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Handheld Linux Retrogaming recommendation?

I figure it will be a good thing to throw onto a wish list for whatever holiday is coming next. In a perfect world, it would run a Linux-based OS, be moddable, have decent ergonomics for an adult, and kinda just generally not suck. Is a hundred bucks a reasonable price point? One hundred fifty? I grew up in the 8-bit and 16-bit...


Bless her.


Uhhhhhhh…isn’t it several decades too late for this? Seems like this should have happened in the 1950s.


Do kids today even know what a taxi is? Or do they see a yellow cab the same way they see the save icon? “Why is it a square thingy? Those used to exist in real life???”

I used to say I was never going to get old…and then I got old. Now my knees hurt.


That was always the plan. When I was 7, I planned on dying by 15. I’m 40 now, so things went a bit offcoarse.


Morally I don’t think it’s wrong to use convicts to protect against an invading enemy.

Morally I DO think it’s wrong to use convicts as bullet absorbers in an effort to BE the invaders.

In any case, I’d say regardless of morality, it’s not a good sign that Ukraine has to resort to this.


Maaaaaaaaaaan, I installed OnionOS on my Mini+ a few weeks ago. Imported half of my roms (still working on it), and then literally 3 days after I did that, OnionOS has an update. Since the Mini+ has wifi, I should be allowed to just say “Update over wifi”, and that’s the only step. Make sure you have a charged battery, press update, and let it go.

Not sure I’ll manually update until there’s something major. I’m not going through the effort to go from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1.


I found the white one at a local games reseller shop. I wish it were the DMG grey, as that’s what my Miyo Mini is (small size). If you’re near Cleveland, wanna trade?

Lost_My_Mind, (edited )

He’s not exclusively N64, he covers a wide array of topics, but you could probably find a few decent videos from The Gaming Historian.

Same thing with Nintendrew, and MetalGamerJesus.

Edit: Sorry, I had the wrong name. His name is actually MetalJesusRocks. Brain fart!


Lets all buy the property next to Stuarts house, tear down any existing building, and build a glass house…for nude parties!


Occasionally there’s even kids there.

Ew ew ew ew ew ew no. Just…just no.

Before I wasn’t going to go because I’m not comfortable with my own body. NOW I’ll never go, because I assumed it was 21+. I don’t mind catching a glimpse of adult male nudity (I’m a straight male), because at least it’s an adult consenting to it. But I DO NOT want to see 8 year olds running around naked. Both from a standpoint of I don’t want to see it, AND from the standpoint that I don’t want others knowing they can go there to see it.

Think about it. Prior to 2012 or whatever year it was, NOBODY would have thought anything wrong with Jarod from subway going to a nude beach. But would you want your 8 year old at the same nude beach as Jarod??? Nobody knew he was into that, and the only reason you know now is because it made the news. The people in your neighborhood WON’T make the news.

There are various search tools online to see who in your neighborhood has been placed on the sex offender registry. Of the 37 houses on my street, 24 of them have had some form of sexual based arrest since the 1970s.

Can YOU pick out the predators based on visual glimpse? I can’t.


Not sure why what I said is so unpopular? Basically I don’t want to see naked kids, and don’t want others to know of a place to look at naked kids.

And that’s…somehow me being crazy?


Well, I know kids today aren’t being raised with the same protections I was as a kid. Kids swear more often now, see more violent tv than I did, and see sex more often than I did.

However I still maintain that kids should be treated as if they are as innocent as I was as a kid. I didn’t know what sex was until puberty, and thats the way it should be. Let them have a childhood.

You start making it known “hey, this is a place where naked kids are”, then you’ll inevitably have people going there specifically to see the naked kids. And you’ll never know which ones are doing that. Nobody suspects the pedophile until they’re caught…which tells me the uncaught ones are just out there consequence free.

And as far as “just not looking”, I covered this with the naked guys. I don’t mind seeing the naked guy, even though I don’t want to. You’re going to see it if you’re there. It’s just going to at some point be in your visual line of sight. With adults, at least they’re consenting adults who understand that any visitor to that beach, at anytime might sexualize them in their own mind. Children can’t consent to that, because they don’t understand the severity of the situation.


I was responding to a portion of another persons message that said they were.


Nobody may be advocating for it, but it happens due to lazy parenting. I heard one 10 year old on the bus a few months ago tell another about his age “Suck my dick!”.

When I was his age I’d never heard such phrases. I wouldn’t even know TO say that. They hear it from whatever media, whether its tv, or youtube, or movies. Nobody is saying anyone is doing this in person, but lazy parenting leads to it happening.


First off, I’m not sexualizing them.

