slaacaa, to world in Russia is drastically underplaying the toll of its warship exploding, report suggests

As according to pro-Russia trolls here on Lemmy, Ukraine is losing the war, I wonder how much damage they would do to the Russian fleet, if they were actually winning


Not trying to defend Russia, but the concept of a Pyrrhic Victory has existed for quite some time.


Yeah and it’s been Russian military strategy for nearly as long. Idk if Russia will win, but as it is now both countries will struggle under the weight of the loss of population and resources and immense debt that they’re incurring. For Ukraine it’s obviously worth it, but for Russia, I struggle to see how it’s worth it because even victory will come with an angry edge province and political instability.


You are correct in my opinion. It seems whoever orchestrated that thought it would be the second Crimea, forgot Ukraine had 8 years to prepare (even with a shared soviet corruption problems and cheap traitors) and completely ignored the historical case of their resistance in and post WW2. One magazine even published a postponned article summarizing the achievements of russian warriors, and there were public persons speculating about taking Kiyv in three days. Even if you ignore them normalizing of such an act at all, they were sniffing their farts while planning it and thinking it’d go alright.

Darkassassin07, to politics in Eric Swalwell Expertly Roasts Donald Trump In Inquiry Exchange With Hunter Biden avatar


SWALWELL: Any time your father was in government, prior to the Presidency or before, did he ever operate a hotel?

BIDEN: No, he has never operated a hotel.

SWALWELL: So he’s never operated a hotel where foreign nationals spent millions at that hotel while he was in office?

BIDEN: No, he has not.

SWALWELL: Did your father ever employ in the Oval Office any direct family member to also work in the Oval Office?

BIDEN: My father has never employed any direct family members, to my knowledge.

SWALWELL: While your father was President, did anyone in the family receive 41 trademarks from China?


SWALWELL: As President and the leader of the party, has your father ever tried to install as the chairperson of the party a daughter-in-law or anyone else in the family?

BIDEN: No. And I don’t think that anyone in my family would be crazy enough to want to be the chairperson of the DNC.

SWALWELL: Has your father ever in his time as an adult been fined $355 million by any State that he worked in?

BIDEN: No, he has not, thank God.

SWALWELL: Anyone in your family ever strike a multibillion dollar deal with the Saudi Government while your father was in office?


SWALWELL: That’s all I’ve got.

Octospider, to canada in International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September

I’m glad we continue to allow international students to work. When we couple them with temporary foreign workers, maybe one day we can ensure no Canadians are employed.

If your company can’t afford to pay Canadians and instead needs to exploit overseas workers, then your company shouldn’t exist.

aodhsishaj, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

For those curious, here’s from the other side.


Not the view people are going to be hoping for…




Very different perspective indeed. The OP article is sensational and refers to the "chaos" that ensure.

Toplessness is legal in New York, but I don't think flashing would be. Not sure about the laws in Dublin.

This was obviously a business move to draw fans to the OF site. The better article didn't publicize the woman's name.


Yeah, it’s the same dummy that licked an airplane seat during covid.

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Ah, sounds like someone going for the herostratus approach to fame

GlassHalfHopeful, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

The portal is a genuinely fun idea. I’d love to see those all around!

But… people being people got to ruin all the fun. So… I don’t suppose I’ll be seeing one of these any time soon.



It’s not a genuine view into my city, unless a homeless guy stabs it and takes a shit in front of it

Andromxda, avatar

I’d love to see those all around!

There’s another such portal between the Polish city of Lublin and the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius.

Fiivemacs, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

Why is there so much whatever over a big tv/monitor, and a webcam…I really don’t get humans fascinations with this when they presumably all own the same stuff at home.

Badeendje, avatar

Yeah… Chatroulette never had any of these issues. I just don’t get the huplah over boobs.


The fascination is that you have an audience.

chris, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

OMG Boobs! Does nobody think of the Children?!?!?!?!



public toplessness is legal in NYCm and has been since 2010 for everyone. i’m guessing that it’s not in Dublin?

520, (edited )

Lol nope! Republic of Ireland has been a heavily-Catholic country since its inception. It's lightened in recent years and some surprises do slip through but that ain't one of them.


Pretty sure a guy mooned nyc so wtf?

Sanctus, avatar

Man ass is verifiably less offensive to religious types than any part of a woman being visible.


I’d churn my own butter at the sight of a woman’s bare ankle bone. Best to just punish women for that. It’s impossible to control my own urges.


