@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It actually would be a good thing. Pariah instances are how the fediverse will have to moderate itself, and these people have shown themselves to be incapable of playing well with others. I purposely avoided joining any of their subs because I saw how toxic their influence was on reddit.

If you look at peertube, there’s one instance that hosts Steven Crowder and Alex Jones and like two other people who I assume are lesser demons of some kind. I would avoid any instance that doesn’t have the good sense to defederate from that one. This is a similar thing. I doubt the tankies are going to be on the popular side of the schism if it happens, they would have an echo chamber and we would be rid of them.

The thing about an echo chamber like that is that thanks to the public nature of federation status, it would be obvious who the pariah instances are, so anyone still there would be made aware that they are the minority, not the voice of the people in any way. That’s something that takes longer to notice in a forum like truth social. The numbers might be there for people to see, but it’s a different platform so you can say there’s a slow adoption rate or something, like you can say about Lemmy. With pariah instances there is a direct and obvious comparison, and people have left because your instance fucked up. That’s going to drive all but the most hardcore folks away to other instances.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Also, “Marxism-Leninism” as a term was coined by Stalin, but there’s a reason people avoid the term “Stalinism”, because even these people understand that his horrific legacy can’t be revised.

So whenever you hear the term, you can understand that it’s basically Stalinism papered over with the names of dead men who couldn’t object to him puppeteering them and coopting their legacy to lend legitimacy to his reign of terror.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Obfuscation. They know lemmygrad is too obviously tankie for most people, but lemmy.ml is not so obvious. The .ml is a dogwhistle that a lot of users won’t understand, so they can buy some measure of legitimacy that way. I guess they keep lemmygrad because they also want a place where they can go full mask-off.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I don’t think that’s a good solution. If I personally block an instance they can still see my comments and posts and have full conversations alongside them that everybody except me can read. I reserve blocking for genuine harrasment, not horrible ideas in general. I’d rather be part of the discussion and use that to build a case for defederation if it’s really so bad I’d want to block them.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

User comments from those instances are shown to me with a spoiler tag and when I click on them I can still see them and even comment on them.

That’s actually a pretty good solution, I didn’t realise it worked like that.

Maybe instance blocking is a solution I can use in that case…

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar


All together now:

“If users don’t like that their instance has defederated then they can migrate their accounts.”

I have yet to see a real answer to this from people who concern troll about defederation.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

If your theory is correct, then why would they also keep many of their users uninformed? Referring to Lemmy.ml, of course. You claim it’s for legitimacy, but doesn’t that cease to fulfill its purpose?

Because the users that don’t know what the instance is for are the ones that help lend legitimacy to it, because then people like you can believe that it’s just a general instance with no political undertones. You aren’t running cover for them, you are their cover.

Just think for a second about what you’re suggesting. They want to make an instance that is to lend legitimacy to a fringe political ideology, and they openly tell all of their users that that’s exactly what they’re doing? Then all anyone would need to do to destroy that legitimacy would be to publish whatever message the users receive explaining the true purpose of the instance. The cover only works if it’s deniable, and your idea would make it completely undeniable.

Is the goal to make a generalist instance, but with slightly more MLs, but also divert the MLs to Lemmygrad?

That is one of the goals, yes.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Is Lemmy.world a cover for Liberalism, because it’s run by liberals? Is db0 a cover for Anarchism and Libertarian Socialism, because db0 is a Libertarian Socialist?

Liberals and libertarian socialists are usually pretty open about what they believe, so there’s no cover needed. They’re not covert ideologies like tankies have.

However neoliberalism is a fairly hated ideology. If the people who ran lemmy.world were literally the same people running a neoliberalism sub on that instance and they also ran thatcher.love or whatever, and they banned people for saying neoliberalism was trash, then yeah, it would be a reasonable inference that lemmy.world was some sort of entryist ploy.

It is the existence of lemmygrad combined with the behaviour of the people running lemmy.ml that makes the case to defederate. If that happens and you don’t like it, you could always migrate your account, unless you like it there, in which case you’re probably not the normie you first appeared to be.

