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Go educate yourself, and then you can join the adult discussions.


What I’ve seen so many people not understand with the situation we are in right now, is that we can’t fix our current situation in one election. Everything is far to tucked up for that, so the best that can be done is vote for the least fucked up option and work to improve things. People refusing to participate or vote for the candidate who is unfortunately our best option currently (biden) are doing more damage than the people voting for the fascist party. The perfect candidate/option does not exist and never will (obviously not saying everything biden has done has been good).


You need to also vote for someone who actually has a chance to win. Voting for a better candidate who realistically can’t win in elections like this were someone like Trump could win is basically handing Trump the win. His base doesn’t think for themselves, and would vote for him if he killed their family in front of them. I wish to God we had Bernie instead of Biden, but Bernie wouldn’t have won.


Agreed, hopefully someday you understand it.


Dude, he said he was guilty. The fuck are you even trying to say.


It actually is a big deal. You really need to take some time to think it through to understand that. Either that or you are a troll and I’m just wasting my time right now 🤷‍♂️


Just another cash grab for something that makes literally no sense for their to be a sequel.


That someone would care about an incels rage is the only funny thing about this.




If the charges are true he should have been convicted.


Meh, I misunderstood. I get how what I said is dumb in retrospect. Lice and learn.


I played tribes ascend in the past, and it was TONS of fun. Even if I did suck at actually hitting anything while zooming around lol.


Tbf, I did really like zooming lol. I loved the momentum mechanics so much. Making me miss it right now lol


I’m going to bring tape and construction paper to cover it up. Double sided sticky tape


I take small pleasure in the fact that any ads I see I have no intention of ever purchasing their shit. I would actively tell people to avoid it as well. We literally have ads shoved in our faces 24/7 and the amount I have after bills and shit is already earmarked so the ad companies can go shove a baseball bat up their ass.


And yet they tend to be a worse experience, release before they are ready with DLC already ready to go, riddled with microtransactions and other awful issues. They aren’t worth more.


The days of me paying full price for AAA titles is over. Even some of the series I used to love were disappointments when new titles came out. Indie games have been giving me far more enjoyment and repeatability so until the big AAA studios figure shit out they can take their overpriced shovelware and cram it where the sun don’t shine.


But see, that’s not something us techie nerds can do. We LIVE to overthink these things.


Probably because “AAA” games are almost all cash grabs at this point.


100% agree, too much is being focused on getting games as cutting edge graphic wise as possible without focusing on optimization, size, game play, or even if consumers can reasonably be expected to have the hardware necessary for it. I worry the gaming industry will hit a point where the leeches at the top determine the industry is dead because they’ve ruined it so badly in the never ending pursuit of unrealistic profit. Like no shit not as many people want to buy games riddled with bugs, microtransactions and lacking any attempt at listening to what consumer want to play. I miss when developers were allowed to be creative and work on things they enjoy, because that definitely was represented in the games when playing them.


Time to start sailing the seven seas. Seriously though, these companies are herding people into piracy with their predatory approaches.


If that’s what they want to take away than fuck them. Focus on the shit that has to do with loot boxes and micro transactions. If they want people to engage more irl the solution isn’t to ruin the only outlet I and others have, it’s to improve people’s lives where they don’t view escaping into games as a necessity to get away from depressing reality. Just my two cents.


I haven’t been a kid for a while now, but a cuppa tea does sound quite nice.


All good. No offense was taken, my comment was also meant to be playful. Like, damn a cup of tea as a break from adulting would be amazing lol.

You may be offered a free premium Telegram subscription – but please don’t accept (archive.is)

Telegram is giving away FREE Premium subscriptions! All they need from you is to use your cell phone as a relay to text out their OTP codes! And the recipient of the OTP sees your phone number! What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this deal?...


Except when it’s every other comment. That’s just obsession.


Lmao, right because leaving it in the hands of the corrupt corporations is better.


Ok corporate shill


Honestly, while I would never get this tattoo and might look a little sideways at it if I saw it while out and about, its actually very well done and looks really clean. I think there was a sub called like awful content but excellent execution or something like that it would better suited for.


We know in our hearts it’s not true. But we cling to what little magic remains in our minds and hearts and enjoy the fantasy that it is true.


They just don’t give a shit about people. They see people as ATMs and none of the companies will learn until it hits a point people can’t afford anything anymore cause prices are so high and wages are so low its impossible to buy anything but the absolute bare necessities.


You saying cryptobro is sexist just reinforces your own stupidity.


Only if you think being hetero means racist. Says more about you than anyone else.


I dont think ive ever heard burgerland used before lol


More threats of eternal suffering. Living your life afraid of something that is sketchy at best is stupid.


They really did. The victim blaming is insane. These companies spend money to leverage psychology in their favor to get people addicted to the dopamine rushes from things like microtransactions and loot boxes. Not everyone is able to resist that kind of conditioning on such a large scale.


I can tell I have more experience in the real world just from your comment. Nothing is black and white and you not being able to understand others doesn’t change their reality or the world’s reality. Have a nice day and hopefully are able to grow and gain more experience and knowledge of the world moving forward.


They think that somehow if they rape her it will magically make them better than her and that she will submit and agree she was wrong. It’s a mentality only the truly weak have.


I loved a number of assassins creed games in the past. Even played a few of the more recent ones when they are on sale. But I kind of stopped caring about the over arcing story a long while ago. I just enjoy the stuff happening in the past in those games.

Upon careful analysis of the top posts, I believe lemmy needs more unhinged text posts

man cannot live on memes and news alone. there is a void here. news stories breed reasoned discussion, generally filled with stringent, on topic remarks. memes breed tepid remarks, a step above twitter blue check replies, but little worth reading....


Unfortunately it’s because the sheer amount of stupidity in the real world means you can never be sure if someone is being serious. Also unfortunately, when a platform has a wide enough audience there will always be people that have a vested interest in topics no matter how potentially outlandish it might seem. So they will react emotionally to things that for most people aren’t that serious. That’s just my take though. Also add in trolls and that tops it all off.


It’s a very condescending way to answer. Not to mention the second someone says that kind of thing there’s a high chance what they are suggesting is a scam/cult/conspiracy theory or something similar.


I have a 4 10 hour day schedule as well, But that’s not what this is about. This would be a 32 hour work week so it would be removing a day instead of cramming the same number of hours into fewer days.


I dont think there are any series I’m invested in the story enough to play a shitty mobile/gacha game for.


Cool you know how to parrot things that have been proven time and time again. Your coping needs work lol


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