Mrkawfee, to world in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

This is why I cancelled my subscription. I’m not paying for Israeli propaganda.

Rookwood, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

That’s a lot of money we’re spending because of Netanyahu’s crazed bloodlust.

nexusband, avatar

You could be spending it in Ukraine.


Lmfao. I didn’t expect to get a full laugh outta the comments today. Thanks.


Hell, we may even be able to make Americans life better at home. Would be an easy way to get votes, but both parties know only a small handful of swing states decide the election, so why bother making things better when we can just spend billions in ads in five states.

exanime, to world in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

And they expect a subscription payment to read this biased garbage?

ThirdWorldOrder, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

Iran’s government with its tail between its legs. I hope the people of Iran one day get better leadership.

Good job on the USA and its partners in making sure there isn’t any more victims.

To those of you doing that Whataboutisms, fuck off.


How could the leadership have handled this better? Actually hitting Israel hard and escalating the war? Do nothing and set a precedent that Iranian embassies can be bombed with impunity?

Iranian leadership sucks in a lot of other ways but they played this about as well as they could. They had to ride a fine line between a response tough enough to match the aggression of Israel and save face, but not enough that the u.s. would give Israel a blank check in escalation.


Maybe not backing Hamas, a terrorist organization, to begin with.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

I don’t know if this ventures into conspiracy theory territory or not but in real time, I thought the Iranians had essentially told the U.S. what was coming and to prepare for it because Iran wanted a show and to test Israel’s air defense systems without provoking a war.

When it happened, one of my friends was like, “Great. World War III.” And I said I didn’t think so because Iran announced that they had launched it all as they launched it all. You don’t announce, “Here come some bombs!” to the media when your goal is having them actually land.


That’s not conspiratorial thinking at all, that’s just geopolitical literacy. Your assessment is correct: Iran planned this carefully to avoid causing any major damage. This was pro wrestling.

Which honestly makes it sad to consider that Iran has become the more restrained, rational actor here. The US needs to put Netanyahu on a short leash. He is not worth this.


This was millions and millions of tax payer dollars spent for “pro wrestling”. Damn that’s sad. 😆


I wouldn’t call it a wrestling show, but an attempt to prevent two smoking drunks from a bar fight by enabling them to save face. Also the bar is covered in burnable liquor and we are all standing in it while the doors are shut.


1 billion for defence, not that much for offence.


I suspect Netanyahu wants a Trump presidency. I don’t expect him to do Biden any favors - quite the opposite, really.


This. The “Genocide Joe” cohort doesn’t realize they are falling right into Netanyahu and Trump’s plan. I mean, at least the small number of them who aren’t propagandists in the first place.


I would hold my nose to vote for Biden if my vote really counted, but I will still call him genocide Joe. If he continues down this path, I hope he is forever known as Genocide Joe. Let history know it.

metaldream, (edited )

They don’t give a shit because the genocide is already in progress. Also these people are very real, real enough to make an impact on the primaries. You liberals really just can’t help but constantly condescend to anyone who doesn’t do what you want them to.

It’s hilarious watching liberals try to blame their campaign failures on “Russian bots”. It’s always someone else’s fault


Netanyahu and Trump

And the Kremlin, and the CCP.

Deceptichum, avatar

Yet they’re funding the democrats more than the republicans.

They get everything they want with Biden and the Dems, no one has stopped them.

With Trump they get a man who cohorts with neonazis, and they may get literal WW3 or a flakey ally.


Trump pushed US policy much closer to Israel. Biden has been mostly status quo, though leaning away from them which the US has never done before. I need a citation on funding to believe that claim, but regardless they already have republicans in their pocket. They don’t need to spend any more to purchase them.


Is the US really leaning away from Israel though. They’re still actively funding and aiding them.


Leaning away as in away from our usual stance? Hell yeah. We historically wouldn’t even criticize them.


Man, thanks for listing the sources. I didn’t want to do the work. Yet, you got downvoted for it because they don’t actually want to know the truth. They want to spread a lie.


