chris, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

OMG Boobs! Does nobody think of the Children?!?!?!?!



public toplessness is legal in NYCm and has been since 2010 for everyone. i’m guessing that it’s not in Dublin?

520, (edited )

Lol nope! Republic of Ireland has been a heavily-Catholic country since its inception. It's lightened in recent years and some surprises do slip through but that ain't one of them.


Pretty sure a guy mooned nyc so wtf?

Sanctus, avatar

Man ass is verifiably less offensive to religious types than any part of a woman being visible.


I’d churn my own butter at the sight of a woman’s bare ankle bone. Best to just punish women for that. It’s impossible to control my own urges.


I’d churn my own butter

vile, never heard it said this way before, I’m stealing this for personal use


This doesn’t make sense so why do they hate gays then?


Because they find gay sex unappealing, seems to be the main reason. If you point out that that is simply because they’re not gay, they are unable to understand the point.


It’s the enjoying part that is frowned upon. They assume everyone loves seeing boobs so they must be punished for that. A bare man ass is comical at best for most. If they thought people were enjoying it they must be punished


Because Catholicism.

Catholics believe that any sexual activity that doesn't have a chance of making a baby is sinful. Gays obviously can't make babies as a normal part of their love making, so that's where the whole 'being gay is sinful' bit comes from


What does being addicted to cats have to do with anything!? How many cats do you have to own before you become a Catholics?


The usual tell is when you need to have a cat in the morning just to function.


I don’t think you’ve been to Ireland in a long long time if you think the church has any moral or real power over society as a whole here.


well she wasn’t in dublin, this whole thing is dumb lol


Might read past the headline.

Another “very drunk” woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man

One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone

Probably wasn’t the only time. People generally being people is probably why they shut it down.


Lol typical Americans snowflakes “9/11 too soon”


Ask Irish people what they think about the drink “Irish car bomb”


Probably that it taste disgusting and super sweet like “American” food.


Super Sweet

Tell me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is without telling me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is.


…Irish car bombs have Bailey’s Irish Cream and possibly coffee liqueur in them. Many people would say that’s a pretty sweet drink.

You sure you’re not thinking of an Irish Boilermaker? That’s just a beer with Irish whiskey.


I think this is a regional thing, as you just made me doubt myself.

I’ve ordered car bombs here in the Midwest and it’s always been whiskey and a stout. I don’t know if I’d call anything with just coffee liqueur in it a “car bomb” that’s not a very strong drink.

A quick Wikipedia check says it can be either Irish cream or whiskey, and that the names are somewhat interchangeable.


Irish carbomb is a glass of Guinness and half a shot of Jameson Irish whiskey and half a shot of bailey’s Irish creme. Drop the shot in and chug the delicious concoction.


Delicious as say a chocolate milkshake?


Can’t say I’ve ever had the cream


Enjoy your corn syrup in everything you eat and drink. Your a fooking retard if you don’t think an Irish car bomb doesn’t taste like a milkshake.


Wow, you’re pleasant.

See, where I’m from, a carbomb is a cocktail made from beer and hard liquor. We’ve got Chicago carbombs/handshakes which is Malort and Old Style. I’ve even had a Mexican carbomb with tequila and Modelo.

Coffee liqueur and beer isn’t really a thing where I’m from, in the heart of corn country. So you’re the one drinking milk shakes at the bar as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe instead of being a dick to people because of where they happen to live, you could try to learn about cultural and regional differences.


Oh of course your a dumb fuck from Chicago it all makes sense. All that wind and bullshit spewing from your fat face. Only the mentally challenged would pay to drink malort. I bet you drank those Mexican carbombs on “Mexican Independence Day” or Cinco de mayo 😂.

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, Civility


That doesn’t really seem very equivalent. The closest equivalence I can think of is either the terrorism of the founding fathers, which is too far back to really strike the same chord, or maybe like, american drone strikes or something. Or, maybe if I was feeling particularly cheeky, I might compare it to the violence enacted by the civil rights movement, since that was also a domestic american liberation movement maybe comparable to the IRA, but, I dunno. not really any american style equivalence there.

mriormro, avatar


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  • fah_Q,

    I hope you can cure your asimptote.



    ? what does this mean

    jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, civility.

    blazera, avatar

    Thatll stop em from being people




    I’m not saying it was a good thing to do, but once you have that idea, it becomes an irresistible temptation. The 9/11 one, although I guess it might be true of the other one, too.