Secondly, I’m not worried about people in this thread sexualizing them. I’m worried about people on the beaches in person sexualizing them for years. Eventually they act on it. Four of my neighbors raped kids before they got arrested. And a guy roughly 15 streets from me kidnapped and raped 3 teenage girls for 15 years, before one eventually broke out of his basement. My sister was raped in the 80s when she was a teen. There are rapists all around.


Because a nude beach is supposed to be sexual. And a kid is the wrong element for that. They’re supposed to not even know about nudity or sex at that age.


EVERYTHING nude is sexual…but especially beaches. I mean, only two types of people go to beaches. People looking to fuck in the lake while people watch, and the other, seperate part of the beach where families take their kids in the summer to swim.

Now you’re removing the part where you have to sneak around at the beach, and make it nude to start with. How is that NOT sexual? Except …now theres kids. At the part of the beach where you fuck.


At a nude beach.


I’m 40, and I was told I was being too scandalous for dating a black girl. 10 years ago teens were twerking, because Miley Cyrus did it.

How is that getting more prudish?


Ew. I’m fairly certain if I’d have done that, my dad would have beaten me with a tire iron, and then my mom would have beaten me with a belt in case my dad missed any spots.


That’s Europe though. They do a lot of things differently. Here in America, even the non-nude beaches are beaches for fucking in secret.


Glad you gave the astrict!


Who said violence was good for kids? If I were a parent I wouldn’t let my kid play those games. Not until they’re 14…unless they’re a stupid kid. Then 18.


…well, I’m an athiest. So, our bodies are all we have, and when we die, they get set on fire, or decompose in a box. Everything BEFORE that matters though.

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board (www.inquirer.com)

"But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office.”...


It doesn’t disqualify him, it just lowers the bar for Trump

This is the real takeaway. We’ve reached a point where we’re not even sure either one can stay awake during important meetings.

See? Shoulda went with Bernie Sanders. He may be just as old, but he’s too angry to rest. He sees the injustices of the world, and he’s been barking about them since the 60s. Getting arrested for his causes.

I’m not saying Biden isn’t sincere, but Sanders is so sincere that he’s passionately angry at the system. The only thing that disqualifies him in my eyes is his age…but fuck, if these are our only other two options, it’s not much of a disqualification, is it? Biden gets confused halfway through his thought process that he moves over to another thought process midsentence. And Trump doesn’t even start the sentence with a coherent thought process.

So…uhhhh…guess we’re all just fucked?


I think the struggle for voters is wondering why we don’t just hand the keys to country back to england. I mean seriously…THIS is the best we got??? Lets check in on English politics, shall we?

reads about Englands July 4th election

Well fuck…


Hey…I still remember the release date. 9/9/99.

Plus, you could use your dreamcast to talk to a fish. An insulting sarcastic fish…but the game was narrated by Leonard Nemoy. Sometimes he’d insult you too…


It’s not that they had no confidence. It’s that they took Nintendos approach on hardware. Sell low at a loss, and make the money on software.

Problem is, you could pirate every single game on dreamcast. Just get a legit copy of the game (renting, buying and returning, borrow from a friend), and have a CD burner.

Then you could make a 1:1 copy of the game in roughly an hour. As the year 2000 went on, websites even made it easier by posting the game files for download. If you didn’t have broadband (many didn’t at the time. Most had 56k), you could go to your local library and carry a USB stick.

So every console sold cost them money. And the software was performing abysmally. Plus, PS2 was right around the corner. XBox was an unknown, and Gamecube was assumed to do better than it did.

From a console war perspective, the year 2001 may have been the most competitive year EVER for video games.


You’re not wrong…but the other option is trump.

We’re all fucked.


And yet, I seem to be the only one voting for Spiderman. I liked his policy on stopping the Sinister Six.


Maybe everybody should just vote for me. I’ll end our support for Isreal. I’ll massively increase our support for Ukraine, and I’ll send George Clooney a birthday card every year with a pop-up middle finger, that pops out of a card that says “You’re getting older, you smug fuck!”

Also bacon. Just…just bacon.

I just had an idea that people smarter than me have probably had long before I heard of Lemmy.....but I don't see it implemented, so I'm sharing it anyways!!!

Ok, so one of the bigger problems I see on Lemmy is the fact that I subscribe to dozens of different communities, but my feed is always the same. News news news technology technology technology....


I know they’re saying Ukraine sunk those ships…but the headline makes it sound like Putin is saying “Now where did I put that military ship? Was it in the baltic sea? Did I harbor it in the Atlantic? Oh who can keep track of these things???”


Did any of these 800 media agencies apply after June 7th?


Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

Actually, I don’t think they’d ever find out about it. One second they would exist, and then suddenly, not so much. Obviously no one has any way to prove this, but the going expectation is that if you get nuked, you don’t even feel pain. It happens so fast, you just cease to be an alive person anymore, and instead become a pile of ash. You essentially go from healthy living human, to creamation where you stand, in an instant.

