
retrospectology, to world in Did China's Xi Jinping expose disunity in Europe?
@retrospectology@lemmy.world avatar

And has worked tirelessly to create it, yes. Europeans have looked at the chaos in the US with a sense that it represents some kind of moral failing specific to Americans, but the reality is they themselves have been part of the same decades long social engineering campaign by Russia and China.

The only difference is the goals have been slightly different for each target and the type of trolling and propaganda exploits slightly different social and cultural weaknesses. But ultimately the goal has always been to drive a wedge between the US and Europe, and weaken both.

HowRu68, (edited )

100%. Its a classic divide & conquer strategy, albeit that the technology has changed over the centuries, and the methodology (hybrid) has become more finetuned. I mean, objectivelly and strategically it’s how the world has been working forever: " in war and love there are no rules", it is said.

On the otherhand, how the world has been working forever, is exactly the whole issue. Speaking for European (or worldcitizens) we really hate wars and catastrophic results, so we’d like to move away from the old world, towards a more balanced world with more equal partnership; ideally.

It’s impossible to move to that point, when your supposed partners apperantly don’t have the same wish ( Ruzz Mir for example, isn’t peace). At the end of the day I perceive this as a clash between systems, democracies & authoracies.And, even this comparance may be too simplified. I hope and trust, we can find a proportionate and adequate response to these negative developments and actions.

Also it should be a joint responsibility between all the citizens from the whole world ( if your country is fucking up, try to do something if possible, stay safe ofc). Instead, as it appears now, we have just some head of states deciding everything for billions.

Kinda of like a modernised slogan from yesteryear," citizens over the World Unite; against idiotic head of states! " thing. Wouldn’t that be something . Cheesy John Lenon shit. Yet maybe he’s right; because here we are in this mess.


we really hate wars and catastrophic results

It often feels like we’re all reformed drunks, knowing perfectly well what would happen when you touch the booze again and fists start flying and trying their hardest to keep it from happening. And now some neighbors is having loud parties and leaving bottles everywhere.

MapleEngineer, to world in Germany: Suspect charged with planning 'coup' attempt
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Among other things, members and supporters of the group allegedly planned to sail a ship into Russian territorial waters and make contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

They had hoped for military and political support from Putin in the founding of a new state, according to the Hamburg public prosecutor’s office.

When you develop your collective fantasies in an echo bunker with no one to say, “Do you think that actually happen? What if he says, ‘No’? What if you get caught?” they grow and become more and more ludicrous.


These are people that actually believe in a secret cabal of lizard people.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar


TWeaK, to world in Finland ranked world's happiest country for seventh year

Ukrainians are less happy than Iranians.

The full list (in reverse order, because the document is weird):

