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You don’t need to buy physical copies. Games from GoG and, for example, can be downloaded DRM free.


Noita definitely cost me some sweat and tears.


Today?? This is an issue, especially on the meme communities here.

And that’s the irony of the meme, isn’t it? I am guessing it was done by a man.


Maybe because the goal of feminism is to have more equally not to bolster the ranks of marginalised people with even more women.

Maybe if men wanted to have more women in these jobs they shouldn’t be so fucking hostile and sometimes dangerous to women.

Maybe if men hadn’t built a society with only men in mind, including when designing equipment, procedures, etc., for these jobs, maybe women had a better chance doing them?

Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case (

The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take...


So what is the solution for this problem, in your opinion?


That is something Palestine and especially Hamas will not accept. They have said multiple times already that they wish for a “pure Muslim state”.


If they didn’t have the funding they would all be dead already because they are regularly under fire from rockets. Not only now, but also before the last attack of the Hamas.


RuneScape, Ark, … DOTA2 (especially with that cry for help).

Some people get lost for thousands of hours in grand-strategy games like Europa Universalis. Or MMOs like Eve Online.

But feeling like the game consumed you is grinder and MOBA territory.


Sadly, this is normal online. Many people with some sort of exposure online will receive death threads. Some communities are more prone to it than others.

Pokémon, Sonic, Osu! and many Gacha Game communities, for example, have an unusual amount of crazy fans. When you attract their attention you will become a topic in their communities.


When I look at those neat American suburb grids and imagine to be a shop owner, I would love to put my store directly into the grid. Is it just not allowed to have a shop in those neighborhoods? Isn’t that anti-capitalist lol?



good value for people without much money

The absolute majority of people can not afford that. This is especially true for huge part of the art that was used to train various models on.

AI currently is a tool for rich people by rich people which uses the work of poor people who themselves won’t be able to benefit from it.


I think the difference in artistic expression between modern humans and humans in the past comes down to the material available (like the actual material to draw with).

Humans can draw without seeing any image ever. Blind people can create art and draw things because we have a different understanding of the world around us than AI has. No human artist needs to look at a thousand or even at 1 picture of a banana to draw one.

The way AI sees and “understands” the world and how it generates an image is fundamentally different from how the human brain conveys the object banana into an image of a banana.


In general I agree with you, but AI doesn’t learn the concept of what a circle is. AI reproduces the most fitting representation of what we call a circle. But there is no understanding of the concept of a circle. This may sound nit picking, but I think it’s important to make the distinction.

That is why current models aren’t regarded as actual intelligence, although people already call them that…


As an artist you draw with an understanding of the human body, though. An understanding current models don’t have because they aren’t actually intelligent.

Maybe when a human is an absolute beginner in drawing they will think about the different lines and replicate even how other people draw stuff that then looks like a hand.

But eventually they will realise (hopefully, otherwise they may get frustrated and stop drawing) that you need to understand the hand to draw one. It’s mass, it’s concept or the idea of what a hand is.

This may sound very abstract and strange but creative expression is more complex than replicating what we have seen a million times. It’s a complex function unique to the human brain, an organ we don’t even scientifically understand yet.


Current models aren’t intelligent. Not even by the flimsy and unprecise definition of intelligence we currently have.

Wanted to post a whole rant but then saw vexikron already did so I spare you xD


“Soul” is the word we use for something we don’t scientifically understand yet. Unless you did discover how human brains work, in that case I congratulate you on your Nobel prize.

You can abstract a complex concept so much it becomes wrong. And abstracting how the brain works to “it’s a probability machine” definitely is a wrong description. Especially when you want to use it as an argument of similarity to other probability machines.

ParsnipWitch, (edited )

You do realise that the models stole the art from people all over the world, yes? It’s not like someone in Indonesia drawing fan art can simply profit off their own work the way people like you now can.

I also think this attitude (“just get a job to support your hobby while I get to profit of your work”) shows an overall lack of respect for artists.


That’s really sad. I like Unreal Engine a lot, I hope it doesn’t suffer from this.


Yeah I think it’s more likely that the TV studio will not allow a woman without a perfect bikini line on set.

ParsnipWitch, (edited )

Female characters are heavily sexualised and objectified though. And what media does it is not helping with the issue happening in real life as well.


You seem to think it’s some kind of human right and people are entitled to have fapping material provided for them. No one is hurt if people don’t have fapping material.


So you agree? It shouldn’t be produced because it can be used to normalise the sexualisation of children or even groom them.


That’s not entirely true. Some studies have shown that stuff we watch influences our decisions and behaviour.

This article gives an overview over some of the more accepted research done in the area:

Pornography Use and Psychological Science: A Call for Consideration


You are already making assumptions about whether or not producing artificial CP is harmful. But in truth nobody knows. And studies have shown that media indeed does influence us. It’s quite naive to assume that somehow just porn doesn’t.


existing CSAM and providing it under controlled conditions

This would go directly against the needs of the victims.

I was able to find an organisation which helps pedophiles and also conducts anonymous surveys. The pedophiles themselves reported they feel addicted to CSAM, most have come first in contact when they were minors themselves and nearly half want to seek contact to children after watching CSAM.

