College students across the nation have been targeted.…/us-antisemitic-incidents-up-about-4……/index.html…/73-jewish-college-students-experien……

This isn’t a religious thing. It’s a genocide thing.

That’s exactly the ignorance that is causing the problem. Jewish is both an ethnicity as well as a religion. That’s why antisemitism is uniquely different, it’s both religious persecution and racism. You should be more informed or you may unintentionally promote hate.

Jews are not committing genocide. Israel is.


People want their side to be all good and the opposition to be all bad.

I mean, the opposition is all bad in this case, but one’s own side is rarely all good. People more often engage in hagiography than analysis.


It’s just important to know that the side that is at fault is Israel and not Jews. If people understood that, then antisemitic hate crimes wouldn’t be up 400%. The real ignorance is people hearing Biden and Congress condemning antisemitism and conflating it with judgement of anti-Israel protest. They are not the same. Biden knows that, as do the thirty-something Jewish members of Congress. I blame Netanyahu for manipulating that term in defense of Israel, but that doesn’t excuse the ignorance of Americans.


It’s just important to know that the side that is at fault is Israel and not Jews. If people understood that, then antisemitic hate crimes wouldn’t be up 400%.

“If there wasn’t any racism, there wouldn’t be racism”? I’m not sure what the point is here.

The real ignorance is people hearing Biden and Congress condemning antisemitism and conflating it with judgement of anti-Israel protest. They are not the same. Biden knows that, as do the thirty-something Jewish members of Congress. I blame Netanyahu for manipulating that term in defense of Israel, but that doesn’t excuse the ignorance of Americans.

You’re really not seeing the conflict between “There has been a spike in antisemitic activity, yes” and “Biden objecting to antisemitism in the protests while acknowledging their right to voice their grievances with Israel is ignorance”?


I hear it as condemnation of hate crimes that are propelled by the false narrative that protesting Israel is the same as protesting Jews. He’s also saying there’s a difference between protest and attacks.

The spike coincided with the response to October’s attack. It’s a direct correlation that clearly needs to be clarified to some.


If Biden wasn’t trying to imply that the protesters were doing the antisemitism, why did he bring it up every time he talked about the protesters? You don’t muddy concepts like that at that level by accident.


How do you not see that one leads to the other without understanding the difference between Israel and Jews?


I can’t follow the ones and the others you’re intending or make sense of the point you’re trying to make.

Biden reliably brought up antisemitism whenever talking about protests. This wasn’t Biden overestimating whether the public understood that anti-Zionism is different from anti-semitism. He did it on purpose because he wanted to smear them, because the protests are effectively against his actions (even though their short-term target was their schools) and he wanted the general public to think they’re illegitimate and a valid target for administration and police crackdowns. If he wanted to draw a clean distinction between criticism of Israel and hate against Jews, he would have.


The ADL has defined anti-Zionism to be antisemitic, so of course they will say antisemitism has rocketed. I don’t doubt that there has been some increase in antisemitism, which is awful, to be clear. But when there are such widespread, deliberate efforts to muddy the waters by conflating anti-Israel sentiment with anti-semitism, the accusation loses its power. And that conflation happens in the articles you posted.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Anti-Zionism is often expressed, explicitly or implicitly, in the rejection of the status of the Jewish people as a nation and the denial of the Jewish right to self-determination; the vilification and ostracization of individuals and groups associated with Zionism; and the downplaying or negation of the historic and spiritual Jewish connection to the land of Israel.…/what-antisemitism-anti-zionism-anti-isr…

Yes, anti-Zionism is antisemitism, but antisemitism is not anti-Zionism.

Also, the other links are clear accounts of Jewish students, not pro-Israel protesters, being attacked verbally and physically, receiving harassing emails, and being doxxed for being Jewish. Comments like yours are the problem. Read before you type.


Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism


According to the ADL it is. I don’t agree, but that’s how they define it.

Anti-Zionism is antisemitic, in intent or effect, as it invokes anti-Jewish tropes; is used to disenfranchise, demonize, disparage, or punish all Jews and/or those who feel a connection to Israel; exploits Jewish trauma by invoking the Holocaust in order to position Jews as akin to Nazis; or renders Jews less worthy of nationhood and self-determination than other peoples.


Well, cops have beaten the shit out of a lot of Jewish students, so there definitely have been attacks on Jewish people. Don’t think that’s what Biden was referencing though.


Have you seen any videos of people attacking Jewish people?

