VirtualOdour, to world in Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: 'We are not in a good position'

Bullshit article from greedy rich Tories but it doesn’t matter because everyone just went off on their own rant regardless and didn’t even try and engage with any part of it beside the headline.

kescusay, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Sooo… I speak French. I’m pretty rusty (though I’ve been trying to get it all back this year), but I speak it well enough that it would probably help me get accepted into Canada. I’m a software developer, so it’s not like I’d be a drain on society, I could be very productive there.

I have my passport. My wife is renewing hers. We’re getting passports for the kids this year.

For me, it’s not a question of if we move, should Trump somehow win. It’s when, where, and how.

We won’t stay here.

Both my kids are LGBTQ+. Another Trump presidency would be a direct threat to their lives. So yeah, if he wins, we’re probably going to Canada.

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

The problem today is that immigrating to another developed country is usually really difficult unless you or an immediate family member already have citizenship of that country.

You can bypass that requirement if you throw a shitload of money at that country to let you in. And maybe Canada would let you in as a software dev if you settled in Quebec? But from what I’ve read in the past, unlike medical doctors, software developers aren’t usually considered one of the elite professionals that bypass those immigration limitations.

But I wish you the best of luck. And as a software developer myself, I would be interested to hear from you and others on how immigration works for our profession.

kescusay, avatar

One thing in my favor, perhaps… I work for a large multinational company that already has a hefty presence up there. So I could theoretically arrive already employed.

But yeah, if Canada doesn’t work out, we’ll have to figure out something else - heck, maybe France itself. I’ve been there before and loved it.


For a developer is kinda easy to go to the EU. Search for “Blue card”. If you get an offer that pays enough the requirements are less and you get faster roadmaps for permanent settelment.

The biggest problem would be to get the offer from abroad but it is doable if you’re skills are inline with the market.

agent_flounder, avatar

My kid is LGBTQ. Probably a good idea to renew. My wife spoke a european language fluently (but rusty). I could maybe find an infosec job somewhere but I’m in my 50s and monolingual so idk. Not sure what countries would have us. I guess I need to figure it out pretty soon.

khannie, avatar

Ireland’s pretty nice, English speaking, Americans are well liked and there is high demand for infosec people who get paid well. Not sure what our immigration laws are like for Americans though so you’d need to look into that.

Weather is fairly shit though. It’s very rarely below freezing but it’s also rarely above like 23C.

Housing is also very expensive and you would likely take a pay cut but get more holidays and have better employment protection.

kescusay, avatar

I’m from Oregon, the Ireland of the United States as far as weather is concerned. It’s on my list.

khannie, avatar

Ah sure you’d be right at home so :) Let’s hope it doesn’t come to it, eh? If it does and you’re seriously considering it feel free to hit me up with any questions.

Zorsith, avatar

Rarely above 23c (73f) sounds delightful, I spent roughly 6 years of my childhood on RAF Feltwell in the UK so I’m already somewhat familiar to the rain

khannie, avatar

Ah sure you’ll fit right in. :)


If you aren’t hired by an Irish company, moving to Ireland is extremely difficult.


I emigrated to Canada, it’s pretty sweet up here… just be aware that housing is extremely expensive and you will take a significant paycut.

Not having to worry about medical bankruptcy though… fucking priceless.


French people can’t pass the French test to get into Quebec lol.

kescusay, avatar

How different is France French from Canada French? Are we talking British and American English? Or is it more drastic?


From what I understand it’s much different, you can almost certainly get by conversationally but might not academically. I only know this because I work with Quebec a decent amount and it’s anecdotal so I guess vet it properly, apparently the test is extremely hard


I would say it’s more like American English compared to Scottish English.

On paper there is few idioms that are different but in practice the accent difference range from “few interesting intonation there and there” to “barely intelligible for someone who is not used to it”


I would say it’s more like American English compared to Scottish English.

