phreekno, to world in The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé avatar

12ft link for anyone that needs it:…

Ensign_Crab, to world in 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

Genocide has broad bipartisan support.

ralphio, to world in Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death

Asked about those findings on Monday, Miller noted that Israel said there were no tanks in the area, and that the State Department couldn’t attest to any particularities because it is only conveying what Israel has said.

The Washington Post previously confirmed there were armed military vehicles in the vicinity, as did Al Jazeera’s analysis of satellite imagery.

Most expansive intelligence apparatus on the globe, but they just can’t figure out what’s going on in Gaza.

girlfreddy, avatar

Because BiBi WoUlD nEvEr LiE tO aMeRiCa.


Shut up you are truly an idiot

Linkerbaan, avatar

Genocide Joe and the state department are on that CCP grind.

“No that never happened. Israel said so. Yes we have seen your evidence but israel denies those claim so it never happened. There is no Genocide in Ba Sing Se”.

Cybermonk_Taiji, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

They grasp it just fine

They are complicit.

Scolding0513, to privacy in This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

This is a traffic analysis attack, and doesn’t really have anything to do with Whatsapp specifically. The same exact thing can be done with Signal, and likely is already many times over

jordanlund, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Roblox? Are there that many radicalized 8 year olds?


Gotta catch them early if you want to have nice obedient corporate drones.



TragicNotCute, avatar

Have you met many 8 year olds? They are all fucking radicals. I’d say at least half are terrorists.


Letting them out from the mines was a mistake

ivanafterall, avatar

Can't even fit their plump little bodies down chimneys anymore.


That’s a preexisting condition though, 8 year olds have always been menaces to the rest of us

tla, to politics in Israel “Likely” Used U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Violation of International Law. That’s OK, Though, State Department Says.

Israel is not blocking humanitarian aid and yet hundreds of aid lorries wait at the border crossings?


Is it just me or does the report state that Israel is blocking aid? The legalese might make a distinction between ‘technically blocking aid’ and ‘doing everything in your power to slow, delay, and otherwise mitigate aid’… but that’s exactly what a layperson would call blocking aid.

They have to choose words carefully lest they accidentally trigger some process. But they did just describe what a smarmy country does to block aid while maintaining plausible (big stretch of the word) deniability.


I do not understand this either

I read " yes Israel committed war crimes but also we are not sure if Israel committed war crimes."

givesomefucks, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

Biden won’t put US military members in the way to deter an actual fucking genocide…

But he’s scrambling jets to protect uninhabited areas in Israel?

This isn’t just him supporting a genocide anymore, he’s not making logical decisions. He’s said for literal decades that nothing will ever make him lower his complete support of Israel, and he keeps showing us that’s true

Someone with that kind of loyalty to any foreign government for any reason should disqualify them from holding at least the presidential office.

It was bad when Trump was like this with Russia, and the whole Dem party agreed.

Then Biden does the same shit and suddenly it’s ok?

Fuck that noise.

PP_BOY_, avatar

The US is a puppet state of Isreal. Our entire Congress and presodent is AIPAC-approved.


Iran hurting almost nobody is in everyone’s best interests.

We don’t need Israel vs Iran lobbing missiles at each other or marching to attack each other. Shooting down every single Iranian rocket was the fastest and simplest way to peace.


Iran hurting almost nobody is in everyone’s best interests.

The only mention of any injury from this was something that was shot down landed on someone…

If all the “attack” hit the target, there would have been zero injury.

girlfreddy, avatar

Shooting down every single Iranian rocket was the fastest and simplest way to peace.

Not really. This wasn’t America acting with a strategic strike. They simply shot down a few missiles to “support” Israel … because to do otherwise could have opened the door to other Arab nations lobbing bombs at Israel where over 1 million Palestinians are still living.

Peace wasn’t any part of this strategy.


Grade A geopolitical analysis lol


I don’t like that Biden is supporting Israel, but I’m not going to put him and Trump on the same level. Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Biden has allowed a lot of shit I hate and don’t want us to be a part of, but acting like they’re one and the same is not helpful. Especially when we would have had boots on the ground helping Israel if Trump was in office.


If someone kicked you in the balls, would it be ok for everyone you meet after that to punch you in the face?

Or do you keep the same social standards regardless of meeting one exceptionality shitty person?

Would you get mad at the guy who just punched you? It was as bad as the kick in the nuts, so you can’t complain right?

