problematicPanther, avatar

I’ll vote for biden unless he drops out and a more progressive candidate presents itself, in which case I won’t vote biden.


I’m normally critical of Biden but this is one of the few times I’ll say it. Biden staying in the race is the best thing he can do.

It doesn’t matter when he drops out at this point, the time to do that was 8 months ago. If he drops out now and there’s an open convention, democrats lose in November. If he drops out after the convention, and the DNC chooses a different candidate to replace him, Democrats lose in November.

The last time anything similar happened, there were riots outside the DNC in Chicago and Hubert Humphrey safely handed the office to Richard Nixon.

Fun fact, Hilary Clinton attended the protests.


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Communists supporting a fascist? What is this Berlin in 1933?

Objection, (edited )

Are you talking about the time communists ran the only candidate who wasn’t either Hitler or the guy who appointed Hitler chancellor and the social democrats voted for the Hitler supporter to stop the communists, whose victory directly led to Hitler’s rise to power?

Yeah I’d say there’s some similarities between that and today.


I guess not all Communists are genocidal dictators, just the most famous ones.


Lol moving right along from one false claim to the next.


Kind of like a fascist would since they don’t actually believe in a political ideology. They can be kind of hard to spot until it’s too late. The core issue I have with Communists is that you’re all so desperate for numbers you’ll let anyone in, including fascists, and when the revolution comes through, all the real Communists mysteriously disappear and we’re left with something that isn’t Communism.

woelkchen, avatar

Considering that Biden’s main competitor is an actual neonazi and the USA have an undemocratic election system that disadvantages all but two parties, there’s pretty much no choice but the senile grandpa who’s not a neonazi.

YeetPics, avatar

How dare you



yeah like people keep saying that there is need for someone better than biden, but at the moment he’s the only option thst is valid. it’s about damage control not about making everything utopia.

they complain that biden is not good enough, while completely ignoring that trump is literal neonazi. how in the fuck it is even question wheter you should vote for trump or biden because the fact is that either of them is going to the office. not some third candinate who would be actually good

woelkchen, avatar

As far as I can tell, his administration isn’t so bad overall (granted, compared to children in cages this is a low bar to cross). It’s not like he does every single job personally.




Can we elect Bernie before it’s too late please?

paddirn, (edited )

Still voting Biden, but this feels an awful lot like many past elections where people are holding their nose and voting for a candidate they don’t necessarily like just because they really don’t like the other candidate: Bush v Gore, Bush v Kerry, Clinton v Trump. Those elections never seem to turn out good.


That’s exactly what this is.

Give me a viable other option, please! Biden is soggy, cold oatmeal from 4 days ago that’s probably still fine. Trump is medical waste mixed with gasoline and uranium powder.


Fear seems like the go-to strategy when you have the weaker candidate. During the Obama elections, the only thing Republicans could do was try to scare people into voting for them, since they knew they couldn’t beat him. The strategy turns from focusing on the strength of your own candidate to focusing on the flaws of the opposing candidate. Democrats entire strategy at this point is maximizing fear of Trump. Not sure why it’s so hard for them to get rid of Biden and put up a real candidate, but it looks like a flaw in the nomination process.


I’m not sure if OP understands what a Tanky is.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

Tankie is just the blue version of Woke at this point


According to hexbear it’s just anything that’s not western/liberal

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

In their moral justification, the argument of the lesser evil has played a prominent role. If you are confronted with two evils, the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Its weakness has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget quickly that they chose evil.

-Hannah Arendt, German-American philosopher and political theorist, in fuckin 1964 lmao. some things never change!


Except that Biden is in no way evil. Being old is not evil, and his administration has done a lot of great things.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

That’s right, the man bypassing congress to ship weapons for Israel to bomb refugee tents with is actually a smol bean good guy, that’s SO true


Yeah the Nazis would’ve never come to power if everyone just abstained from voting instead of coalescing under one lesser evil /s


It’s a frigging figure of speech. It doesn’t literally mean both options are “evil” anytime it is used. And you’re not “choosing evil” by voting for Biden — not for the people whose lives will be ruined if Trump wins. For many you are preventing evil.

If a few more people in a few states had chosen the “lesser evil” of Hillary over Trump, the Supreme Court wouldn’t be delivering supreme evil every few months for the foreseeable future.

(I don’t need to hear about how Hillary did a bad job in the election — it doesn’t change the fact that the consequences are what they are.)


So, explain how not voting assures us that we don’t get Trump again.


Simple. If nobody votes, neither candidate will win.

ZombieMantis, avatar

Then Congress would appoint the President. If, somehow, a Congress was also not elected, then the states would likely send delegates to do the same thing, but not all of Congress is even up for election.


I’m going to assume that you’re being sarcastic.

For those who think this is an option, remember that the MAGoos vote in every election.


IMO the disconnect lies in the fact that many don’t see Biden as the “lesser evil.” They want to vote for Biden, because they’ve been influenced to think it is the only option.

Arendt is making an observation of a “no-win situation”.

Voters want a solution to that situation, so they make assumptions to come to a conclusion that fits the narrative they tell themselves.