On paper there is few idioms that are different but in practice the accent difference range from “few interesting intonation there and there” to “barely intelligible for someone who is not used to it”

yuri, to lgbtq_plus in Christian lifeguard doesn't have to raise the Pride flag. But he objects to making subordinates do it

Now, would it be religious discrimination if he were fired for not being able to fulfill the duties of a lifeguard, regardless of religious reasoning? If raising the flag is part of the job, where do you draw the line?

Obviously people shouldn’t be forced to compromise their religious beliefs for a paycheck, but by that same measure people shouldn’t be paid if they’re not actually doing their job. If your religion prevents you from doing a job effectively, then you shouldn’t in good conscious even seek that job.

I know raising pride flags isn’t necessarily in the job description for any generic lifeguard, but you get what the fuck I’m saying.

wesker, to world in Six officers injured as protesters clash with police outside Israeli embassy in Mexico avatar

Mexico always goes hard. Respect.

rimu, to world in Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: 'We are not in a good position' avatar

This is the kind of inflation that raising interest rates cannot solve. They'll try it anyway.


My salary sure isn’t raising enough to keep up lol

FuglyDuck, to world in Israel says it is trying to 'flood' Gaza with aid avatar

Well, yeah. Gotta bait the trap somehow.

Coach, to politics in Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President

Folks. It’s over. I’m a big fan of democracy and fully understand what we’re up against, but it’s time to take Biden out back and put him down with at least some semblance of honor.


And replace him with who?


smash bros voice:


lennybird, avatar

Anyone: (1) young, and (2) not old.

But just curious: are you sincerely asking this as if you haven’t heard the half dozen names floated, some of whom did better in battleground states than Biden?

chakan2, avatar



Someone who can speak. Clearly and effectively, if possible.

I’m deeply understanding and sensitive to people with speech impediments. The debate (and, let’s be honest, any time he speaks without a prompter) was embarrassing and concerning. I’m voting D no matter what and I’m not looking for a great president, but we can’t afford to be nostalgic. Democracy can’t afford it.


I agree, but somehow this post gets downvoted because it’s the reality that c/politics mods don’t want to hear. 🙄

theotherverion, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

These radical Zionists (usually Kahanists and similar) are just as bad as Hamas and other terrorist groups.

JoMiran, to politics in Trump ally Bannon ordered to report to prison for defying Jan. 6 probe avatar
anticolonialist, to politics in Morehouse Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out of Graduation as Joe Biden Gives Speech

And had the nerve to address a HBCU to pander for the black vote.

jeffw, avatar

How DARE he accept an invitation that the HBCU sent to him? He should reject it!!

Then you’d be on here complaining about how he doesn’t care about the Black vote lol

rigatti, avatar

But Trump had that (AI) photo with black guys! And Cardi B doesn’t like Biden!

mozz, avatar

Tracy Morgan, too, has a very important message

rigatti, avatar

Holy shit, that’s sadly still relevant.

mozz, avatar

Ha ha ha, yeah it's (suddenly starts crying)


I wouldnt be complaining about not caring for the black vote because they don’t care. They use marginalized communities as human shields to defend their shitty politics. Then toss them back to the curb the day of the election.


Black Americans have been one of the most reliable faction of the democratic party for 75 years.

Are you suggesting they are stupid?


No, he’s saying that national Democracts leverage the black community for votes, and in exchange, repeatedly screw them over - when they manage to remember they exist outside of election cycles.

At least, that’s how I read his comment. It is only partially intelligible.


And if black people can’t see that, they are just stupid, I am assuming he thinks.

My father used to say this a lot. This is one of the oldest republican talking points in the world.

A lot of leftists are just ore-republicans and that needs to be pushed against.


It’s possible they think that, but it’s not something that is made clear through their comments here, at least not to me. But that’s mostly because they’re very poorly written, like I said, only partially intelligible.


Im suggesting Democrats use them to retain power, appeal to their needs every election cycle then toss them back to the curb the day after the election.


So what does it say that the majority of black voters disagree with you?

Why don’t they see it the way you do? Do they lack something you don’t?


