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A boy can dream. A boy can dream…

NegativeInf, (edited )

That Boston dynamics robot runs at like 4 miles an hour. The fastest robot dog runs at like almost 12 or something.

Average running speed for humans is between 6.4 and 8 mph depending on gender, etc. And if the obesity rates are correct, I think that it’s probably a lot lower and for incredibly short bursts if anything.

Here’s the record.

Strap a weapon to this bad boy, and howdy, you’ve got a war machine!


And source paper.

By 2050, we are going to have only quadrupedal Olympic runners!


But think of the cost savings!!! /S




I’ll keep both big toes thanks!


But then it isn’t performative conservatism, and therefore is unmonetizable by the algorithm due to lack of engagement! And you gotta feed that 'rithm!




Let’s just chalk it up to Government murder either way!


After reading further past the imagery of snow white and crying about the parallels between that and his death and my own experiences as a gay man, thank you. It very well could have been the poorly stored electroplating chemicals stored in his home. He habitually ate an apple before bed and often discarded it not fully eaten. Coroner’s notes, when examined by a modern eye, may be more consistent with inhalation than ingestion. He had been off estrogen for a year. He had made a list of things to complete when he went back to work after the holiday weekend.

I should make sure my chemicals are stored properly.


Do… Do our American Nazis, not want capital corporatism? Because this description of Nazi Germany’s economy sounds a lot like trump and the general Republican party.

The changes included privatization of state owned industries, import tariffs, and an attempt to achieve autarky (national economic self-sufficiency). Weekly earnings increased by 19% in real terms from 1933 to 1939, but this was largely due to employees working longer hours, while the hourly wage rates remained close to the lowest levels reached during the Great Depression. In addition, reduced foreign trade meant rationing of consumer goods like poultry, fruit, and clothing for many Germans.

And this sure sounds like how the right acts about our military industrial complex…

The Nazis believed in war as the primary engine of human progress, and argued that the purpose of a country’s economy should be to enable that country to fight and win wars of expansion.

And if you want a source, it’s like literally the first bit in the article on the economy of Nazi Germany on Wikipedia. With all the sources you like.

And it just keeps going. This next bit sounds like riling up the populace to throw them under the bus and vote against their own self interest by demogoging about The Other. Reminds me of some fucks on the right here in the US. And by some, I mean… Well, I can’t name any that aren’t like this?

The Nazi government developed a partnership with leading German business interests, who supported the goals of the regime and its war effort in exchange for advantageous contracts, subsidies, and the suppression of the trade union movement. Cartels and monopolies were encouraged at the expense of small businesses, even though the Nazis had received considerable electoral support from small business owners.

If you don’t see the parallels, you are either blind or deceitful.

Walks like a goose, swims like a goose, steps like a goose, oop, it’s an “Economically Anxious Republican”

Spades are spades, ducks are ducks, Nazis are Nazis.


A fair assessment. Thank you for widening my perspective! ^⁠_⁠^


Is leaving it docked to the station with leaks contributing to any drift in the movements of the station’s orbit?


Well, that’s a relief.


I bet I can guess the outcome of Snyder based on the number of undisclosed gifts each justice has taken then conveniently remembered when it gets reported.


Blasting is what a cannon does. Slamming should be reserved for hurricanes. I hate these titles.


I don’t see why not? I can’t run for president at 31. Additionally, it is up to each state to define how its elections are held, and that’s delineated in the constitution as well.


A president is not a congressman.


After looking more closely at precedent and the constitutional outlining, it looks like the list of qualifications for Congress et al are considered exhaustive and require a constitutional amendment to add any further restrictions. Take a look at the decision in U. S. Term Limits Inc V Thornton, which came to the conclusion that states cannot impose qualifications on federal congressional candidates and that a states people’s have the right to deny them at election time if they so choose. So I concede. It’s a good idea, but the system makes it difficult to implement. Unless another FDR style tragedy happens in office and then some big national tragedy happens, I really don’t see a way to get this passed.

But for state government, the term limits could be passed. Idk how beneficial that really is, but 🤷‍♂️


It’s all IP baby. They think we are the unwashed masses with no taste or critical thinking and just consume whatever they excrete.


It’s like they are trying to start a war on all borders.

Is Lebanon likely to retaliate?


A trial is incomplete until sentencing I thought? I’ve seen no paperwork dismissing the gag. But idk.


Error: Math.round() failed - ‘gender’ is not a single value but a multi-dimensional spectrum! Use Math.matrixRound() instead, where each value is rounded individually. Note: Rounding ‘gender’ to a single value is deprecated and not supported in modern libraries.


