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I mean ageing technology (what the person might look like after 5 years etc) was also created for human trafficking victims, and I haven’t seen it really being talked about in many years now since it came out. Seems weird to base something on whether or not you’ve heard of it.

If the family doesn’t have a recent picture of the person without makeup, then yeah, this would be useful, since people can look pretty different without makeup. I’m the only one who has recent pictures of my wife without makeup for example, her friends and parents only have pictures of her with makeup since she normally does some when meeting them. She’s also half Chinese, so depending on how she decides to do her make up, can look way more asian or barely asian at all. If I didn’t have those pictures and something happened, the make-up pictures wouldn’t be as useful in searching for her.


Haven’t really seen it mentioned here, but for those who don’t know, the male chicks are not used for chicken nuggets, but primarily for pet food or plant fertilizer. Also not every country does this practice. Not only that, but eliminating eggs from the human global diet would be unfeasible. This is because eggs are the best source of protein, with only whey protein coming second. They are also the only food with such a high protein content that also contains all essential nutrients. And before someone posts “but da beans!” - no, they’re not on the same level. Although beans are a good source of protein, they’re neither complete nor are they actually as high as they seem, because the protein they have isn’t as bioavailable as that of eggs (speaking of, this is why there’s certain practices in vegan diets to gain more nutrients, such as eating leafy greens with an acid to get more iron or soaking pecans to remove the pyric acid in them to absorb the minerals they have better).

Removing eggs from the world diet would actually lead to more ecological harm, even without more ethical chicken rearing practices becoming wider spread, because the amount of farm land needed to ensure proper nutrition for everyone with a mixed vegetable diet would be significantly higher than ensuring there’s just enough eggs for everyone.

You don’t like baby chicks getting ground up? Don’t own carnivorous pets, and buy from more ethical egg farmers. Or if you can, honestly just get your own chicken or 2. You’ll have enough eggs with even a single chicken to be honest. Hens don’t need much space, males can be eaten once their 4am crowing drives you crazy - although they do keep the hens happy. If you can afford it or don’t have very particular diet restrictions, go vegan - you probably don’t need as much protein as you think. I used to be vegan until kidney failure, and now with a transplant am back to mostly vegetarian (at least for now until I can go back to being fully vegan). I also used to raise animals for food and farm because I came from a poor family initially. If you don’t care, then just consider eating less meat and eggs will ya? Too much ain’t good for your health either. Plus it’ll taste better if you don’t eat it every day. A weekend bbq is way more special when you haven’t had meat the prior everyday.


Ah yes, also known as “how to not break your oath if you play Paladin” when killing the slavers.

“Just gonna go all the way over to do some shopping”

Rest of the team attacks slavers

“Oh no, what has happened here? Guess I must self defense now!”


What was different in the Early Access?


I’m annoyed you can’t

Tap for spoilerfree Orpheus and have him protect you from the brain worm. Instead you have to forcefully ally with the dubious deceitful dumb hentai face dream guardian.


Why’d they change it so much? EA dialogue does seem better. Especially what they did with the dream visitor.

Is there any way to play the EA version still? And it’s it possible to complete the EA version (all acts)?


Yeah couldn’t find anything. Guess I’ll keep searching it someone has a copy of EA somewhere


They really should be trying to do lab grown fish meat. Would probably be easier than growing lab beef too. Would be perfect for Sushi too

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


You’re kind, since you didn’t ask him to pronounce something like yö


Well considering this ideas were taken from Endless Legend, you should give that a try. Or if you want something more Civ like, they also have Humankind, which is like Civ but better and the AI is really good (they made it even better now than before, and it was already way ahead of Civ’s NPC AIs). They also have a unique win condition with Fame.


I like the idea and gameplay, but man am I tired of that color palette


Neither was that YouTube video 🤷🏻‍♂️


It can also literally communicate something through art as it’s currently the only reasonable way to create QR code art


Have a whole article that covers it actually with examples:…/redditor-creates-working-anime-…


I’m starting a “jack-of-all-trades” achievement run in a bit


Also responding to unrelated topics will make some think you’re a bot. The conversation should happen organically. It’ll get you clicks but not positive interaction.


Statistically and unfortunately however, they have been very bad at not being taken over by non-anarchy eventually. And it’ll likely get worse for a while with robotics.

Source: Look at world map.


I should clarify: advanced autonomous robotics.


That’s not a single technological advancement though, it’s multiple.

But either way, I think it’ll make a difference because it eliminates a big factor that’s always been present:


Autonomous robots would never tire, would be able to maintain themselves to a degree, and the controlling force never has to worry about their loyalty. Also eases stress on the empire’s citizens because they’re not the ones being sent to fight anymore, either. Easier to do the bread and circuses.

Hopefully I’ll be wrong about it.


Yes, based on facts.

Unfortunately nothing you say has had any.



Seriously I’m old enough to remember when words other than “terrorist” were used.

Hamas doesn’t just want to cause terror, and isn’t a random group. It’s an organized group with an objective goal to destroy the nation of Israel that’s part of a governing body.

Nowadays anyone that’s “the bad guy” is just called “terrorist”. That’s not by accident either - makes it hard to talk nuance when you make things black and white, and gives oligarchs and autocrats a nice loaded word to use against “revolutionaries”.


