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kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

First, an educated populous brings the entire economy up. It creates new markets, new fields and industries, and more opportunities for everyone. It also takes a large chuck of the workforce into offices, labs, and around the world instead of competing with you for your machining job at the factory, which would devalue your role and result in lowering your wage, if you got the job at all.

Second, the only reason for the massive amounts of student debt is due to universities massively inflating the cost of an education to milk the government of their federal student loans. This doesn’t address that directly, but it applies pressure on the government to reign in these bloated tuition and book costs that universities are pushing.

Third, if we’re so afraid Joe the Plumber and the rest of the Working Class might have to help his fellow man with 3 cents of his annual tax rate, then increase the tax on the wealthy controlling class to cover it instead. The same tax bill will mean waaaaay less to them.

Edit: for clarification, that was a rebuttal to Graham’s comment, not yours, OP


Live theater, not a movie theater. The thing that is considered classy, artsy, and has people on stage that can see you jerking off your tinder date.


Way to invite all the trolls to display other religious iconography in your schools, Louisiana. The Satanist Creed, The Pastafarian Recipe for Enlightenment, the Festivus Rules for Stating Grievances… all is fair now.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine (

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....


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  • kryptonianCodeMonkey,

    Yea, the solicitation for tips when all you did was prepare the food (the bare minimum) while I served myself or just got carryout, that is ridiculous. The only times I have tipped for carryout was during covid because, frankly, just being open was above and beyond service at the time, and I wanted to show extra support to struggling businesses I cared about. Otherwise, tips are the compensation for either the convenience of being served by someone else, the inconvenience to the business of an unusual order (like a huge order, allergy care, etc), or if you are just doing more than I could reasonably expect for regular service (like being open during covid shut downs).


    In California, you shouldn’t feel obligated to tip (or at least not nearly as much as elsewhere) because they aren’t paying an artificial deflated wage. In other states though where they’re making a fraction of the hourly minimum wage, I would argue that you should feel obligated to tip. More states should do what California is doing though.


    That was pretty clear. The apparent player character was a misdirect. The figure that comes in at the end seems to be the “her” referred to, and potentially the main antagonist of the game. I’m sure, just like in all other iterations, you’ll have a custom built player character of any sex/gender.


    It’s the British version of the Drag Event Handler, init?


    “Racial isolation” itself is not a harm;

    Yes. It is. Isolation inherently breeds tribalism, prejudice, and fear of the other. It is extremely harmful.

    only state-enforced segregation is.

    And what would you call racial Gerrymandering if not state-enforced segregation, Clarence? I mean, apart from voter manipulation and disenfranchisement, that is.

    After all, if separation itself is a harm, and if integration therefore is the only way that Blacks can receive a proper education, then there must be something inferior about Blacks.

    No, the idea that separation is harmful doesn’t presuppose the reason being that black people are inferior. It is harmful because black people are often treated as inferior and are not given equal treatment, resources, and opportunity. Black schools in the Jim Crow south weren’t worse because they were full of and run by black people. They were worse because they were fucking broke. Schools are largely funded by property taxes. And black home ownership has always been lower than white home ownership, and the value of those homes (and thus their property taxes) has always been lower on average. That means less money going to black schools per capita. Less money means fewer resources and opportunities. It’s pretty fucking simple, Clarence.

    I’m sure your next question is why black families owned fewer and cheaper homes. Well, the first and most obvious reason is that black families started with a handicap. They came from poor slaves who had nothing and had to start completely from scratch. White Americans had control of industry, agriculture, commerce, and government. Black Americans had to play catch up once freed.

    Then, when the GI benefits of the returning soldiers of WWII helped millions of white families buy their first homes, those benefit weren’t honored for black soldiers. When new valuable homes and nice schools were being built in the suburbs, those neighborhoods were red-lined, preventing black families from buying these valuable properties even when they had the finances to do so. When new highways and industrial works were being put in, things that bring pollution and drop property values, those things were intentionally built in and around black neighborhoods, robbing the existing black home owners of long term wealth. Do those things still happen now? Mostly no, and never explicitly racially biased. But this is not ancient history. This is in your life time, Clarence. It’s effects are still seen today and black people are still poorer, own fewer homes and less expensive homes as a result of generations of oppressive and unequal treatment. It’s absurd to equate acknowledging black poverty with deeming blacks inferior. This state was inflicted in them, not their fault.

    Under this theory, segregation injures Blacks because Blacks, when left on their own, cannot achieve. To my way of thinking, that conclusion is the result of a jurisprudence based on a theory of black inferiority,” he said in 2004.

