xmunk, to politics in Texas judge orders new election after GOP lawsuit challenged 2022 election result in Houston area

So wait, can we gerrymander a state to get 51% GOPers elected and then re-gerrymander a state so the 49% of other representatives are now in solidly red districts then sue to have those elections overturned so we can achieve 100% representation of a party with a minority of popular support?

American democracy is so innovative, I don’t think any other country has innovated so hard!

(Heavy, heavy sarcasm contained above)

mozz, avatar

You're overthinking it

Pass a law in a few places that the state legislature can overrule the state results for president

Those states are enough to pick the president we want

President then fires all federal law enforcement or administrative official who's not loyal to him, replaces them from the Project 2025 binders, and just announces deployment of the military in the US and that anyone who's against him is illegal and goes to prison or shot

Bingo bango. More direct, less complicated, more permanent, nationwide results. Your thinking was along the right lines but too rules-based. Takes too long. Not enough innovative enough within the current system.


Damn, I gotta get with the fucking program.


The fact that people still fail to understand this when the playbook is very literally available online in full form baffles and infuriates me. Like, there are Republicans who are doing things now that are in - or will very obviously enable specific goals listed in - that plan. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

mozz, avatar

Yeah. This year is go time. It's like the Fifth Element; it'll either take over, or else get sent away until the next thousand years, when it returns.


I love science fiction, but it is disturbingly prescient sometimes. Which is, I suppose, one of the reasons I find the genre so fascinating.

nac82, to politics in Father of Marine killed in 2021 suicide bomb attack at Afghanistan's Kabul airport arrested at SOTU

I dont understand what his protest was for. I’m sure there is extreme emotional duress from losing a child that recently, but what was the goal or message here?


Make Biden look bad.


Made himself look like a fool who cares more about politics than the death of his son to me.

I’d give him a break due to his grieving, but honestly, it’s pathetic that he would let his love for his son be manipulated for political points.

He was literally trying to use his son’s death to help the man who gave the orders that got his son killed.


Conservatism seems, in my estimation, to be invariably vague in its ideology. Nothing is truly valued beyond the narrative.


The narrative isn’t even valued. How many times does Trump say something and then pretend he never said it. Or other members of the GOP say “I don’t think he really means that”. All that’s valued is pissing off the liberals by being arrogant, loud jerks.


None of the people on the right seem to know that Trump negotiated that deal.


Turns out the moderators of this forum are in this group. Read the other comment chains here.


Was his goal necessarily to help Trump?


True, I’ve assumed too much. It just falls right in that Fox news narrative from 2 years back they were doing a lot.


Guess he’s a Russian now too.

jordanlund, avatar

Biden bungled the evacuation of Afghanistan leading to deaths.

nac82, (edited )

Biden wasn’t involved in the Afghanistan pullout, actually. That was definitively Trump.

They let Mods use mod profiles to spread misinformation in this sub?



Moving the relevant bits from Wikipedia above the debate so people will have a frame of reference.


The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban’s counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8

jordanlund, avatar

Trump signed us up for it, and Biden was right that it needed to be done, but the execution of it was a travesty and that was absolutely on Biden.

I know, I know, it’s not like Biden planned every last detail of it, but when you say something idiotic like:

“There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”


Then this happens:

And this:

Followed by this:…/kabul-falls-to-taliban-us-withdrawa…

and this:…/taliban-afghanistan-arms-deal…

Yeahhh… not a good look.


Opinion pieces and YouTube videos. Nice sources. It’s some real irony at work as you scrub other peoples content on the sub for including video links. The last one is literally directly a result of Trumps orders, and that is the most credible link you shared. You are spreading misinformation.

What changes to Trumps Afghanistan retreat did Biden implement?

jordanlund, avatar

All Trump did was agree to the removal and set the timeline. The actual EXECUTION of the removal was on Biden because, by the time it actually came to get out, Biden was the commander in chief.

