muntedcrocodile, to world in U.S. embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists' avatar

Why warn let it happen u had one job and that was shut the fuck up while ur enemy gets bombed.


Because the US and Russia still have a mutual war on terrorism.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

The war on terror existed to surveil citizens any war on a concept is both a misdirection of purpose and doomed to fail.


So, it has nothing to do with people murdering children in Russian schools or running planes into NYC buildings…



muntedcrocodile, avatar

Nope russian kids getting killed has to do with putin wanted to russify its citizens and kill any sub ethnicity and 911 was the smartest target for a terror attack history will probably ever see (hitting the financhial center was sending a message about the us dollars global domination through the federal reserve) this resulted in the war on terror which was an excuse to implement the patriot act (if ive ever heard a bill with a name designed so u cant campaign against it the patriot act is probably the best one yet) which was used to take away the citizens privacy in the name of think of the terrorists.

Terror attacks are exactly that attacks of terror designed to induce terror nothing less nothing more the deaths are pretty negligable in the scheme of things. Terror attacks often end up being very usfull politically to quickly move a bill through to oppress people in the name of security (hence the 911 was planned conspiracy theoryies, i wouldnt be suprised if it was tbh). This is why terror attacks in russia are good cos putin will overreact tightening the noose on the russian populus people will suffer (thats the plan at least) and it will drive civil unrest reducing their war effort.


So, during a state of lukewarm war, hotter than cold but not quite hot, America should just let a Jewish community get massacred by ISIS because it would leave egg on the face of our rival?

The world is pretty fucked up right now, I’m sorry for what it’s turned you into. Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any.

SteefLem, avatar

_ Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any. _

Thats because for most ppl its all very far away. Moment its gets close or closer it becomes different. Everyone (including me) is a Rambo on his/her couch on the other side of the planet.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Sacrifices must be made. Worse case senario its killing possible recruits for the war machine. Its just cold hard math and numbers dont give a fuck about humanity. In this cruel world we are forced to use the tools of our enemies so we can destroy them. I wish it didnt have to be this way but sadly dead people seem to be the only effective way to send a message.

Ohh and btw do u still buy cheap chinese crap build by slaves that have been forcfully sterilised or do u enjoy ur cushy life behind a keyboard consuming chinese crap powered by genocide without a care in the world.

We all make sacrifices to our morality every day but i guess as long as u dont have to think about it its not your problem. Everything is bathed in blood from the oil in ur car to the computer ur reading this on the only question is how much of that blood are you willing to accept is on your hands and how much more will you accept in the name of furthering ur goals.


Innocent people should not be sacrificed because of your personal mental afflictions

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Wow reverting to basless insults how mature. Innocent people will always be sacrificed its a sad reality if we dont do the same we are playing at a significant disadvantage.


It’s not baseless, it’s true. You sound like a crazy person. The rest is on you.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

I dont really care how it sounds all i ask is for you to find a statisticly significant reason for why i am objectivly wrong.


You’re not worth the effort

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Interesting way to say despite me being a cunt im right.


You’re fantasizing about the necessity of sacrificing innocent people. Seek mental health care.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

Im not fantasising about it im stating it as what happens and whats nessasary to acheive parity of capabilities with russia something we need to be capable of doing to counter them effectivly.


lmao, fuck off. All it would take is funding the defense of Ukraine. Go on. Fuck right the fuck off.

3 fucking days dealing with your bullshit


I totally, wholeheartedly agree that there is NO ethical consumption in the modern day. Every first world pleasure I enjoy is taken at the barrel of a gun. As a union worker I buy American, or buy from places less likely to have sweatshop conditions, when it makes sense to do so.

But none of that has anything to do with what we’re talking about. You’re a deranged misanthropic accelerationist, please seek therapy.

muntedcrocodile, avatar

How is it different whos blood it is being spilled. Misantropic no accelerationist for our enemies thats the friggin point what do u think sanctions are for its to cause suffering and pain in the general populus and drive unrest to tie up resources solving that problem it sure as hell aint gonna effect the top of the line big rich fuckers it exists to cause suffering of the masses.

