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Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


That’s true. It was a lot of effort to get this far. “Oh no, someone won’t do it for me” is stupid.


Obviously that’s a terrible idea, but what is stopping a dictator from doing that in the US? The Supreme Court is the arbiter of whether things are legal. Literally what is stopping a dictatorial president from killing or threatening the Justices and replacing them with cronies?

Yet another argument for term limits on Justices.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine (

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....


But it doesn’t work as well because you can block entire instances. These people self identify by choosing the instance so it’s easy to just block all posts and comments, even those from people you’ve never seen before.


In America, the coalitions are created before the election based on party. “Republicans” and “Democrats” need to be thought of as right and left wing coalitions.


Yes, this is exactly it. You are calling when other people are calling. You are the congestion.

If you call before 11 AM you will have a much better time, as will the customer service operators.


Yes. One reason why new housing in the US is expensive is because there are way more regulations now than there were years ago. Houses now are much safer and built better. But that makes them more expensive.


Remember that all of those regulations are for a reason. Sometimes the reason is "contractors donated money to an elected official, but it’s usually a good result. It’s better to have higher quality than lower.


There’s already a “check” on the court. The President nominates them and Congress approves them. Also, just because the Supreme Court says something is unconstitutional doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

They have no enforcement mechanism. The President can execute laws how they interpret them. Congress can just pass slightly different versions of the same law. The Supreme Court is the weakest of the branches. People just need to fucking vote in their elections and the problem will solve itself.

If you go visit a small Republican town you will notice that people don’t usually protest, they just donate to politicians and vote. That’s how you win.

Fucking vote.


He’s not. He’s just an asshole. He can read social cues, he just doesn’t care. That’s why it can be tiring to deal with people with autism. They’re not assholes, but they act similarly.


The bag is empty. That’s what the expression “left holding the bag” means. You just end up with an empty bag because you were cheated out of everything else.


not military. People seem to forget Starfleet is just that.

The Enterprise is a “ship of exploration”, as they remind us every other episode. It has a ton of biological and astronomical labs on board. Their mission is:

to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man / one has gone before

That’s the mission of a diplomatic vessel. They just also have weapons. It’s 100% not a military ship. Starfleet itself is repeatedly described as not a military organization.

The only “military” version of the Enterprise D is in the TNG episode where they encounter the Enterprise C that returns from the past. It’s completely different from the regular version, and the difference between the timelines is stark.


The Enterprise is a “ship of exploration” in a way that’s not possible today. You’re misunderstanding them. They’re like a explorer’s ship in the “Age of Exploration”, Captain Cook or Magellan or Christopher Columbus. Although their mission is slightly different: diplomacy vs. claiming territory.

All those ships were fast and had weapons too. Diplomacy requires weapons. Starfleet is clearly not a military. Even civilian ships today have “captains”, “first officers”, etc. Cruise ships have them. Even pirate ships had them. Rank and hierarchy is not exclusive to the Navy / military.


You are still acting like there’s some change that Biden could make fix this. He can’t. This is a diplomatic apology, not a personal one. He’s saying “I’m sorry, this is the best America can do.” That’s an apology, whether you think it is or not. If it wasn’t, then countries would rarely ever apologize for things they can’t fix.

You’re also assuming that Zelenskyy doesn’t understand this, or would be insulted by this. You call it “useless”. As the leader of another democratic nation, Zelenskyy understands it very well and most likely receives it in the way it was intended.

Your comment is just wrong, and I expect an apology illustrating how you will change your ways.


Italians, or at least Sardinians, already eat bugs. As expected, they make it into something delicious.

Casu martzu[1] (Sardinian: [ˈkazu ˈmaɾtsu]; lit. ‘rotten/putrid cheese’), sometimes spelled casu marzu, and also called casu modde, casu cundídu and casu fràzigu in Sardinian, is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae (maggots).


Europe has a lot of things that are not reflected in GDP: health outcomes, good food, nice places to live, etc. There’s a reason why it’s a top vacation destination. China is not really comparable as most people would choose to live in Europe over China.

The US is more comparable, and is a better place to invest than Europe. But “competitiveness” is usually a euphemism for “cut wages and benefits”. I am skeptical about this.


This is the exact point. He was banned for spamming the same thing over and over. It was boring!

After I blocked him myself I realized he contributed nothing but drama. Go on Twitter if you want to create drama


I think you should have given them a three day ban earlier as a warning. Three day bans are nothing. I used to be a moderator and have been banned myself. Three days is like a timeout, and no one is hurt. It just says “cut it out”.


All I know is, this dude sounds half asleep. Nothing he said makes sense.

He’s probably just playing with words, trying to score meaningless points. Ignore people like that. They will never be convinced because they just playing around.

Oh, he joined 4 days ago… Block and ignore.


New Mexico is 90% going for Biden. It’s not a swing state.