Logically speaking, you’re saying you’d accept the punch with a smile because it was worse before.


If someone kicked you in the balls, would it be ok for everyone you meet after that to punch you in the face?

But that isn’t the situation. The situation is that you can choose to let someone kick you in the balls, or you can choose to let a whole gang mug you. There isn’t a third choice, no matter how much you want there to be. Third party candidates are a great ideal, but until we have a different voting system, it will continue being an ideal instead of reality.

givesomefucks, (edited )

There isn’t a third choice,

The primary still isn’t over, but people have been saying that for years…

We get two poor decisions every four years, and shit ain’t going to change as long as two private organizations are the only two options.

It’s easy for the DNC to match what it’s voters want, but they’ve become out right antagonistic towards their voting base, and voters can’t really do anything because at the end of the day our political parties are private groups with no responsibility to voters.

So you can keep blindly supporting them, but in case you haven’t noticed, it loses the party voters every election. If you really just care about beating republicans, then you should be putting you’re energy to pulling the party left.

Not telling people to give up an accept this as best possible.


I’d rather take a hit to the face.

You’re trying to summarize a situation into something small and easy for people, but it’s complex and shitty.

I understand the plight of the people in Gaza and the absolutely abhorrent behavior my country has had towards them. I understand how the futuristic and advanced weapons made by my country have negatively impacted the world.

I also now live in a world that deals with the results of Donald Trump in office. My mom, sister, niece and wife don’t have access to the same healthcare they once did that was a right to them. I have a court system now that’s so skewed compared to American politics that it dictates policy to us rather than democratically enables the people. I live under a system of moved goal posts because Trump made the wall into a whole thing, and now everyone looks to shut the border down constantly rather than dealing with the reasons people flood across it. Every day people in my country die from gun violence and expanded police powers both of which rapidly increased under Trump and who changed the laws making it easier to purchase weapons and who made police more resistant to citizen committees.

And before you switch to the “why don’t you then change it” we’re working on. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first steps. Fascists don’t just go away when they lose. They fester. Trying to throw it all away means potentially creating one of the bloodiest conflicts the world has ever seen because we’re upset temporarily. I get that people are needlessly dying, but more will die no matter what we do. Staying the course, correcting the effects of Donald Trump, changing the tides of American politics and shifting the left actually left is the best course of action right now. We’re getting there. Not as fast as I or others like, but I see it every day.


You’re trying to summarize a situation into something small and easy for people, but it’s complex and shitty

It’s definitely shitty, but the choice to support a genocide or not is surprisingly easy…

Like, you act like what good Biden has done inexplicably comes with the evil Biden does.

We could have someone that helps.more and does less evil.

To take it back to my “small and easy” analogy, someone that shakes your hand, or at least just gives one of those barely noticable head nods without a change in facial expression even.

You’ve let the guy who kicked you in the nuts lower the bar too much, youve forgotten what acceptable behavior looks like.


You’re right, we should bring back the guy who kicked me in the nuts, but now has threatened to kill me too. Genius level.


If it’s too late to change candidates, why hasn’t the DNC convention taken place?

Why did they schedule it so late in the summer that they missed multiple state deadlines to be on general election ballots?

And if your answer is going to have anything to do with the DNC being completely incompetent: why are you insisting we keep letting them be the only thing that stands between America and trump?


If it's too late to change candidates, why hasn't the DNC convention taken place?

Who, exactly, would be an ideal candidate at this point to replace Biden that has a hope in hell of winning? Who, exactly, has the national recognition to pull that off in the Democrat party, or really any other party, in November of this year?


Elizabeth Warren off the top of my head, but lots of people can.

But you’re ignoring the reason most people are voting Biden is he’s not trump. Name recognition hurts Biden.


We could have someone that helps more and does less evil.

Really? Who?

You “genocide joe” folks keep saying there’s a better choice, but nobody will give me a name, a website, a campaign address I can send money to, anything. Show the candidate that can literally win in 7 months. Otherwise, you’re asking me to put my family at additional risk for the payoff of helping exactly 0 people in Gaza… unless you define helping as Israel “finishing the job.”


You want one name?

Elizabeth Warren.

But that’s not the only name.

Hell, the major reason for voting Biden is literally that he’s not trump, a qualification everyone eligible to run for president shares, except trump.