The first time ever? Why do liberals constantly lie and exaggerate? No one with a brain believes you. Obama leaned away from Israel by actually blowing them off, Biden scolding Netanyahu a couple times while proceeding to give him billions in aid isn’t leaning away from shit.


Obama I think criticized them, but I don’t think there was ever any action behind it. I could be wrong about this but I think that’s the case. That said, Obama never faced a situation like this. He would probably handle it I a way I more agree with, but he’s not president so it doesn’t really matter.


The best part of the “Genocide Joe” cohort is they call him that - despite the fact that he hasn’t committed a genocide - while simultaneously virulently denying the very real and well-documented genocides committed by communist Russia and China.

Deceptichum, avatar

Pretty sure I’ve called them out multiple times.


Ah so despite the fact that you seem to be aware of what an actual genocide is you decide to call Biden that…why, exactly? Because it sounds clever? Because you along with 90% of the rest of the world allowed Donald Trump to lead you down to the level of grown ass adults referring to literally fucking everybody by childish, idiotic nicknames?

Deceptichum, avatar

Ah so you deny there is a genocide in Palestine.


jaspersgroove, (edited )

I don’t deny there’s a genocide I just have a fucking brain in my skull and am capable of recognizing that Biden isn’t the person responsible for it because I don’t have my opinions spoon-fed to me by Russian bot-farms lol.

Deceptichum, avatar

Hey if a person goes and murders a bunch of people, and I give him guns wnd money and keep giving him them as he’s still actively murdering people, while also telling everyone else ”If you do anything about this, I will protect him” - would you not say I’m somewhat culpable?


I’m sorry I didn’t realize Joe Biden was in full control of Congress - you know, the part of the government that fucking sets the budget and allocates spending. Do you think he is some kind of dictator? Cuz it sounds like that’s what you expect him to be.

There are fucking Schoolhouse Rock videos that display a more nuanced understanding of how the US government works than you do.

Deceptichum, avatar

Joe Biden literally bypassed congress twice to give weapons to Israel.

Joe Bidens self appointed foreign secretary defends Israel from retaliation.

Joe Biden as commander in chief shields Israel from retaliation.

Joe Biden uses his own words to say he supports Israel.

Joe Biden uses his government and his position to enable Israel, end of fucking story.

You don’t get to hand wash away his direct and applicable support of Israel and pretend the PotUS is a completely powerless position unable to do anything.


There weren’t any major wars when Trump was in office.

Deceptichum, avatar

It was a small 4 year period where most of the world was battling Covid and increasing death rates at home.


U right.


The main point to announce it was so they would get shot down. If they had reached their targets that would be a war they would lose very quickly. This way no harm was done. But now the people in charge in Iran can tell everyone in the country look how we attacked the bad people. Kind of like when north Korea talks a bunch of shit to everyone then launches a missile to no where. They can brag about it in country how they almost fucked up Japan and no one is the wiser because the only news coming in is things they ban see internally. Iranians saw the missles and drones leave their airspace then get told lies about what happened.


They did the same thing back when you guys turned Qassem “Kotlett” Soleimani into a fine paste. Announcing an air strike, notifying the target in advance and declare victory. Noone was killed in their retaliatory attack.

While the Mullahs have fucked up Iran beyond recognition, their handling of crises like this is pretty good.

xmunk, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

The Iron Dome is looking pretty rusty… I wonder how much Likud diverted to private accounts in the Caymans.

HuddaBudda, avatar

That's the real story at the bottom of this mess.

  • Israel was warned about the attack a month before it happened.
  • 4 billion dollars in US funding that was supposed to go to Israeli defense somehow didn't work.
  • US is having to privately ship weapons to Israel behind congress and senate approval.

The Iron Dome only protects against short-range rockets. Israel's Arrow and Arrow II Endospheric and Exospheric anti-missile defense systems are what most of the missiles that were intercepted by Israel were shot down with.


Iron dome was conceived before small drones were really a thing like they are now.


It was built starting in 2011 - we knew small drones were a thing long before then. You’re thinking of consumer drones but drones have been a real military concept since at least the mid nineties.