Obviously nobody who’s ever been vaporized like that can comment after the fact if they felt pain, or were aware of anything. What we do know is there have been recovered scenes after the Japanese nuked cities where you see a shadow in the shape of a person. That’s where that person was, and their body cast enough of a shadow in that moment of bright intense light, that it prevented the ground from being cooked by the blast. Unfortunately, nobody was giving the middle finger to something unrelated when the blast happened. As dark as the situation was, if it had to happen, it would have been kinda neat if the shadows were doing something interesting by pure chance.

But yeah, they wouldn’t have had time to even know they’d been bombed.


I’ve always had an alternative take on the “afterlife”. Some people like to think of spirits as this tangible thing, like a ghost, or something that is self aware. I see it more like how someone would say “The spirit of the city comes alive at these events!”. So in that case, the city has a spirit. It’s not a ghost, but that’s more along the lines of how I interpret the spirit. My grandma died in October. Her spirit lives on with me until the day I die. I will continue spreading stories of the things she’s taught to me. In that way, she will continue to inspire people who she’s never even met. So in that way her spirit lives on.

So now that you get the idea of what I mean by spirit, here is what I think happens to us when we die. In the short term, you cease to exist. You don’t experience anything more. You don’t look down upon people from the heavens. You don’t roam the earth observing life. You just…don’t exist anymore. In the long term your spirit lives on. Each persons spirit will continue a different length of time. I’m sure there was probably a guy named Tom who lived in what is now Boston, back in the 1600s. I have no idea about who or what Tom did, because everything he ever did has been forgoten. Toms spirit has died. Others have their spirit live on for much longer. George Washingtons spirit lives on as long as America lives on. There may or may not have been a guy named Jesus. If he did exist, he’s got to hold the record for longest living spirit. I can’t think of anybody elses spirit from 2000+ years ago we still think about today.

The point is, while you’re alive you have the chance to make an impact on as many or as few people as you can. Physically everybody is going to experience death differently. Ironically, people who are executed through lethal injection have the easiest death I can think of. Pain free. The rest of us are going to experience something much more horrible. Some die in their sleep peacefully.

But after you’re gone, your spirit is all that remains. How long it remains depends on who you inspired, and what concepts you gave birth to for societies benefit.


Because he tried to have the image scrubbed from the internet. It pissed him off that much. So by everybody posting it in more and more places, it makes it infinately harder to scrub the image from all the places.

You’re getting entirely too psychological with it.

“It pisses him off, and this ensures more people will see the image, and save the image, and later spread the image.” That’s it. That’s the end of the thought process.


Just letting you know that this American is cheering for you, and cheering for Hong Kong in their fight against China.

I also cheer for Ukraine in their fight against Russia.


15,000 killed by Isreal. The other 21,000 are unaccounted for. Now I know you’re making the “joke” that if the 21,000 are “missing” that they must have been killed. And you’re probably not wrong to some extent. However, unaccounted for isn’t always the same as dead. If I were a kid in Palestine, and bombs started raining down, I’d get the fuck out too…and if my parents don’t know where I am, but I’m alive, then I can try to contact them later. Assuming of coarse that the parents are still alive.

And sure, a portion, maybe even a large portion of those 21,000 actually are dead. We don’t KNOW that, but it is a reasonable guess. The hard part is figuring out just how many of the 21,000 are alive, and how many are dead.

I say this because on 9/11, depending on which reports you base your knowledge on, somewhere between 3k-6k officially were declaired dead. Which is still a tragedy no matter what the numbers are. However on the day of the attacks, my local NBC news channel was saying the estimated deaths were close to 60,000 for the two towers, as that’s how many people had gone missing.

Well…turns out a large portion of that 60k made a decision in the moment that survival was more important than logistics and numbers. Get out while you can, stay alive, and contact people later when it’s safe. That’s what they did on 9/11, and I assume some portion of those kids are doing the same now in Palestine.

So let’s not take a situation which is already a tragedy, with no end in sight, and claim it to be the absolute worst case scenario it can be, when in reality, it’s probably less than that. We just don’t know by how much yet, and may not for years.


Thats only for russian political opponents of the kremlin.


If it makes you feel better, in the 90s, wrestling fans had our wrestling interupted by the west minster dog show.

We tune in every July, and for 2 weeks, during the SUMMER!!! When school was out, and we could finally stay up late…we see dogs running up ramps, and showing how they could pose.


Thts called typing on a bus with a phone bouncing around because the driver is an asshole, trying to do 60 on a 25, and hitting every pothole in sight.



Oh, wait.

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