ChaoticNeutralCzech, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

The signs held in the pic have terrible kerning and uninspired font choices. And guess what, I like it that way – a banner displaying corporate professionalism would indicate astroturfing.


Using comic sans would indicate a Fortune 100 company



Comic sans should be automatically swapped for OpenDyslexic

agressivelyPassive, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

Where did I hear that before?

frickineh, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

I’m not leaving. It’s tempting, but at this point, I’m committed to staying and fighting for all of the people who don’t have the privilege to move. And the kids who are too young to vote but deserve to know there are adults on their side who won’t abandon it. I don’t begrudge anyone who moves, especially if it’s a safety issue, but I just can’t.


good luck to the ones leaving, even the rich. climate change and a world order of rewarded greed are just pushing every country into pockets of extremism. the chips have fallen, where we are is where we end.

DoctorButts, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

I was wondering if this quote would look better in context, but nope:

Verified developer Bethesda_FalcoYamaoka jumped into the discussion to defend the mammoth planet-hopper. "Some of Starfield's planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring," the developer says (cheers, Destructoid). FalcoYamaoka continues to say that wandering through the alien landscapes is supposed to evoke feelings of "smallness." The intention is to "make you feel overwhelmed" at the vastness of space.

FalcoYamaoka really just chose to die on that hill, a hill that is most likely on a completely empty planet. It's possible for them to have 100% achieved their design goal of smallness and making a player feel overwhelmed and for it to still be boring.


Yep. It’s a pretty weak excuse


I don’t disagree that a true space exploration game should have barren planets (I’d imagine most planets in the universe are barren), but they should be more like set pieces (like how a tree is a set piece in a normal exploration game). And they shouldn’t be included in metrics used to quantify the size of the world.

Diplomjodler3, to world in Russian occupation authorities destroy UNESCO World Heritage site, build outdoor theater in its place

Another shitty AI written article. Is there any source that makes sense?


Thanks for the alert that it is ai written. I’ll pass


I mean it’s yahoo; they’ve been getting bots of one form or another to write their shit for a while now, haven’t they?

FlyingSquid, avatar

This appears to be a reprint of an MSN article which was apparently written by a human. Just not very well.…/ar-BB1oXZk7

However, I’m also not finding a really good alternate source. Every other source was an outlet I’ve never heard of.

I wouldn’t be shocked if it were true, but I’d sure like better info.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That would be one of the outlets I’ve never heard of.

Are you familiar with it? Media Bias Fact Check isn’t.


I’ve seen it a few times related to war stuff. Looks like it’s mostly arts coverage though, kind of like Smithsonian magazine or something.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Fair enough. If it’s accurate, they are also taking artifacts back to Russia. This is all part of their attempt to claim Ukraine as their ancestral homeland (true-ish?), giving them the right to invade it.


Media Bias Fact Check is shit lol

FlyingSquid, avatar

Okay, where would you go to find out whether or not that or any other media link is remotely trustworthy?


Common sense

Edit: I see you are American, sorry. Ignore my comment

FlyingSquid, avatar

First of all, incivility is against community rules. Please do not do it again.

Secondly, “common sense” is the thing that made people believe the sun revolved around the Earth for thousands of years. Just because you believe your “common sense” tells you the truth doesn’t mean it does. So that’s a really terrible way to find out whether or not a source, especially one you’ve never heard of before, is trustworthy.

Ask any con man- the easiest people to con are the people who think they’re too smart to be conned.


Is being retarded against rules? Because you are a truly retarded person …

Go ban yourself? Or you just like fake internet power?

FlyingSquid, avatar

Sorry, I would have let another insult slide, but ableist bigotry is not allowed here.


Troll account 35 mins old. Other comments and posts are terrible. Report and block

FlyingSquid, avatar

I see that now, thank you. They’re banned. They have decided to get revenge by sending me silly threats in PM and posting insulting posts in other communities, and they were also presumably the one who went through my history and downvoted all of my posts right after they were banned.

What a pathetic creature.

kersploosh, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries avatar

Their first customer is American Airlines. The airline is paying Graphyte to capture 10,000 tons of CO2 to offset emissions from its planes.


Ah yes, the “We’ll pay someone else to be green for us without meaningfully improving our environmental policy” move.

Toss some money away, get a nice tax write-off, and don’t bother following up to make sure these supposed CO2 offset numbers are actually what they are advertised to be.


The frustrating part is that the whole idea is great on its face: pay to capture the co2 you generate where they can do so at scale, but this just... clearly doesn't do that.


It’s a fantastic idea in principle. We’ve just neglected the most important ingredient: oversight

muse, to politics in Trump ally Bannon ordered to report to prison for defying Jan. 6 probe avatar

Enjoy the detox you gin soaked rag of hate trying to play Real Politik


Gee, I hope the withdrawal doesn’t kill him.


Oh no worries about that, he’ll go on CIWA in the prison hospital and have a general bad time, but he won’t die.

Edit: (I’m a nurse and have done plenty of CIWA. I have a feeling the BOP aren’t too liberal with the benzos though.)

Hegar, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes. avatar

Don't fall for the liars blaming arab-americans disgusted at our government's active role in the ongoing palestinian genocide.

Blame democrats who are providing military and political support to an ongoing genocide and expecting that somehow won't hurt them in the election.



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  • Sanctus, avatar

    I get the feeling, but Project 2025 doesn’t cut out any caveats for average Americans who voted for Trump. You will be white and christian or you will face the wall. I just want you to remember that at least you didn’t vote democrat when we’re being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.

    Hegar, avatar

    I just want you to remember that at least you didn’t vote democrat when we’re being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.

    Firstly, I plan on voting for a democrat. Secondly, I live in oregon so it doesn't matter. Thirdly, if you're relying on democrats to save you from excesses of corporate power I don't think you understand the democrats very well.

