deegeese, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

If terrorists chat on Facebook, of course they’re on Roblox and every other site too.

Would be foolish not to monitor because it’s “only a game”.

Zagorath, to politics in The Supreme Court Wants a Dictator avatar

Presidents have immunity? Cool. Biden, time to order a hit on Trump.

Gormadt, avatar

Make sure to use official White House stationary for it, that way it’s official presidential business.


He won’t and they factored that in the decision. If you apply Pascal’s Wager to state institutions, fascists always win if they manage to weaken the democratic safe guards, exactly because no one will go after them, but the minute they get the power they will go after everyone else.

Can_Utility, avatar

I’d be sending Seal Team Six around to visit Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh as well.


Time to order an official act on the billionaires.

HumanPerson, to linux in Mozilla Firefox Blocks Add-Ons to Circumvent Russia Censorship

Not that this isn’t interesting, but how is it linux related?


I mean, FF is the default browser and this also might rub some people the wrong way - having the developer of the only relevant free and open, non-google browser bow to a dictatorship


Firefox is a Linux browser in the since that pretty much all of Linux comes with it of you have a desktop.

MegaUltraChicken, to politics in Outside Groups Spent $285,000 Backing Jamaal Bowman. AIPAC Alone Just Dropped Nearly $2 Million to Attack Him.

Fuck AIPAC and fuck their money. Democrats should not be working with this foreign influence operation. It’s disgusting.


If it were any other country sinking this kind of money into politics, there would be hearings, investigations, sanctions, etc.


Yeah… It is pretty crazy that a PAC explicitly intended to give influence to a foreign country is legal in any way.


Thanks 2010 SCOTUS for determining unrestricted SuperPAC money is 100% okay and unrestricted donations to a SuperPAC is 100% okay.

Citizens United and SpeechNow solidified how fucked American elections are.


While I think that the supreme Court is slanted shite, isn’t every ruling they make just a “that’s not what we think the law currently says” meaning we should instead be blaming Congress for not writing an updated law that clarifies what we want?

Mrkawfee, to world in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

This is why I cancelled my subscription. I’m not paying for Israeli propaganda.

givesomefucks, to politics in Meta Refuses to Answer Questions on Gaza Censorship, Say Sens. Warren and Sanders

Imagine how much better we’d be with either of these two as president the last four years…

Sanctus, avatar

Sorry, but this reality’s core libraries all rely on suffering to function.

thebardingreen, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Scratch under the surface of this, you find angry, noisy white boys who think the woke and feminism are coming for them…


Why so racist?

PerogiBoi, avatar

That’s a good question we should ask these white boys.


White supremacists trend to be white for some reason.

Outtatime, avatar

Oooo! So scary! Angry white boys… hahahahaha!! You can’t be serious


Careful! You’re gonna rustle their jimmies… Oops looks like ya did, all these howler monkey replies lol.

thingsiplay, to technology in Firefox Browser Blocks Anti-Censorship Add-Ons at Russia’s Request

If something is illegal in a country, then it should be blocked for that country. It’s not Mozillas decision what a government allows and not. It would be different problem if the extensions were blocked worldwide, but its not. It’s only blocked where its illegal.

But, that above statement by me is about laws. I’m not so sure how to feel about government requests, if its not even against the law. Is there any law in Russia that forbids those extensions? If not, then I’m with you and this is bad. But if there are laws in place and the government asks to block them because of the law, then it’s totally fine.


That’s how it would work for a country where the laws actually mean something. In this case, the law is just whatever the Kremlin says.

user1234, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

What gets me is that so many of these idiots put We the people… stickers on their trucks. And they have absolutely no clue what the rest of that sentence is, or that it specifically mentions promoting welfare of said people.


Me the people


Well not those people! Seriously though, Regan made that a dirty word for them.

Butterbee, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump avatar

Bets that they do actually know.


Most likely its a mix of cognitive dissonance (it can’t happen here) and not really caring as theyre mostly well off liberals (oh well, if it does, im wealthy so my life won’t seriously change that much!).


“I’m white, cis and hetero, and they’re only hurting Others™”


Wild thing is I am white, cis and basically hetero…

…and I don’t see how anyone can not take this all seriously.

Lots of non white, non hetero talking heads on major channels that don’t seem to care either.

A lot of it is just the lucky few that made the right connection, or were born into wealth, who never had any life destroying tragedy ruin their career, who had reserve finances or other contacts or safety nets to rely on…

Ive met loads if people like that. They’ll give you all the emotional support in the world, until either disagree with them about nearly anything somewhat serious, or if you ask for help that might actually cost them some time or money.