Some, when faced with a no-win situation, choose to not play the game. Others, convince themselves that the lesser-evil is a desirable outcome. Many, myself included, want to “change the conditions of the test.”.

There is no viable solution. All choices are valid and should be respected.


The only way to change the conditions of the test is to get out and support Left-leaning Dems in primaries.

And no, not all choices are valid. Voting doesn’t just affect the voter, it affects the whole country.


You have no idea what I’m trying to communicate and it’s disconcerting to me. It’s a failure on my part to communicate effectively. I’m sorry.


Keep at it. You learn by doing something; making a mistake; then doing it again a little better.


I’m going to assume, from your replies, that you don’t think this election is a no-win situation?

But others do, which is illustrated in OP’s Arendt comment. Those concerns are material, whether true, or not. Dismissing vote abstainers, or third party voters, doesn’t address those concerns. Only Biden and the DNC can do that.


Or, people could look at the situation as it is.

Trump and his MAGoos are going to do everything they can to take as many rights away from people as they can.

In the real world of 2024, the only option is Joe Biden.

There’s no magical super candidate that’s going to pop up between now and November.

With the latest Supreme Court decision, re-elected President Trump could deputize 5 million of his followers on Inauguration Day.

You don’t have to love Joe Biden, or even like him. Just realize that Trump is for full on fascist takeover of the US and Biden isn’t.


Who are we going to vote for when Trump suspends elections?


That’s kinda my point.


Mine too… jinx.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

This premise depends on the assumption that “everyone is stupid except for me!”

We can sum up the sentiment as “don’t choose the lesser of two evils because you’re fucking moron that forgets things easily!”


because you’re fucking moron that forgets things easily!"

It’s more that the worst thing you’re willing to accept becomes the new normal.

And then something that was previously unthinkable becomes thinkable. And then if you accept that because it’s the lesser evil, it becomes the new “new normal”. Continue in a downward spiral.

Look at the state we’re in now, with Trump and Biden. That’s the result of decades of picking “the lesser evil”.

At some point you have to say “no more”.


Agreed, and by this argument it will only get worse. The next versions of biden and trump will both be worse if we keep going the same route.


You’re ignoring the fact that people have been opting out of voting for decades.

People in 1968 couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Humphrey, and we got Nixon.

They couldn’t bear Jimmy Carter, and we got Reagan.

“Both sides are the same” is the Right’s best pal.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

NAFO profile pic

worst opinion I’ve ever seen

A tale as old as time

SpaceCowboy, avatar

Tankie being triggered by reality… tale as old as… well not time… but as old as Stalin anyway.


Hannah Arendt was tankie?

mlg, avatar

Biden loses

OP blames the 5 tankies actually living in the USA for voting 3rd party

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I was planning to blame Russian Internet robots

Ranger, (edited )

Or you could except that the D party sometimes runs shit tir candidates.


They should have been preparing a replacement for Biden since he was sworn into office.

Now… Who really knows. There’s so much at stake for more than the presidency. If the choices are between a 78 year old felon under multiple indictments who is only out for himself, and an 81 year old who wants to better the country but is, well, 81… I’ll take the 81 year old



YeetPics, avatar


And yes, everyone already knows that.


Thank you for your ableism

And no, the ‘problem’ is always people didn’t vote for their shit candidates & not that they ran a shit candidate.


Íf he wore a clown suit and only spoke Pig-Latin during the debate… considering the alternative

He would STILL be the only viable candidate worth voting for

A_Chilean_Cyborg, avatar

Man I love love love not being from the US.


I’m in Europe and things aren’t really better here… Putin on the east, LePen and Meloni on the west…

MapleEngineer, avatar

I live in Canada, 15 km from the US border. When shit kicks off down there millions of them could come north expecting that Canada will welcome them with open arms. We will be unable to feed or house them. Many will die of exposure in the first winter. They should go south and hope that Mexico will take them in.

tooclose104, avatar

As someone living around the Timmins area, we’ve imported some hot climate individuals and still have room, send them up! The Northlander should be running by then /fingers crossed/


It’s actually the other way around. Things are getting so bad in Canada that emigration to the US is at a 10 year high

MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

I’m not sure if you completely missed my point or if hating Canada is so big a part of your identity now that you just can’t miss any opportunity to spread that Rusian and Chinese anti-Canadian propaganda.

EDIT: 7 day old propaganda drone account.


“everything I don’t like is propaganda” - Typical Lemmy user

No, what I said is true. You’re Canadian, how do you not know this?

Source: CBC

Tens of thousands of Canadians are emigrating from Canada to the United States and the number of people packing up and moving south has hit a level not seen in 10 years or more, according to data compiled by CBC News.

There’s nothing new about Canadians moving south of the 49th parallel for love, work or warmer weather, but the latest figures from the American Community Survey (ACS) suggest it’s now happening at a much higher rate than the historical average.…/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-…

Actual reasons cited in the article: Lower taxes, higher wages, affordable housing, dislike of Trudeau’s politics, cheaper groceries, increasing crime rates, increasingly disappointing healthcare system, and warm weather

Whether you agree or disagree with these reasons is irrelevant. The point is that trend is there and it’s accelerating. So to your tongue in cheek point about Americans mass migrating north, that likely won’t happen because the opposite trend is occurring as we speak.