Do you honestly think 7 months isn’t enough time to run a general campaign? Why is the primary not scheduled to end for two more months if that’s true?

Seriously, how can you rationalize the primary not being scheduled to end for two more months if that’s not enough time for a general campaign?

I’m dying to hear your answer.


I actually voted for Warren in the primaries last cycle. As far as I know, she isn’t running this cycle and isn’t on the ballot in any states that have already passed the8r registration deadlines.

I know for a fact that 7 months isn’t long enough to run a presidential campaign because, again, you have to have filed to run usually a year in advance. Unless you’re suggesting that Warren is running the best write-in campaign in American history. I’m happy to help her, but I’m a little worried I haven’t heard a word about it from her or any PACs.


So you think if Biden did the right thing and drops out, she wouldn’t run?

Before you were saying she couldn’t, now you’re saying she wouldn’t…

I know for a fact that 7 months isn’t long enough to run a presidential campaign

So why do you think the DNC only gives 5?

And if they’re making such obvious wrong choices and you’re so much better at this, why are they still running the only party against trump?

Shouldn’t we have people as smart as you running the party if you’re so obviously right?


If the bar for running a campaign is “knowing it’s hard to win the electoral college if you aren’t on the ballot” then yeah, I guess I’m qualified…but being so smart, I know there’s quite a bit more to it than that.

I think that campaigns start during or before the primary…you know, when the media starts talking about who’s gonna run and what their positions are…then all the commercials start running…that all feels pretty campaigny to me. So I can’t really comment on why you think the DNC doesn’t let folks campaign before the convention. Feels like that’d make voting in all those primaries a lot harder.


. So I can’t really comment on why you think the DNC doesn’t let folks campaign before the convention.

Oh ok, you don’t know what other people are saying…

That’s why you can’t understand.

Hope that helps. Best of luck in your future interactions


I’m not the other person, but that’s obviously not helpful and simply makes you look immature. Either explain where you think someone’s gone wrong or leave out the “hope that helps.” Or don’t, and everyone reading is reminded of that scene from the big Lebowski


Thanks for replying doing the thing you’re telling me not to do…

Hope that helps!


And yet I participate in society, how curious.


I'm definitely voting for Joe Biden now. Hopefully his strong EPA regulations will get the lead out of the paint that you're eating.


Why is it the Biden supporters that sound most like trump supporters always have a post history making pro genocide comments too?

I’ve noticed it a lot, so I’m genuinely curious.


Whoever wrote that article about my comments being pro genocide is really acting like their reading comprehension has been severally damaged by eating too much lead based paint.

jordanlund, avatar

2nd removal for implying another user is mentally deficient. 1st one was a removal, this one is a removal and a temp ban. Don’t insult other users.

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, civility.


This is a dumb take - I definitely want us to cut off military aide to Isreal that’s used for offensive purposes… but there’s no reason to let Iran bomb Isreal just because we’re pissed off about Palestine. Isreal being forced into a defensive war is only likely to accelerate deaths in Gaza.


but there’s no reason to let Iran bomb Isreal just because we’re pissed off about Palestine

So why aren’t we shooting down Israel’s attacks on Gaza?

You can’t claim we shot these down just to avoid casualties out of respect for life when we’re actively helping commit a genocide.

At least not if you want to convince anyone of anything logically.


Well, for one, we don’t have bases positioned in the vast expanse between……checks….Israel and Gaza.

I believe most of these shootdowns came from the Red Sea, Iraq, and Syria’s.


What bases do we have between Iran and Israel?

There’s one “base” in Israel……

Which exists inside of what was already an Israeli air base, is under control of Israel, and was only put there in name by trump so the US would have an excuse to attack anyone that attacks Israel.

Like, this shit isn’t ancient history, but I’m constantly surprised on here that I’m the only one who remembers stuff from the last decade.


Wikipedia indicates there are currently 12 bases in iraq


The u.s. could easily enforce a no-fly zone over gaza and implement an iron dome to intercept missiles going either way instead of just protecting israel.

If the u.s wanted this to stop they could, it’s not a matter of ability, it’s a matter of will.

Neato, to politics in Meta Refuses to Answer Questions on Gaza Censorship, Say Sens. Warren and Sanders avatar

Subpoena their assess. Then they either have to make up evidence or go to jail.

Fizz, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Its times like this I wish I used matrix instead of discord. Even though my friends and I are not extremists you can definitely make us look like extremists if you took jokes out of context.