He SHOULD have evacuated all civilians and Afghani assets first, he failed to do that, even when Guam stepped up and offered to assist going “Hey, you know we’ve done this before, right?”…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

Biden was told, ahead of time, “this is what needs to happen”, he ignored it.…/index.html

Once you evacuate all the civilian assets, you remove all the gear and equipment you can, then you burn the rest.

THEN you bring the troops home.

Point for point, Biden screwed it up, and when he gets called out on it, his argument is “Well, hey, we had to leave…” and while he’s not wrong in that, the priority and methodology was fucked from the ground up.


So Trump gave shitty orders during a time he couldn’t provide oversight, and that is Bidens fault.

Sure, dude.

When asked what changes to Trumps orders Biden made, you change the topic.

Bad faith bullshit.

jordanlund, avatar

Trump gave NO orders for the evacuation. He agreed to evacuate and to the timeline.

The actual ORDERS were left to Biden, because when the time came, Trump was out and Biden was in.



The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban’s counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]

Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

How are you allowed to moderate this community? I’ve already taken screenshots of the thread. I’ve seen how you operate.

jordanlund, avatar

Read your own sources before reporting my well sourced and factual comments:

“The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]”


Again, which part of trump’s plan, that Biden merely followed through on to maintain our treatise and agreements trump made with the taliban, during a presidential transition, were Biden’s changes or influence?

The man followed through with an agreement the previous administration made to try and signal unity and consistency that the US always honors their agreements, even if we don’t like it, and that’s Biden’s fault somehow?

jordanlund, avatar

Again, Trump had NO PLAN. All he agreed to was to exit and the date.

Everything else was on Biden.


You know that’s not true, right? The other guy replying to you cited sources and references proving that what you said is straight up not true.

jordanlund, avatar

And, unfortunately for them, their source directly says the opposite of what they think it does.


You’re 100 wrong here.

jordanlund, avatar

Trump literally could not plan the Afghanistan exit because, now follow me on this, he specifically arranged for it to happen in the next Presidential term.

When it came time to leave, Trump wasn’t the commander in chief passing the orders. Biden WAS.


But this is not true and relies on knowing what he was thinking and making assumptions. Everyone else is playing by the rules of what is provably true. You’re just… well…. Assuming things.

jordanlund, avatar

It IS true, because all Trump did was agree to leave by what timeline and nothing else. He wasn’t the one saying “Yeah, so if Guam offers to help, make sure you ghost all their phone calls” because that hadn’t happened yet. BIDEN did that.…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

“Among those willing to help was Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero of Guam, a US territory in the Western Pacific. On June 12, she sent a letter to Biden. “Guam has stood ready to serve as a safe and secure route for this type of humanitarian effort throughout our history,” she wrote. “And today, it is no different. I assure you that my administration is prepared to assist” should Biden call on Guam to provide safe haven to refugees. She was echoing a plan advocates had been calling for since the spring: the “Guam option,” which would work around immigration bureaucracy by having the military airlift refugees to the island while they waited for their US visas or for another country to take them in. But the White House ghosted Leon Guerrero, too. After sending the June letter, the governor received “no formal written response,” according to a spokesperson.”

Trump had fuck all to do with this because it all happened AFTER he was out of office.


Again, you’re 100% wrong:…/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-a…

I appreciate your feeling the need to dig in and entrench yourself in your own defense- but you’re just wrong.

jordanlund, avatar

Your link is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying!

“The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.”

Trump made the agreement and set the date.

Biden issued the actual orders.

“Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited. But ultimately his administration pushed ahead with a plan to withdraw by Aug. 31, despite obvious signs that the Taliban wasn’t complying with the agreement and had a stated goal to create an “Islamic government” in Afghanistan after the U.S. left, even if it meant it had to “continue our war to achieve our goal.””

