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I don’t know you everyone is so upset. Fomenting violence on a public stage is completely normal, I mean c’mon. /s


No, I’m sure that’s right. They made a number of prime time tv shows proving it. /s


You know what, they’re right. All this time I’ve spent praising our study of the universe, development of medicine and vaccines, even harnessing energy and sending information around the planet and I just feel duped.

Science is a liar sometimes.


Oh, Rutabaga, why?! You were the King of NYC. You could do no wrong. You farted in a hearing on your bullshit fake-ballots case. You melted under the sun of Four Seasons (was it supposed to be a hotel? No, T meant to hold a press conference in a parking lot!). You lost a huge case for libeling two unfortunate ladies who were then harassed by the henchmen of your boss who won’t pay you.

Oh, Rutabaga, where did you go wrong? I can only surmise that you flew too close to the sun.

The Targeting of Infrastructure by America’s Violent Far-Right (

The U.S. government has taken notice of far-right extremists’ renewed interest in targeting critical infrastructure, releasing numerous bulletins and warnings to educate the public and communicate transparently about the nature of the threat. According to CNN reporting, in late April 2023, a Department of Homeland Security...


Many of them are set on inducing a race war, largely inspired by The Turner Diaries. Please don’t order a copy out of curiosity as it still funds these groups. You can find it free online. I skimmed different sections to find out what they’re reading / fantasizing and it’s dogshit but also disturbing.


Surprising no one. A repub in dem’s skin the whole time. Besides him and Sinema (sp?), there was this other lady who ran as a dem but clearly lied about positions and flipped without announcing a party change once elected. I don’t remember who, just saw a repost of a Tok about her. They are shameless in their lies and facades.


I remember my father commenting to my mother when she was on the cover of Time or Newsweek during Billy’s time in office. He remarked about how smug she looked. That’s the word that came to mind reading this headline. Oh, wait, the thumbnail too. I wish she’d go away.


Y’know, I for one think cops should be able to beat people to death for basically no infraction, so increasing their abilities to do so is a win in my book.

Fuck Louisiana. Fuck cops.

What domain name to choose for an open source website where I could ask for personal donations?

I am planning to create an open source project for a web application whose entire premise is to provide an otherwise paid service for free, so I am not planning to commercialize the project. This project is also a passion project. I seek to improve my skills by working on the application and I am not looking forward to expand it...



A lot of people were excited for Bernie and the Dems (and media) coordinated to kneecap him rather than chance the vote.

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Slap the bottoms of his bare feet with reeds until he complies. /s

If you want to persuade your friend down the road to give it another shot, try asking what things he’d like to do and see if you can configure everything in advance. It’s impossible to predict all future desires, but knocking out some of the bigger ones could help. Honestly, I’d be surprised if he tries again any time soon. Can’t blame him. We all have different levels of tolerance for drudgery vs wanting things to just work.


There’s no pressure. That has been clear from the jump. But especially when police cracked down on peaceful protesters on campuses.


If you allow Alito and Thomas to help Trump facilitate a Fourth Reich, as they both appear wont to do, you and the entire judiciary will be rendered powerless in a matter of months. Enablers only think they’ll be able to control their dictators once in power, as the financiers surrounding every criminal despot throughout history have mistakenly believed. You will rubber-stamp what Trump and his corporate backers want, but inevitably their desires will diverge from your own. At that point, you will have no recourse because there will be no laws except for paper platitudes that serve the dictator’s interests. Query what role for the judiciary will remain thereafter.

I just finished reading an excellent book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power, which is about the last six months before Adolf became chancellor. Alfred Hugenberg had a media empire and thought he could steer Hitler’s chancellorship and helped bring Hitler to power. He was out after one term or whatever the measurement of the cabinet was.

People know the saying that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. An addendum I saw somewhere is that those who know history are doomed to know that it’s repeating. It sucks a lot.