    If black people had been left to their own, they wouldn’t have been slaves, wouldn’t have been screwed out of their benefits they earned fighting for this country that hated them, wouldn’t have been forbidden from moving into white neighborhoods, and wouldn’t have had their homes tainted against their will by industry and transport that enriched white people. Let’s also not discount the effects of unequal treatment under the law, unequal enforcement of the law, and unequal justice for crimes against them. Let’s also not forget that at the time the Brown decision was made, black people were still being FUCKING LYNCHED, CLARENCE. This fallacy of “separate but equal” has no legs to stand on. It never existed. Fuck all the way off, Clarence, you fucking sell out self-hating prick.

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    You know what’s really sad? How events like this are/were not taught in history classes. Or at least not properly. I had never heard about the Tulsa Massacre until I was an adult. And you know where I first heard about it? The fucking Watchmen TV series in 2019. I did research on it and was mystified that it was not only a real event, but that I had never so much as heard it mentioned before. I did finally learn about it through formal education, but only as an elective course in college about the history of American racial biases. Smh.

    And it’s history like this that is explicitly being filtered out by laws to protect white students from feeling uncomfortable. No student in Florida will ever learn about Tulsa now until those laws are repealed. For the record, I’m white. I think I should have learned about this in high school at minimum.


    I had not. I’m no longer shocked though.


    You’re blaming Biden in particular for Thomas and Trump? He’s not blameless for confirming Clarence. Though, of course, he is one of many responsible there and a conservative judge like Clarence was a forgone conclusion under the Bush 1 administration. And I can’t imagine how you justify blaming Biden for Trump’s first presidency. Because he didn’t run for president in 2016? Because he was a part of the Obama administration that led to the Trump administration? Either way, his responsibility is so marginal as to be confusing to even consider him culpable.

    There’s plenty to be dissatisfied or angry about with Biden that are directly and primarily or solely his fault. So why are you singling him out for those two things that are barely his responsibility at all, if at all?


    If only he’d been more ashamed of his shitty slimy politics and kept the silly bow tie instead.

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    “It’s unclear if there is an official Hierarchy of Victimhood for animals,” Outkick bleats. “There is for humans. Transgender persons sit atop. Straight white Christian men sit at the bottom, almost buried beneath the pyramid.”

    Pfffft. What a hypocrite. Whining about trans people’s immense victimhood, while using the exact same metaphor to imply that, in fact, HE is the most victimized of all by not even being allowed to be the victim. By being “buried beneath the pyramid” of victimhood. Bahahahaha. The cognitive dissonance is incredible.

    And buddy… That “Christian” part is apparently doing a lot of heavy lifting on your victim complex, my guy. Plenty of us straight white men get by without being under constant attack. If everyone around you seems like an asshole, maybe you’re the asshole. And maybe if you acted a little more Christ-like, you’d give people less reason to attack you and you’d make more friends with different kinds of people.


    A popular text editor that’s infamous for being difficult to exit/turn off for new users, for additional context

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    I don’t care if RFK Jr. is in the debate or not. But any left leaning person actually entertaining voting for that moron is as bad as a Trump voter. It amounts to the same thing anyway.

    Republicans Flock to Trump’s Trial, Risking Control of the House Floor (

    "The House was in session at the Capitol on Thursday, but thanks to the latest procession of Republicans reporting for duty in front of a Manhattan criminal courthouse to show support for former President Donald J. Trump at his trial, the party risked ceding its control of the floor,” the New York Times reports....

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    “Sneak” is a loaded term. I think what you mean is “do their job like they’re supposed to and vote like they usually would.” It’s not like they’re holding a secret/special session under the Republicans noses. They’re just at work when they’re supposed to be and others aren’t. The alternative to “sneaking” legislative action in this case is just not doing their jobs for the day because a bunch of people decided not to show up. 12 people don’t show up, so they send the other 400+ home for the day? Is that the moral expectation?


    Over developed venom glands. Those are literally killer snake tits.


    You worked in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Battlestar Galactica. You missed the other sci-fi franchise with Star in the title though. Stargate. Should put a space gate in the background of the image.


    Yeah, EV’s are not, in themselves, the cure for our environmental woes. Too much electricity is still generated from fossil fuels for the carbon footprint to actually be diminished much and the environmental toll of mining for lithium also needs to be factored in. BUT, at the very least, it removes some dependence on oil in particular, where coal and natural gas are other forms of fossil fuels used to generate electricity. If nothing else, it takes some pressure off very specific regions, pressure which has contributed to invasion, war, international manipulation, extreme politics and oligarchies. It spreads the sources for resources around further.


    Well, yes, but also the efficiency of the EV’s will factor in as well. Less efficient EV means more power draw for the same miles. But with things like regenerative braking and no idling, even the least efficient EV is probably more efficient then the most efficient gas powered car.