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

please check dms/reports



jordanlund, avatar

He inherited the commitment, and the timeline, the actual order of events, the actual military decisions, the choice to ignore the offer of help from the Governor of Guam, that’s ALL on the commander in chief, which, at the time, was Biden.


I think it’s pretty evident that you don’t understand how any of this works. It’s probably best to end this here before I start getting comments removed.

jordanlund, avatar

I’m telling you exactly how it works, Trump committed to it, factually proven, with links. Biden executed it, factually proven, with links.

The failure was in the execution, as I’ve already noted.

Did Trump set Biden up for failure?

100% yes.

Could Biden have done things differently so as to avoid the clusterfuck?

100% yes.

Biden CHOSE to start drawing down troops while civilians and equipment were still there. That is all on Biden.

From June, 2021:…/index.html

“It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days,” they noted. US Central Command said this week that the US withdrawal from the country was 30% to 44% complete."

Biden CHOSE to ignore the Governor of Guam when they offered assistance evacuating the civilians who helped us.…/guam-was-ready-to-help-relocate-a…

“Among those willing to help was Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero of Guam, a US territory in the Western Pacific. On June 12, she sent a letter to Biden. “Guam has stood ready to serve as a safe and secure route for this type of humanitarian effort throughout our history,” she wrote. “And today, it is no different. I assure you that my administration is prepared to assist” should Biden call on Guam to provide safe haven to refugees. She was echoing a plan advocates had been calling for since the spring: the “Guam option,” which would work around immigration bureaucracy by having the military airlift refugees to the island while they waited for their US visas or for another country to take them in. But the White House ghosted Leon Guerrero, too. After sending the June letter, the governor received “no formal written response,” according to a spokesperson.”

Trump had NOTHING to do with either of those events because he had already been out of office for MONTHS when they happened.

You don’t believe me? Believe, I dunno, the STATE DEPARTMENT?…/story?id=100553006

“While the White House previously said that Biden directed government agencies to prepare for “all contingencies,” the State Department inquiry found disorganization in the highest level of government, saying it was “unclear who in the department had the lead” on evacuation efforts.

The review also claims that senior officials failed to make critical decisions about which at-risk Afghan nationals would be airlifted before Afghanistan fell into turmoil.

Cited, quoted, proven.



nac82, (edited )

You failed to read it the first time so I will paste it here.

Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

It’s funny that I directly talked about that bit. And of course, you decide to start attacking me with an uncivil slap fight response instead of addressing my statements.

You need to revisit the comment and the bit of Wikipedia that you cut out of the quote below.

bigMouthCommie, avatar

they seem confident about things they are wrong about factually, and have certainly moderated based on opinion or accusing others of misinformation where they are the one who is misinformed. but I don't see it changing.

also your comment and mine are in violation of the rules about discussing moderation. we can whine on !modabuse


If moderation is being used as a tool to manipulate conversation on the thread, I don’t see how people can be expected not to talk about it.

What instance is that group on? I might have it blocked.

zettajon, avatar

Let’s say you work at a very busy fast food place that has a night shift, complete with its own night manager. While you sleep, the night manager puts in an order: at 1pm, all remaining potatoes must be dumped, and you must go buy new crates of potatoes. 10am comes and the daytime manager comes in, and is stunned to see the order. At noon, the lunch rush starts. At 1pm, the day manager follows through on the simple order of throwing out the remaining potatoes, and now the fast food joint can’t make more fries.

Who is at fault in this situation? The night manager agreed to dump the potatoes and gave an order on the exact time to do it. There was no plan given on how to do it. The day manager received the order and was the one who actually dumped the potatoes, costing the restaurant a ton of money by essentially shutting down fry production.


Is there evidence the time line was feasible, or that the outcome under Biden could have been avoided. My understanding of the events is that everything was setup in a way where either the time line had to change or things would get messy.

jordanlund, avatar

Oh, no, in fact Biden was told an evacuation like that could NOT be done in the timeframe and they went with it anyway.…/index.html

“The bipartisan lawmakers contended that the existing process for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants will not work.