If it’s that prevalent then there must be hundreds of such videos.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

The articles I shared above have first hand accounts as well as statistics. Most of the attacks are verbal, some physical, harassing emails, and doxxing. Are you suggesting it’s not happening without video?


Im suggesting it’s not happening at a level which would be more than 1% of protesters.

Verbal isn’t worth shit. People have something to gain by lying.

How come we can find videos of people peacefully protesting but all this violence seems to be done off camera?

Are you suggesting that the protesters actually hate Jews and they don’t care about Palestinians?


Not at all. I’m stating, as well as the articles I’ve provided, that there are people that confuse Israel with Jews, and then attack Jews out of ignorance. That’s what Biden is speaking against.

You’re taking the criticism personally, but it’s not directed at all protestors. It’s directed at the ones that can’t discern the difference between protests and attacks, or Israel and Jews. It’s that simple.


And would you like to put a percentage on the protesters with ill intent?

To me it seems like an insignificant amount, and perhaps we should be focusing on the people with a good message and not focus on the few assholes.


As someone who has attended many protests, I can say wholeheartedly that zero is the only acceptable percent.


I too attend protests, every Saturday in Manchester. Nobody here is being antisemitic.

Sure we should strive for zero, but should we let 1 out of 1000 people define our protest?

That seems to allow the MLM to portray us all as antisemite bigots and not people who want Israel to stop murdering people and using our tax money to do so.

It’s strange how during pro Islam marches that they don’t want to do anything about the bigots being racist. Suddenly that’s free speech.




coming from a true democratic country is kinda sad read this, just accepting the lesser evil of the two options, both paid by billions dollar companies, and still calling itself democratic


It’s still a republic with democratic features.

Those features involve lots of money.


coming from a true democratic country

Which one is that?


“But dissent must never lead to disorder.”

Let me translate that for those who don’t understand liberal pretend-democracy schtick.

“We will tolerate dissent as long as it doesn’t threaten the status quo with actual change - if it does, we sicc our pet fascists on you.”


So you define “actual change” as attacks or violence. That’s fine, but not constitutionally protected. Peaceful protests work. There’s no reason to take them into criminal behavior.


So you define “actual change” as attacks or violence.

“Law & Order” isn’t just the name of a popular pigprop show on television, liberal - it is also the rallying cry of fascism. In fact, it’s the fascist’s most tried and tested narrative to get gullible liberals onboard the fascism train.

I might be wrong about the last part, though… you never see liberals around when antifa is fighting neo-nazis and klan-boys in the streets. Maybe you’re not gullible at all.

Peaceful protests work.

Your proof of this?



Stovetop, to politics in Cable News Viewers Have a Skewed Attitude Toward Gaza War, Survey Finds

Makes me wonder how much is causation vs correlation. Other studies show a clear age divide on the Israel-Palestine conflict, with elderly people more likely to support Israel and younger people more likely to support Palestine.

Each group happens to get their news through different media, with boomers more likely to watch cable TV and younger generations more familiar with getting news from the internet.

I don’t think that necessarily speaks to the quality or accuracy of news across each medium, because you’ll still find bullshit all over the place. Despite the large volume of Israeli apologia/misinformation on the internet, young people are still sympathetic to Palestine because they know not to take claims at face value. And boomers in denial can be presented with factual, provable truths on TV yet still wave them off as liberal conspiracies.

Spazz, to politics in 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

Once again proving that Dems are the lesser of two evils, still evil, but less so


State is inherently evil. There is no non-evil way to dominate others.


I’ll agree that there’s no way to dominate others without being evil. My question is is there a way to form a state without domination?


In my view, “state” is by definition domination. There can be organization, community, and cooperation though without domination.

HuddaBudda, to politics in AIPAC Is Secretly Intervening in Portland’s Congressional Race to Take Down Susheela Jayapal, Sources Say avatar

How is a PAC that is dedicated to tearing down climate science, vaccines, responsible gun control, and healthcare, going to run on a Pro-Science platform?

Zier, to politics in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory” avatar

Stop acting like the NYT is a credible source of news. They died a long time ago.

capem, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

Tax dollars hard at work.


Saving lives is one of the few things I support our tax dollars being used for.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

Healthcare, here, for our people please




Best I can do is protect the military assets of a genocidal ethnostate.

Deceptichum, avatar

Your tax dollars are shielding nazi military targets from retaliation, whilst arming them to commit genocide.

