werefreeatlast, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Maybe they should spend that budget dropping School lunches from drones in Israel? Is that the proposal? Maybe sell the lunches and support Trump with his new con-job, whatever that is this time. Maybe he’s building beach front condominiums down in Baja California again?

Phegan, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

They are nothing but ghouls

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Tech Official Pushing TikTok Ban Could Reap Windfall From U.S.–China Cold War

I encourage people to read the article. Perhaps you, too, will disagree with the click baity title.


It is with great smugness but much greater exasperation that I confirm that article to be EXACTLY what I’d expect from a Politico article with a headline like that.

Basically rehashing a bunch of “why won’t the left realize that to question any Democrat in any way is to automatically become a Republican plant working against America?” type bullshit.

Hell, they use Mark Kelly (one issue demagogue candidate caught being a deeply corrupt liar) as an example of the perfect Democrat candidate and The Intercept exposing his lies and corruption as an example of a BAD thing to do! 🤦

Linkerbaan, to politics in Organizing Aid to Gaza Led Me to a Harsh Truth: Biden Is on Board for Ethnic Cleansing avatar

By imposing food scarcity on Gaza, and bombing refugee camps, apartment buildings, hospitals, universities, and aid distribution centers, it’s clear that Israel is following through on the words of its political leadership.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s occasional expressions of concern with the civilian death toll in Gaza while enabling the war raises a disturbing question: Is the Biden administration knowingly complicit in maximizing civilian killing in one of the most deadly military campaigns in recent history — or stunningly naive and incompetent?

Either way, hundreds of thousands of Democratic Party voters already came to the same conclusion as Andrea Mitchell: It is incompatible to claim concern for Palestinian lives while actively participating in their extermination.

pyrflie, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations

This is US distancing itself from the UN.

Not a smart decision considering international politics but understandable considering the fact that reconstruction failed.

US South and New Amsterdam needs to be restructured. Authoritarian governance will only result in revolt and species destruction at current technology levels.

IbnLemmy, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations

But no issue sending 1.8bn in military aid to Israel in the latest spending bill


Well those hospitals aren’t going to blow themselves up

bartolomeo, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations avatar

The bill also contains a long-standing provision that would limit aid to the Palestinian Authority, which governs the occupied West Bank, if “the Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigation, or actively supports such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.”

What the fuck… this is coercion. Banning a certain category of people from access to courts does have a precedent though, in 1930s Germany.

I have to find out who signed this fascist bill.

Zuberi, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza avatar


return2ozma, avatar

We know. I’m still hoping they replace him at the convention. Ugh.

Zuberi, avatar

Tell the DNC to take their head out of their ass


Like, we all get it. The US is complicit in the genocide in Gaza. I don’t even think a pro-Palestinian president could change that. There is an entire massively powerful infrastructure that, for some fuckin reason, kowtows to Israel—while Israel drags everything that touches it down.

But for those of you that are saying, “fuck Biden, he’s gonna lose [to a more brutal pro-Israel piece of shit]” like…what are you trying to accomplish? What is your point? To say, “I’m not voting for him, so you shouldn’t either?” To what end? Your own sense of “purity?”

We are all horrified by what’s happening to the people of Gaza. But pushing for an even worse case scenario…doesn’t help the people of Gaza. It literally only helps, well, the people who get to hold up the “I’m above it” card, and Israel.

Biden is receiving growing pressure to change course. And he’s far more likely to actually do that than trump would be. In fact, he’d be more impulsive to the calls to be worse. Because the democrats give a shit about the US being seen as they pretend to see it in their minds. Republicans…don’t. And they way they see it in their minds is fucked up. Democrats lie to themselves, yeah, but republicans know exactly what they want, and it’s fuckin dark.

So again, my point in writing all of this: where is the understanding of the nuance of this situation? What is your ideal realistic outcome? Because under a trump presidency, all of our focus would be off Gaza and would instead be refocused back home, where we get all wrapped up in being outraged over every insane decision trump makes that affects our own politics. That can’t be what you want, is it?


They are trolling for drumft

Zuberi, avatar

Your “them vs us” mentality clouds your judgement to the fucking millions of people who don’t want either candidate


There is an entire massively powerful infrastructure that, for some fuckin reason, kowtows to Israel

I mean it’s gotta be the fact that there are so many more Jews in America than Muslims, right? If that’s even the case, I don’t even know. But if that’s the case (which is my guess), that’s gotta be the reason, in my mind. The President will represent the majority for popularity, is what I’m thinking.


More like supporting the status quo power structure, but yes


What? I’m not American so I would need a little more detail.


It’s not a population equation. It’s who has the money controls the power.


That sounds right, yeah. 👍

Zuberi, avatar

I’m just telling you he loses, your implication is that I would want what YOU perceive as the only other option lol.


The primaries are over. You’re too late to be making this point. You either fight like hell for a second Biden term, or you’re going to get a second Trump term.

I don’t like Biden. I think that despite passing some much needed domestic policies, he’s a mediocre president. But everything will get worse if Trump wins again. Being anti-Biden at this point in the game is just carrying water for fascists.