    Allonzee, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Greed is the most destructive human impulse, but prudishness still wins handily in the fucking annoying category.

    Oh no, boobs, those things pretty much everyone likes, the horror!


    The average person has one boob and one testicle.


    Slightly less than one boob and one testicle. Just like the average person has slightly less than two legs.


    IDK, there’s slightly more women than men, it may skew the results


    and women who have had mastectomies.


    That’s kinda my point. Mastectomies would bring the average down but more women brings it back up. Too lazy to Google but is global # of women who have had mastectomies more or fewer than # of “excess” women (over men)


    Well are we just equalizing based on boob number, or are we also equalizing based on average boob size? Because some men also have boobs due to hormonal imbalance, and that’s even more if we decide to count like, fat induced moobs for whatever reason. The hormonal imbalances at least would probably bring the average back in favor of slightly more than one boob. If we’ve equalized it to boob size then we’d probably all have like small A cups or something.


    The average person has slightly more than one skeleton inside of them


    What about fat guys? Does that up the average?

    samus12345, avatar

    No, those are moobs.

    GnomeKat, avatar

    Some of us have 2 boobs and 2 testicals :)


    And some have 0 boobs and 0 testicles. Gender affirming care probably evens out

    MeDuViNoX, avatar

    Won’t someone think of the ovaries!?


    I was thinking about this in terms of limbs, and wondering, since pregnant women have more than 4 limbs, wouldn’t the average number of limbs be greater than 4?

    There are probably considerably more pregnant women than people missing limbs, but then again, the women only have additional limbs for 9 months.


    Glad to know I’m driving that leg median up !

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    I dunno. My buddy Kyle has like 10 legs. 9 of them are prosthetic, but they all count.


    What about stilts?

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    I’ll have to ask Kyle. I consider him my authority on what’s a leg.


    he has a leg up on everybody else


    You must be pulling my legs


    That’s not true! I got two it’s just that one is really big!

    set_secret, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Boobs should never shut anything down. Ever.


    Its a good thing they never invented a bomb that distributed female nipples over a wide area.

    Entire cities could be lost.


    The United military forces of me are acutely interested in this device you describe for warfare.


    But it would only work on prude countries.

    France would scoff at such an attack, they have raunchier shampoo commercials. And Scandinavian countries wouldn’t even bat an eye.


    Finally, a way to obliterate Utah once and for all


    "OnlyFans model flashing the so-called portal. Another “very drunk" woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man exposing his own derrière.

    One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to .”

    Yeaaah. Not just boobs


    "OnlyFans model flashing the so-called portal. Another “very drunk" woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man exposing his own derrière.

    One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to .”

    Yeaaah. Not just boobs


    The horror of the human body. Hide it, seal it and be ashamed of it.


    Well, the 9/11 wasn’t about the human body. Rubbing ass against the screen is outright unsanitary.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Definitely tasteless. But hardly the worst thing I’ve seen someone post in an online space.

    I might argue the root of the problem is anonymity.


    I doubt it was tasteless. It probably tasted like screen


    Does it really need to be sanitary?

    I mean, people aren’t expected to eat off it or something are they?


    But it was >20 years ago. We might as well be showing them pictures of the Troubles.


    Everyone knows that if children are exposed to breasts between ages 3 and 17 they will go blind.


    I literally wear clothes everyday. I’m doing my part.


    Won’t somebody think of the children! Lol


    i mean, the problem isn’t the portal in those cases, and i think the portal is a very cool idea – imo, the fact that these people get in the news for it is probably why they’re doing it, it’s just one way to get people’s attention by doing outrageous stuff around a new attraction

    it’s nothing new, and eventually dies off, and there are probably also many events of people being nice to each other that go unreported

    edit: also, yeah, showing body parts generally shouldn’t be considered that harshly imo - of you’re forcing people to look at them, they’re probably not pretty, but I wouldn’t call those “vulgaire” either

    Squizzy, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    To be fair to the yanks, you sowed us nice boobies and we showed you our pale arses, cocaine and videos of 9/11.

    This girl should not get the blame here.


    when I read where they put the portal I had the exact same thought as everyone else who knows what town is like on o’connell street. why didn’t they just put it on talbot st


    Or into Phoenix Park! Where peace and tranquility reside, inner city wild life


    How did New York come out sounding like the wholesome part of this story?


    What is more wholesome than sharing baby feeders? Who doesn’t love baby feeders?


    Seriously it’s one of the few things we as humanity can all agree are nice.