If your jokes look that bad out of context, you might need better jokes

Fizz, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

For example this shane gills joke looks bad “That’s the thing about these countries, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia. No Black people.” but when you add the next part it makes it funny.

“And I know what you’re thinking. No, you need Black people to keep the whites in check. The last thing you want is a whole island of whites that think they’re the coolest people on earth. A disaster. That’s how you end up with Conor McGregors walking around.The foreign whites are out of control.”

Regrettable_incident, avatar

That doesn’t seem funny at all to me, maybe it’s in the delivery.

Fizz, avatar

The clip of him saying it funnier but its not everyones cup of tea


…you do need to get better jokes

Fizz, avatar

How would you know you have never heard a joke from me.


Humorless people telling you to joke within the confines of their neurotic sensibilities. Best ignore them and carry on.


That’s a shit joke. Racial essentialism just ain’t funny, and the context is kinda irrelevant.

Carighan, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

Yes, and as humans we are quite able to understand that we should not immediately suspect anybody who says something without any context, assuming in the situation we know we are lacking the content.

Tell me, what makes you look more suspect to a federal agency:

  • The odd (frankly pretty bad, but then it’s by Shane Gills so that was expected) joke that lacking context could in theory be interpreted as a racial diss?
  • Encrypting and hiding all your chat traffic?
Fizz, avatar

This is exactly the problem. The fbi shouldn’t be able to snoop on you based off suspicion. I can encrypt every thing and be as edgy as I want and they still shouldn’t pull my discord message history because they have no reason to suspect I’ve committed a crime or am going to commit a crime.


What the fuck


It’s telling how you think that the context somehow makes this ‘better’.

It doesn’t, at all.

Jokes that are the product of a bigoted mind always carry the stink with it but people who align with said bigotry never notice because they are STEEPED in it constantly.

Just like when people grow up and leave 4chan and the realize in horror that what they thought is normal there, is VERY much not normal.

Which is why when edgelads try to repeat jokes they got off of forums in real life, it always comes off as creepy and flat.

Fizz, avatar

Outside of extremely lefty places like lemmy jokes like that are acceptable and if you called that joke out as bigoted then people would consider you odd. It’s not even an edgy joke it just has a racial punchline.


I get the feeling that your only experiences outside of lemmy are 4chan and new.reddit if you think bigotry is that normalized.

Fizz, avatar

Please never join the fbi. There won’t be a single gamer who isn’t an extremist in your eyes.

Also you’re delusional to assume my only internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. There is no one on this site who’s internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.


Shit son I’ve been a gamer so long my first controller only had one button.

You got zero induction going on in your thinkmeat but you assume you know everyone.

That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.

As if they weren’t here day one. You’re blind if you don’t smell the reek of underbed cumsock in the bottom of most popular threads.

Or just hiding your power level.

Fizz, avatar

I don’t care how long you’ve been a gamer its obvious you’re old and out of touch.

How could this new reddit/4chan user have been here day 1 if the fediverse dates back much longer than new reddit.


The interesting thing about insulting people for being old is that barring horrible accident, you’ll be there some day too being told by arrogant idiots how ‘out of touch’ you are.

Sure the fediverse may be ancient but Lemmy’s popularity hasn’t been until relatively recently, and there were already hard right lemmy users before the subreddit protests, which is what kicked off the biggest migration so far.

The more I read your words, the more they remind me of places on the internet that no one should visit. Your grammar and even thought processes are shaped by the places you socialize.

I wonder how far back in your post history I need to go before I find a reference to ‘genocide joe’ or some other basement troll nomenclature.


Literally these guys in a nutshell and they don’t even realize

altima_neo, avatar

Thankfully all our jokes are dick jokes


I just watched a doco on Jack Teixera/Luca, last night. Perhaps you should.

Ilovethebomb, to world in Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused”

Oh good, they weren’t raped and murdered, they were just murdered.

That’s a relief.


It’s awful, but it’s still important to report accurately on such terrible events.


Fair point, but it’s not the win some people here seem to think it is.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Well yes supposedly Hamas was using rape as a weapon of war. Which is factally not true.

Hamas did do some war crimes such as shooting non-combatants. It’s important that our newspapers don’t just completely make up facts about mass-rapes.