I’d churn my own butter

vile, never heard it said this way before, I’m stealing this for personal use


This doesn’t make sense so why do they hate gays then?


Because they find gay sex unappealing, seems to be the main reason. If you point out that that is simply because they’re not gay, they are unable to understand the point.


It’s the enjoying part that is frowned upon. They assume everyone loves seeing boobs so they must be punished for that. A bare man ass is comical at best for most. If they thought people were enjoying it they must be punished


Because Catholicism.

Catholics believe that any sexual activity that doesn't have a chance of making a baby is sinful. Gays obviously can't make babies as a normal part of their love making, so that's where the whole 'being gay is sinful' bit comes from


What does being addicted to cats have to do with anything!? How many cats do you have to own before you become a Catholics?


The usual tell is when you need to have a cat in the morning just to function.


I don’t think you’ve been to Ireland in a long long time if you think the church has any moral or real power over society as a whole here.


well she wasn’t in dublin, this whole thing is dumb lol


Might read past the headline.

Another “very drunk” woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man

One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone

Probably wasn’t the only time. People generally being people is probably why they shut it down.


Lol typical Americans snowflakes “9/11 too soon”


Ask Irish people what they think about the drink “Irish car bomb”


Probably that it taste disgusting and super sweet like “American” food.


Super Sweet

Tell me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is without telling me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is.


…Irish car bombs have Bailey’s Irish Cream and possibly coffee liqueur in them. Many people would say that’s a pretty sweet drink.

You sure you’re not thinking of an Irish Boilermaker? That’s just a beer with Irish whiskey.


I think this is a regional thing, as you just made me doubt myself.

I’ve ordered car bombs here in the Midwest and it’s always been whiskey and a stout. I don’t know if I’d call anything with just coffee liqueur in it a “car bomb” that’s not a very strong drink.

A quick Wikipedia check says it can be either Irish cream or whiskey, and that the names are somewhat interchangeable.


Irish carbomb is a glass of Guinness and half a shot of Jameson Irish whiskey and half a shot of bailey’s Irish creme. Drop the shot in and chug the delicious concoction.


Delicious as say a chocolate milkshake?


Can’t say I’ve ever had the cream


Enjoy your corn syrup in everything you eat and drink. Your a fooking retard if you don’t think an Irish car bomb doesn’t taste like a milkshake.


Wow, you’re pleasant.

See, where I’m from, a carbomb is a cocktail made from beer and hard liquor. We’ve got Chicago carbombs/handshakes which is Malort and Old Style. I’ve even had a Mexican carbomb with tequila and Modelo.

Coffee liqueur and beer isn’t really a thing where I’m from, in the heart of corn country. So you’re the one drinking milk shakes at the bar as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe instead of being a dick to people because of where they happen to live, you could try to learn about cultural and regional differences.


Oh of course your a dumb fuck from Chicago it all makes sense. All that wind and bullshit spewing from your fat face. Only the mentally challenged would pay to drink malort. I bet you drank those Mexican carbombs on “Mexican Independence Day” or Cinco de mayo 😂.

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, Civility


That doesn’t really seem very equivalent. The closest equivalence I can think of is either the terrorism of the founding fathers, which is too far back to really strike the same chord, or maybe like, american drone strikes or something. Or, maybe if I was feeling particularly cheeky, I might compare it to the violence enacted by the civil rights movement, since that was also a domestic american liberation movement maybe comparable to the IRA, but, I dunno. not really any american style equivalence there.

mriormro, avatar


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  • fah_Q,

    I hope you can cure your asimptote.



    ? what does this mean

    jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, civility.

    blazera, avatar

    Thatll stop em from being people




    I’m not saying it was a good thing to do, but once you have that idea, it becomes an irresistible temptation. The 9/11 one, although I guess it might be true of the other one, too.

    argh_another_username, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    And that’s why we can’t have nice things.

    Retrograde, avatar

    I can’t believe people were subjected to boobs, unbelievable


    they’re gonna need therapy




    And he also made false teeth


    Addict insane


    Desensitisation therapy of course


    Exactly, bigots are the reason we can’t have nice things.


    For a very short moment there were two nice things though 🤔

    _sideffect, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It


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  • noodlejetski,

    misogynistic jerks gonna be misogynistic jerks too, it appears.


    Lmao she’s an of girl and you’re calling me misogynistic? Do you even know what it means? 😂😂😂


    What does her being an only fans girl have to do with her needing to be locked up?