[SOLVED] [Manjaro XFCE] Trying to mount an SSD but gives me a "Failed to mount" error

I’m trying to mount one of my SSDs on my systems but it gives me this error when trying to mount from File System: “Failed to mount “New Volume” - No object for D-Bus interface.” If I go into Gparted and check the description of the device in question it gives me this: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 3). Failed to...


This is one of those threads that I’m saving to my read-it-later app of choice because you never know. Awesome work, d3Xt3r.


Some will give Trump the benefit of the doubt. Surely Trump thought the video was funny. Surely he only intended his MSNBC nemesis as the target. Surely calling a person or group “done” is just a figure of speech. And Scarborough doesn’t appear to feel threatened by the guy in the video. He was just a crank, right?

And the rest will correctly read the message and violence will occur and Trump’s hands will be clean because “obviously he was misinterpreted.”


Came here to say the same.

The FBI affidavit in Knight’s Jan. 6 case says he has “several distinctive tattoos, including one under his left eye … and what appears to be the emblem of the Cadillac car company on his neck.”

But, then again, people often mistake the Honda Civic tattoo on my neck for other cars, so it must be rough ruling us out.

(I have no tattoos on my neck. Learn to internet.)

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


So, we had an office whose building enclosed a tiny parking lot, maybe six or seven spaces. Two guys showed up with leaf blowers. Our location put us on the edge of the space with a door and windows making the noise quite prominent.

An hour in, my buddy said something to the effect of, “I wish they’d be done soon. They’re giving me a headache.” Queue other buddy cracking up hysterically. Turns out, he’d surreptitiously tuned our stereo (hooked up to a computer) to a youtube channel of leaf blowers blowing for hours. None of us caught on. The actual guys with blowers had been gone for a long time.

It’s still one of the funniest pranks anyone has pulled on me and I’m still mad at him for it.


The Asahi team never fails to impress. You can support the project at their Patreon. You don’t need to care about Apple hardware to see the value in the work they’re doing getting ported over to ARM PCs. Who knows? You might be donating to the health of your preferred distro on a device you will own down the road.


You don’t understand. Bob was gesticulating wildly while telling a really funny joke and he slipped and landed on the “murder civilians” button. We’ve asked him to be more subdued when telling jokes in the future.


I remember when I was trying to break into the Linux sysadmin role. Every job required 3-5y professional experience. I’d had a homelab for a while and was reasonably experienced with a number of things, but there was absolutely no willingness to bring on a newbie and train them up. It was super frustrating. How will I ever get any experience if you won’t hire anyone without years of experience?


I had an in-person interview lined up after a phone interview went really well. However, I got offered a different position before the Linux interview was scheduled and I had to take it because I was unemployed and couldn’t gamble on it not working out.

I just got back into virtualizing Linux instances on Proxmox (had been on ESXi before the Broadcom fuckery). I’m considering going that route again as of just very recently.


All right, everybody. Millionaire capitalists are in trouble. Let’s all tighten our belts and ration even harder. We can’t have them lose their private jets, huge McMansions, and fleets of sports cars. It’s time to dig deep. Save the 1%!


I accidentally hit my vape when we experimented with BTO at my last employer. Luckily, I was the first one in and the back door was nearby, so I just rushed outside to exhale. Vaping at home while working had become my norm.


How to lose my respect on day one.


He’s a proven liar (podcast eps about him on Maintenance Phase.)


He also contacted a lost tribe and shared exchanged cultures with them. /s


Let’s all give her an award for being human. There are five other pieces of shit on that bench that are absolutely vial monsters.

Sorry for dehumanizing people. I know that’s a terrible slip into worse thoughts and actions. But fuck people like Clarence Thomas and Alito and the rest. They are tyrannical shitbags.


He accomplished more in his career than the vast majority of politicians, regardless of those who reached higher office.


I recognize the Sea Peoples. I have an article open on my phone with new research on them that I need to go back and read. I’m really good at opening links to things I want to read later and then letting them accumulate.


Excuse me, but I never leave out that Trump is a fascist who’s worse than Biden. And I’ll vote Biden against Trump. Biden is still a lying piece of shit absorbing and spreading Israeli propaganda about murdered babies and systematic rape on Oct 7. He’s still facilitating a genocide. None of Trump’s evil words can change that. Biden can change that, but he chooses not to.