“It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days,””

That’s where Guam stepped up and said “hey, we’ll take them, let us help!” and were ignored.

If the process takes more than 800 days, you either expedite that process, or remove them to a location where they can safely wait out the process.

The Biden administration chose “none of the above”.


So doesn’t that mean Trump set him up to fail. Sounds like the prior administration messed up and left Biden to clean up. No matter what Biden did, he’d be in the wrong (extend the evacuation or push forward with the set timeline).

If that’s the case what are you arguing should have happened, and how is the previous admin not responsible for creating the circumstances.

zettajon, avatar

Trump gave NO orders for the evacuation…/milley-paper-order-withd…

jordanlund, avatar

Read your link much?

“Despite their advice, Biden ordered the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan in April 2021. They ultimately withdrew at the end of August 2021, with the Taliban back in power and Afghans who had spent two decades working with U.S. forces concerned for their safety.”



jordanlund, avatar

Sorry cited facts don’t matter to you.

Insulting another user gets your comment removed.

Insulting a mod gets you a 24 hour ban.

Touch grass.

Fapper_McFapper, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

Trump called for a Muslim ban and the Arabs in Michigan are like, yeah, that’s my guy.

Republicans are masterminds at not just getting people to vote against their own interest, but also at convincing them that they are, in fact, voting in their best interest.

If Trump wins I can’t help but wonder how many faces are going to be eaten by the leopards.


Republicans are masterminds at not just getting people to vote against their own interest

Only because corporate news refuses to check them. Because corporate news sewers are run by republiQans.


Democrat elections are basically a hostage situation (it votes for biden when it’s told or else it gets the trump again). If biden refuses to budge on the critical issues, at some point you have to start executing hostages.


yeah but funny thing is IT’S NOT DEMS HOLDING THE COUNTRY HOSTAGE, it’s dems offering the country a way out from madness. the “it gets trump again” - he’s the GOP candidate for fuck’s sake.

you act like the dems get to elect both candidates just to upset you.


No it is the Dems holding the country hostage. They pretend to care but they’re using the lack of a real alternative to hold themselves to extremely low standards AND RESIST ANY CALLS FROM THEIR OWN VOTER BASE TO CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR- “I mean, have you seen the other guys?” should not be a valid operating principle!


the dems didn’t make the GOP fucking nuts. but it’s the dems fault huh?

listen to yourself, shit man, do it, vote trump, you deserve each other


You’re not getting it. The point is that the Dems keep betraying their own base and refusing to change for the better- they’re unresponsive to feedback. This doesn’t mean trump deserves to win, it just means the Biden needs to go. “I’m only 99% fascist” is not something I will condone ever, and I don’t think you should either. Show some spine! Support the students protesting against the “democratic” Biden regime and the genocide it’s providing diplomatic and military aid for. There has to be a red line somewhere and in my opinion we’ve passed it.


The point is that the Dems keep betraying their own base and refusing to change for the better- they’re unresponsive to feedback.

school loan forgiveness

green new deal

rescheduling mj

aid for ukraine

I dunno man, failing to see the betrayal.

This doesn’t mean trump deserves to win, it just means the Biden needs to go.

lol, guess what: there are two people running bright lights. you’re supporting trump.


I dunno man, failing to see the betrayal

idk what to tell you either, he could be the second coming and it still wouldn’t give him a pass to unconditionally support a country while it’s carrying out a genocide. That’s not how it works


support a country while it’s carrying out a genocide. That’s not how it works

biden actually reigns in bibi, and you want trump. go nuts shitbag, get what you want, I hope it blows up in your stupid face.


You don’t see how supporting a genocide is a red line if you had family or friends there? You lack any sort of empathy then.


supporting a genocide

and yet he’s the only one who’s capable of reigning in Bibi. Trump’s not going to do that lol, you bellend

how fucking dumb do you have to be to see that voting Trump would just empower the far right in Israel?