There’s programs for that! I donate to a charity that… yeah, its all underfunded, extremely difficult to apply to and pass.

Then they get angry because in their head theyre a good person, but this grates upon their fundamental belief in a meritocratic society, causes cognitive dissonance.

Survivorship bias is deadly.

andros_rex, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

These kinds of programs are important in high poverty districts. Super transient population - sometimes students might attend for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Parents don’t speak English, or can’t read, so they can’t fill out the paperwork to get their kid on the free lunch program. Many of these kids come to school TO eat - when COVID shut my district down the schools were kept open as feeding sites. We provided breakfast and had a school food pantry.

I don’t think people understand how many children would starve without free lunch programs.

xmunk, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

“Hey brown kid, give me your lunch money so we can buy more bombs.”

Republican compassion


hey kid, give me your money (I will send it to oil companies)

Unskilled5117, (edited ) to privacy in This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

Tldr: This is a traffic analysis attack, it exposes metadata without help or access to data from whatsapp. Other messengers are vulnerable too. It requires vast resources and access only governments have. It is not a threat model that todays messengers defend against.

The interesting part of the article ist the last one.

According to the internal assessment, the stakes are high: “Inspection and analysis of network traffic is completely invisible to us, yet it reveals the connections between our users: who is in a group together, who is messaging who, and (hardest to hide) who is calling who.”

The analysis notes that a government can easily tell when a person is using WhatsApp, in part because the data must pass through Meta’s readily identifiable corporate servers. A government agency can then unmask specific WhatsApp users by tracing their IP address, a unique number assigned to every connected device, to their internet or cellular service provider account.

WhatsApp’s internal security team has identified several examples of how clever observation of encrypted data can thwart the app’s privacy protections, a technique known as a correlation attack, according to this assessment. In one, a WhatsApp user sends a message to a group, resulting in a burst of data of the exact same size being transmitted to the device of everyone in that group. Another correlation attack involves measuring the time delay between when WhatsApp messages are sent and received between two parties — enough data, the company believes, “to infer the distance to and possibly the location of each recipient.”

Today’s messenger services weren’t designed to hide this metadata from an adversary who can see all sides of the connection,” Green, the cryptography professor, told The Intercept.

fluxion, to politics in Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case

At least he’s more professional about recusing himself than a certain insurrectionist Supreme Court judge

Linkerbaan, avatar

As the legal opinions appeared to be divided on this case we can be glad he decided to recuse himself indeed.

From the other article:

Peter Joy, who studies legal ethics at Washington University in St. Louis, said it is often difficult to predict how judges will rule on recusal.

“They make a strong case for the judge to step down,” said Joy. “Here’s somebody who went on a trip, the explicit purpose of which was to try to get Israel’s point of view across.”

Cassandra Burke Robertson, director of the Center for Professional Ethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, did not think it was a clear-cut case for recusal.


Or Cannon

ErrantRoleplayer, to politics in Even Biden’s Lawyers Are Urging the White House to Change Course on Gaza

Politically, he can’t. I think he’s actually going further than 90% of other presidents would be prepared to do by delaying arms. He’s even leaned into the ‘pro-Israeli’ crowd and given Israel so much benefit of the doubt lest he be called out as anti-Semitic.

Realistically, I don’t think he enjoys being in this position either, but if the Israeli lobby switch to the Republicans, its cuts off a lot of support.

Don’t forget that Hamas are terrorists, they condoned and supported the October 7th atrocities and from what I’ve heard from the hostages, some of them were not great to their captives to say the least. Hamas do need to be removed from power.

Is Israel going too far? Yes, yes they are… can you win the next election by being seen to support Hamas? Even if what you’re actually doing is trying to protect civilians? Nope. Until someone makes a decision that Israel are actually committing genocide (and in my opinion based on the evidence I’ve observed, this seems very likely), I don’t think the president has a political leg to stand on. Once that decision is made, I believe Israel will see international support begin to fade.

Disclaimer: The use of the word “Israel” is limited to Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF, the ruling government the Likud party.

return2ozma, avatar

“Stopping the genocide of women and children might cause Biden to lose in the fall. No can do bucko!”


I can certainly appreciate the point, but realistically what can he actually do? Israel have already shown that they don’t actually give a toss about what the US of A thinks. The US have said stop hundreds of times already and Israel have carried on bombing refugee camps. Even if he stops sending any weapons right this minute or even at the start of the war… would that have actually stopped Israel no, would Iran have actually launched a straight up invasion, you betcha.

