Fapper_McFapper, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Trump called for a Muslim ban and the Arabs in Michigan are like, yeah, that’s my guy.

Republicans are masterminds at not just getting people to vote against their own interest, but also at convincing them that they are, in fact, voting in their best interest.

If Trump wins I can’t help but wonder how many faces are going to be eaten by the leopards.


Republicans are masterminds at not just getting people to vote against their own interest

Only because corporate news refuses to check them. Because corporate news sewers are run by republiQans.


Democrat elections are basically a hostage situation (it votes for biden when it’s told or else it gets the trump again). If biden refuses to budge on the critical issues, at some point you have to start executing hostages.


yeah but funny thing is IT’S NOT DEMS HOLDING THE COUNTRY HOSTAGE, it’s dems offering the country a way out from madness. the “it gets trump again” - he’s the GOP candidate for fuck’s sake.

you act like the dems get to elect both candidates just to upset you.


No it is the Dems holding the country hostage. They pretend to care but they’re using the lack of a real alternative to hold themselves to extremely low standards AND RESIST ANY CALLS FROM THEIR OWN VOTER BASE TO CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR- “I mean, have you seen the other guys?” should not be a valid operating principle!


the dems didn’t make the GOP fucking nuts. but it’s the dems fault huh?

listen to yourself, shit man, do it, vote trump, you deserve each other


You’re not getting it. The point is that the Dems keep betraying their own base and refusing to change for the better- they’re unresponsive to feedback. This doesn’t mean trump deserves to win, it just means the Biden needs to go. “I’m only 99% fascist” is not something I will condone ever, and I don’t think you should either. Show some spine! Support the students protesting against the “democratic” Biden regime and the genocide it’s providing diplomatic and military aid for. There has to be a red line somewhere and in my opinion we’ve passed it.


The point is that the Dems keep betraying their own base and refusing to change for the better- they’re unresponsive to feedback.

school loan forgiveness

green new deal

rescheduling mj

aid for ukraine

I dunno man, failing to see the betrayal.

This doesn’t mean trump deserves to win, it just means the Biden needs to go.

lol, guess what: there are two people running bright lights. you’re supporting trump.


I dunno man, failing to see the betrayal

idk what to tell you either, he could be the second coming and it still wouldn’t give him a pass to unconditionally support a country while it’s carrying out a genocide. That’s not how it works


support a country while it’s carrying out a genocide. That’s not how it works

biden actually reigns in bibi, and you want trump. go nuts shitbag, get what you want, I hope it blows up in your stupid face.


You don’t see how supporting a genocide is a red line if you had family or friends there? You lack any sort of empathy then.


supporting a genocide

and yet he’s the only one who’s capable of reigning in Bibi. Trump’s not going to do that lol, you bellend

how fucking dumb do you have to be to see that voting Trump would just empower the far right in Israel?


He’s had lots of time to reign him in and he hasn’t at all. They’ve just given them more money, weapons, and support. Until there’s been actual actions and not just words, on this particular issue, they are the only exact same.

Until then, the threat of a Trump Presidency hopefully impresses upon Biden the need to do something, anything, other than what he’s been doing (a wag of his finger every now and then and that’s it).

I don’t want Trump back. You don’t want Trump back. It’s better to spend your energy trying to push Biden on this issue as soon as possible.


I don’t want Trump back. You don’t want Trump back.

I know me, I’m doubtful about the rest of the people in this thread. Dangerous fucking games.


green new deal

I think you mean the Green New Dream, or Whatever. You’re trying to credit them with a policy that was very much not enacted and what was done was done to discredit it.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Wait, Republican behaviors are the fault of…the Democrats?


They’re not talking about Republican behaviors at all, they’re talking about Democratic behaviors, like what’s happening right now by Democrats with respect to Palestine. “But Republicans are worse” doesn’t change that Democrats are adopting policy counter to what their base wants. They think the left/Muslims/young people have no other option, so they don’t need to do anything to please them.

orcrist, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

This is just a terribly written headline. The problem is, if you changed the headline, there wouldn’t even be a story.

There’s a fairly large group of Arabs in that area, and some of them might vote for Trump. This is not surprising. If you live in the area, it might even be worth reading more about why they would support Trump. One could try to discuss their positions and see if they really think that Trump would do better or worse than Biden.

