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Maybe heā€™s trying to do some deadpan humor. I say obvious shit like this to my daughter all the time. Like the thing heā€™s ā€œcorrectingā€ here is that metaphors shouldnā€™t be taken literally. Itā€™s so obvious that I have to conclude thereā€™s a high chance heā€™s just trying to do a self-parody here.


Yes, they record player engagement so that they can check back on it later and look at trends over time.


I slept on Risk of Rain 2 for a long time but finally tried it out and damn, they did a great job converting the original from 2d to 3d.

Still picking away at Hades achievements, too. Iā€™m at over 90% now and will trigger another one once I get back from my current run. 3 more after that: one grindy one, one gifty one, and one with a lot of heat. Might also go for 100% on the relationship bonds.


I somehow didnā€™t realize there were 3 of them lol.

But yeah, these are definitely games you need to stick with and unlock stuff for progression. I didnā€™t make it past like stage 2 or 3 until I had unlocked a couple other characters.

And with the way the items stack, you lose versatility but gain power if you use the 3d printer to convert all of your powerups into a single one (though not every powerup is worth it, at least I think). I still havenā€™t beaten the game for the 2nd one, but Iā€™m making it to the last level more consistently now.


On the bright side, this is an el Nino winter, which are typically milder than normal (at least after its been going for a year, the transition ones like last winter arenā€™t as affected), so this isnā€™t necessarily the new norm and next winter might be more snowy.

But on the other hand, this is by far the mildest winter Iā€™ve ever seen, and the last few winters have all been milder than the previous el Nino winter, so this could be the norm within a decade. And we still have an el Nino summer coming.

Ok, new bright side: itā€™s an interesting time to be alive!


Also the part where his partner, who was talking to others across the street, rushed over all like, ā€œwhat are we shooting at?ā€ and also opened fire on the police car with dude handcuffed in the back, though she didnā€™t dump her whole mag like the first one did.


Itā€™s not even a ā€œsteals your GFā€. Itā€™s more like ā€œis in a poly relationship but will wingman for you with his partners even if he knows you arenā€™t poly and will try to get his partners to leave him. But they arenā€™t very interested, especially when you try to act like running Windows is a feature.ā€

Assuming the GF is a metaphor for gamers.


Iā€™ve heard some things about him. He sure sounds like a real jerk.


Another interpretation is to have sex (with your partner) nearby a condor having sex (with their partner). If thatā€™s what they are asking about, I would advise against it, because birds are pretty quick at sex and you donā€™t want to be distracted with having your own sex when two condors get hungry after having theirs. Theyā€™d probably even eat you all romantic-like and share both you and your partner Lady and the Tramp style.

Though for the ā€œhaving sex without a condorā€, it could just mean having sex with anything other than a condor. Which I would also advise.

Iā€™ve played Kingā€™s Quest V, so Iā€™m something of an expert on condors. My general advice is ā€œPrefer to do everything without a condor.ā€ Even if your best friend is an owl, they donā€™t gaf.


Iā€™m just glad she lived in a time when a couple of people who had no prior experience with video games could just say, ā€œLetā€™s make a gameā€ and do it.

Though apparently it was the new corporate ownership of Sierra that frustrated her (though it could have been directly linked with the flopping of the game).

And apparently she was a part of a 3d remake of colossal cave adventure that was released in Jan 2023.


Yeah, at this point, AAA is a negative rather than a positive for determining if Iā€™m interested in a game.

Though with how regular steam sales are and the size of my backlog, even an AAA game that looks good needs a steep discount for me to consider it. Iā€™m ok with not trying 2024 games until 2034, Iā€™ll just add it to my wishlist.

Hell, even if I see it at 90% off in 2028, I might just buy it and have it sit in my library until 2034 before I try it, anyways. Especially now that Iā€™m pushing myself more to finish games rather than let myself get pulled in by the 20 next shiny things I see.