Because like most liberals, many dont see their needs are being exploited. Or that their rights are being held hostage until an election cycle, when they are showered with platitudes about concern and addressing their needs. Only to be shoved to the back of the bus the day after the elections


So black people overwhelmingly lack your intelligence…

Yeah, I think your screen name is a lie.

HuntressHimbo, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

I mean my coworkers families are in danger today, why would you expect them to give a shit about an election six months away when they might get the call to find out they don’t have relatives tomorrow.


Because they’ll still exist tomorrow, and the not-having-relatives-danger only increases by supporting the republiQan?

Is this really that difficult to understand? Using this watershed election as an entry-point to understanding how national politics and foreign relations work (or don’t work) is not only irresponsible, it’s tragic timing. Perfect timing for russia tho. Coincidentally.


Please explain how electing a Republican in 6 months could possibly lower their families chances tomorrow. People not pressuring Biden are telling them don’t worry six months from now you can keep things exactly as bad for your family as they are now, but if you don’t we promise it will get even worse.

0 opportunity to improve things and a fat chance to make them worse, gee I wonder why they’re not sold. Dead is dead, and we are asking them to give us six months of waiting on the off chance that things would be worse the other way.

Riccosuave, (edited ) avatar

I’m going to keep it 💯 with you. Those people are in danger no matter who is in office because Israel is hellbent on commiting genocide, and the United States is strategically aligned with Israel. That isn’t going to change in the immediate term no matter what delusions you or anyone else might have.

What will get A LOT fucking worse is the future for everyone in the United States that is not part of the oligarchy if Donald Trump gets back in office. There won’t be any chance to make reforms, or change US foreign policy. Anybody that isn’t white, upper class, or a collaborator is going to become a second class citizen.

So it is time to decide whether you are going to support the party that is going to preserve democracy, or if you are going to doom this country because you want everyone to identify with the suffering of those in Gaza. Either way, Gaza will be in the same position that it is in right now. All we are discussing is whether we are going to doom millions more people along with them.


Or Biden could change course? He’s got time and the ramping up of pressure against him will hopefully reach a fever pitch that he’ll have no choice but to do so. If not, then he really likes Israel more than he likes democracy, and it’s as much his fault as it is the people who refuse to vote for the guy who’s killing their family members.


It’s really weird how people have seen the ramping up in pressure cause him to change course and then just decide that’s the limit, and further pressure will be ineffective.


Please explain how electing a Republican in 6 months could possibly lower their families chances tomorrow.

Certainly. The republiQan party’s ties to the Netanyahu right-wing government are much stronger and more aligned. They also wish to wipe out the population of Palestine and take their land. The Democratic party does not align with those goals.

That’s how they could lower their familie’s chances. Does that make sense?


No, because you are still failing to address the time aspect. Tomorrow, as in 6 months before the elections.

Sanctus, avatar

It doesn’t. This is our american bed. Lay in it. This is what happens when lobbyists and affluent people are allowed to place hundreds of millions of free speech into the pockets of politicians. This is what happens when religion and government mix, even slightly. The only chance those people have of America ending support tomorrow is a violent uprising that would most likely make everything worse for every American. Pick your poison, they all cause death.


Wow, what agreat sales pitch to encourage people to vote for the guy who’s killing their family members…

Sanctus, avatar

Go ahead and bury your head in the sand then. You know what? Just go vote for Trump. You’ll love it.


I’m definitely not voting for Trump. I live in a blue state where my vote doesn’t matter anyway. I’m just saying, you guys aren’t helping as much as you think you are. Look at it from their point of view. They’re not thinking rationally, and honestly, I don’t expect them to. It’s an emotionally charged situation when people you know or people like you are being genocided. The effort would be better spent trying to force Biden to change tactics on supporting Israel before election day.

Sanctus, avatar

Oh believe me I did the uncommitted thing too. There are just other remedies than voting for Trump and fucking all of us.


If the choice is between just them being fucked and everyone being fucked, there’s plenty of people who would choose the latter, especially if that threat could potentially be used to reduce their fucking. Maybe just try to do something to help people whose families are dying instead of pleading for them to think of you?