It is often mentioned but needs to be repeated here, because the same mistake was made yet again… Any time you try to blame one small group for the outcome of an election, you’re just wrong. Everyone who votes, or doesn’t vote, everyone who campaigns, who supports people campaigning, everyone who creates or runs the systems that assemble and count votes, they all play a role in determining the outcome.


No you’re wrong, a few thousand edgy lunatics totally decided the 2016 general election, the one where Trump literally lost the popular vote while corporate Dems ignored historic battlegrounds and popular policies, instead assuming it was their turn to win.

Liberals seriously can’t see how much they are embarrassing themselves and revealing their true nature.

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

Completely chilling while Zionists kick you out of university for peaceful protest, making kids homeless thousands of miles from home with no money and ruining their education. Think of the economy!

The same people that feel so bad for the homeless but have no problem with NIMBYism and never actually help or vote for helpers.

The slow realization that liberals will welcome fascism if it means they can step over your dead body to get Starbucks tomorrow is absolutely fucking chilling.

Zaktor, (edited )

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

The kicker on their hippy-punching cheerleading is that there’s perfect examples of kumbaya liberalism in the universities that negotiated. They didn’t even necessarily commit to divestment, just all came together and talked with empathy to resolve an issue with people that even in the liberal manufactured consent framing are at worst being misled. But liberalism isn’t actually their driving ethos, it’s maintaining power for themselves and for existing structures, and for that, hippy punching is exactly the result they want. The protesters’ greatest sin isn’t some trumped up charge of antisemitism, it’s challenging their superiors.

Hegar, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes. avatar

Don't fall for the liars blaming arab-americans disgusted at our government's active role in the ongoing palestinian genocide.

Blame democrats who are providing military and political support to an ongoing genocide and expecting that somehow won't hurt them in the election.



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  • Sanctus, avatar

    I get the feeling, but Project 2025 doesn’t cut out any caveats for average Americans who voted for Trump. You will be white and christian or you will face the wall. I just want you to remember that at least you didn’t vote democrat when we’re being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.

    Hegar, avatar

    I just want you to remember that at least you didn’t vote democrat when we’re being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.

    Firstly, I plan on voting for a democrat. Secondly, I live in oregon so it doesn't matter. Thirdly, if you're relying on democrats to save you from excesses of corporate power I don't think you understand the democrats very well.

    I'm just saying what my comment said: there's no justification in blaming arab-americans for the obviously flawed decision making of the democratic party.

    Sanctus, avatar

    I think what people are blaming is the flawed decision making in electing Trump. It’s like not being able to get what I want so I just burn the whole place down and piss on the ashes.

    Hegar, avatar

    Yep, that's what I think is kind of disgusting logic, tbh.

    It's a fact of being human that its hard to throw your support behind a group that are massacering people you consider kin.

    The democrats made a choice to support an ongoing genocide and drive down turn out among their own base, despite the importance of this election to the future of our democracy. They and not voters deserve 100% of the blame for their own actions.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Trump literally told Netty boi to finish it up quick. Don’t really know what the angle is here besides one is in power. The other will do the same he said so. Its a situation where you just lose thinking like that. This us a call that our voting system needs to change. Let’s not torch it before we can fix it.


    Thinking that living in Oregon will save you from Trump is… Well, it’s something, anyways. Don’t forget how many nazis you have living in the state the second your outside of Portland city limits.

    Hegar, avatar

    Thinking that living in Oregon will save you from Trump

    You misunderstood. Oregon is solid blue and will go for biden with or without my vote.


    No, I get it. I lived in Chicago in 2016, and I voted for Jill Stein because I knew that there was no way in hell that Trump was going to win Illinois.

    But see, living in a safely blue state, and then turning around and using a megaphone to tell people in purple states that the blue candidate is awful, he’s Genocide Joe, Sleepy Joe, too old, etc., well, how many people do you think you’ve going to convince in battleground states?

    sazey, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

    Burn it down Pookie, burn the motherfucker down.

    CharlesDarwin, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes. avatar

    Good grief, this is such a stupid take. If donnie gets his way, he’ll be deporting them, most likely.