This wasnt saving lives, it was saving Israeli soldiers.


If Israel and Iran ended up in a real fight (which is the result of this attack succeeding) Palestine would have been hit really hard really fast. There’s no way they end up risking leaving Palestine in a position to fight back while they send resources elsewhere.

Sure, it was retaliation, but the result would have been horrible for so many innocent people.


“If you stand up to the nazis you’re actually helping the holocaust”. Who the fuck upvotes this stupid shit? But sure it’s everyone else who’s the real propagandist 🙄

Cethin, (edited )

Yeah… not even remotely a reasonable argument. We didn’t know the holocaust was ongoing (at least, not the form of it) when we went to war with Germany. Also, Germany did kill a lot more of their prisoners as the war took it’s toll and they became a liability which, if anything, supports my point. Not to say we shouldn’t have fought the nazis, but that’s not why we fought them anyway.

Also, Iran didn’t do this to help Palestinians. They did I’d because Israel attack their embassy. It wouldn’t have stopped the genocide no matter what and only could have made it worse. They wouldn’t be fighting them because they’re Nazis. They’d be fighting them because they want revenge.

Who upvotes your zero-thought comments? (I guess no one luckily.)


Israel has committed to responding anyway so what was acomplished other then enriching weappns manufacturers?


Sure, they said they’ll respond. We’ll see if it means anything… Words are cheap.


You think the nation committing genocide is bluffing about striking a target whos embassy they already struck?


Gotta defend those genociders!

avidamoeba, avatar

Saying this is equivalent to saying all Palestinians are Hamas.


Considering Iran specifically targeted Israeli military assets, not really.


Avoid those freedom potholes with pride, citizen.

yarr, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza

Holy fuck, that opening picture, a 6 year old just completed an operation to remove her eyeball damaged by shrapnel. That 1000 yard stare doesn’t belong on a 60 year old, never mind a 6 year old. Fuck war.

spider, to politics in Columbia’s New “Antisemitism Task Force” Won’t Say What It Thinks Antisemitism Is

During a closed-door meeting last week, Professor Ester Fuchs, who is one of the chairs of the task force, invoked a Supreme Court justice’s famous line about pornography: “I know it when I see it.”

The problem is, people like Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) think they do, too, when they accuse university presidents of it who then lose their jobs…and yet, turn a blind eye to it when it involves their own.

In this f**ked-up political environment “I know it when I see it” is highly subjective. And it’s bullshit.

TheBat, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Extremist gamers as in? Playing Call of Duty while strapped to an aeroplane wing?

starman2112, avatar

Lmao getting a 360 noscope while base jumping from the Burj Khalifa

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

The people who say the n word through their mics


Extreme =/= Extremist


Those would be X-tremeists. It’s an easy mistake to make.

phreekno, to world in The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé avatar

12ft link for anyone that needs it:…

Ensign_Crab, to world in 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

Genocide has broad bipartisan support.

ralphio, to world in Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death

Asked about those findings on Monday, Miller noted that Israel said there were no tanks in the area, and that the State Department couldn’t attest to any particularities because it is only conveying what Israel has said.

The Washington Post previously confirmed there were armed military vehicles in the vicinity, as did Al Jazeera’s analysis of satellite imagery.

Most expansive intelligence apparatus on the globe, but they just can’t figure out what’s going on in Gaza.

girlfreddy, avatar

Because BiBi WoUlD nEvEr LiE tO aMeRiCa.


Shut up you are truly an idiot

Linkerbaan, avatar

Genocide Joe and the state department are on that CCP grind.

“No that never happened. Israel said so. Yes we have seen your evidence but israel denies those claim so it never happened. There is no Genocide in Ba Sing Se”.

Cybermonk_Taiji, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

They grasp it just fine

They are complicit.

Scolding0513, to privacy in This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

This is a traffic analysis attack, and doesn’t really have anything to do with Whatsapp specifically. The same exact thing can be done with Signal, and likely is already many times over

jordanlund, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Roblox? Are there that many radicalized 8 year olds?


Gotta catch them early if you want to have nice obedient corporate drones.



TragicNotCute, avatar

Have you met many 8 year olds? They are all fucking radicals. I’d say at least half are terrorists.


Letting them out from the mines was a mistake

ivanafterall, avatar

Can't even fit their plump little bodies down chimneys anymore.


That’s a preexisting condition though, 8 year olds have always been menaces to the rest of us

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