1917 actually. The concept is really old. Basically, why use a human to do something dangerous if it can be made smaller and not require a person in harm’s way?


Yeah but military drones are huge as luck. Reapers are massive.


How so? Most targets were either ballistic missiles that iron dome doesn’t intercept (David’s sling and Arrow intercept missiles and ICBMs) or shot down long before reaching Israel.


What do you think ICBM stands for?


They fired smaller missiles as well.


Most targets were either ballistic missiles that iron dome doesn’t intercept (David’s sling and Arrow intercept missiles and ICBMs)

What do you think ICBM stands for again?


Inter continent ballistic missiles. A specific class of missiles, which were not the only ones used in the attack.

Inter continent ballistic missiles. A specific class of missiles, which were not the only ones used in the attack.

Here, I replied twice so you can ignore one of them like you did my reply. You can even be more pandentic about one of them, then ignore that and read the second one.

mlg, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles avatar

mfw Israel is so well situated with the USA that they had an entire coalition force come to their aid for a tit for tat return strike


What is more likely?

  • UK, France and Jordan want to protect Israel (who has the most capable air defense systems in the region)
  • UK, France and Jordan hate Iran and want to counter an Iranian military operation that could destabilize the region further; and also gain momentum for pressuring Israel for concessions

I guess if they didn’t do that, Israel would have needed to counter with 90000 missles considering the 300x response from Iran?

MysticDaedra, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

The implication is that without US assistance, Israel wouldn't have been able to knock out all these missiles. That is unfounded, especially considering that Israel has one of the most advanced high-altitude SAM systems in the world, the Arrow and the Arrow II missile systems.


All defence systems can be saturated. Drones allow unprecedented swarm attacks that the old maxim “the bombers will always come through” have become relevant again.

capem, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

Tax dollars hard at work.


Saving lives is one of the few things I support our tax dollars being used for.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

Healthcare, here, for our people please




Best I can do is protect the military assets of a genocidal ethnostate.

Deceptichum, avatar

Your tax dollars are shielding nazi military targets from retaliation, whilst arming them to commit genocide.

This wasnt saving lives, it was saving Israeli soldiers.


If Israel and Iran ended up in a real fight (which is the result of this attack succeeding) Palestine would have been hit really hard really fast. There’s no way they end up risking leaving Palestine in a position to fight back while they send resources elsewhere.

Sure, it was retaliation, but the result would have been horrible for so many innocent people.


“If you stand up to the nazis you’re actually helping the holocaust”. Who the fuck upvotes this stupid shit? But sure it’s everyone else who’s the real propagandist 🙄

Cethin, (edited )

Yeah… not even remotely a reasonable argument. We didn’t know the holocaust was ongoing (at least, not the form of it) when we went to war with Germany. Also, Germany did kill a lot more of their prisoners as the war took it’s toll and they became a liability which, if anything, supports my point. Not to say we shouldn’t have fought the nazis, but that’s not why we fought them anyway.

Also, Iran didn’t do this to help Palestinians. They did I’d because Israel attack their embassy. It wouldn’t have stopped the genocide no matter what and only could have made it worse. They wouldn’t be fighting them because they’re Nazis. They’d be fighting them because they want revenge.

Who upvotes your zero-thought comments? (I guess no one luckily.)


Israel has committed to responding anyway so what was acomplished other then enriching weappns manufacturers?


Sure, they said they’ll respond. We’ll see if it means anything… Words are cheap.


You think the nation committing genocide is bluffing about striking a target whos embassy they already struck?


Gotta defend those genociders!

avidamoeba, avatar

Saying this is equivalent to saying all Palestinians are Hamas.


Considering Iran specifically targeted Israeli military assets, not really.


Avoid those freedom potholes with pride, citizen.

Sterile_Technique, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles avatar

…aight so fuck Israel in a “your genocide is abhorrent and you don’t deserve any support from anyone” kind of way, but if we’re going to support a genocidal ethnostate anyway, at least we’re doing it in a way that stops civilians from betting blown up, as opposed to handing them half a military’s worth of bombs for them to drop on other civilians.