    I like them


    Checks out

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    By being sober.



    The US isn’t half as bad Lemmy makes it out to be.


    They said New York, not the US. New York is it’s whole own little world. And it’s pretty raw.


    Yeah as a non American I think a lot is it is because most of Europe ignores its problems - you’ll hear endless stuff about racism in America but very little about it In France so it feels like the US is worse but France is way way more racist, like absurdly so.


    I heard that during COVID lockdowns, couples in Paris parks were left-alone if they were caucasian while the non-caucasians we beaten by the cops without any warning whatsoever.



    UnderpantsWeevil, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    Here’s the thing. If people aren’t allowed to have fun with your intercontinental portal, why even have it at all?


    Also, how hasn’t anyone learned that this kind of thing is an absolute guarantee? “It’s happened countless times. But it might not this time!”

    Dorks. Put that shit back up. It’s neat!

    HexesofVexes, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    I think the shutting down after such “incidents” is the final expression in this piece of art.

    “A connected world is great, as long as that connection includes approved messages only.”


    And your owners will approve.

    Also let’s all live cramped up together in cities! Except for the owners who live in far off places. Cities make it easier to use you all in a convenient place. Plus it reduces traffic in the freeways. Traffic reduces the flow of goods which is how your owners can extract money from your labor at the end of the day. So get off the freeway, be at work on time, live in the city. Oh if you want to travel we have a convenient tram and bus. You can pay your owners to travel!

    flying_sheep, avatar

    What an asinine take. I choose to live in a city because I can meet many different friends in many different interesting spots, where we can e.g. eat excellent iterations of different cuisines.

    All without sitting my ass in a car and driving for an hour to meet a single couple that lives in some other hamlet. Or having to plan the exact amount of drinks and food to consume before the evening starts. And I can do that multiple times per week if I please.

    You like living in the countryside, I get it. Don’t pretend that’s somehow objectively better lol


    Well I didn’t start my comment insulting the commenter.

    When you think about city vs country living: 1) there’s not enough space, some/most people have to live in people storage systems like cities. 2) cities do not produce anything. They consume. Cities do not produce fruit, fish, meat or their vegan counterparts. Cities do not produce minerals needed for even the most basic processes. Cities do not produce any of the basic human needs such as shelter, food, water, clothing. All of those things come from agriculture, mining, fishing, manufacturing etc of the raw materials which cities do not produce and do not want to produce. 3) cities do not produce energy. Rather cities use up energy and lots of it. There’s no significant production of energy of any form coming from cities. No oil, wind, solar, hydro, thermal energy at all.

    All of these things are produced away from cities for the purpose of actually being able to do it. You can’t go drilling for oil in the middle of times square or downtown Chicago. You can’t fish where there’s no water.

    What cities do produce is trash. Millions and millions of cubic miles of trash all together. Along with sewage raw contaminated water. Those two things are the 100% product of cities. Cities sometimes produce processed products and also have education centers. Usually cities are were local jails are as well as population control systems such as government offices, testing clinics, hospitals, people furnaces etc. None of these things made in cities would be possible without what is made out in the country side. Think of anything made in your city and chase the raw product and you will realize that cities are people storages because they depend on the means of production of the countryside. And cities are always fighting to remove anything that is “dirty” … Usually dirty is the original reason the city was crated. For example a saw mill. I live in a city who’s name comes from a saw mill and has no such thing today. Or it could be industrial processes such a pig and cow and chicken murdering companies, plastic or oil production etc. Somehow a guy or gal found a cheap piece of land, started a business gathered people and bam a city is founded. Then later they make legislation that bans the industry and you are left with a city that produces nothing and still needs that product they used to produce.

    Notice that I did not insult you personally in my description of the difference between cities and country. Notice also that it’s actually very hard to come up with things that a city makes which are tangible things that do not depend on the outside.

    For those reasons cities are people storage units.

    flying_sheep, avatar

    But you did insult. You asserted that living in a city isn’t a voluntary choice, therefore taking agency away from people who choose to live in a city.

    You’re both pivoting (now you’re suddenly talking about production) and wrong. Cities produce cross pollination between minds. Art, science, philosophy. Cities are where the ideas for photovoltaics were seeded and developed. Cities are where most music genres emerged.

    We live in a world where currently, the most popular alternative to city living is being a narrow-minded redneck who holds their gas guzzler as the ultimate expression of freedom. Anarchist communes in the countryside might be part of the solution, but I bet you that what’s going on in and around the city will also play a vital role.