Sanctus, avatar

“That shit over there is killing my family, let me bring it to where I live.”


a) That you need to enhance a Trump victory to him bombing US cities has to induce some minimal recognition that you’re going far off course.

b) That you think people wouldn’t risk their lives to save their family really speaks to how dumb it is to stick your head into their business. It’s just a hypothetical in a game theory thought argument to you, not actual people.

Sanctus, avatar

That b point sounds like a wild assumption. Israel is ruled by a right wing extremist party. Can you see how we don’t want a right wing extremist party to take control here? That’s the relation. No game theory hypothetical.


The right wing party is killing people outside of Israel. Most Israelis are perfect fine with the bloodshed, just as most Americans were happy with our decades of war and drone strikes. And you’re still not approaching this as if real people these voters loved are being killed right now because of Biden’s policy choices. It’s not an assumption, it’s evident in how flippant you are about them just letting it go.

Sanctus, avatar

Still making assumptions, still no reason to bring the dictatorship home.


Yeah there aren’t any US Presidential elections before November, that I’m aware of anyway.

I mean after six months is a kind of tomorrow, it’s just not literally tomorrow. Using the election to press a point is not really relevant if we’re not talking about the election though. We’d otherwise just agree.


They want him to change NOW. Not six months from now after he’s elected. NOW. The electoral threat is meant to cause current changes.

Threatening to vote against a politician is really the only leverage voters have, and it’s not like they just wait until the week of an election to demand things. “If you don’t do this, I won’t vote for you” is a standard template for demanding action.


well, howabout this: we’ll join in all the foot-stomping and loud sighing up until the election. If we can get some concessions through it - great! All for it.

But we vote Biden in November. Because if you want to drive the election like an asshole and steer it into the ditch so trump gets in - Yeah, no. Not just no, but HELL no.

How is this even a question? Do you even know what you’re talking about? Have you ever even voted before? Honestly the cavalier attitude to trump getting in is batshit insanity. I hope y’all are just stoned as fuck.


Sure, that seems pretty reasonable to me. It’ll notably look exactly like what you’re exasperated about though. “We’re definitely going to vote for you but we’re angry” is shorthand for “ignore me”.


Only if the whole “representative” part of democracy is a sham and a joke. I don’t think it is.

It’s weak, yes, in some ways broken, constantly under siege, in actual existential danger at the present time - but it’s real and the best version we’ve come up with yet in the history of the world. And it wasn’t easy to get here.


It’s representative because the representatives need their constituents’ votes to stay in power. It may not be a spoken exchange, but that’s exactly the exchange that takes place with every call. That’s not a sham, that’s exactly what makes it a democracy. The idea that elected officials broadly act out of the goodness of their hearts is describing a benevolent aristocracy. Also a fantasy.


. . . ? Sorry, it’s representative but only because politicians need votes?

Not sure what the point is there.


And they do things for their constituents because otherwise they will lose votes. Which you seem to think would only occur if the democracy was a joke rather than the very core of the system.


Not “only” because they’d lose votes, but yes that is a feature of the representative system. What is it you think I’m saying about it? I think you’re saying representative democracy is bad because the representatives need votes to be in office . . . ?


It’ll notably look exactly like what you’re exasperated about though. “We’re definitely going to vote for you but we’re angry” is shorthand for “ignore me”.

Only if the whole “representative” part of democracy is a sham and a joke. I don’t think it is.

This sounds like you believe telling a representative that your vote is assured but your angry with their choice will get them to take your concerns seriously unless the “representative” part is a sham, but there’s no inherent expectation of goodness in a representative democracy. If they don’t want to do something and you (and all your allies) tell them “we want you to change your position, but we’re going to vote for you regardless of what you do”, you’ve told them all they need to know, because ignoring you won’t cost them any votes and presumably the other choice either will or is just what they’d like to do.

“Representative” democracy just means we hand over immediate power to the people we vote for to do the day to day governing. It doesn’t mean they actually innately represent their constituents nor does it involve just guessing who’d be best every four years and then sitting back and hoping it goes well.