    Also are you saying it’s impossible to be misogynistic towards an only fans girl?


    If a guy took his penis out, wouldn’t he be locked up for public exposure? Why the double standard always with women, it’s sickening.


    If a guy went topless nobody would have given a fuck is the more appropriate comparison, the fact that you have to intentionally reach for the wrong example to make your point work is proof, that the people calling you misogynistic are not far off.


    I didn’t know guys had breasts, thanks for that clarification.


    Women tend to have more tissue and larger size as a secondary sex characteristic, but both men and women develop breast tissue. Men and women both have breasts.


    No they don’t. Men’s breast tissue goes away from 6 months to 2 years of age.

    If they continue to have it, its an issue.

    Men over a certain age can get it due to weight or other issues, but it’s not a fact to say that men have breasts.


    Congratulations on learning something new! Guys have always had breasts. That’s the way human anatomy works. They may not be as developed, but they’re always there to some degree. They can even excrete liquid through their nipples in some cases!



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  • thejml,

    The skinniest dude in the world still has breast tissue. You might want to pick another hill to die on.



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  • Sanctus, avatar


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  • _sideffect,

    No need to insult others; read the rules.

    And it seems you failed high school anatomy; go search the web about men’s breast tissue then come back and apologize.

    Sanctus, avatar

    The fetus forms the breast tissue and nipples before the emergence of testosterone. Here is an article. But it doesn’t matter because you live in your own reality and won’t believe anybody no matter what they link. So no, I won’t apologize.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, Civility


    It is not illegal to be topless in NYC, regardless of gender.

    You bringing up genetals is on you

    humorlessrepost, (edited )

    Why the double standard always with women, it’s sickening.

    In New York, exposing genitals is illegal for everyone.

    In New York, exposing nipples is legal for everyone.

    You’re the one advocating for a double standard.

    If you just want the law to be “women can’t wear things that make my peepee hard”, move to Saudi Arabia.


    You people don’t get that she flashed Dublin, where it’s NOT legal, but nice try though.

    humorlessrepost, (edited )

    Is she responsible for following another country’s laws?

    If an American shows a Brit their 10” hunting knife on webcam, should they be locked up?

    Nice try, though. And nice attempt to move the goalpost away from your asinine reframing of equal rights as a “sickening” double standard.


    Really? So why was it shutdown for inappropriate behavior if no one did anything wrong as you claim?

    Stop protecting these 304 clowns


    And now the goalpost moves from illegal enough to deserve being locked up, to “inappropriate behavior” in the opinion of the people running the webcam.

    Are you capable of arguing in good faith?


    Are you capable of seeing the issue?


    No. Are you capable of sticking to one claim long enough to defend it, or are you just raging at the filthy whores?



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  • The_Dark_Knight,

    What did you go through in life to have such a side effect. I feel dirty replying to you eww I’m gonna stop


    Hahaha man you’re hilarious! Thanks for your comments about men not having breasts and how Irish law is valid in the US. Made my day!


    Try researching about men having breasts after a certain age, send me the articles that proves your point please.


    If men don’t have breasts, how do they get breast cancer?


    Very rare cases of a growth in the tissue that shouldn’t be there.

    But chest is used for men’s upper torso, breasts are used for women’s.


    Women have chests as well…

    Default_Defect, avatar

    If she flashed her pussy, you might have a point.


    yes, it’s when an immature jerk on the internet thinks it’s okay to insult a woman because she had the absolute nerve to earn money in a way his puritan mindset doesn’t approve of.

    humorlessrepost, (edited )

    Lock her up for a while

    For what crime?


    Uh, indecent exposure? Public nudity?

    humorlessrepost, (edited )

    In New York, women have the same rights as men as far as those laws are concerned. There are annual topless bike rides, for fuck’s sake. Damn puritans trying to force their religious repression on the rest of us. Same people would’ve publicly whipped women for showing their ankles had they been born a bit earlier.

    520, (edited )

    Out of the loop. What's a 304?

    My mind is going towards HTML status codes.


    Lol… Type it in a calculator and turn it upside down


    A ‘voe’?


    Ha, I wonder if that’s what it means in Zelda 😂


    Voe are not allowed in Gerudo Town!



    Deebster, avatar

    Thanks for explaining it, not sure why you’ve collected those downvotes.


    No problem.