Edit: changed “fringe” to “covert”.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I heard a CEO of one of those media companies being interviewed under oath by an investigation body about how they had effectively captured their regulator, with people from their companies running the regulation body. I can’t say more than that without breaching an NDA, but I think what I’ve said is broad enough to not be identifiable.

They basically put it to him that his company and their competition had colluded to control their own regulation so they could get away with charging whatever they wanted, and that that practice was so entrenched that it was just how they did business at this point.

His answer, which stunned the lawyers present and which I cannot forget after all these years: “Isn’t that how everybody does business?”

So I don’t mind that I can’t name & shame because I don’t think it would matter.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Ngl after this I took a quick look at your profile expecting a trashfire and you seem fine to me.

So this is a shit take and I don’t appreciate it.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

A bunch of beta QOL improvements are finally on the main branch.

late game spoilersThe last time I played I died trying to get to 64 orb Kolmi. I was at NG+24 or so and some asshole did an RKO from outta nowhere with a circle of transmutation. I had all the more love stacks, but I had a chainsaw on my teleporter wand for rapid fire, and this bastard dropped down from off screen and into the chainsaw, then retaliated against their own stupidity by turning me into a sheep, where I danced about for several agonising seconds on fire before I finally bought it. That was over a year ago. I have since decided that on long runs I need something other than chainsaw to make a rapid fire tele wand.

It’s taken me a while to want to play again, and I really wanted to wait for these improvements before I did.

Edit: I have been trying to make these spoiler tags work and it ain’t happening, folks.

Edit 2: finally

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I recently got a second hand DVD with a Wii game on it, and for the first time in many years I found myself wiping down a disc with a microfibre cloth. I actually cleaned it like 4 or 5 times before I stopped getting errors, which makes me wonder if there were discs from the 90s that I could’ve saved that way. I never realised it might take that many tries.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

If you were going to look out the window to see the crazy storm, and you only opened the window just enough to lean out - which makes sense because of the wind and the rain - and you completely filled the window gap, then I could see it happening. Especially if the windows were near the corners where the flow would speed up and lower the pressure even more, and the wind happened to gust just at that moment, and you were high up where the winds would be stronger. It wouldn’t happen a lot - maybe something like three times in a city of millions of people, just to pull a number out of my arse.

It just takes a moment of bad luck, especially if you weren’t holding onto anything.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

This is why riders in my country are limited to 250cc until they leave their provisional license. I’ve nearly lost family members to bike accidents. One is just a larrikin - he was riding in shorts and lost a large chunk of his leg muscle to road rash. The other just had a car pull out at the wrong time and wound up in intensive care for weeks. Nothing he could’ve done, the guy just didn’t look. The driver dropped off a get well card for him, which apparently is rare for someone to do. He wasn’t a bad guy, just got careless for a sec and nearly killed someone.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh wow, I guess not then. That only makes sense if the windows broke suddenly, which fits with the fact the other victim was in the same complex. They also say air-conditioners were blown off.

That’s terrifying because there really wouldn’t be any warning.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

A lot of leftists spend a lot of time on pure critique of the system, especially early in their radicalisation, which can lead to a pessimistic outlook. It’s true that the system is unrelenting and the effects of capitalism and domination seep into every aspect of our lives, and that can feel overwhelming. I really hope I haven’t sabotaged myself by assuming that everything around me is cynical and only trying to exploit me at every turn, because that just isn’t true. The system works that way, but there are lots of people living under it who don’t collaborate with its goals.

Also, a message that doesn’t get emphasised enough is hope. That’s because algorithm-driven social media - even the fediverse is subject to this - tends to push ragebait and hit pieces over constructive narratives.

I’m really enjoying a lot of Anark’s stuff lately on youtube. I’d really recommend his work on Hope and Constructing the Revolution.

Also I would recommend thinking about how you can join the anarchist practice of prefiguration, or building the new in the shell of the old. A lot of revolution talk focusses on toppling the enemy system, but equally important is building our own alternatives that make people’s lives better now. That alleviates problems now, it wins people over and helps radicalise them, and it necessarily involves building community, which can hugely help with the feelings of isolation and depression.