    HelixDab2, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

    Man, dumb shit like this makes me want to let the leopards they want to vote for eat their faces.

    I’m white, male, solidly middle-aged. I can look like a neo-con magat if I need to. Shit, as long as the only thing I’m talking about is guns, most people will probably think I am a neo-con. Most people aren’t going to recognize my tattoos, so they’ll be able to believe that I’m some kind of christian fucko, esp. since I know the bible far better than most evangelicals.

    I survived Trump’s first term without too many direct negative effects. I’m old enough that I’m not the one that’s going to be well and truly fucked when climate change slams into the US like a derailed freight train. I haven’t had to worry about accidentally getting someone pregnant in 30 years, so rights to choose and access to birth control have zero direct affect on me. I can let dumb fucks burn their own house down around them, and it’s not going to directly harm me.

    …But goddamn, I still want to save those idiots from themselves, because I don’t want to live in the country that Trump and Republicans want this to be.

    Grass, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

    Should have very strictly regulated the forever chemicals and micro plastics multiple decades ago. People are so inexplicably stupid and deranged that it has to be the chemicals.

    PugJesus, to world in Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: 'We are not in a good position'

    “Fortunately, we know many ways we can make the food system more resilient while reducing food emissions. The biggest opportunity in high-income nations is a reduction in meat consumption and exploration of more plants in our diets,” said Dr. Paul Behrens, an associate professor of environmental change at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

    Honestly, most people in the modern West eat more meat than is healthy anyway.

    Turns out hunter-gatherers haven’t evolved to eat meat every meal, three meals a day, all their lives.


    You guys eating meat for breakfast or something?


    Sausage, bacon, or ham are fairly standard


    I don’t know why, but I was picturing meat in cereal. Bacon is life


    No one is stopping you from putting bacon in your cereal.

    Xatolos, avatar

    Bdya-bdya-bdya-That’s gross folks!


    Cereal is more of a dessert in my books. I’m very much a savoury breakfast person.


    Breakfast steak is the most important steak of the day


    You guys eating breakfast?


    That’s because the general population tried to imitate the rich when the standard of living increased, and the rich in general loved to hunt and eat lots of meat.


    I am not biting into a mouthwatering slab of beef to imitate the rich.


    You missed the part in the comment about how it was your ancestors that started the trend.


    I didn’t, I disregarded it. Tell me the name of a MY ancestor who started that trend and where they were born.


    What a strange assertion to make as if you and your predecessors somehow remained separate from everyone else.


    Waiting for the name.


    No, you are making a low effort attempt at a troll and not really hitting the mark.


    Another claim about me.


    No, you’ve shown that on your own and you can’t sov cit your way out of it.


    Honestly, most people in the modern West eat more meat than is healthy anyway.

    Visit non-India Asia and get back to me. I don’t know how anyone can be vegetarian there just as a general practice.


    Isn’t 90% of street food in Asia just some random meat on a stick?


    In my experience yes. I can’t describe the joy of the experience of being baked out of your mind buying way too much meat on a stick, going a stand over to get a thing of sticky rice in a bag, then the next stand a bubble tea, and finally devouring it on a random folding chair with a crate as a table.

    ad_on_is, avatar

    eat more meat than is healthy

    What is considered healthy in your opinion?

    As someone who lost 40kg by just eating mostly meat (one year meat for lunch, salami for dinner), I’d argue it’s healthier than the stuff that’s advertised to be healthy.

    wanna build muscle? well, eating pasta and salad every day won’t get you very far.

    Sure, there are other protein sources, but let’s be honest, nothing is more nutritional, efficient (and delicious) than meat.

    I think we should really focus on the truely unhealthy shit that’s out there in the supermarkets, and not on meat.


    You should study up on that vegan body builder, though I’m afraid that I don’t recall his name. Remember that when you digest the meat, you are reducing back to its amino acids which your body can put back together into new proteins. The same thing happens when you digest plant matter–you reduce the plant proteins into amino acids which your body then puts back together into its own proteins.

    hark, avatar

    While I’m sure it’s possible, the fact that it’s “that vegan body builder” instead of the norm should be a clue on how generally effective it is. Personally I don’t eat a lot of meat, and of the meat I do eat, most is seafood, but I won’t deny that meat is the easiest way to get the nutrients you need. It’s also a lot more filling than carbs.