Exactly, also the expert in the article says basically the same thing in more diplomatic language:

However, speaking to Newsweek Todd Landman, a professor of political science at Nottingham University in the U.K., said it was “still too far out from the election” to read much into swing state polls.

He said: “The race remains highly volatile, and it is still too far out from the election to make any firm conclusion from changing polls across these swing states.”


That’s a rule that should stay. They are literally no qualified candidates under 35. There are barely any qualified candidates over 35! There needs to be an upper limit though. At 70 IRAs force you to take withdrawals; it should be the same for the president.


I just came here to say this guy’s beard is not right for his head. The rounded lines accentuate the roundness of his baby-like cheeks. Needs more angles.


No, it would have to be Beijing, or at least Nanjing. The name “Beijing” literally means “northern capital”. Nanjing means “southern capital”. Other cities do not have the cultural cache to be the capital of China. It would be like France having a capital other than Paris.


I’m saying that Beijing has legitimacy in the eyes of the people of China, and has had that legitimacy for at least 1700 years. Forget Albany. You have to look at this from the point of view of a country that thinks it’s thousands of years old (rightly or wrongly). The capital of Italy is Rome, and it will always be Rome.


People outside the US do not care about that. This is probably in response to Iranians chanting “Death to Israel”. The Middle East has a problem with chanting “death to” things. It’s pretty messed up over there.


The Iranians support Palestinians with weapons (not food though). Hamas is a proxy of Iran, and I believe the same religion. There are very few Persians in Palestine. It would make no sense to chant directly against Iran.

As with everything in the Middle East, it’s complicated.


Ah, then it makes sense that Iran provides no real support to the Palestinians. They’re a different religion, so the Iranian regime only has an interest in using them against Israel.


I just realized something: since most people have no idea what AI is, it could easily be used to scam people. I think that will be it’s main function originally.

Like the average person does not have access to real time stock data. You could make a fake AI program that pretends to be a trading algorithm and makes a ton of pretend money as the mark watches. The data would be 100% real and verifiable, just picked a few seconds after the the fact.

Since most people care a lot about money, this will be some of the first widespread applications of real time AI. Just tricking people out of money.


That wasn’t about the suit, in case you were unclear on that.


He was black in the White House. That’s what those people objected to.

Plenty of Presidents have worn tan suits and no one objected:


The troop losses are actually replaceable (as tragic as that may be), but the planes, tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, and anti-air missiles are not. They have lost thousands of these and literally do not have enough parts to build more.


Lol. Just block Ozma already. I did and I don’t miss it.


That doesn’t make much sense. What happened to the bus in the middle of the day?

Parking in Downtown Manhattan can be rented out for $30 - $50 per hour, maybe $80 all day. And that’s a car-sized space. Since a bus is two or three of those, it would make no sense to just waste $240+ on an unused bus.


Ok but you said “there’s no excuse for driving in a city”. There are a million excuses. You’re obviously not disabled, but many people are. You’re obviously younger, but many people are older. You are obviously okay with the cold. Many people are not.

Why don’t you try imagining biking to work in 50°C heat, with a bad knee and a migraine? Plus asthma or anxiety, your choice. Also, put your kid and some groceries on the bike and see how easy it is.


It’s not. At the end of the day, their vote is still just one of many.

Fucking vote. Get your friends to vote. Volunteer for a campaign. There are a ton of liberal groups that call people or knock on doors to get out the vote.

The only thing she has is money which hires… people to get out the vote. Commercials, endorsements, etc. none of that was enough to get Hillary elected. GOTV is what works. Fucking do it.


And ignoring the fact that they just elected a political party that wants to eliminate the very thing they’re bragging about, because an immigrant might be able to afford a doctor.


Nah. America had Nazis in the 30s too. We’re immune to the most rabid varieties of fascism and authoritarianism because they don’t produce all the cool products Americans demand.

Americans might be plagued with racism and bigotry, but we’re way too lazy and invested in our own lives for a coup. Literally our bread and circuses are way too good.


The Guardian is a UK source and isn’t the best at US news. They don’t quite understand US voters, so read the facts but ignore their opinions and analysis.

UK readers: Trump voters are like your drunk uncle down the pub who’s always shouting at footy on the telly. They’re going to talk big, but it’s doubtful they’ll ever actually get off their arse and do anything they claim.


heavy vehicle for commercial purposes.

They were transporting and selling merchandise out of it. I bet they wrote its expenses off their taxes. Sounds commercial to me.


Man who wants attention says something to get attention? You don’t say!


I think it’s not that they don’t accept personal responsibility. In fact, they think everything is about them, thus they are responsible for everything.

The real issue is that they think they can’t do anything wrong. Everything revolves around them and their actions are good, by definition.


I guess you missed the main section at the top:


End of corruption within the Chinese Communist Party, as well as democratic reforms, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of association, social equality, democratic input on economic reforms


Why do you post so much stuff from the Government of India’s website?

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