    Were you not aware the auto and oil lobbies you’re paying to get stuck in traffic for 20 minutes to get to a place a mile away are a huge portion of the capitalists who own our politicians?


    Yes, our owners are everywhere. They get to choose where to live whereas the rest of us either live stuck in a city or cannot afford living in one so we live on the outskirts closers to industrial locations.


    Here we are! Some people get this! Well said!

    douglasg14b, avatar

    Seriously and it’s a hot topic so it’s going to get this sort of attention.

    Let it sit for a while and it’ll become normalized and these sort of antics will die off.

    Just let people express themselves as long as it’s not dangerous holy crap.

    GlassHalfHopeful, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    The portal is a genuinely fun idea. I’d love to see those all around!

    But… people being people got to ruin all the fun. So… I don’t suppose I’ll be seeing one of these any time soon.



    It’s not a genuine view into my city, unless a homeless guy stabs it and takes a shit in front of it

    Andromxda, avatar

    I’d love to see those all around!

    There’s another such portal between the Polish city of Lublin and the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius.

    DAMunzy, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Fun fact: Women being topless is not illegal in NYC.


    *As long as it’s not in furtherance of a business interest.

    Ballistic_86, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Isn’t the purpose of the art piece to demonstrate the human condition across an ocean? Flashing/mooning/offensive memes, that is what humans do. This should stay up and more should be put in place. How much more culturally connected would cities in the US be linked to other UK or EU cities?


    “humans ruin everything” yea that the point and art


    Why stop at EU? We should have these everywhere and have them change locations randomly every day


    Def not a bad idea, the more cities around the world the better. I also like the idea of sister cities, if they were to stick to a single portal to portal connection. I’m in Minneapolis, maybe match it with a similarly sized city across the pond. Could root for each others sports teams, offer support in trying times, develop a digital bond.


    Yeah a lot of towns in Europe are ‘twinned’ with another European town - i always assume its just an excuse for the councilor to get free holidays when making the agreement but your idea makes it sound really interesting, a portal could be really cool.


    The biggest problem in Europe in the past was the constant war between the nations, Germany and France in particular. How do You reduce the willingness to go fight each other. You create connections.

    Economic connections in the form of the coal and steel alliance, which evolved to become the EU.

    Personal connections by connecting the people between the countries with multinational friendship. Twin cities are one tool creating the friendship. By having regular exchanges between students and adults. You don’t want to go to war with a friend you visited every summer. That’s also the reason for the Erasmus program, where you can have an exchange semester at university.

    All of those were implemented since the WW2 and they seem to work. There hasn’t ever been a period of such a long peace in central Europe.


    City “twinning” goes beyond the EU. And it can happen for all kinds of reasons. My favourite example is the towns of Dull, Scotland, Boring, Oregon and Bland, New South Wales.

    MacNCheezus, avatar

    Imagine some dude would have pulled out his dick instead, what do you think the reaction would have been?

    hark, avatar

    That’s not the same thing. What would be the same is if some dude pulled his shirt up to show his bare chest. What do you think the reaction would have been in that case?

    MacNCheezus, avatar

    Look, you might be technically correct but I’m sure you’re old enough to understand the difference between a guy’s chest a pair of boobs so I’m just gonna leave it here.

    I’m sure a lot of people enjoyed the display but what about those who didn’t ask for it?


    But, everyone loves boobs. Not everyone loves dick. Flashing a dick is often interpreted as aggressive. Tits, not so much. Everyone has put boobs in their mouth and liked it at one point during their lives. A good chunk of people have never sucked a dick (or want to).

    We all love boobs. They kept most of us alive when we were little and they’re fun as fuck when we’re older. Most people are behind the “free the nipple” thing. Why you trying to see less boobs? The world is already such a dark place without less boobs.

    More boobs, I say. Boobs everywhere. Boobs for everyone. Boobs could bring the world together. And then, we could finally heal.

    MacNCheezus, avatar

    Yes, everyone loves boobs but not every loves seeing them in public without any warning. First of all, there could be children present in this setting, and second, sex addiction is a thing and flashing boobs to someone struggling with it is kinda like forcing a recovering alcholic to take a shot.


    They’re literally for children by definition. Much of the world has no issue with boobs.

    MacNCheezus, avatar

    For TODDLERS. Holy hell, if you’re trying to have an argument, at least don’t make an elementary category mistake. And also don’t just ignore the other half of my argument because it’s inconvenient to your defense.