  1. Afghanistan (1.721)
  2. Lebanon (2.707)
  3. Lesotho (3.186)
  4. Sierra Leone (3.245)
  5. Congo (Kinshasa) (3.295)
  6. Zimbabwe (3.341)
  7. Botswana (3.383)
  8. Malawi (3.421)
  9. Eswatini (3.502)
  10. Zambia (3.502)
  11. Yemen (3.561)
  12. Comoros (3.566)
  13. Tanzania (3.781)
  14. Ethiopia (3.861)
  15. Bangladesh (3.886)
  16. Sri Lanka (3.898)
  17. Egypt (3.977)
  18. India (4.054)
  19. Jordan (4.186)
  20. Togo (4.214)
  21. Madagascar (4.228)
  22. Mali (4.232)
  23. Liberia (4.269)
  24. Ghana (4.289)
  25. Cambodia (4.341)
  26. Myanmar (4.354)
  27. Uganda (4.372)
  28. Benin (4.377)
  29. Tunisia (4.422)
  30. Kenya (4.470)
  31. Chad (4.471)
  32. Gambia (4.485)
  33. Mauritania (4.505)
  34. Burkina Faso (4.548)
  35. Niger (4.556)
  36. Pakistan (4.657)
  37. Morocco (4.795)
  38. Namibia (4.832)
  39. Ukraine (4.873)
  40. Cameroon (4.874)
  41. State of Palestine (4.879)
  42. Nigeria (4.881)
  43. Azerbaijan (4.893)
  44. Iran (4.923)
  45. Senegal (4.969)
  46. Turkiye (4.975)
  47. Guinea (5.023)
  48. Ivory Coast (5.080)
  49. Gabon (5.106)
  50. Laos (5.139)
  51. Nepal (5.158)
  52. Iraq (5.166)
  53. Georgia (5.185)
  54. Mozambique (5.216)
  55. Congo (Brazzaville) (5.221)
  56. Tajikistan (5.281)
  57. Albania (5.304)
  58. Hong Kong S.A.R. of China (5.316)
  59. Algeria (5.364)
  60. North Macedonia (5.369)
  61. South Africa (5.422)
  62. Armenia (5.455)
  63. Bulgaria (5.463)
  64. Indonesia (5.568)
  65. Venezuela (5.607)
  66. Colombia (5.695)
  67. Mongolia (5.696)
  68. Montenegro (5.707)
  69. Kyrgyzstan (5.714)
  70. Ecuador (5.725)
  71. Bolivia (5.784)
  72. Russia (5.785)
  73. Moldova (5.816)
  74. Mauritius (5.816)
  75. Dominican Republic (5.823)
  76. Peru (5.841)
  77. Jamaica (5.842)
  78. Libya (5.866)
  79. Bosnia and Herzegovina (5.877)
  80. Greece (5.934)
  81. Croatia (5.942)
  82. Bahrain (5.959)
  83. Honduras (5.968)
  84. China (5.973)
  85. Malaysia (5.975)
  86. Thailand (5.976)
  87. Paraguay (5.977)
  88. Hungary (6.017)
  89. Portugal (6.030)
  90. Vietnam (6.043)
  91. Philippines (6.048)
  92. South Korea (6.058)
  93. Japan (6.060)
  94. Cyprus (6.068)
  95. Kazakhstan (6.188)
  96. Argentina (6.188)
  97. Uzbekistan (6.195)
  98. Latvia (6.234)
  99. Slovakia (6.257)
  100. Brazil (6.272)
  101. Nicaragua (6.284)
  102. Guatemala (6.287)
  103. Italy (6.324)
  104. Malta (6.346)
  105. Panama (6.358)
  106. Chile (6.360)
  107. Serbia (6.411)
  108. Spain (6.421)
  109. Poland (6.442)
  110. Estonia (6.448)
  111. El Salvador (6.469)
  112. Romania (6.491)
  113. Taiwan Province of China (6.503)
  114. Singapore (6.523)
  115. Kosovo (6.561)
  116. Saudi Arabia (6.594)
  117. France (6.609)
  118. Uruguay (6.611)
  119. Mexico (6.678)
  120. Germany (6.719)
  121. United States (6.725)
  122. United Arab Emirates (6.733)
  123. Slovenia (6.743)
  124. United Kingdom (6.749)
  125. Lithuania (6.818)
  126. Czechia (6.822)
  127. Ireland (6.838)
  128. Belgium (6.894)
  129. Canada (6.900)
  130. Austria (6.905)
  131. Kuwait (6.951)
  132. Costa Rica (6.955)
  133. New Zealand (7.029)
  134. Australia (7.057)
  135. Switzerland (7.060)
  136. Luxembourg (7.122)
  137. Norway (7.302)
  138. Netherlands (7.319)
  139. Israel (7.341)
  140. Sweden (7.344)
  141. Iceland (7.525)
  142. Denmark (7.583)
  143. Finland (7.741)

Well, if my country was at war, I would not be happy either. Except for some reason, people in Israel.


It seems they’re quite happy to commit genocide


Religious fundamentalism is a helluva drug


Yeah apparently they’re happy with Mr Security leaving the door open and running a skeleton crew at the border on the 50th anniversary of the last Yom Kippur war.

Tehdastehdas, (edited )
@Tehdastehdas@lemmy.world avatar

Taiwan Province of China

Ewww. It’s Taiwan, Republic of China #1! (ROC 1912 vs. PRC 1949)




If ROC still claims the mainland I guess Taiwan the island would just be another province

Tehdastehdas, (edited )
@Tehdastehdas@lemmy.world avatar

They can’t remove the obsolete claim because China’s Anti-Secession Law promises war if they do. Last time it was 1992 when they agreed about “one China, ROC or PRC, not both”.


Huh, I never knew they actually can’t even give up that claim. It makes sense but also kinda funny.