    And People probably don’t agree that of girls are 304’s, that’s why. Even though it was just an explanation, they still don’t agree with the naming, so it causes downvotes.

    Deebster, avatar

    Yeah, it’s probably shooting the messenger. Reminds me of once on Reddit where someone had asked a similar question and I’d replied with a sourced quote from the dictionary and got complaining replies and downvotes.


    People have nothing better to do… I find it funny actually that people dedicate that much time to online shouting matches lol


    Because they’re both extremely misogynistic and also trying to argue against human anatomy.


    Dude, a 304 is a real thing

    What do you call a prostitute then?


    It’s a derogatory term used to dehumanize people. I call a prostitute a sex worker out of respect, but it’s entirely irrelevant to this conversation unless you’re just gonna go off on a completely different level of misogyny.



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  • Name,

    Indeed, so why change names to a number even?

    Deebster, (edited ) avatar

    Do you also attack dictionaries for explaining offensive words? The person I’m talking to never used the term, they merely explained the meaning behind the number.

    What you are doing is shooting the messenger. Please target your outrage more carefully in future.


    Do you also attack dictionaries for explaining offensive words?

    If they use them in an obviously offensive way, yes.

    The person who gave the explanation is the same person who initially used it to mean offense. You can check the usernames to see exactly this.

    They’re an ass. There is no messenger.

    520, (edited )

    They're also the one straight up using the term, which is why I asked in the first place (that being I had no clue what it meant)


    “Not Modified”?


    Yep! Can you tell I fuck around on computers way too much?


    Garden tool often used as derogatory slang for a promiscuous woman




    Rake actually does include a similar definition

    a dissolute person : libertine


    Yes, that’s the joke.

    cyborganism, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE… hey those are nice.

    proper, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    “One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to .”

    oh boy.


    Yeah New Yorkers are pretty well known for being shrinking violets.


    I don’t know what they were hoping to accomplish, a lot of Americans practically observe 9/11 as a holiday, complete with documentaries showing off all the footage we have


    Should have just told the New Yorkers their Pizza is over rated.


    WW3 material for New Yorkers, right there


    Are new yorkers really that high strung about it? I would think if anything they’d get more mad about like, insults to hot dog carts or something, but that might strike me more as a philly or chicago kind of thing, come to think of it. Maybe bagels? I feel like the average new york bagel is probably a better kind of undersung food hero, compared to the average overpriced to shit new york slice.


    Bold of you to assume anyone outside the USA ever even heard about it.

    Duamerthrax, (edited )

    With how loud new yorkers are, I’d be surprised if they went bragging about their pizza to Italians.


    Variations on a Cloud

    RedStrider, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    i don’t get why they couldn’t’ve done this in like a more somewhere else like a modern art art museum or a mall or whatever.

    RedStrider, avatar

    like a more somewhere else

    proofread your comments


    What the fuck

    xia, (edited )

    Hey buddy… commas are expensive, unlike apostrophes… :)


    And you get paid by the ellipsis?




    Love the downvotes from oblivious peeps

    slurpinderpin, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    She was only doing God’s work, those heathens in Dublin will never understand

    thehatfox, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    There was a similar thing done as an art installation between London and New York called the Telectroscope in 2008. Apparently it was the site of a few marriage proposals.

    Look how far we’ve come…


    I bet some people flashed that one and such too, but I could find no indication that it was shut down because of that.

    It feels like society has backslid tremendously on some freedoms in the past 15 years, particularly where it comes to prudishness.

    These days we even have otherwise progressive people jumping on the prude bandwagon along with hyper religious controlling anti feminists and it just makes for such strange bedfellows.

    FlyingSquid, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    I really don’t know why the people who set this up didn’t foresee this sort of thing happening in a link between New York and Dublin. Maybe if you want to hope this sort of thing doesn’t happen, link up Champaign, Illinois to Uppsala, Sweden.


    What so Sven can walk by and see an obese man in a trucker hat double fisting Big Gulps? On second thought sure, it’d be a zoo attraction for the Swedes.


    “Look at the things Americans do… and they have paid healthcare!”


    “They have so many trucks but all they haul is themselves!”

    Fantastic username btw


    Thanks! Honestly I’ve enjoyed A LOT of the usernames I see on Lemmy, y’all out here doing it with funny and creative names


    Ah yes, let’s link up a college town with a bunch of drunk kids with a complete lack of inhibition and a similar perceived lack of consequences. It will surely work great.

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