It’s easier to hold a higher standard when you have all your needs met.

Less so when you’re poked with giant needles 3 times a week while also having to be careful to not drown because you drank a tad too much water.

Lumisal, (edited )

What I’m describing is Kidney failure and dialysis - well, part of it, it’s even worse than that - the things the doctors and researchers that were involved in doing this transplant are trying to cure.

The thing you say we should allow humans to go through in the name of holding ourselves to a “higher standard”.


Can vouch for their routers.

I do want to say though, they technically use their own version of OpenWrt, but you can just as easily install pure OpenWrt too.


Weird how y’all haven’t figured it out yet considering Finland has and Germany has had nuclear power plants for longer.

But I suspect it’s more of a lack of wanting to do what’s needed for storage because ‘politics’ and boomers than it is because it’s not possible.


I’d like to note it’s not profitable because it generates so much energy so consistently that it’s hard to keep prices up.

That’s why nuclear energy should never have been a private sector investment but a government one, or maybe hybrid. That’s how it’s worked in Finland, and the new reactor we had built plus the growing solar really saved us from the electricity spike after Russian gas was turned off.


Yeah, and like most of Europe, that German population lives in cities, not random forests and mountains in the middle of nowhere where you could also do underground storage like Finland has done.

Not to mention Germany has more land.


Compared to Fossil fuels that’ll stay in the air for thousands of years while they essentially terraform the planet into something way less habitable for humans? How the hell is that more logical???

Finland is a bit too north and cold for rapid deployment and storage of renewables. Although summer is excellent for solar, winter makes solar barely useful and can decrease some wind (newer designs help a lot with the snow issue).

Germany is more stable, but electrical storage is still an issue, along with the larger population. Having planned at least 1 new power plant while decommissioning the older ones would have made a lot more sense while transitioning to 100% renewables. Spent nuclear fuel doesn’t use much space - the spent fuel can be stored underground in containers in deep bed rock in drilled shafts and then cemented over. It’s less effort and resources that what Germany’s many mining companies use extracting minerals or fossil fuels.

Can’t do the same for all that pollution your damn lignite plants make though.


I know there’s the joke that Finland doesn’t exist, but didn’t know people like you who took it seriously.

From 2019. Yes, we’ve figured out how to store it permanently. The country of 5 million somehow figured out what the hundreds of millions in Germany, USA, and others couldn’t.

Or more accurately, actually did it. The solution has been known for awhile.

Also, never said a private company had to do anything - that’s just a strawman you brought up.


That’s basically what Finland is doing, with a few extra steps.

The whole waste thing isn’t an unsolved issue, it’s purely a political one.


It just sounds like an old school operating system, like OS/2.


You must come from a tech literate family.

If it was the default Android launcher, Android would die.


There’s a quote that goes something like this: “imagine the average dumb person, and then realize half the population is dumber than that”.

Having worked tech support, Arch is basically alien tech wizardry, a terminal is “hackerman” leet thing, and using Google to figure out an error code is “being tech savvy”.

Granted, it’s nowhere near as bad in Finland as it was in the USA, or Central America, but what you and I think is “super easy custom set up” is “⬧︎◆︎◻︎♏︎❒︎ ♏︎♋︎⬧︎⍓︎ ♍︎◆︎⬧︎⧫︎□︎❍︎ ⬧︎♏︎⧫︎◆︎◻︎” for a very significant portion of the population.

It’s easy to forget how hard something is when you’re used to it. Sure I might know what idiopathic glomerulonephritis is without looking it up but that doesn’t mean you might know what glomeruli are.

Likewise I might know what an EGR valve is but it doesn’t mean I know how to fix a Tesla.


I’m not saying everyone needs an iOS circa 2015 interface.

But I am saying something like KISS would never work, because the general public will just outright reject it.

What needs to exist is something in between: something simple and easy to use at stock, but with high customization ability that ranges from novice to advanced users.

Unfortunately, it seems most of the GUI experts work in the private industry and rarely do FOSS.


Oh look another Orpo stooge pretending Finland’s debt is the problem while the government’s austerity cuts make the country’s economy worse.


You do realize that slippery slope argument is what’s used when it comes to banning anything else, right?

“Can’t legalize marijuana or people will start wanting to do meth” for example.


I, uhh, I think you need desensitization therapy. But just so you know, most people don’t find that face scary.


It’s weird to have that strong of a reaction. At the very least it sounds debilitating.

Wrinkly Duo just looks like an old person version of Duo to most. It’s not even uncanny valley because Duo is not even close to human like (unless you know green bird like humans in real life, but then I’m not sure they’re human).

If that scares you, so would a very wrinkly old person.

There is therapy to lower that extreme reaction you have, called desensitization therapy. You should look into it.


Which is a bit ironic for people that make UX/UI software


Pretty sure Windows 11 itself has become a data collection service at this point

France votes to ban ‘forever chemicals,’ exempting frying pans (

The French National Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted a bill aimed at restricting the manufacture and sale of products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — also known as PFAS or “forever chemicals.” The MPs, backed by the government, voted to exclude kitchen utensils from the scope of the text....

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