Literally the most you can do electorally that doesn’t count as sabotage is to vote third party to make a point in a state that has no risk of swinging right. Outside of that, if you actually care about stopping this genocide, you should focus on things other than whether Biden is the right person for this moment, because while he might not be, he’s definitely not worse than Trump.

Under Biden, the IDF might lose a lot of funding. Under Trump, the IDF will be dipping their bullets in pork blood.

Zuberi, avatar

DNC is a private org, so no it’s not too late to pick somebody w/ some semblance of winning.


Fair enough. Please explain the efforts you are taking to influence the DNC to do this, and I’ll happily join you.


All it requires is for one single man, Joe Biden, to change his mind and stop supporting Zionist Israel.

Instead there’s this whole idea that Joe Biden doesn’t have to change what he is doing and instead it should be millions of Americans swallowing their humanity and voting for a guy who supports Genocide.

That shit is basically Putin’s Russia with extra steps.

Zuberi, avatar

That shit is basically Putin’s Russia with extra steps.

Ignore the fact that 2 wartime economies are using the poor Ukrainians as bait while sending pennies on the dollar compared to what they send Israel

Aceticon, (edited )

Way to miss the point that American “democracy” is stage managed and hence why american leaders, quite independently of the party they hail from, are way more dictatorial than they would be if the vote was a true choice.

Whatever his reasons for supporting the Israeli Genocide, doing if for the good of at least a large portion of Americans ain’t why Joe Biden is doing it, as even amongst the Jewish-American community - which is but a small fraction of the electorate - there are plenty of voice against the Israeli Genocide and for the rest, what exactly is there to gain for the average American in their country becoming associated with what is well on its way to becoming the XXI Century Holocaust?!

Unsurprisingly the copium amongst many in the US about Biden not giving a rat’s arse about most of those who vote for him, is painfully similar to how Russians tell themselves that at least Putin is not as bad as things could’ve been.

Mind you, it’s a lot easier from outside the US and without having grown up with a set of political blinders, to spot the Stockholm Syndrome affecting most of the US electorate.


This is exactly what Putin wanted when he funded Iran’s proxy attack on Israel.


That power structure exists for a reason. Israel has demonstrably been a US ally, while every country around it has not. OPEC fucks with oil prices every election. The US has every right to ensure it’s interests in the region.


The USA’s rights extend to and end at the country’s borders and before the rights of its citizens. Screw the USA having the right to anything else.


Right now you’re typing on a product that is a result of globalization. Absolutely countries have the right to freely associate.

Zuberi, avatar

If you run Biden, you will 100% lose.

Your move DNC, you can’t censor the entire internet.

yarr, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza

Holy fuck, that opening picture, a 6 year old just completed an operation to remove her eyeball damaged by shrapnel. That 1000 yard stare doesn’t belong on a 60 year old, never mind a 6 year old. Fuck war.

zerog_bandit, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza

That’s awful. Have they released the hostages yet?




Israel haven’t release the whole Gaza strip, not yet.

iuselinux, avatar

Whole palestine for that matter.


“Everything is Hamas”


Yes, I can confirm with authority that the 7yo little girl depicted in the headlining picture has released the hostages.


You mean the thousands of Palestinians held in “administrative detention” (i.e. held without charge)?

Sadly, no.


Because Israel refuses to end hostilities with a permanent ceasefire

Deceptichum, to politics in Squeezed by African Coups, Biden Cozies Up to the World’s Worst Dictator avatar

Sounds par the course for Biden really.

designatedhacker, to politics in Squeezed by African Coups, Biden Cozies Up to the World’s Worst Dictator

“In an October 2023 analysis for Congress, the Defense Department reported it was “likely” that China has considered locating a “military logistics” facility in Equatorial Guinea. Earlier this month, Gen. Michael Langley, the current AFRICOM commander, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee: “China is actively pursuing a naval base on Africa’s Atlantic coast.””

“Equatorial Guinea seems blatant about the fact that they are very much for sale to the highest bidder. They are very happy to be courted by Washington and Beijing because they occupy a strategic spot in the world and sit on a strategic resource and they have the money to allow them an independence that other countries in the region don’t have.”

“bIdEN CoZiEs up tO ThE WoRLds WoRSt DiCtaTor” lol OK. What’s the alternative, let Winnie the Pooh just set up a naval base uncontested? “Liberate” them? That’s in the playbook too, most people don’t enjoy it.

Naz, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza

Okay. This fucking war ends today.

givesomefucks, to politics in Meta Refuses to Answer Questions on Gaza Censorship, Say Sens. Warren and Sanders

Imagine how much better we’d be with either of these two as president the last four years…

Sanctus, avatar

Sorry, but this reality’s core libraries all rely on suffering to function.

Neato, to politics in Meta Refuses to Answer Questions on Gaza Censorship, Say Sens. Warren and Sanders avatar

Subpoena their assess. Then they either have to make up evidence or go to jail.

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