He’s had lots of time to reign him in and he hasn’t at all. They’ve just given them more money, weapons, and support. Until there’s been actual actions and not just words, on this particular issue, they are the only exact same.

Until then, the threat of a Trump Presidency hopefully impresses upon Biden the need to do something, anything, other than what he’s been doing (a wag of his finger every now and then and that’s it).

I don’t want Trump back. You don’t want Trump back. It’s better to spend your energy trying to push Biden on this issue as soon as possible.


I don’t want Trump back. You don’t want Trump back.

I know me, I’m doubtful about the rest of the people in this thread. Dangerous fucking games.


green new deal

I think you mean the Green New Dream, or Whatever. You’re trying to credit them with a policy that was very much not enacted and what was done was done to discredit it.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Wait, Republican behaviors are the fault of…the Democrats?


They’re not talking about Republican behaviors at all, they’re talking about Democratic behaviors, like what’s happening right now by Democrats with respect to Palestine. “But Republicans are worse” doesn’t change that Democrats are adopting policy counter to what their base wants. They think the left/Muslims/young people have no other option, so they don’t need to do anything to please them.

Linkerbaan, to world in Israel ‘yet to give any evidence’ UN staff were linked to Hamas massacre avatar

Israel just lies and lies and lies and lies. They don’t even try to hide it. Blatant lies everywhere. And their propaganda keeps being blasted in all our newspapers that happily quote their lies to manufacture consent for Genocide. The newest lie is to pretend they are letting aid into Gaza.

British member of parliament Alicia Kearns said that Israel was failing to meet its legal obligation to help aid get into the besieged enclave, citing the closure of the Kerem Shalom crossing. “I’ve just returned from the aid staging location in Egypt, thousands of trucks are sat waiting to deliver aid,” she wrote.

In response, Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy claimed that the crossing was "currently closed on Saturdays at the request of the UN because there is so much undistributed aid piling up on the other side".

Kearns asked for evidence from Levy, pointing out that his claim was the “opposite” of what she had been told by the UK government, Egyptian government and the UN. “They are clear the Israeli Govt requested no deliveries on a Saturday,” she wrote.

Levy has yet to respond.

Altofaltception, to world in Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says

What’s the likelihood that this was an Israeli assassination?


Low. Unless they control the weather.


Was it them that made the frogs gay?


I think he’s saying they would have to make fogs gray

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

Wellllll…I have it on unreliable authority that Israel has a space laser, so weather control probably isn’t out of the question…


Let me introduce you to the “Jewish space lasers” theory of Marjorie Taylor Green.

halykthered, avatar

That’s what my first thoughts were as well, but they were flying in some pretty nasty weather. Thick fog, high winds, in a remote forested mountain range. While it is entirely possible that the CIA and IDF may have collaborated on some impromptu helicopter modifications, I think the question is less “Who could have done this?” and is more “Why were they flying in those conditions?”


The parallels with Kobe’s death are pretty eerie



Widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport, Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi won five NBA championships and was an 18-time All-Star, a 15-time member of the All-NBA Team, a 12-time member of the All-Defensive Team, the 2008 NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP), and a two-time NBA Finals MVP.


This is the first time since joining Lemmy that I miss awards. This was funny as hell! Thanks for the chuckle.

Excrubulent, avatar

I’m not going to dispute your clearly superior knowledge of basketball statistics, and those are all remarkable parallels, but I think it’s more likely they were referring to the helicopter crash.


Kobe wasn’t involved in an almost sort of war with Israel though.


He was still young.


They would have won even more championships if Shaq hadn’t insisted on eating non-halal meat during team meetings. You could cut the tension with a knife.

elbucho, avatar

True, the weather was really bad in that area, but he was traveling in a 3-helicopter convoy, and only his helicopter crashed. Now, I’m not saying that it’s impossible, or even improbable that it was an accident, but we can’t really rule out sabotage at this point, especially considering how big of a target he had on his head from both the US and Israel. Personally, I really hope it was an accident. I mean, I shed no tears for that son of a bitch, but the ramifications if this was an assassination are unsettling.

hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

We can’t rule it out, but Occam’s razor says we should think of it as an accident right up until the moment where we find evidence for sabotage and an accident isn’t enough anymore to explain it.