JayObey711, to upliftingnews in Startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries

I want to eat them. Capture all the pollution in the blocks and I’ll eat them. Call me jesus or whatever but really I’m just doing it to prove a point


If you metabolize all the plant matter into carbon dioxide, that would kind of defeat the purpose…


I don’t think I will metabolize anything after eating tons of co2. Just put me in a big glass jar and let me celebrate my victory until I’m inevitably taken down.

YeetPics, to world in Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says

Did iran just false-flag their own president?


i mean maybe, but their actual leader is Supreme Leader Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei

LainTrain, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

What did you expect? They don’t really give a shit about the fate of the US or women’s rights or the rights of LGBT folks, a rule by dictatorial decree isn’t different from what they’re used to back home lol just kidding haha imagine if I wrote some racist shit like this as a neolib lol get fucked Biden you genocide supporting cunt, just revoke Israel’s imperialism pass its that easy.

return2ozma, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes. avatar

“Biden was supposed to be the peacemaker. The comfort-maker. Instead, he became accessory to the biggest genocide in modern history.”



pikasaurX4, to pcgaming in Palworld's upcoming Arena mode looks like Pokémon PvP with guns

Jesus, no it doesn’t. These media outlets want nothing more than to put the word “Pokémon” in their headlines to drive clicks. It’s as little like Pokémon as the game has always been

johanbcn, to games in PlayStation Portal Sales Continue to Impress Despite Skepticism

Guess we can kiss goodbye the idea of having another PSP in the future then…


Why do people think this fancy controller is a handheld console?


Because it costs like one. PSP dropped at $250 though it quickly went down.

This is $200 and all it does is let you play your own very expensive PS5 Games so long you stay within your own home portably.


And if you don’t want that, don’t buy one.

It won’t somehow become a separate platform, just because the price is higher than you’d like, for a single-purpose object. Its sales prove nothing about a completely different theoretical gizmo.

Nobody saw the Wavebird and went “well, the DS is fucked.”

00x0xx, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

Just like North America, when the British sent their religious fanatics to colonize their new colonies.

Veraxus, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Reminder: Trump, being an insurrectionist, is barred from office by the Constitution. Any attempt to install him needs to be dealt with harshly and immediately, in no uncertain terms. Such violations of our most sacred foundational law cannot be tolerated. Then again, the GOP knows this, which is why we need to pay double attention to their VP candidate.

FreakinSteve, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

No they’re not

DarkSpectrum, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

With what money? That country keeps all it’s people poor.

MapleEngineer, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves avatar

Go south. Canada can’t house or feed you and you will freeze to death in the first winter.

  • a Candian
belated_frog_pants, to gaming in Exclusive-Unity Software cutting 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation

Stupid fucking ceo.

steal_your_face, to politics in Sisters in Christ group pays property taxes on Senate candidate Steve Garvey’s home. Why? avatar

He’s def banging one of them sisters

FuglyDuck, avatar

All of them. Probably.

They sound like a cult.

Or they specialize in nun fetish videos

HelixDab2, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Man, dumb shit like this makes me want to let the leopards they want to vote for eat their faces.

I’m white, male, solidly middle-aged. I can look like a neo-con magat if I need to. Shit, as long as the only thing I’m talking about is guns, most people will probably think I am a neo-con. Most people aren’t going to recognize my tattoos, so they’ll be able to believe that I’m some kind of christian fucko, esp. since I know the bible far better than most evangelicals.

I survived Trump’s first term without too many direct negative effects. I’m old enough that I’m not the one that’s going to be well and truly fucked when climate change slams into the US like a derailed freight train. I haven’t had to worry about accidentally getting someone pregnant in 30 years, so rights to choose and access to birth control have zero direct affect on me. I can let dumb fucks burn their own house down around them, and it’s not going to directly harm me.

…But goddamn, I still want to save those idiots from themselves, because I don’t want to live in the country that Trump and Republicans want this to be.

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