Kicked macOS to the Curb and Installed Asahi Fedora Gnome

Most of the switching posts are from frustrated windows users making the jump. I’m already a Linux user on my server (Ubuntu for now, going Debian at some point) and a 2014 iMac for tinkering/testing (KDE Neon), and a couple of raspberry pis (raspberry pi os headless) but our main household computer is an M1 Mac mini that my...


The project has a Patreon page. I’d encourage anyone who’s interested to consider supporting their work. I’ve been a subscriber since the Patreon started and I don’t even use Asahi. I installed it once to kick the tires and it was very impressive, but I like the Apple ecosystem. I just also like choice.


I’ve got some old machines lying around (Intel mini and Intel air). I tried to go Linux today on the air. Tried Rocky, then Fedora, then Mint Cinnamon, then Mint Xfce. Couldn’t get the trackpad and kbd working. Plugging in external devices worked, but that meant juggling a kbd and mouse with the flash drive installer (only two USB-C). Then I had to juggle them with a USB-C power cable when the battery faded.

I know there are steps to make it all work with Apple’s T2 chip, but it just wasn’t worth it to me. I have two docks that I could use, but they’re driving two displays and a bunch of peripherals on my main machine, a MacBook Pro. I don’t expect I’ll run Linux on a Mac laptop until I retire my M1 air and install Asahi. It was so seamless when I tested it out that the rest just feels like burning valuable time.

I’ll prolly still convert the old mini, since all that noise won’t apply. Just WiFi drivers and such, which is much easier with four usb ports and ethernet.

If I really wanted a dedicated full-time Linux laptop, I’d probably buy a Framework since I find their hardware interesting. But as it stands, this was more of a fun project that turned out not so fun. I’ll stick with R-Pi’s and hypervisor VMs for my Linux needs for anything serious. Just ordered a new NUC today to replace one that was getting long in the tooth.


“I never wanted Miss America to be my peak in life,” Mund told The Independent. “I wanted it to be the springboard for whatever comes next.”

Well, at least that’s a positive attitude. She didn’t wanna end up the high-school quarterback who peaked and relived stories of greatness like Al Bundy.


Sorry, but the reason I don’t use violence is because I don’t believe in violence. Not because of gun laws, which I still support. And if we come to civil war, I won’t be here to see it through because I don’t believe this nation can be saved, not because I’m not willing to fight for something I believe in.


Sorry, wrong target. Sue the cops who didn’t act. Oh, wait. They’re basically untouchable. Well, I guess sue yourselves for having children in America. That’s about the only case you might win.


I’m shocked that, SHOCKED I tellz ya, that MAGA shitheads would berate women for anything other than staying barefoot and preggers in the kitchen.


Start a youtube channel. You’ll be raking in money via Patreon in no time. Try to team up with the raw-meat steroid shithead to increase viewership.


Wtf, do I have to spell it out? It’s just like how teachers can go to jail for mentioning their same-sex partner. If that doesn’t spell freedumb, I don’t know how else to explain it to you. And tracking pregnancies? How could you get any freer?!


We have no room for rhetorical questions here. Please move along.

This is like asking if they lied about roe v wade during conf hearings.


Silly human. You used earthling mathematics. On Mars (where Lonnie is from), physics works a different way. See? Lonnie is the genius all his sycophants say he is.


The corruption is great enough that he was able to climb it step by step to a potential high office. People like this are disgraceful.


I’ve long accepted that if / when we reach the point of a fascist state rounding people up, my name will be on those lists due to my internet history. I’m just counting on the fascists needing a bit of time to get organized as I flee. Hope I’m right.


I guess there’s wordplay that I’m not spotting.


Why didn’t I think of that? This is a game changer!


No, but I find that hilarious and on brand.


Before, I believe. But I wouldn’t put it past her to repeat both as many times as possible, thus the question becomes a time paradox and wouldn’t you know it the universe implodes.

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