Not to mention seeing a AAA game at a AAA price with MTX on top of that makes me assume itā€™ll be a shitty experience, even if they leave an in game way to get all of that stuff because I know that itā€™s going to be tuned to incentivise people to just pay the money (aka grindfest). A lot of that psychological shit that pulled me into WoW so hard doesnā€™t work on me anymore because the first sign of it turns me off. Daily quests to ā€œkeep me interestedā€? I donā€™t want fucking video game chores to do. I now recognize the whole ā€œhow do we keep players coming back to our game?ā€ question as inherently toxic, just like website engagement mechanisms.

The AAA market is filled with high-budget low-inspiration cash grabs. And the more influence investors have over companies to push them to make more money quicker, the worse the game is going to be. Investors need to be more patient than gamers.


I know Ubisoft likes to claim AAAA, but I interpreted that as them assuming the number of Aā€™s is relative to the goodness of the game and using that to say it is a really good game.

The way I see it is that once the production quality gets to a certain level, the higher the odds are that the people who have the power to determine what that game will look like are out of touch with what makes good games.

And that pirate game sounds like a good example. The choices that ruined the game were likely made at the upper or middle management level by people who had only, at best, a passing interest at playing the resulting game.


Or parents/grandparents buying gifts for kids. As a parent myself, thereā€™s price targets for gifts that AAA games fit right into. I deviated from it this past year and gave my daughter a cheaper game that I figured sheā€™d like. It was a dinosaur-themed Harvest Moon called Paleo Pines. The bet paid off since sheā€™s actually put down Minecraft to play this one rather than playing it for a bit and returning to Minecraft. Oh yeah, Minecraft itself isnā€™t AAA. So Iā€™ve got decently high hopes she will avoid wasting her money on the polished turds a lot of the bigger studios are putting out now.


If the only Radiohead song someone knows is Creep, then I could see it.


Itā€™s funny because I came here wanting to make a comment about how that aspect of Indiana Jones didnā€™t really age well because itā€™s emblematic of the West thinking we are custodians of the world.


Itā€™s a shitpost intended to troll metal fans. But I think most instead got distracted by the question and arenā€™t paying much attention to the troll itself. The values might be another attempt at inducing rage.

Sorry, but my rage is being saved for the machine.


Can only see them once because Ticketmaster adds another $36 in fees, but this only shows up after youā€™ve managed to get through the queue and if you think about it too long, youā€™ll lose your spot.

Ah shit, sorry, they accidentally sold your tickets on their scalper site for $1244 (plus fees and taxes), but donā€™t worry, youā€™ll get a refund.


Yes, but that cage is your head and I turn a wheel connected to your guts and all your faults are in me.


I like to call them deadpan instead of sarcasm. Sarcasm has a tone to let others know that it isnā€™t serious, while deadpan relies fully on the content itself.

I had a lot more deadpan comments crash and burn on Reddit than here. And even in this case, someone just questioned the comment while it had overall positive reception. I think Lemmy generally gets deadpan.


Iā€™ve gotten back into Hades, going for full completion. At about 86%, seems like just a matter of time as Iā€™m not really stuck on anything.


Disagree. The fact that Iā€™m only hearing about it now that itā€™s flopped is a good thing because I might have given it attention before. Well, probably not because itā€™s EA.

I just hope that companies that arenā€™t EA donā€™t take what they say about single player games at face value. EA games probably need friend group hype to succeed at this point. Or maybe thatā€™s just wishful thinking that there are many others like me who want to avoid anything from that company and thus would only play when pressured by friends.

But if EA does fail, there likely will be a period where they try to talk about it like experts and will just say, ā€œoh, gamers must not like x genre anymoreā€, when gamers really just donā€™t like overproduced garbage games that are clearly tuned to sell MTX rather than be fun.


Itā€™s a cure for many things some might considerā€¦ unnatural.


When I first tried guitar hero, for some reason I thought I should strum using the side of my thumb. Iā€™d have this swollen bump (thereā€™s a word for this but it escapes me) where I made contact and thought I just needed to get used to it to get past that. It made sense to me because I knew there was toughening of the fingers involved in playing a real guitar (never mind that it had nothing to do with strumming).