The next option is to go to war with Israel and return Israel back to the mandate. This will take well over a few months, in which time if Trump is elected, as another commentator said, he’s likely just to authorize Israel to and I quote “glass Palestine”. Thousands of people verse Millions of people, it’s a horrifying choice.


I can certainly appreciate the point, but realistically what can he actually do? Israel have already shown that they don’t actually give a toss about what the US of A thinks.

Israel is literally existentially dependent on the US along multiple vectors including material military aid and diplomatic cover (especially now that they have made themselves a pariah state globally), this means that Biden has holds ALL of the leverage. Biden just has to actually demonstrate to Netanyahu he isn’t playing around, which Biden has being doing the opposite of.


You make it sound like Israel have no cards to play. Russia, China and other states have made it clear that they are prepared to back Israel, even more so if that means an ally turning away from the US.

Of course Biden cannot hold Netanyahu’s feet to the fire, because otherwise it means withdrawing military support etcera. If Biden does this he will 100% lose electoral college votes and then we have trump in office.

I’m no fan of Netanyahu or current Israeli policy and if I could see a perfect solution where Hamas get evicted, Netanyahu gets thrown under a bus and unelected, to work towards a proper two state solution, I would happily support that… it just isn’t there and the Israeli lobby is stupidly powerful in American politics.


Do you think the risk of losing is preferrable?

It’s a fucked up situation, but until enough of the voterbase is convinced or he no longer has to worry about the election, he’s in an awful bind.

The unpleasant truth is that, to some extent, the US is still a democracy, and the opinion of the people matters. If the majority of the US populace doesn’t see it as genocide, it is democratically right for him to act on that opinion.

Which means the fault isn’t with him alone - arguably, he could take the risk and attempt to inform people - but also with the voters, the propaganda that misled them and the fucked up election system.


I especially can’t stand that people keep treating it as a fact here that US voters are split 50-50 on Israel’s genocide to stop. The polling is clear, US voters with a decisive majority support Palestine and ending this genocide.

People in this thread asserting that most Americans support Israeli’s actions in this genocide rather than support Palestinians as a some kind of indisputable fact as part of their rhetorical arguments is a self fulfilling prophecy of attempting to manufacture consensus where it doesn’t exist.


The popular vote doesn’t matter in America. Just ask Trump who lost the popular vote yet won the presidency. Biden needs the electoral college votes to be elected and some of those are deep in Israeli pockets.


Anyone that understands nuance is a genocide supporter according to OP. I already tried to explain it. They don’t want to hear it.


Don’t forget that Hamas are terrorists,

Compared to Israel they’re just a bunch of amateurs.


Terrorism is not an ideological choice, it is a military strategy employed by groups that do not have the means to fight a more traditional conflict.

Hamas uses “terrorism” but the IDF doesn’t need “terrorism” because it has tanks, advanced fighter jets and one of the most advanced and well armed militaries in the world. It can just slaughter innocent tens of thousands of Palestinians and claim it is doing “military operations” and the world media will shake their heads and agree.


Until someone makes a decision that Israel are actually committing genocide (and in my opinion based on the evidence I’ve observed, this seems very likely)

what evidence are you referring to?


The mass graves for starters that were discovered after the IDF left the area. The indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, UN assigned refugee camps don’t go amiss either. The forceful expulsion of millions of people from their homes to ever smaller and smaller parts of Gaza. Perhaps where the IDF told people to go to certain places for safety and then promptly bombed those places.This is supported by statements made my ministers or representatives in the Israeli legislature and government, including current and former ministers. The denial/restriction of aid and water.

This is completely aside from using trumped up evidence absent charges that members of the UN agency were supporting Hamas in order to disrupt funding to a UN refugee agency. They also used this as an excuse to raid hospitals providing necessary medical care, doctors and nurses have been killed. Oh and killing aid workers… repeatedly. I think the first excuse was “it wasn’t us” which turned into “it was us but it was an accident” to “it was us, we deemed them a thread”… another incident was… World Kitchen? That was just such a shitshow for the IDF that someone actually got the boot.

There’s plenty of evidence available, it’s literally everywhere and often published/reported on by international media.

eldavi, (edited )

oic. i thought you meant that there was evidence on making a decision and it didn’t seem that way given the un’s lack of action; the icc dragging their feet; and the administration continuing to pretend that it’s not happening. despite the neeful life saving urgency, it’s pretty clear that’s not going to happen anytime soon even though a blind man could see it from the evidence you’ve just shared alone.

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