    In my junior year of high school, my (very strict) English teacher teacher was going over some common mistakes native English speakers make. One such mistake was using hanged vs. hung. She said when you do your laundry and put your wet clothes on the clothesline, they are “hung”. When a death row prisoner is executed at the gallows, he is “hanged”. Not “hung”. “Things cannot be hanged. Men cannot be hung.”

    There was a brief silence and then, yadda, yadda, yadda, two of my classmates got sent to the vice principal.


    No, I mentioned the bisque… lol


    Even if you’re a partisan hack that just wants to give Trump a copout for all his indictments and free reign for Trump to do what he wants if he wins the election, you have to see how stupid it is to make that call BEFORE he wins the election while his opponent is currently in office. Their ruling in his favor would be carte blanche for Biden to do whatever the fuck he wants to Trump, so long as 34 senators would refuse to convict him for it. Or even to the Justices themselves. Up to and including assassination, apparently. They would really be banking on the fact that Democrats would tend to act in good faith while Republicans are free to abuse their power. But that is a big gamble.


    Feels like, in this specific context where he wants to act as an unrestrained dictator, it’s both

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    What sort of asinine take is “Boat hit bridge? DIVERSITYYYYYYYYYY!” shaking fists


    Not sure if sarcastic, trolling or insanely stupid… down voted anyway.


    It’s close enough to what some MAGA fuck nut would say that I’m by not sure it’s not going to get upvotes by some too.

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    Arguably, Star Trek is less political. Picard never violently overthrows the Federation. Q never massacres entire planets. Janeway doesn’t practice literal mind control. The equivalent of all of those is done in both Star Wars and Dune, often by the protagonists.

    Edit: Chill out guys. I wasn’t claiming Trek isn’t political. Obviously it is. Sometimes it very much is. My thinking was just that (usually, not always) the show is usually self contained episodically, and deals with everything from natural phenomenon, science, philosophy, exploration, law, and, of course at times, politics. Star Wars and Dune are just often more directly dealing with massive scale political conflicts. Not that Trek doesn’t sometimes too, it’s just not its main thing.


    Farmer: Hey, Sweet Potato. How is it you became sentient again?

    Sweet Potato: I was bitten by a radioactive person and gained human-like powers. Also I’m no longer a Sweet Potato.

    Farmer: What are you then?

    Sweet Potato: I think, therefore I Yam.


    You think you’re woke for knowing the holosuites are vr sex toys. You’re really woke when you know what happens with all the bodily fluids after.

    “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.”


    That’s the problem. Your bean soup should be thick like mud. Tastes awful that way, but MAN WILL YOU FEEL IT IN YOUR HAIR FOLLICLES!

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    Reject the code block. Embrace the modularity. If you were going to write a code block, write a function instead.

    kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited )

    Tabs should be 4 spaces because it can be replaced 1:1 with “tabs”.

    For example…

    <span style="color:#323232;">def foo():
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    if bar:
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        foobar()


    <span style="color:#323232;">def foo():
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">tabsif bar:
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">tabstabsfoobar()

    Put that in your code review, cowards!




    All line breaks. Just one tower of code.

    <span style="color:#323232;">class
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">HelloWorld
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">{
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">public
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">static
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">void
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">main(String[]
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">args)
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">{
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">System.out.println("Hello,
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">World!");
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">}
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">}

    If you have to nest more than 2 layers, rewrite your code.


    We are getting ready to have to RTO next week. Buy every single person on my team was hired after the company went fully remote and only 4 of us out of 14 are near an office to return to. So, we get to drive in rush hour traffic there and back, not have enough seats/monitors and may not get to be near our team members that ARE there. And, regardless, till have to be on Teams calls all day because the majority of our team is is spread out across the country and internationally.

    They won’t even have the cafeteria operational yet, no immediate plans to do so either, nor is it big enough to seat everyone. They will have one coffee shop that they have assured us “serves lunch items”, but we’ll have ~1000 people in the building trying to get lunch and i’ve never seen a coffee shop serve more than one or two sandwiches a minute. So… for the ~120 of you that get fed, congrats.

    Also, the nice thing is that they pulled back the original 4 day in office requirement to only 2 days. However, the only reason for that is because they realized they literally cannot get everyone in the building at once and it’s not even close. So, I’m not filled with confidence on the logistics of this.


    Could have been a monkey paw situation. “Half of all life disappeared, you say?” every living thing suddenly missing their left half “Done!”


    If they ever get divorced, family dinner night is gonna be real awkward.


    Why the hell are you commenting on my 4 month old comments trying to argue. Fuck off.

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