You would think, spending time here, that America is some hell scape where everyone is miserable and simply fighting to stay alive.

When according to this, Americans are among the happiest in the world.


Number 10.

UK is 20, Germany is 23.

I would think things are better in Germany overall, but they just have higher standards.


Or maybe, just maybe, America is not the shit hole the propaganda is trying to make it out to be.

Don’t get me wrong, we have our problems and it’s not all peaches and cream, but it’s overall a pretty good place to live, even if you are poor. Maybe especially if you’re poor due to our services and access to things like clear water. Obviously not comparing to some of our peers, but across the world it’s pretty good.


As a European I agree, visiting the US I’m always shocked how nice places are, like Baltimore has got a great atmosphere and a lot of really cool places, Pittsburgh was really cool too with the big fountain and everyone enjoying the river and stuff. They’re both cities I hear people shit on endlessly but compared to most cities I’ve visited in Europe they’re really nice.

My main culture shock in the US is how friendly everyone is, I told a crackhead I didn’t have any cash on me and he recognized my accent said ‘welcome to america’ and it felt like he meant it, my top ten friendliest interactions with strangers are all in the US or Germany.

Your police and boarder control are absolutely crazy of course, it’s scary that there are so many nuts with guns and some of your prices are just fucking wild but all in all anyone saying it’s 3rd world or dystopic is living in a weird fantasy.


I’d agree with you. I live in the UK, but just recently went to Florida. When I came back I couldn’t get over how much of a shithole the UK was - compared to Florida!!


Lmao I just looked at the post on Jerboa and it started a numbered list from 143, it should be counting down.


I have been living in Botswana for the past two years, and I’m genuinely surprised where it is on this list. Yeah, people here don’t have the greatest deal, but there’s freaking universal healthcare here. The country has been extremely politically stable since independence. There’s no way people are less happy here than those who are in active war zones.

@tributarium@lemmy.world avatar

How integrated are you into the local community? How well do you speak the local language? I’m a foreigner living abroad and I would never trust either my own perception of this place nor 99% of other foreigners’ perceptions.


I see your point. I know that there are folks unhappy with the current government, but to be fair, who isn’t? The San have also been pretty fucked over by the government.

@tributarium@lemmy.world avatar

Can I ask how you ended up there in the first place? I can scarcely think of a more interesting place on earth.


My wife is finishing up a global health pediatric fellowship. She arrived in 2021, and I came out about a year later because I was finishing up chaplaincy training and I had a contract to finish out for a synagogue I was working for.


I’ll bet the Israel questionnaire wasn’t mailed to Palestinians…

@tributarium@lemmy.world avatar

Surprised by how hiɡh up Mexico is!

MyEdgyAlt, to world in German Cabinet backs deportations for praise of terrorism

So, supporting all terorrism will be treated the same way, right? Or does this only apply to terrorism not conducted by the “good guys”?


The issue is it’s only terrorism when the “bad guys” do it. The word is beyond useless.

Gradually_Adjusting, to world in China's electric vehicle makers face uphill battle in Europe
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

If airbnbs faced a heavy imposed cost all those years ago, designed to keep them from squeezing out legitimate hotels and causing a real estate bubble, where would we be now, one wonders.

The auto industry has so much better protection than we do.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Did Airbnb cause hotels to go out of business? I thought they just made it hell to buy it afford a home.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

A quick search shows that hotel industry analysts do feel the pinch. How could they not, when airbnbs have earned something like $65bn since 2018. That isn’t extra spending generated outside of hotel bookings. I can’t think of a reason to suppose otherwise.

avater, to world in China and Russia agree to boost ties in opposition to West
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

as someone from the West: Fuck you China and Russia, fuck you very much!


Well that certainly will help

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

it helps me, a little venting you know

NegativeLookBehind, to world in Ukraine: NATO membership a question of 'when, not if'
@NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world avatar

Actually it is an “if”

If Ukraine doesn’t lose.

ObviouslyNotBanana, to world in US calls Russia 'manure salesmen' over Moscow attack claims
@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

That is certainly creative


I feel bad for any translators that had to translate that in real time

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Would’ve loved to see it.


Sounds like a Russian swear word translated to begin with?