Bunch of old dudes dying while using a notoriously risky mode of transportation in bad weather over tricky terrain, while the only thing pointing to Israel thus far is motive. I’d say low.


…while flying in a helicopter introduced in 1968 and last manufactured in 1998 in a country that is sanctioned and most likely can’t reliably get spare parts for it.

FuglyDuck, avatar

about as likely as internal power struggles, or some other actor who wants to maybe stir up shit in the middle east. (wouldn’t put it past the russians, to be honest. they’d benefit from israel going to war and people forgetting about Ukraine.)

not as likely as mechanical failure or shitty weather.

jordanlund, avatar

Unlikely given the weather, but not zero.


Suspicious bald helicopter maintenance man seen prior to takeoff.


And nobody noticed the barcode.

Snowpix, avatar

If someone wants to cosplay as store merchandise, that’s none of my business!


Very low probability. You don’t target head of country, that’s very ungentlemanly in diplomatic world which can result in very severe repercussion.


When did Israel act gentlemanly?


I don’t think I have to bold the word ‘diplomatic’ for you to understand the context.


Was it diplomatic to attack an embassy in another country?


that’s a deliberate geopolitical move to gain direct involvement of the US into the conflict by inciting retaliation from Iran. So they were expecting the repercussion.

It is a dick move but not as severe as attacking the head of the country. Just imagine during the WW2 the Allied assassinate the Japanese Emperor. It was a no go.

Man, If you hate someone, find a rational reasons for them to be hated. Not every wrongs can be linked to them. Use your head, not emotion.

Hahah_Montana, (edited )

Extremely likely. These people getting upvoted by Israel’s media farms below literally don’t take into account the reach of Israel’s special ops.

E: How much are you guys getting paid to be shills and spread misinformation? Keep burying facts in downvotes if that makes you feel better, but you’re all terrible human beings for it.


Wouldn’t they blow it up? Seems like that’s their usual choice, since it makes a statement, not subtle sabotage.

Hahah_Montana, (edited )

Haven’t you heard of Israel’s secret operations? Look up the Mossad’s history with things such as these:…/mossad-operations-false-passpor…

(Detailed Report Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: United Kingdom Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Newspaper Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY)

(Detailed Report Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL Country: USA MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Organization/Foundation Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY)…/adolf-eichmann-nazi-capture-holocau…

(Detailed Report Bias Rating: LEAST BIASED Factual Reporting: HIGH Country: United Kingdom MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Magazine Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY)

Full of undercover and sneaky operations. Not your typical “explosion”. That’s a narrative they try to spread to divert attention from their sneakier exploits.


Your prejudice is showing. It’s actually YOUR country that goes around the world assassinating people in their own lands. But you guys like to throw the ball at someone else and pretend you’re righteous. It’s more likely to be you guys.


It’s actually YOUR country that goes around the world assassinating people in their own lands.

Oh I don’t live in the US.


Unlikely, since helicopters are pretty dangerous (especially cold war era ones), have a single point of failure, and the accident apparently happened in bad conditions and in a mountainous region.

Also the Iranian president is more of a state figurehead than an actual ruler with the power to change the country. The Ayatollah is the one pulling the strings.

Don’t even think Iran are going to blame this on Israel, as they would get clapped in a direct confrontation with the IDF, and they know it.


They probably suspect Israel did it, but since they fired close to 400 missiles and drones into Israel and hit nothing, and Israel fired one back and took out their air defence radar, they’ll probably stick to arming Hamas in order to hurt Israel.

Very little point in a direct conflict.

owen, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

Oh? God told you to take their homes away? With violence?