Survey of German pedophiles

Survey of Russian pedophiles

Research about the surveys


Yes, it’s really just about how the land is called and who makes the rules. There are Israelis living in Palestine and Palestinians are citizens of Israel already.


Yes, that’s how it is and sometimes it’s worse when they get aggressive or try to humiliate you. In media it’s often depicted happening to grown up women, but I’d say the worst age is between 12 and barely 20.


Good, we as a society aren’t ready for these kind of tools. AI would further increase the divide between people. One of the reasons is that it costs too much to run it.

Everyone who can’t afford the hardware would be dependent on AI owned by corporations. And most people can’t even afford those fees. Since we build our society around (materialistic) “productivity”, I am sure AI would escalate how we treat people and whole countries who fall off the capitalism train. I hope the hype dies.

Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching (

If you get a message from someone you never matched with on Tinder, it’s not a glitch — it’s part of the app’s expensive new subscription plan that it teased earlier this year, which allows “power users” to send unsolicited messages to non-matches for the small fee of $499 per month....


Many years ago™ OkCupid actually had a good system, before it revamped itself and got bought by Match (Tinder).

In the old version of the website, you could answer any amount of questions from a huge catalogue of sometimes very obscure and specific questions and look for people who had very similar (or very different) answers overall. You could chat freely with everyone and had the option to look just for (platonic) friends.

I had incredibly interesting discussions with people who were at the opposite spectrum of my answers. And I made a few acquaintances and two amazing friends who still are my friends today, one is even my roommate for 8 years now! I also found a group of white hackers and Linux enthusiasts for real life meetings and we still hang out occasionally.

Two other friends of mine looked for and found romantic partners there and they are both happily married to the partners they found via OkCupid back then.

It went all down the gutter when people used the “platonic friends” option to get into your pants.

And when OkCupid tried to make more cash by pushing into the sex/romance market more and copying dating apps.

I don’t think something like this would work anymore. Dating apps and the weird culture and thinking about a “sexual market” seem to have broken humans or something. This asinine idea is just another symptom.


Family shared libraries can also ever only be used by one person. Or what do you mean with family mode?


Following the screenshots, at least one of the people who talked about it calls themselves “Academic Agent”. I won’t go deeper down this rabbit hole for you, to find out which of the videos featured the abs image, but you do you.

That’s the YouTube channel:

The screenshots I followed:


I’d call people that who lost contact with reality. So if something you believe could be immediately proven wrong by just stepping outside for a while, you are terminally online.

For example the 4chan theory of: “80 % of women date only 20 % of ultra chad men”. There are people who actually believe this.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


Deeprock Galactic.

On paper it’s everything I like in games. But when my friends invite me to play, I get bored so much, that I have microsleep episodes. It’s so incredibly boring I can not understand the hype at all.


Genshin Impact, Icarus, Valheim, Stray, Cloudpunk, Growing Up, The Division 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Blockhood, Eve Online, Days Gone, Dredge and the Metro Series. (ꈍᴗꈍ)


That’s not the fun part for everybody, though.


Nah, my father is one of those who thinks everything is a virus, especially emails. And so he installs all kind of “clean your PC from viruses”-software …


But why does it have to mention that “it is not limited to women”? And why do people then complain that people start writing about women issues in the comments when that is literally what the meme is doing?


But it doesn’t make sense to complain about women supposedly having higher standards when men and women seem to have, on average, different expectations towards a relationship? I would rather be alone than being with a person who just finds my body good enough. For many men this seems to be different.


It is objectifying towards yourself. And it stems from the fact that in media and our society in general women are valued by their looks. There are very few examples for likeable female characters, for example, who aren’t also beautiful and young. It’s a complex issues and that’s why it is especially questionable to produce such a meme.


You would do that because that’s how you are socialised as a woman growing up. Your value is your youth and how beautiful you are. That’s it.

It is not easy to just rid yourself from socialising. As a man this can be hard to get when it’s about beauty standards because beauty standards imposed onto men are not even close as restrictive as those imposed onto women.

There are many examples for unattractive, funny looking, old, chubby, etc. male characters in media. For female characters that’s the exception.


So you mean, this meme should piss off? Because it is what started the oppression olympics.


The meme is belittling feminism and/or women’s issues. If you don’t want to start a discussion, do not post provocative memes. Otherwise live with the discussion that will ensue.


Why would I fight it though? I don’t see it as a necessity to have a romantic relationship with someone.

There are plenty of examples where the male character is not attractive and is also not made fun of.


I feel like you really try to twist what my point is or I am not good at explaining it in English. When you have been told your whole life that all you have as value is how physically attractive you are, the way you approach relationships is different.

While a man perhaps can still believe the other person likes them, even though they only find their body ok or good enough, for many women this is much harder. That has a lot of consequences for our society, including the difference in behaviour in online dating apps, why women are less likely to buy sex, dead bedrooms, etc.

It’s just a matter of what feels worse for me. And for me it feels much worse to be with a man who settled for me, than to be single.

Regarding representation in media, I won’t argue with someone who seriously tries to say female characters have a diverse representation just as male characters. That’s frankly a ridiculous take. Arguing with someone who seems to live in a different reality doesn’t make sense.

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