    I'm just saying what my comment said: there's no justification in blaming arab-americans for the obviously flawed decision making of the democratic party.

    Sanctus, avatar

    I think what people are blaming is the flawed decision making in electing Trump. It’s like not being able to get what I want so I just burn the whole place down and piss on the ashes.

    Hegar, avatar

    Yep, that's what I think is kind of disgusting logic, tbh.

    It's a fact of being human that its hard to throw your support behind a group that are massacering people you consider kin.

    The democrats made a choice to support an ongoing genocide and drive down turn out among their own base, despite the importance of this election to the future of our democracy. They and not voters deserve 100% of the blame for their own actions.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Trump literally told Netty boi to finish it up quick. Don’t really know what the angle is here besides one is in power. The other will do the same he said so. Its a situation where you just lose thinking like that. This us a call that our voting system needs to change. Let’s not torch it before we can fix it.


    Thinking that living in Oregon will save you from Trump is… Well, it’s something, anyways. Don’t forget how many nazis you have living in the state the second your outside of Portland city limits.

    Hegar, avatar

    Thinking that living in Oregon will save you from Trump

    You misunderstood. Oregon is solid blue and will go for biden with or without my vote.


    No, I get it. I lived in Chicago in 2016, and I voted for Jill Stein because I knew that there was no way in hell that Trump was going to win Illinois.

    But see, living in a safely blue state, and then turning around and using a megaphone to tell people in purple states that the blue candidate is awful, he’s Genocide Joe, Sleepy Joe, too old, etc., well, how many people do you think you’ve going to convince in battleground states?

    WarmSoda, to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

    Are the barren quests and factions by design too?

    Globulart, (edited ) to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

    Having lots of empty planets is realistic to be fair, but realism is unfortunately boring a lot of the time.

    Personally I’m a big fan of the game but I’ve been pining for a Bethesda game for a long time and I will always enjoy a fetch quest where I have to kill bandits. I totally understand the criticism (although I do think it’s slightly blown out of proportion because it’s Bethesda).

    Overall, the game is good. It’s not great (yet, anyway) but I’m 30ish hours in and I feel like I’m 10hrs in. The quest line I focused on after getting my bearings seems to be one of the better ones and while I prefer exploring in a skyrim/fallout way I have had plenty of fun just dropping by random planets to see what I can find. It’s at least very obvious which planets are boring before you even land on them. Ultimately in real life I think we can be pretty confident that the vast majority of planets and solar systems would be boring as fuck. Starfield needs some aspect of realism so having one or 2 planets or moons/stations per system that are actually worth visiting is a good call in my opinion.


    Starfield felt much bigger for me when I didn’t use fast travel. I used to play Elite extensively so needing to walk back to my ship and take off and then needing to plot a course to my destination makes it feel larger. I agree with you on the you’ve felt that you’re only 10 hours in and then when you checked your playtime you’re already 30 hours in.

    In my case I just played a couple of faction quests and I’m already 60 hours in. Coming from Armored Core 6 I just basically spent most of my time building ships.

    Pat12, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

    They will openly say this and still the US does nothing to stop it

    corsicanguppy, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

    Come on up, but bring your resumes.


    Bring your hammers and start building houses.


    I hear Ukraine has a booming housing market.

    ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

    How would a lifelong cook fair in that regard?


    Depends on the country. At least around 2020 I’d heard from my sister in Australia that they were trying to incentivize people in the industry to get work visas. It’s hard to get citizenship there though iirc

    DarkMetatron, (edited ) to games in Starfield dev says some of the space RPG's "planets are empty by design - but that's not boring"

    Starfield is a game about a humanity in the early stages of interstellar travel and colonization, a game without living alien civilizationals. A hard science fiction game with deep roots in realistic science (with the exception of the grav drive and the temples/powers/unity).

    It would be utterly unrealistic and unimmersive to have all planets full of interesting landmarks, structures or the like. Sure it could host relics/remains of other civilisations or stuff like that, but that would change the game on a fundamental level and would break the story of the game.

    I love that space and most planets are utterly boring in Starfield, because that is the truth about space, it is huge, boring and mostly dead.

    But I can understand everyone who thinks that this makes Starfield a boring game, there are lots of games out there that I think are boring (GTA 5 for example) which are loved by huge crowds of people.

    Dirk_Darkly, (edited )

    In this same vein I actually want Starfield to be even more immersive. When I take off in search of a new planet, I want to leave my computer on for 700 years while my ship travels through space.

    What do you mean that’s stupid and boring? It’s real.


    200 years, at least that’s what it took for the generation ship without GravDrive in the game.

    WarmSoda, (edited )

    Having planets with nothing on them isn’t a problem.
    It’s having planets that all have the same exact things on them that’s the problem. There’s building that have the same exact clutter in the same exact place everywhere, in the same exact layouts, and even the same exact dead bodies in the same exact place and positions.


    To be honest this is nothing I really have seen so far but that could be because I don’t jump from planet location to planet location in rapid succession. I have hours or even days of real time between visits to those places, so I normally don’t remember the layouts of the places or the position of dead body’s (especially with all the dead spacers or pirates added).

    And that lots of those places have nearly identical layouts is something that I expect, those are often old military facilities, build with layouts defined by military bureaucracy.

    And the civilian facilities are all build from the same limited set of easy and cheap available outpost modules, that those are hugely identical is not that far fetched.

    woelkchen, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first avatar
    ChonkyOwlbear, to world in US is reimposing oil sanctions on Venezuela, officials say

    6 months from now “Why are all these Venezuelans coming across the border!?!”


    For cheaper gas?

    moitoi, avatar

    I thought it was to steal our gas? /S

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