Now that that’s taken care of, could we maybe take the we’re planning on sending over to Israel for them to do even more genocide with, and send them to Ukraine or something so they can fight against genocide instead?


Jordan shot down a lot. Jordan has roughly as many Palestinians as Gaza.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Jordan directly not really. The American bases in Jordan shot down the drones.

The Jordanian monarchy is heavily corrupt and bribed by America. They receive billions in weapons and bribes to suppress their population and turn the country into an American outpost near Syria and Iraq. Last year they got $1,619,118,868

A prime example was the Tower22 base that got bombed in the beginning of this year

Currently there are massive protests in Jordan against their regime.


Slava Ukraini indeed. Israeli citizens do, however have some valid problems with how they’re treated by the Islamic nations :| killing a bunch of people where the population demographics is half children is indeed a bit ermh, uh questionable. Feel like having a war criminals trial would be suitable for Hamas and the IDF. What was the name of that unit? 8 something something 👁️👁️👁️📿📿📿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Israeli citizens do, however have some valid problems with how they’re treated by the Islamic nations

Largely as a reaction to the previous actions of the government of Israel towards Muslims.

Most of the citizen-to-citizen issues (in both directions) stem back to decades of government-to-government mistreatment and abuse. All the way back to the creation of Isreal and resulting displacement of Arab/Muslim people who were already there.

And, actually, it ultimately goes back centuries before that, but 1947 was a signifigant increase in hostility and mistrust.


I would suggest that the Christian Europeans have been much worse to Jewish people over the years. the Palestinians have a valid reason to be annoyed that they have to be displaced.


Of course, but that’s a separate set of conflicts.


Yeah, Israel existing in any capacity really rubbed the surrounding Arab countries the wrong way. Hence they tried wiping it off the map several times.

venusaur, avatar

Apparently the drones were aimed at military targets only, unlike Israel’s attack on the embassy.

FiniteBanjo, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles

Do Houthi missiles count as Yemen or Iranian?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Yemeni. Else we could extrapolate into America bombing the Iranian consulate or directly committing the Genocide in Gaza.


I was making a joke, but you absolutely could blame the Gaza Situation on the USA in the same vein as Iran is to be blamed for the Houthi problem. Iran didn’t just fund Houthi’s in Yemen, that’s where they came from.


Netanyahu also personally ensured Hamas got funding and that the other parties who wanted peace was suppressed, so you can blame him too


I blame Netanyahu for 90% of the conflict in that region, I expect his funeral will rival that of Mussolini’s.

Rapidcreek, to politics in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

I’m amazed the Intercept is still in business.…/the-intercept-is-running-out-of-cas…

Orbituary, avatar

It’s happening to far too many journalism outlets, whether we agree with their messaging or not. Soon we will only have meganews.

Support independent journalism like TYT or Democracy Now.


In this case the founding doner walked away from a non-profit. But, I know what you mean, it’s the price of technology

Orbituary, avatar

Incidental details tell only one story.


This is why it’s important for capitalists to buy things like Twitter and force the selling Tik Tok. These things threaten the monopoly on information.

Zier, to politics in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory” avatar

Stop acting like the NYT is a credible source of news. They died a long time ago.

bartolomeo, to world in U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles avatar

Israel: bombs a diplomatic target without warning

Iran: bombs 2 military targets with warning

USA: shoots down most of the assets that made it even close to Israel

Biden: Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “Israel really came out far ahead in this exchange”

I wonder what game they’re playing.


Netanyahu is trying to stay out of prison, like Trump, so he needs conflict but not too much (losing support from his right wing coalition wounds end him) to seem strong and as a distraction and for political points. Iran doesn’t want war but doesn’t want to look weak and want to make a point to not let Israel think there won’t be consequences, they can’t just do nothing at all. Biden doesn’t want war in the region and he’s focused on negotiations to calm everybody down, preventing escalation. If Iran had hit something important it almost certainly would’ve escalated to war.

ToucheGoodSir, to world in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

Sounds like there is some blackmail or bribery going on ;3

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