MapleEngineer, avatar

Nice straw man. Typical propagandist.

Cost of Living in United States is 8.6% higher than in Canada (without rent)

Cost of Living Including Rent in United States is 14.1% higher than in Canada

Rent Prices in United States are 26.0% higher than in Canada

Restaurant Prices in United States are 8.7% higher than in Canada

Groceries Prices in United States are 5.2% higher than in Canada

But by all means, go on spreading your propaganda.


I’m not arguing for or against, I’m just pointing out the fact that emigration trend from Canada to the US is happening and it is at a 10 year high. I merely pointed out the reasons cited in the article as I clearly stated.

MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

I love in Canada but have worked for US companies and worked internationally for 15 years. I would never, ever move to the US. Ever.

My belief is that the people moving to the US are moving there for, “freedumb” (no realizing that Canadians enjoy more actual freedom and have better protection of their rights than Americans do) I’m more than ok with that.


I don’t care, my point still stands. Your hatred of America or love for Canada is irrelevant, and so are your assumptions as to why people are moving (even they literally give you the reasons in the article). The fact remains that emigration from Canada to the US is at a 10 year high, is far above the historical average, and is increasing.

In the same year (2022), only 10k Americans immigrated to Canada. This is only 8% of the number of Canadians who emigrated to the US (126k), despite the US having 8.5x as many people.


There’s clearly a very strong disconnect between what you’re trying to insinuate and what’s actually happening.

MapleEngineer, avatar

I don’t hate the US. I love Canada. I understand that Canada is one of the best places in the world to live. Those who think they will be better in a country with less freedom, less rights, less safety, and a higher cost of living because they bought in to the right wing bullshit may very well be better off moving to the US. I know Canada will be better for it.


Lmao ok

MapleEngineer, avatar

I’ve never understood putting an “lol” or an “lmao” or an “rofl” in a message. Are you trying to suggest that you’re smarter than I am or that what I said wrong or stupid? Are you trying to intimidate me? That is definitely not what I take away from it.

I react very much the same way Russians do to people smiling in photos.


It means I found humor in your reply as the acronym clearly implies.

If you think an acronym like lol or lmao is an insult or an act of intimidation then you need to touch grass

MapleEngineer, avatar

Ok…telling me to touch grass tells me everything I need up know about you. I was right.




Maybe we don’t associate Biden with fascism frog


If we let the fascists claim any symbol they want, we will have nothing left.

Pepe was just a depressed frog boi. Pepe is only fascist if we let the fascists win

noxy, avatar

Go ahead and get a few swastika tattoos then


I used to joke back in 2014 that if Milo Yian-whatever, Ben Shapiro and Gavin McInnes just had a biweekly meeting and decided on a hand sign, an image and a word to use heavily in social media for the following month that everything could be made into a dogwhistle within a year.


He’s already associated with support for genocide.


Some of us are old and still think of him as stoner frog. I’m not in the spaces where he’s used as a fascist icon and forgot they hijacked him.

Man having to remember every permutation internet bullshit gets exhausting.


Its literally a copy of a 2016 trump meme except they replaced Trump with Biden. This meme was deployed whenever Trump would “shit the bed” by 2015 standards.


Pepe and his variations never represented any political ideology. The only thing that Pepe and Wojak represent is the internet


But it is. A symbol can mean different things in different context. For example, this hand gesture 👌 means okay in Western cultures but means something more insulting and offensive in Arab culture. Does that mean one is right and is the one and only representation of the gesture? Of course not. Same here. Swastikas have been around for thousands of years across many different cultures and has many different meanings. It’s just one variation of the symbol that ended up being used by the nazis and is offensive to most people. It’s silly and rather close minded to try to disregard all these disregard all these different context and meanings when many of them have been around for longer than the nazi variation. The principle applies here.

noxy, avatar

Pepe is dead. Stop.


Nearly dead memes for nearly death people!

I do support the message though!

win95, avatar

The creator of pepe declared him dead


That is beyond meaningless. Pepe has no owner. It is a symbol of the internet culture and it’s not going away any time soon.

win95, avatar

Agreed but I do like the lore of pepe technically truly being dead because of his fascist undertone nowadays. Kinda funny.


This is only true if you think it’s true. Pepe serves as a template for internet culture and can have anything projected on to it. Pepe has been used to push evil views like Marxism and Fascism to pragmatic views like universal healthcare and freedom of the press to non political things like complaining about video games and the weather.


Well when the only other vote is fascism, hate, and bullying… Yeah we’re gonna vote for the not ridiculous choice.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

I mean the alternative is literally fascism. Not the silly internet “fascism” that’s just about someone that disagrees with you that you perceive is right of you on some silly made up political spectrum. Actual full blown fascism.

So yeah you need to vote for Joe Biden.


Is this loss?

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