That changes everything! Please continue.


For those not in the know, this is literally the founding story of Israel - God told them to genocide the Canaanites and steal their land. What we’re seeing here is violence that continues to be perpetuated by religious traditions (about events which never really happened, according to biblical scholars).


Religion is the worst invention ever


And the state of Israel the second worst

bartolomeo, avatar

What’s the verse or chapter or whatever where this can be found?


Lots of places (like… so, so many places), but here’s one in Numbers 31 where they kill all the men, most of the women, and all male children. In fact, Moses commands them to keep killing because it wasn’t genocidey enough the first time.

6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of

7 And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.

8 And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain;

9 And the children of Israel took

10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.

11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey,

12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which

13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.

14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host,

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

bartolomeo, avatar

Holy shit… I always hear about this and that being in the Bible or whatever book but I’ve never seen the specifics. It’s way worse than I thought.

Thanks for the example.

OutlierBlue, to world in Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'

But I was emphatically told this was not what they were doing by several apologists! They wouldn’t have lied, would they?!


Maybe not the apologists, they’re just drinking the piss flavored Kool aid.

Those making the piss punch could use another type of punch. All the propagandists, everywhere.

A lot of focus on lemmy is on billionaires and not nearly enough on propagandists. It’s the propagandists that enable the billionaires to continue, and in this case it’s the propagandists that “allow” for arguments over reality to exist.

I wish hell were real, it would be full to the brim with propagandists, billionaires, and fundamental religious nutters. And who am I kidding, probably me too lol

Jaysyn, to politics in Sisters in Christ group pays property taxes on Senate candidate Steve Garvey’s home. Why? avatar


Buelldozer, avatar

It’s “Christofascism” when a group pays the taxes on a property they own? I mean isn’t that what we WANT religious organizations to be doing?



dugmeup, to politics in Texas judge orders new election after GOP lawsuit challenged 2022 election result in Houston area

This is precedent setting for the next few elections


Trial run.


Binding legal precedent us only set by appeals court rulings. If this is appealed and upheld, THAT will be a precedent setting. Otherwise, judges can pretty much ignore this case and rule on similar cases with similar facts in a way they see fit.

ColeSloth, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

Heard that over the past like 8 elections.


Same, not going to happen…

applepie, to upliftingnews in Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first

Conservative cucks in shambles.

spider, to politics in Father of Marine killed in 2021 suicide bomb attack at Afghanistan's Kabul airport arrested at SOTU

The father of a U.S. Marine who was killed at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport in 2021 as America pulled out of the country was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police officers for disrupting the State of the Union address

Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene gets a pass…

jaschen, to politics in If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves

I already left because of Trump the first time around. I couldn’t be happier. I welcome you to Taiwan if anyone is interested in coming.


I left the first time for Trump… but moved to the UK just in time for Brexit. Should’ve picked Taiwan I guess


Well, Taiwan is a very young democracy (1997). So, we still have a lot of the good thing that early democracies have. We are very foreigner friendly.

Homelessness is rare compared to the USA. While there are homeless people here, the % is much lower.

Universal Health care, social security, publicized medicine, an amazing social program for parents and pensioners.

It’s quite simple to immigrate here. If you make over 65k(USD) a year or in the renewable energy field, you’re already approved.

blazera, to politics in Trump ally Bannon ordered to report to prison for defying Jan. 6 probe avatar

2 years after conviction

dhork, to politics in Are Arabs in Michigan Really Prepared to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump? In a Word: Yes.

“If it came down to Trump and Joe Biden, I will vote for Trump. Because it doesn’t get worse than Joe Biden,”

Well, if Trump does get reelected, I hope for this guy’s sake that he’s right. I have my doubts, though.


That is the statement of either a complete fucking idiot or a troll.

Any measurement of the two shows who’s better, and it’s not like breaking news or anything. Was this shithead alive in 2017-2021??

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