So is it the cops lying or Adams or both?

New York Mayor Eric Adams and senior police officials repeatedly said there were “no injuries,” no “violent clashes” and minimal force used. But at least nine of the 46 protesters arrested inside the barricaded Hamilton Hall on April 30 sustained injuries beyond minor scrapes and bruises, according to medical records, photographs shared by protesters, and interviews. The documented injuries included a fractured eye socket, concussions, an ankle sprain, cuts, and injured wrists and hands from tight plastic flexicuffs


Lol. Both your posts show next to each other in my feed. Good shit bro.


I mean, when there’s no commandment against rape and the one for murder doesn’t count when their god says it’s totes ok bro, take their land and dash their babies against the rocks, they have no moral ground to stand on.

Religion is the language of the oppressors couched in fantasy to make you do their dirty work in the here and now for a payoff that certainly doesn’t exist.

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals (

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...


While I agree in principle, the people who write the headlines are very often not the writers of the article or the people who are actually working on the solutions to the problems.


You don’t think they could, you know, wash them before selling them?


Water+a surfactant. It’s oxidized oil emulsified in soap and water already.


Now that’s a valid argument. I appreciate that!

Hundreds arrested, roads barricaded in New Caledonia as riots continue (

SYDNEY, May 16 (Reuters) - Armed forces were protecting New Caledonia’s two airports and port after a third night of violent riots that have killed four people, the Pacific Island’s top French official said on Thursday morning, adding at least four alleged instigators were under house arrest....


Rioting broke out over a new bill, adopted by lawmakers in Paris on Tuesday, that will let French residents who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years vote in provincial elections - a move some local leaders fear will dilute the indigenous Kanak vote.

So, an island 10500 miles away from France (Literally next to flipping Australia) is ruled by France. They wanna make it so french people that live there can vote in local elections. Sure sounds like a plan to move in more and more rich Europeans to slowly but surely erase its original peoples.

Do they get any say in any self determination? Any representation in the French government?

Also, while saying so many be in poor taste, these riots do seem rather… In keeping with French tradition.


I’m from Texas and read it as a server he is on.


Past Biden? No one else is even on all the ballots in all the necessary states to even come close to 270.

I’m just happy we don’t have an idiot saying “Nuke 'em all to glass” like my conservative father.


If it’s the one from the CHORD study, it’s this one.

“DB-OTO, which is a cell-selective, adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy product candidate”

Basically, they give them an injection in the cochlea of a modified virus that doesn’t cause disease and only infects specific cells, which then invades those cells, delivering a payload of the gene they want to insert. The new DNA gets put in the nucleus so the cell can manufacture the new protein to allow hearing.

This only works with people who have that mutation as the cause for their deafness.


The ones in Texas all roll coal and good luck if one comes up behind you in the fast lane.


She got out in front of it like it was a train.


Studies show that ash from coal power plants contains significant quantities of arsenic, lead, thallium, mercury, uranium and thorium[1]. To generate the same amount of electricity, a coal power plant gives off at least ten times more radiation than a nuclear power plant.

The process of burning the coal concentrates contaminants of all kinds tenfold compared to their original concentration. So even if it isn’t significantly radioactive, we shouldn’t be allowing the other shit in there either.


My apologies.

D. Grenêche, ‘Déchets radioactifs, la vérité des faits et l’exactitude des chiffres’, Revue nationale du nucléaire, 2019.


Both have a storage problem. But coal has a destroys the atmosphere problem. So, yes, trade-offs.


That and they’d have to set up room and board for secret service inside the jail along with a host of other security measures to make sure he doesn’t get murdered by an inmate.


Grandpa wouldn’t kill a puppy for acting like a puppy. They would have properly trained their dog, or gotten a different type of dog, or adopted it off.


When the person in question is fucking bad, maybe the cooperation is that both Republicans and Democrats are calling her dog killing actions fucking insane. Republicans condemn it as personally insane. Democrats condemn it as emblematic of the kind of people Republican politicians are.


The DOJ uses this one neat trick that Defense Attorneys don’t want you to know!

U.S. Secretly Shipped New Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine (

The United States last week secretly shipped a new long-range missile system to Ukraine, and Ukrainian forces immediately used the weapons to attack a Russian military airfield in Crimea last Wednesday and Russian troops in the country’s southeast overnight on Tuesday, according to a senior U.S. official....


The US giving them the missiles or the fact that they can penetrate deeper into their invaded homeland? Because the active invasion they are fighting off sounds more like provocation than either.

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