@theodewere@kbin.social avatar

yeah it almost sounds like a bit of Russian wisdom

Glowstick, (edited )

I’m pretty sure he’s just using polite words to say he’s a bullshit salesman, which is a standard english thing to say



TIL, and they also reference the samples in the mouth

Sounds a little System of a Down-y.


It’s heading for Chinese government levels of creative insult.

FlyingSquid, to world in Bug meat and other fake news inundate EU voters
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Funny, this is actually the second thread in the past couple of days where eating insects has come up for unrelated reasons. I’ll repeat what I said in the other thread on a few points:

We should be eating cricket flour. […] And if we got over the “ick” factor, our carb-filled food would be a lot healthier.

No, you won’t be picking legs out of your teeth.

I’ve actually eaten insects when it’s clear that they’re insects. I once even bought some from a Thai grocery and cooked them myself just to see if I could. I’m not a great cook, so it wasn’t exactly a meal with four Michelin stars, but most of it wasn’t too bad. The longicorn beetle larvae tasted nutty and the ants tasted citrusy (I assume because of the formic acid). I didn’t like the giant water bug though. It did look like a massive cockroach, which didn’t help, but it also had a sort of juniper/gin flavor and I don’t like that flavor.

I’ve also had Oaxacan Mexican crickets in chili and lime. They used to sell them on street stalls near Dodger Stadium when I lived in L.A. Pretty good.

What’s funny is that people who don’t blink an eye at eating shrimp, crab or lobster can’t handle the idea of eating arthropods.

Insects can be farmed sustainably, they are high in protein and many other nutrients, and there’s really nothing wrong with their tastes unless you don’t like the same flavors in other foods.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Ma Laeng Tod (Thai street food- fried insects,) is delicious. The grub were like spicy-savory gummy bears.

As some one who’s perhaps too adventurous for their own good (I’ll eat almost anything, once.)… I find this whole idea that it’s going to be forced patently ludicrous. Even if there was a push towards it.


Italians, or at least Sardinians, already eat bugs. As expected, they make it into something delicious.

Casu martzu[1] (Sardinian: [ˈkazu ˈmaɾtsu]; lit. ‘rotten/putrid cheese’), sometimes spelled casu marzu, and also called casu modde, casu cundídu and casu fràzigu in Sardinian, is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae (maggots).


@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

maggots in… cheese…

Eh. not the most disgusting method of fermentation I’ve heard about.


Never eat those maggots live, unlike mites they actually can fuck you up from the inside. Which isn’t the reason it’s outlawed though, that’s because Sardinians have no sanitary source for the maggots.


We should be eating cricket flour. […] And if we got over the “ick” factor, our carb-filled food would be a lot healthier.

The length people will go to, to not eat a goddamned legume.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Or… stick with me here… we could be eating both. Because insects both taste good and don’t taste like plants.

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar

There are plenty of amino-acids in plants, there’s no need for wasting resources on insects.

In reality, the subsidies meant for these invertebrate animal farms will be lead to more feed for the vertebrate animal farms, in the shape of “concentrated protein feed”.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You can feed insects on garbage. No resources will be wasted. You also don’t need to use pesticides or herbicides on insects.

I get that you don’t like the idea of eating insects, but that’s another issue. Farming them is sustainable and eating them is healthy.

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar

Crickets Are Not a Free Lunch: Protein Capture from Scalable Organic Side-Streams via High-Density Populations of Acheta domesticus journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/jour…

It has been suggested that the ecological impact of crickets as a source of dietary protein is less than conventional forms of livestock due to their comparatively efficient feed conversion and ability to consume organic side-streams. This study measured the biomass output and feed conversion ratios of house crickets (Acheta domesticus) reared on diets that varied in quality, ranging from grain-based to highly cellulosic diets. The measurements were made at a much greater population scale and density than any previously reported in the scientific literature. The biomass accumulation was strongly influenced by the quality of the diet (p<0.001), with the nitrogen (N) content, the ratio of N to acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, and the crude fat (CF) content (y=N/ADF+CF) explaining most of the variability between feed treatments (p = 0.02; R2 = 0.96). In addition, for populations of crickets that were able to survive to a harvestable size, the feed conversion ratios measured were higher (less efficient) than those reported from studies conducted at smaller scales and lower population densities. Compared to the industrial-scale production of chickens, crickets fed a poultry feed diet showed little improvement in protein conversion efficiency, a key metric in determining the ecological footprint of grain-based livestock protein. Crickets fed the solid filtrate from food waste processed at an industrial scale via enzymatic digestion were able to reach a harvestable size and achieve feed and protein efficiencies similar to that of chickens. However, crickets fed minimally-processed, municipal-scale food waste and diets composed largely of straw experienced >99% mortality without reaching a harvestable size. Therefore, the potential for A. domesticus to sustainably supplement the global protein supply, beyond what is currently produced via grain-fed chickens, will depend on capturing regionally scalable organic side-streams of relatively high-quality that are not currently being used for livestock production.

Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use? www.sciencedirect.com/…/S2211912417300056


Animal products, i.e. meat, milk and eggs, provide an important component in global diets, but livestock dominate agricultural land use by area and are a major source of greenhouse gases. Cultural and personal associations with animal product consumption create barriers to moderating consumption, and hence reduced environmental impacts. Here we review alternatives to conventional animal products, including cultured meat, imitation meat and insects (i.e. entomophagy), and explore the potential change in global agricultural land requirements associated with each alternative. Stylised transformative consumption scenarios where half of current conventional animal products are substituted to provide at least equal protein and calories are considered. The analysis also considers and compares the agricultural land area given shifts between conventional animal product consumption. The results suggest that imitation meat and insects have the highest land use efficiency, but the land use requirements are only slightly greater for eggs and poultry meat. The efficiency of insects and their ability to convert agricultural by-products and food waste into food, suggests further research into insect production is warranted. Cultured meat does not appear to offer substantial benefits over poultry meat or eggs, with similar conversion efficiency, but higher direct energy requirements. Comparison with the land use savings from reduced consumer waste, including over-consumption, suggests greater benefits could be achieved from alternative dietary transformations considered. We conclude that although a diet with lower rates of animal product consumption is likely to create the greatest reduction in agricultural land, a mix of smaller changes in consumer behaviour, such as replacing beef with chicken, reducing food waste and potentially introducing insects more commonly into diets, would also achieve land savings and a more sustainable food system.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Your first link talked about the problem being variability in how they are farmed, not that they are farmed.

Your second link says:

introducing insects more commonly into diets, would also achieve land savings and a more sustainable food system.

Did you even read it?

I didn’t go further than that if you’re not going to check your own links.

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I read it. Plants are still the superior option. I was being generous for your middle ground position.

If you knew anything about animal farming, you’d know that “garbage” can mean a lot of things. This hope of waste feeding gets trickier with invertebrates who don’t regulate their own body temperature. I’m saying that you’re being excessively optimistic about it.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You were being “generous” by contradicting your own point.

That’s also known as being wrong.

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar

I expect you to understand that some topics are more ambiguous, which means that there are more contradictory bits of information which are tied to different setups in context.

As the practice of raising these invertebrate animals is not happening at a large scale, the data for it is also weak and based on immature research. The ambiguity with decline over time, if there’s more research into this and it actually happens at a large scale.

In terms of food traditions, eating land insects is usually a luxury, which reflects the scarcity: finedininglovers.com/…/insect-delicacies-around-w… The simple notion that “insect protein is cheap” is misleading.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I expect you to understand that you contradicted your own point with your own link that you clearly didn’t read.

And now you are linking to some food blog about what insects people eat rather than anything scientific as if it means something.

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar


I love how you think that I didn’t read it. As if you can imagine what’s in my head. Very disappointing for a so called skeptic.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

If you didn’t read it, it’s weird that you thought it supported your point when it actually did the exact opposite.

So you were purposefully undermining yourself?

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar

So you were purposefully undermining yourself?

Because I wanted to give you some leeway to understand the some of nuances in this complex issue.

The fact that you’re trying to accuse me of NOT CHERRY PICKING THE MOST FAVORABLE ARTICLES is exceedingly disappointing.


I’m vegan, so you won’t be seeing me after bug flour. But I would much prefer that It replaced the meat industry.


People are squeamish about eating insects but are okay with all the killing of cows, pigs, chickens and more, which is a very much nastier business.