Politicians ignore their constituents all the time. I’m glad that Biden doesn’t give a fuck that some pro-life zealots are big mad that he doesn’t ban abortion. He knows they have almost no chance of voting for him and it would lose him a bunch of his actual voters. But if we all got together and said “hey Joe, don’t worry about what we want on abortion, we’re 100% with you regardless”, he might start thinking about softening his stance on abortion bans to pick up a few more votes from the zealots. You can leave the threat to not vote for them unsaid, but the threat is what gets them to change their stance, and if you preemptively rule out ever taking away the thing they want in the transaction, they have no reason to do so.

Votes in exchange for policy is the whole deal. There’s no requirement in a functioning democratic system for the representatives to just do stuff out of innate goodness.

Burn_The_Right, to world in Ghana anti-LGBT bill prompts safety fears

Conservatism is a global cancer. It is an ever-spreading plague of death.

There is no such thing as a “good conservative”. Each one is a cancer cell working to oppress, harm and kill the vulnerable. Coworkers, family, friends, neighbors… Every conservative in our lives is cancerous to humanity.

Matriks404, to world in Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says

*Smolensk flashbacks


Kobe flashback

Zahille7, (edited )

Montgomery Gentry flashback

orcrist, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

This is just a terribly written headline. The problem is, if you changed the headline, there wouldn’t even be a story.

There’s a fairly large group of Arabs in that area, and some of them might vote for Trump. This is not surprising. If you live in the area, it might even be worth reading more about why they would support Trump. One could try to discuss their positions and see if they really think that Trump would do better or worse than Biden.

It is often mentioned but needs to be repeated here, because the same mistake was made yet again… Any time you try to blame one small group for the outcome of an election, you’re just wrong. Everyone who votes, or doesn’t vote, everyone who campaigns, who supports people campaigning, everyone who creates or runs the systems that assemble and count votes, they all play a role in determining the outcome.


No you’re wrong, a few thousand edgy lunatics totally decided the 2016 general election, the one where Trump literally lost the popular vote while corporate Dems ignored historic battlegrounds and popular policies, instead assuming it was their turn to win.

Liberals seriously can’t see how much they are embarrassing themselves and revealing their true nature.

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

Completely chilling while Zionists kick you out of university for peaceful protest, making kids homeless thousands of miles from home with no money and ruining their education. Think of the economy!

The same people that feel so bad for the homeless but have no problem with NIMBYism and never actually help or vote for helpers.

The slow realization that liberals will welcome fascism if it means they can step over your dead body to get Starbucks tomorrow is absolutely fucking chilling.

Zaktor, (edited )

Always talking about nice sound bites, kindness, and world peace while stabbing you in the back as soon as it’s time to make laws and just sitting back while police kill you.

The kicker on their hippy-punching cheerleading is that there’s perfect examples of kumbaya liberalism in the universities that negotiated. They didn’t even necessarily commit to divestment, just all came together and talked with empathy to resolve an issue with people that even in the liberal manufactured consent framing are at worst being misled. But liberalism isn’t actually their driving ethos, it’s maintaining power for themselves and for existing structures, and for that, hippy punching is exactly the result they want. The protesters’ greatest sin isn’t some trumped up charge of antisemitism, it’s challenging their superiors.

Eggyhead, (edited ) to games in PlayStation Portal Sales Continue to Impress Despite Skepticism

I bought a deck instead, and it turns out 80% of my game time is on Chiaki4Deck, streaming my PS5. I don’t regret the purchase, but I do miss those haptic dualsense features.
However, Deck has OLED and HDR streaming. Plus 720p resolution is more stable than 1080p.


Chiaki4Deck is amazing and added a lot for me. Don’t have to stop playing FF7:Rebirth when someone else wants the TV 😄 Just pause, switch over, and keep playing. PS Portal seems like a good idea until you realise your phone can do the same thing with your existing controller and a £10 attachment.

I did (pre steam deck) get Chiaki working on my homebrew switch. It was okay, but nowhere near as good as the deck is performance wise.

Edit: Word

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