According to the UN

In the context of the coordinated attack by Hamas and others of 7 October, the UN mission team found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred in multiple locations, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in southern Israel.

The team also found a pattern of victims - mostly women - found fully or partially naked, bound and shot across multiple locations which “may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence”.

In some locations the mission said it could not verify reported incidents of rape.

Or is the UN an Israeli propaganda machine, now?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Since that UN report is citing Zaka (40 beheaded babies) as a “credible source,” it is indeed complete propaganda.

New breaking points video debunking this report with an important takeaway:

The UN is not a monolith. There are certain employees fully willing to spread certain narratives, and this is one of them.


You are disgusting human being.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The truth must hurt you a lot. I’m sorry.


Truth what? Faking rape is not good, denying true rape case is even worse. Fucking moron.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Tell the IDF to stop faking rape claims then. They told us back in November they had mountains of forensic evidence and thousands of witnesses. And now they can’t find a single CCTV recording and they lost the forensic evidence? They can’t even find two “witnesses” which corroborate a story.

Until you find evidence it’s rather obvious these are nothing but lies to manufacture consent for the Genocide of Gaza.


That does not invalidate the real case. Long winded answer for shit.

Idiotic far left.

Linkerbaan, avatar

A thousand false rape claims doesn’t make israel trustworthy.

Back in october the IDF claimed they had forensic evidence of rape. Did they drop the evidence?

A reserve warrant officer known by her first name, Avigayil, recounted finding maimed bodies, per Reuters. Multiple cases of rape were also discovered during forensic examinations.

You think israel maybe uhhhh lied?


Who said about thousand? Know your place.

This garbage far left keeps spouting nonsense.

‘Hamas never raped anyone. Yes I believe that.’

There now satisfied?

Linkerbaan, avatar

If people say you raped someone would you like them to present evidence?

Especially if their claims keep getting proven false showing that actually no rape happened. Stooping so low to use Zaka as a source for their claims.

Would you accept it if people just randomly started calling you a rapist too?


There we go again, rape did not happen. Hamas so clear.


Linkerbaan, avatar

You can keep screaming it over and over. Consider coming with evidence. People tend to take you more seriously when you do that.

What’s that, there’s no evidence?


There is eyewitness evidence, which you ignore as usual.

But it’s interesting to see that you think the UN is not a credible source. No doubt you’ll still keep quoting them when it serves your needs

Linkerbaan, avatar

No it’s literally Zaka and the discredited paramedic.

The UN employee got questioned by Journalists today and it’s just the same stuff from this NYT article.

A complete embaressment


The UN team did way more than that. It “conducted 33 meetings with Israeli representatives, examining more than 5,000 photographic images and 50 hours of video footage. It conducted 34 confidential interviews including with survivors and witnesses of the 7 October attacks, released hostages, first responders and others.”

Linkerbaan, avatar

Yes you just mentioned Zaka in there.

And after reviewing the footage the UN found zero evidence of rape.


Wrong, they “found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred in multiple locations, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in southern Israel.”

Just repeating “Zaka” over and over won’t make evidence disappear, as much as you wish it would.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Can you cite those locations?


They are in the UN report, so obviously you didn’t even bother reading it before dismissing it.

Linkerbaan, avatar

I did read it. It did not contain evidence. Did you read it?


Yes, I read it. If you think multiple eyewitnesses and photos don’t count as evidence, then you must think rape is not a real problem.

Do you also think there is no evidence that E Jean Carroll was raped by Donald Trump?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Jean E carrol personally said she was raped and it seems credible from the evidence. why would I not believe her?

Are there any israelis personally saying they were raped?


What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

There are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape/murder on 10/7. Furthermore, released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity.

But you only accept eyewitness accounts when they fit your narrative. That’s why nobody should believe Hamas’ denials.

Linkerbaan, avatar

What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

Carroll herself claims being victim not an eyewitness. Did anyone claim being a victim of Hamas rape?

released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity

You clearly have not read the UN report as that is absolutely not what it says. No released hostage has claimed to have witnessed any rape.



Based on the first-hand accounts of released hostages, the mission team received clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment occurred

Linkerbaan, avatar

What information can you read it for me?


No need, because the UN summarized it for me. Just as I believe there are 30,000 dead Gazans, even though I don’t have a list of names and proof they are dead.

No doubt you too believe there are 30,000 dead Gazans, based on someone else’s summary. Which as usual means you only believe facts that fit your narrative.