Easier for them to ignore the suffering they cause than ignore that their food is different from what they’re used to.

theacharnian, to world in Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds
@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

Yet, in typical European fashion they would much much much rather interpret “reduce immigration” to mean “be mean to poor people here” than to mean “help stabilize developing nations and allow their economies to grow without squeezing them out using our country’s dominant economic position (so people don’t become economic migrants) and without support for bombing them every other decade (so people don’t become war refugees)”, which of course includes “address climate change (so people don’t become climate refugees)”.

No upstream thinking, just fascism fascism fascism.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah … that is one way to look at it. But the experience of a lot of people out in the world is that migrants who lived their formative years in dog eat dog situations have a different way of dealing with the world… and that shit is also scary.

I have encountered kids as young as 12 with machetes on a chain around their neck under their shirt… like what the fu…


The article does not address any of that, it’s your interpretation. I would like lower immigration into my country and that absolutely requires raising other countries up economically and preventing war and climate catastrophe. This was just a survey on what issues people are concerned about. It did not ask for solutions.

@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

Yea right, I’m sure AfD voters are all for raising up other countries.

Buddy, I’m Greek. I know first hand what German right wingers think of “irresponsible southerners”. So far up their righteous asses that expending economic resources for a European country that basically buys everything Germany produces was too hard for them to swallow. Don’t tell me they would not turn uber-protectionist the moment helping some brown people place comes up.


Funny that you’re Greek. I recently had a conversation with the middle aged son of Greek migrants where he complained that the suburb he grew up in changed because of the later wave of migrants from elsewhere. No self awareness at all.

@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

He integrated successfully.

Treczoks, to world in Germany sees spike in Chinese and Russian espionage

I’d say they see a spike in uncovering Chinese and Russian espionage.


Wasn’t it the Czech who rolled up a stone and found a lot of stuff wriggling underneath recently? Is this just tearing the weed up and finding that the roots go far and deep?

Also, wasn’t it the Czech who got that recent stopgap artillery shell deal together for Ukraine?

I like the Czech more and more.

rayyy, to world in Mexico: 2 more mayoral candidates killed ahead of election

Seems like a preview of the orange mobster’s potential rule.


Proud Hombres


Proud Chicos

whereisk, (edited ) to world in Paris police evict hundreds of migrants ahead of Olympics

It feels like I’ve read a similar headline for every modern Olympics.

2020 Tokyo

2016 Rio

2012 London

2008 Beijing

2004 Athens

2000 Sydney

1996 Atlanta


Edit: CNN, for a change, has a pretty good opinion article on this.

@bartolomeo@suppo.fi avatar

Nice documentation! I was thinking the same- this is literally every international competition.


The Olympics are a good excuse to do a lot of things that are otherwise unpopular.

FlyingSquid, to world in China and Russia agree to boost ties in opposition to West
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like a good reason to start moving Western manufacturing to countries like Vietnam.


Vietnam historically had a tighter relationship with the USSR and now Russia, than with China. The Viets have been fighting the Chinese off and on for hundreds of years, most recently in the 70s.

The answer is to move it out of Asia, with northern Mexico being especially appealing, for several reasons.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Vietnam and the U.S. are getting friendlier all the time. And, unfortunately, Asia is just cheaper for manufacturing than a lot of the rest of the world. The lowest bidder will almost always win.



Or how about moving it back to America?!?


And instead stop advancing AI and other high tech? Or where should the people working in manufacturing come from?


From the poor people who want to be middle class. My father was an autoworker till they moved it to Mexico. My whole neighborhood was autoworkers as a kid. High tech stuff can be built here with American labor.


This is an extremely reductionist take on Vietnam and ignores, y’know, the Vietnam War.

In fact, it’s a completely reductionist view on the entirety of ASEAN. Just as Canada and Mexico are forever coupled to America’s industrial gravity, ASEAN is forever coupled to China’s industrial gravity. You can have infighting, but you don’t piss off both your largest trade partner and the country that simultaneously supplies the market and expertise for your continued economic development. The ex-United States of the Philippines is an exception because of obvious reasons

NOT_RICK, to world in What's behind China's gold-buying spree?
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Probably a war chest to help weather sanctions if/when they invade Taiwan


It’s exactly what Russia did in the lead up to full invasion of Ukraine. Hard to sanction a currency you can melt and reshape easily.

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