I’ve often wondered if the horrific anxiety people experience in our society is our ancient monkey brains trying to figure out what we did wrong that isolated us from our tribe, when the thing that did it is communities being atomised by capitalist property markets. That observation on its own has helped me reach out more, and also to better accept when I don’t have people around me.

Edit: I read this as the OP’s question and I answered it as such. That’s okay though, if this question relates to you, then you already know who you are.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I think the point was to occupy places where powerful people were, to show them that they’re not untouchable. One thing I’ve heard Anark talk about is that communes that separate themselves from society don’t tend to have much revolutionary potential. They’re just kind of checking out.

Also, David Graeber said something very interesting about Occupy, that although the narrative was that they failed, the main thing they were trying to draw attention to was the IMF and the World Bank, and how their structural adjustment policies were laying waste to whole societies. He said that despite the fact that Occupy ended and was driven out by cops with bulldozers, the IMF and the World Bank don’t have anything like the power they used to, and that has a lot to do with the visibility that Occupy brought to them.

Who knows how much death and suffering was averted globally thanks to their actions? If they had focussed only on making a place to live within the US they wouldn’t have been able to achieve that. I think that’s a pretty good legacy.

Also with the coops, Anark has covered a different federation of coops in Venezuela called Cecosesola: youtu.be/xfE6Nsuaf50?si=MbXZ3kpTNI2-mTUm

It might be a better template than Mondragon, who seem to have reduced membership considerably, with non-member workers making up a huge percentage of their ranks.

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Everywhere I go, I get slandered, libeled
I hear words I never heard in the Bible
And I’m one step ahead of the shoe shine
Two steps away from the county line
I’m just trying to keep my customer satisfied

Edit: satisfied

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

And loads of folks watching just tut-tutting, with zero awareness that their countries have agreed to maintain the country’s crushing debt that has remained since France decided to bill them for taking back their own lives from slavery.

Imagine if the colonial empires were charged for everything they stole.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I can measure the improvements in my mental health in the reduced frequency of car-screams I’ve had to do lately. That’s if you don’t count singing Tool songs of course.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I don’t mind ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I believe it’s *worldb’t. Short for world butt.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It was allowed to happen because there are no regulations covering these submarines, especially in international waters. Safety is generally opt-in because the people who commission them intend to use them, so of course they’ll listen to engineers and do it right.

Of course sometimes you’ll get someone so far up their own ass that they can’t hear anything except their own farts.

You can also see the move-fast-and-break-things bullshit in what he said. That mentality sort of works for software development but silicon valley is exporting it into realms where breaking things means killing people.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

He also led an armed gang who attacked a synagogue and cut off a soldier’s ear.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Line delivery is one of my special interests, so I’m sorry about this, but the original line ends with “any further” and it is such a good line. Something about it implies “I could go much further than this if I pleased”, and it exudes casual menace the way those extra syllables just roll off his… loudspeaker.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

The original trilogy is laser etched into my brain and the word “again” was like a splinter in my mind, driving me mad.

I tried to at least be entertaining and informative with my well ackshually anyway :)

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

The way of the Sith, Darth Baggachipz.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Tasty food, fried, is still tasty?

You’re not telling us what we need to know, which is where to get it.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Well I appreciate that, but since you said “steakhouse district” it sounds like you’re talking about the US, so I might have a hard time getting there. I’m sure someone can make use of the info :)

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

This is a pretty good illustration of how security measures can go wrong even if they are technically sound. The doors are doing their job of preventing light from passing through. That would be analogous to encryption working “correctly”. The mirrors are like if the program also leaks a bunch of data some other way, like by just phoning home and giving the information away deliberately by exploiting bad privacy policies.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It’s not a perfect analogy, but it does illustrate a point very well I think.

Israelis stage largest anti-government protest since the war in Gaza began (apnews.com)

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered outside the parliament building in Jerusalem on Sunday in the largest anti-government demonstration since the country went to war in October. They urged the government to reach a cease-fire deal to free dozens of hostages held by the Hamas militant group in Gaza and to hold early elections....

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Wow, I can’t believe all these Hamas agents got so embedded into Israel that their own family members were amongst the hostages. They’re playing the long game. I guess the IDF needs to start bombing Israeli cities, Hamas could be hiding anywhere at this point!