Linkerbaan, avatar

No you said firsthand witness what you just read wasn’t that. It was someone that said they “heard a rumor while in captivity.” They never witnessed it.

Reading is truly difficult.


The UN literally said they had firsthand accounts.

Reading truly is difficult.

Linkerbaan, avatar

First hand accounts of rumors they heard. Not of rape which what you claimed.

Which in layman’s terms means “we spoke a hostage that said they heard someone say that there was rape but they never saw any rape nor were they sexually violated themselves”.


I don’t think you understand what “firsthand account” means.

Linkerbaan, avatar

What evidence is there of Carroll’s rape besides an eyewitness account?

There are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape/murder on 10/7. Furthermore, released hostages gave firsthand accounts to the UN of rape while in captivity.

But you only accept eyewitness accounts when they fit your narrative. That’s why nobody should believe Hamas’ denials.


Yes, the UN report says there are multiple eyewitness accounts of rape, on 10/7 as well as from freed captives.

If you didn’t know, a “firsthand” account is a synonym for an eyewitness account.

Linkerbaan, avatar

No released hostage has claimed to have witnesss any rape so far. Only heard stories. If I’m wrong you are welcome to link it to me so I can chance my mind


Your cognitive dissonance is so overwhelming that you can’t even accept that words have meanings.

You can spin imaginary tales if it helps you sleep. But everyone else who reads the UN report understands what they wrote. Those hostages saw rapes firsthand.

Linkerbaan, avatar






Long story short, there’s no new substantive evidence beyond what the NYT already said? And considering how badly the NYT fucked up with their recent poll, I’m even more inclined than before to doubt their story.


In this one specific instance it wasn’t true, sure.

Linkerbaan, avatar

More like all specific instances. this current article is now even debunking the “anonymous” claims.

Mammal, (edited ) avatar

Thing is: There’s plenty Hamas & related groups did on Oct 7th to enrage a population - no exaggeration is necessary.

However, there ISN’T enough to justify a genocide … especially since Israelis have been torturing Palestinians for decades.

Israel needs to de-humanize the locals to the point where the population can justify an ethnic cleansing. Hence: Ridiculous accusations of using breasts as foot-balls and mass rape.

BluJay320, to politics in Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters avatar

“I’m going to show my anger by making things exponentially worse for myself! That’ll show them!”

gravitas_deficiency, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

Mmmm… they know exactly what is happening, and the c-suites are fine with it because it’s profitable as fuck.

KingThrillgore, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I’m cool with it if we also ban free breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and gym access for Congress.

givesomefucks, to politics in Progressives on AIPAC’s Defeat of Bowman: “Now We Know How Much It Costs to Buy an Election”

Moderates when republicans take Russian money:

This the greatest threat to our nation, no one should ever take money from another country in exchange for favorable policy!!!

Moderates when moderates take Israel’s money:

The people have spoken and they want pro-genocide policy!!!


AIPAC is American money.…/whos-funding-aipacs-political-sp…

$5 million from WhatsApp, $2m from Home Depot, half a million from Kraft.


But the whole thing is confusing because there’s AIPAC, AIPAC PAC. And AIPAC super PAC, along with less obvious overlaps.

This is intentional because the entire reason AIPAC exists, is former methods of Israel lobbying the American government had been shut down.

Journalist and lawyer Isaiah L. Kenen founded the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs (AZCPA) as a lobbying division of the American Zionist Council (AZC), and they split in 1954.[9] Kenen, a lobbyist for the Israeli government,[8] had at earlier times worked for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a lobbyist, Kenen diverged from AZC’s usual public relations efforts by trying to broaden support for Israel among traditionally non-Zionist groups. The founding of the new organization was in part a response to the negative international reaction to the October 1953 Qibya massacre, in which Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon killed at least sixty-nine Palestinian villagers, two-thirds of them women and children.[9] As the Eisenhower administration suspected the AZC of being funded by the government of Israel, it was decided that the lobbying efforts should be separated into a separate organization with separate finances.[9]


No centrist cares. They found their technicality.


Yeah, but PACs are so normalized some people may honestly not understand why AIPAC should be registered as a foreign actor.

Pretty much the only reason they’re not, is AIPAC donates to the people on the committee that makes that decision.

It’s always worth it to post sources. It’s not just for the benefit of who you’re replying to.

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