I was doing double strumming and practicing for expert level that way.

When I realized I could instead use my thumb pad to strum down and finger pad to strum up, it was game changer. You treat it like itā€™s a pick. Duh.


Or they want to bring it about faster because more problems mean more potential for profits or the chance to be a dictator of a dome city that probably wonā€™t be as stable as they are imagining theyā€™ll be.


For every Keanu, thereā€™s several Oprahs (someone who chases success no matter what awfulness it enables), Ellens (sociopaths abusive to their staff but friendly in public), Harveys (people who abuse their gate keeping of a pathway to celebrity to extort those who want to go down that path), and Christians (celebrities whose ego tells them they are superior to others who they work with).

And thatā€™s not mentioning the Quentins (abuse actors in their search for perfect shots, assuming the abuse itself isnā€™t the reason), Alecs (producers who run such a lax safety environment that someone ends up dead), OJs (celebrities who literally get away with murder because of worship by law enforcement), Britneys (celebrity abused by those who were supposed to be protecting her at the cost of their mental health or even freedom).

Or the potentially worse kind of all, the Ronalds, or popular celebrities that take a role as the face of a political group so that their celebrity status and what people think they know about them because of their characters to greatly accelerate the consolidation of the economy under the wealthiest and social tools used to control those they deem ā€œlesserā€.


I had to replace my kitchen faucet and got a nice one. I installed it and was liking it until I looked at the insert that advertised some other products they had and then I wanted a whole new sink as soon as I saw a picture. Their sinks had ledges along the front and back so that you could place add-ons like strainer baskets or grills that would sit flush with the sink and could slide around. It also seemed so obvious that I canā€™t believe these crappy sinks are the norm.

Though I do prefer having a double sink (kinda wish I had a triple one tbh). Then you can do dishes in one and use the other to rinse instead of slowly filling the single sink more and more. Or let dishes pile up a bit in one sink without having to work around those dishes to do other things before you get to cleaning them. Plus it takes more water to fill a giant sink to the same depth as a smaller sink.

Though a bowl inside a giant sink also works. Just give me those ledges and add-ons for whatever my next sink is.


Unless that NFL player was also a famous murderer.


Can I get a ā€œfuck puritansā€?


But what if you have more dildos than you have orifices? If itā€™s a suction dildo, yes, it belongs stuck to a window, preferably a ground floor front one, but if itā€™s not suction or you run out of window space and already have a centerpiece for your kitchen table, then a bookshelf is the next most natural place.


Youā€™re addressing a Sargent so that should be a ā€œLearn basic grammar FFS, sir.ā€


My guess is that WWII caused pretty much everyone in Europe to experience how horrible machine guns are for both the winners and losers while it still remained a bit abstract for those in the Americas.

Also, USA hasnā€™t been screwed over by an arms race yet, while Europe has.


If you must wash them, do it right before using them.


Cā€™mon, youā€™re making Canada sound backwards like that. We have banks and they have safety deposit boxes large enough for several cartons of eggs.

I also keep eggs hidden around the house in case I get a midnight craving for an omelette and donā€™t feel like doing a midnight heist on my own eggs. Though I do regret the ones I hid under the couch cushions.


Sounds like you might need to go through your things and ask if each brings you joy and get rid of whatever doesnā€™t.

Does this egg bring me joy? Throws egg on floor, giggles yes it does. Makes note to replace egg


What are you talking about? Heā€™s just making polite conversation with a chicken.


That style of censorship always struck me as ridiculous, too. It didnā€™t really avoid the word itā€™s trying to avoid at all. It just avoids saying it outright while still making clear that the word is ā€œfuckedā€. Itā€™s like someone wants to be edgy but is afraid of getting in trouble for it.


Had about as much teeth as a jack-oā€™-lantern.


Does she want sex or does she want chores done? Because if itā€™s just the latter, then I wouldnā€™t really want sex either.