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Nah, chill af with the peace sign is the way. Show them they don’t control you. ✌️

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

As someone who lives in Auscalifornia, it is kind of uncannily accurate.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I sometimes also call Australia as a whole the Texas of the Commonwealth nations. We’re big, we have snakes and desert, we love big things, we’re ornery and we’ve flirted with secession more than once.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It isn’t flirty, “super cool” sounds like she’s taken a pic of a sunset or a cat or a party or something. “Hot” is a good start, or something like “wow”, or “omg” or any combination of 😍🥵😳💗🔥💦🍆 works. You could try making a joke but the punchline has to imply you like what you see.

The recovery was actually pretty good though, it’s funny and it makes it clear that the person wants to flirt, because they regret not flirting and they actually would like to sex. I would go on to say something that implies my brain short circuited because I wanted to sex her that badly. Something like, “In my defense I’ve heard people can’t make words good when they’re extremely horny, so please take that into account”.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Modern socialist/communist projects that do not create states to be corrupted:


The first video is a list and the next few go into detail about individual projects. This is an ongoing series.

The reason you don’t hear about these like you heard about the USSR or the CCP is because they are doing good things and not turning on their own people, so they don’t make good capitalist propaganda, so instead they stay off the radar. That to me means they’re doing the right thing.

There are thousands of projects you don’t hear about because people that aren’t trying to replace the old boss with the new boss aren’t trying to get your attention. They’re doing the work to make an alternative system that doesn’t get crushed by reactionaries.

@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Where did I say magical utopia?

Rojava covers millions of people and does not have a state to speak of. It is a federation. They have no leader.

People will people, but creating power structures that work to counter hierarchies of dominance is how you stop people from being systemically abusive. The idea that bad people exist shouldn’t encourage people to create hierarchies that empower a small group of people to abuse the rest of us, especially when we already know that those hierarchies attract abusers.

The idea that hierarchies are necessary past a certain size is meaningless. Either it’s wrong and we can get rid of them, or it’s right and we’d never know. It’s unknowable if true. You are just stuck in the mental trap of hierarchical realism.

‘Get on a plane’: Danish minister urged to meet Greenland coil scandal women (www.theguardian.com)

The Danish health minister should “get on a plane and visit” some of the thousands of women thought to be living with the consequences of being forcibly fitted with the contraceptive coil as children, Greenland’s gender equality minister has said....

Excrubulent, (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, thanks for being open to hearing it. If you don’t reply or you take a while I won’t take that to mean anything in particular.

I accept that all of the things you’ve talked about are real forms of oppression. The difference here is that I don’t agree that it should be called racism. That may seem like a tiny, semantic difference but I think it’s important. When you say that it is on another level than the racism that POC face, I agree. It is a quantitative difference that amounts to a qualitative difference. I think it deserves to be addressed as its own unique phenomenon. I’m afraid I don’t know what the name for that phenomenon is. I would be surprised if someone hadn’t written about it. I’ll keep an eye out for that.

I also understand that you’re saying that hearing a phrase like “a very white way of thinking” feels othering to you. That makes sense, but I don’t agree that the solution is to stop talking about the problems with whiteness. Whiteness as a concept hurts everyone. Of course it hurts POC more than it hurts white people, but it isn’t a zero-sum game. White people in general aren’t helped in any way by it. That’s not what privilege means in this context. It means that the boot that stomps on us is less forceful and has smaller cleats. The point of calling some people white and others not is to divide people. That doesn’t mean that attacking whiteness as a concept is divisive - it is attacking a mechanism of division. The point here is that there is absolutely nothing to be gained by protecting the concept of whiteness.

We’re not attacking individual people and saying they suck because they are white. It really isn’t personal at all. The concept of whiteness is based on privilege, which means being able to ignore the suffering of people who were affected by genocide and who are still living. I think that’s what they mean when they call it a very white way of thinking.

I don’t know how to help you with your feelings on this issue. I’m sorry, I wish I had an answer for you on that but I just don’t. If you’re feeling hurt, that’s always valid. However, dealing with and healing from that hurt requires correctly identifying its source, and it’s easy to land on wrong answers to that question, and that’s a large part of why I think this is important.

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