    I was actually confused because there’s thousands of vegan body builders


    There’s one dude who made a big youtube channel on the topic. Don’t know if he’s still around. His whole shtick was helping obese people get into shape by teaching them his diet and workout routines.

    ad_on_is, avatar

    Sure, but there’s the thing called PDCAAS, kind of a digestibility index for protein sources. in other words, how much of that protein can the body actually digest, the rest of it just gets pooped out.

    And many plant based sources have a lower score, with a few exceptions.

    Then, there’s the cost factor too, best bang for the buck.


    Exactly. You should really be eating a lot of roots, nuts, leaves, and berries then occasionally catch something that can run from you.


    I’m a vegetarian but my wife calls me an opportunistic meat eater, like a horse. I don’t eat meat, except when it’s Christmas and my mom makes her turkey, or the one time a year I allow myself to have a big Mac.

    I don’t think my system could handle a steak, or pork anymore, it would probably destroy me.


    Said no one ever before 1900.

    You people are so goddamn spoiled and you have no clue.

    Eating meat is the only way our species has survived and now that we’ve evolved past it you act like it was never even a factor.

    There’s a reason tribes move with animal herds and not due to which berries are in season.


    Yes yes, fire and meat. That works fine when you’re a roving tribe and humans number in the hundred thousand range. That destroys the planet when you live in houses and there will be 10 billion by the year 2050. But go on.


    I’m Latino and I’ve gone vegetarian, and to my father this is completely inconceivable. He’s used to having meat every meal, and is convinced that I’m going to fall ill if I don’t eat meat. I eat so many damn beans anyways that I’m good without it.

    This whole eating meat every day, thing, seems pretty new right? Like industrial revolution forward. Most people in history weren’t expecting meat all the time


    Only because they couldn’t afford it…lol

    Protein has always been the most desirable and most expensive part of any meal.

    The fact that Americans eat so much meat is a testament to wealth not simply bad eating behavior.


    to be fair they only had to work four to six hours a day so they needed less calories

    Track_Shovel, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own

    This is actually a really cool article. I did my MSC on a pile of dirt, so maybe it’s just me. Anyway, I like how he gets at how these walls act as a geomorphological feature on the landscape and from there, influence biota. The bit about mammals using the walls is cool, because in restoration and land reclamation we use artificial refuges (rock piles, bat boxes) to encourage animals back to the reclaimed landscape


    Not just you, I thought it was engaging and interesting as well. The comment about artificial refuges really strikes a chord as well, and I would add man made brush piles to the list of reclamation structures for encouraging animal resurgence.

    Also, I’m excited that I might be able to describe the various rock structures on our parcel with greater scientific rigor.


    Yes, that’s right - brush piles and windrows of waste wood (from logging) are used to recreate habitat. Cowan et al 2011 (and 2012?; maybe they’re 2021/2022 respectively, I forget) has some great papers on how artificial refuges need to be constructed properly, otherwise they’re unused, or can serve as predator traps. I have the papers somewhere, though I had to request one from him.

    If you’re interested, DM me and I’ll send them to you; it will require some digging, and I’m busy today, so I warn you turnaround might be slower than I’d like.

    apis, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own

    Looking forward to a photographic journal of learning to build similar walls on LallyLuckFarm.

    You know it is going to happen.


    Hah it was killer doing a first course of stone for a slope stabilization project but I’ll see what I can do bee fingerguns emoji

    I wonder if the neighbors would let me borrow their horse…

    DessertStorms, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own avatar

    New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience

    Also, cinema

    apis, to science in New England stone walls lie at the intersection of history, archaeology, ecology and geoscience, and deserve a science of their own

    Forgot to ramble earlier, so have this scant link instead.

    Zaktor, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

    Are Establishment Democrats Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump Rather Than Listen to Their Constituents? In a Word: Yes.

    HarbingerOfTomb, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

    Sure, that’ll teach him


    Teaching a lesson is probably the most mindlessly stupid impulse of the age.

    Socsa, to world in Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: 'We are not in a good position'

    Good thing they are part of a massive single market which can absorb regional disasters oh wait.

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