If youā€™re ever handed a chore chart and itā€™s not part of a kink, then assume your relationship is in serious trouble.


Then donā€™t buy games on release. Thereā€™s no rush. Iā€™ve been pretty satisfied just buying games I want on sale and have still built up quite the backlog mainly getting titles at 75%+ off. No Manā€™s sky and subnautica were both just awesome games for me because the period where they were unfinished and disappointing was long past by the time I tried them.

And in my experience, toxicity doesnā€™t really encourage improving something so much as it encourages stopping to care how the toxic person feels about anything at all. Sometimes that caring even goes negative and the target of the toxicity can take pleasure in how much grief theyā€™ve caused the person spewing out the vitriol.

Toxicity is for burning bridges, not encouraging better behaviour.


If someone is using a wish spell to make a better map, do you really think theyā€™d just proceed to make that map freely available to everyone?

Also, even our maps have issues. Like projecting a sphereā€™s surface onto a 2d image, you end up with scaling issues that make Greenland look as big as South America. You canā€™t take a string representing 100 km or something and accurately determine the distance between points in any global map. Some do it better than others (like the projection that tries to peel the earth like an orange and then flatten that peel in 2d), but even they lose some accuracy (you can only measure accurately if you donā€™t need to cross a tear in the ā€œpeelā€).


Any time I see someone use the term ā€œfear mongeringā€ sincerely, I add a general heaping of salt to whatever they are saying. Itā€™s often an attempt to turn the topic to the ā€œevil motivesā€ of the ā€œother sideā€ before the original debate is settled.

If thereā€™s nothing to fear, that can be said without accusing anyone who thinks there is something to fear of trying to generate it for selfish reasons. In fact, Iā€™d think that showing someone is fear mongering will be a greater burden than showing any particular thing they say is untrue, let alone a deliberate lie. But it gets thrown around so much lately as if itā€™s an argument on its own.


I did have a honeymoon phase with gamepass. Now itā€™s just a thing that keeps charging the monthly fee in the background but also reminds me of the list of games Iā€™d like to try that it has each time I open it up to consider cancelling.

Theyā€™ve figured out how to make money from me having a backlog, I just realized. I might have to open it again and compare the amount Iā€™d pay for x months vs the expected sales price to just buy all of those games where x is how many months itā€™ll take to clear my backlog. I donā€™t even have to open it to see that I should cancel, because x might be infinite. Hell, I could even just cancel it with the intent of starting back up if I manage to clear my Steam backlog if I want to lie to myself about eventually getting through my backlog.


I think heā€™s saying that neither extreme is right. Subscriptions arenā€™t going to take over the entire market but they will likely continue to play a role going forward.



If you liked the concept of captain forever but wanted more of a full game than an experience, try this one out. You build your ships with similar blocks but thereā€™s factions with their own hull piece shapes and weapons and you can use a single ship or a fleet.

A warning though: itā€™s like civ or grand strategy games as in youā€™ll sit down to play for a few hours in the evening and suddenly the sun is coming up so I should save and exit right after I conquer this block over here.


At this point, I donā€™t know if Epic can get better than Steam in the ways that matter simply because they are clearly trying very hard to gain a dominant market position in ways that make it seem like they would abuse such a position, while Valve has had that dominant position for decades without abusing it. Valve is one of the few companies I trust these days. That trust is Valveā€™s to lose, not any other competitorā€™s to gain, though I am open to other adjacent providers (like Iā€™ve got an xbox game pass sub, a ps5, and switch).


Copernicus deserves a mention. Galileoā€™s problems resulted (in part) from him being a proponent of Copernicism after the church had declared it heresy.

Heliocentrism was suggested by Copernicus and Galileo built on that, including developing physics to the point where he couldnā€™t believe otherwise.


Oh nice. Itā€™s some combination of you being awesome and me being stupid for not figuring that out.


Yeah, Iā€™ve been feeling like Iā€™ve only been getting half the experience with xkcd on mobile up to now. Full experience unlocked!

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