    You are either a troll or very ignorant. Not everyone loves boobs, the same way as everyone has shit themselves countless times as a baby and liked it(You can literally see the joy on a baby’s face right after they relieve themselves), but that does not mean that it is an enjoyable thing for every grownup out there.


    Depends if they’re just flopping it flaccidly from side to side or angrily masturbating. Same goes for if a woman were to start rubbing one off. Nudity isn’t sexual, but what you do with it could be.

    MacNCheezus, avatar

    I’m not entirely sure what the going MO is for male exhibitionists because I have never felt the desire to engage in that sort of behavior, but I’m fairly sure even a floppy dong is probably enough to catch you a charge in most parts of the country.

    And do we know if the lady in the OP simply pulled her tatas out to get them some fresh air or whether she wiggled and bounced them suggestively? I didn’t watch the video so I don’t want to make any assumptions, but the stills I’ve seen seem to suggest there was quite a bit of enthusiasm at work.

    Stalinwolf, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    Ava Louise, for those curious. Her/her tits are… not really my thing… Like a Bratz doll with Thanksgiving turkeys stuffed into her chest.

    Wilshire, avatar

    That’s a very accurate description.


    But she sure lacks attention.

    daltotron, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    You know this kinda makes me think that it would’ve been funnier if they connected two cities that hate each other more than just like, dublin and new york, which I can’t really think of as ever having had beef. Maybe NYC and chicago, or something. You can’t really put something like this in texas or LA because nobody fuckin walks anywhere, unless maybe you put it in like long beach or like some random part of Austin or something. Seattle? Does Seattle have beef with anywhere? On the other side, could we connect Dublin with like, London or something? Maybe some city in northern Ireland?


    Something like outside Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park, and they’d probably be destroyed in minutes…


    That’d be fuckin awesome though, imagine the chaos you could just ambiently cause, especially if you made it out of like, bulletproof glass and concrete, and maybe included some self-cleaning mechanism, or set the camera back from the glass a ways, so people couldn’t obfuscate the camera or the image. Could be the move, could be the play.


    Then suddenly replace the LED screen with an actual wormhole bridge and watch the melee from afar!


    Airlines hate this one weird trick


    Mississippi and Bagdad

    RGB3x3, (edited )

    You’d just have the religious nutjobs get the thing shut down in the name of “saving the children.”

    I don’t know what the Baghdad citizen would do though.

    (In case this goes over people’s heads, I’m calling the Mississippians the religious nutjobs)


    I fear, stones would quickly put an end to such portals.


    Seattle has beef with Portland. Hippie beef. Impossible beef.

    Sabata11792, avatar

    Moscow and DC. What could possibly go wrong.


    The thing would be shot down in secs. OH NO COMUNISTS. Ratatata skrskr


    Equally likely to be shot down by Russian soldiers for spreading “western lies”

    Socsa, (edited )

    This would be a pretty one sided fight.

    Now DC to Beijing. That would be spicy.

    alcoholicorn, (edited )

    I don’t think the average Chinese person is as rabidly nationalistic as Americans and Russians though.

    Give me Tehran and Jacksonville. Miami and Havana. Nashville and Pyongyang.

    GreatAlbatross, avatar

    Belfast and Dublin would have been nice.


    Dublin and Rome


    Toronto and Boston would be funny as hell LOL


    Miami and San Francisco would be excellent

    But make both of them out of bulletproof glass

    cyborganism, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE… hey those are nice.

    proper, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    “One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to .”

    oh boy.


    Yeah New Yorkers are pretty well known for being shrinking violets.


    I don’t know what they were hoping to accomplish, a lot of Americans practically observe 9/11 as a holiday, complete with documentaries showing off all the footage we have


    Should have just told the New Yorkers their Pizza is over rated.


    WW3 material for New Yorkers, right there


    Are new yorkers really that high strung about it? I would think if anything they’d get more mad about like, insults to hot dog carts or something, but that might strike me more as a philly or chicago kind of thing, come to think of it. Maybe bagels? I feel like the average new york bagel is probably a better kind of undersung food hero, compared to the average overpriced to shit new york slice.


    Bold of you to assume anyone outside the USA ever even heard about it.

    Duamerthrax, (edited )

    With how loud new yorkers are, I’d be surprised if they went bragging about their pizza to Italians.


    Variations on a Cloud

    dumbass, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    You know what? That took waaaayyyy longer than I thought it would to happen.

    Cryophilia, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Leave it up, you cowards

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