QuadratureSurfer, to pcgaming in High on Life, Atari 50 Anniversary Celebration, MechWarrior 5 and more in this bundle [referal links in article] avatar

$25 for this Humble Bundle:

  • High on Life
  • Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration:
    100 games over different platforms spanning the 70s to 2000s as well as 6 new reimagined games.
  • Revival: Recolonization
  • Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries
  • Soulslinger: Envoy of Death
  • Bread & Fred
  • Grindstone

The article lists out the Steam Deck rating as well as the ProtonDB rating (if any). Direct link to humble bundle (referral link from article is still there):…

pepperonisalami, to linux in User stats | GamingOnLinux

There’s someone who uses 7 monitors?? That’s…impressive, but in what case is a 7 monitor setup useful?

walthervonstolzing, avatar

One for each deadly sin, duh.

TheMonkeyLord, avatar

Yeah that is wild. Back on windows I had a three monitor setup at one point and honestly rarely utilized the whole of it.

Ever since moving to Linux and learning about virtual desktops I have never felt the need for more than one monitor. So I could hardly imagine the need for seven beyond novelty lol.


I had 5 monitors for a bit before changing to a 32:9 monitor for my main monitor which gives me the equivalent of 4 monitors.

As long as the monitors are setup right (e.g. leveraging vertical space and not just horizontal space), I find the desktop real estate to be invaluable.

But, I started doing dual monitors over 20 years ago. So, I’m an early evangelist of multi-monitor and have adopted workshops that greatly benefit from it.


I’d like to try it out one day, for now I don’t think I want to do that kind of investment in my setup. It sounds glorious though to have so many monitors.

Omega_Jimes, to pcgaming in ASUS reveal the ROG Ally X with more RAM, more storage, larger battery

There are too many handhelds coming out too fast that are too expensive with no differentiation.

I don’t know how long these companies are going to stay in the market.

Sneptaur, to pcgaming in The Queer Games Bundle returns for 2024 avatar

That “do I pass” game always messes with my head.

Agent_Karyo, avatar

I thought this was a joke, but no it’s a real game. Played it on for a bit, actually seems like a good concept that fits the overall theme.

Vespair, to pcgaming in Hades II tops the most played Steam Deck games for May 2024

Deservedly so, imo

juice702, to pcgaming in Humble Choice for June has Risk of Rain 2, LEGO 2K Drive, Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector and more [referal links in the article]

Almost grabbed Battlesector last week on Steam. Think I’ll pick this bundle up!

franiis, to pcgaming in Humble Choice for June has Risk of Rain 2, LEGO 2K Drive, Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector and more [referal links in the article]

I’m most pumped for the Stray Gods Musical Game. It’s also on the list.

derbolle, to pcgaming in ZOTAC Zone is yet another AMD [Windows] gaming handheld

putting a full blown Windows on a gaming handheld is such a waste. this is one of the reasons why the steam deck reigns supreme

QuadratureSurfer, avatar

While you’re absolutely correct, for those who don’t know, Windows does have an IoT version of their OS that removes most of the bloatware.

canis_majoris, avatar

Yeah, but it doesn’t come standard on these devices. It’s literally just a full install of 11, with Teams and everything.

QuadratureSurfer, avatar


canis_majoris, avatar

Yeah, the Windows handhelds are basically glorified laptops. This was kind of the approach with the ROG ALLY anyways with the XGM port, allowing connection to an eGPU enclosure with up to a 4090 inside. It just runs a full blown version of Windows and you can even put on a pro license and do dumb shit like have WSL or Hyper-V available on the device.

I have a ROG ALLY and I’ve debloated it to hell, but it’ll never match the power savings I would achieve if it was Linux-based.

I’ve been following Chimera and Bazzite on their progression for developing distros for the Windows handhelds, but it’s going to be a while before they will be fully viable on any handhelds.

Steam will always be ahead because they control the hardware and the software and they are able to fine tune the software to their very specific hardware, which is simply not happening for the Windows handhelds.

LiveLM, to pcgaming in ZOTAC Zone is yet another AMD [Windows] gaming handheld

Why do the controls for these Deck competitors always look like shit?

This one had track pads at least, but that dpad looks atrocious

olicvb, avatar

I know! I’ve been looking at all the other handhelds from Asus, MSI, Lenovo, and was really disapointed in the lack of touchpads.

Shouldn’t it be a no brainer for a desktop-os-sporting handheld, especially a windows one? At least the lenovo has that interesting mouse sensor on the bottom of one of their joycon-like controller, but that’s not gonna help much when you’re holding the device.

suzune, to pcgaming in Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck

Ahem… thanks to me.

I recently made Steam run on my Debian PC.

Win10 has one more year and I need to make preparations. Now I’m ready to ditch it to have more space for games.


Made? Steam runs natively on Linux.


I made my PC work by pressing the power button. Linux devs made it work by writing and releasing Linux and countless utilities and applications. Let’s call it a draw.


Let’s call it a draw. 😂

ultratiem, avatar

“Made work” = click install


Not quite. You need to try 3 different howtos that fail. You need to realize that the broken dependecies won’t get fixed even it’s about the current time64_t effort that is going on. It’s because the howto is simply crap. Then you find one that you haven’t tried, yet.

Then it’s easy: add the official steam apt repository, get the signing key and apt-install steam package with some few dependencies.


this is why i use debian for work/servers where i need reliability anfd slow paced stable software and fedora at home where the odd bug or faulty update (which rarely happens) don’t bother me that much. debian is awesome though

Malix, to pcgaming in Microsoft's new Recall AI will take screenshots of everything you do - freaky [Mircosoft: "capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds"] avatar

obvious privacy concerns aside, who the hell actually needs this?

If something I do is important enough to remember later, I do save it (bookmark, screenshot, screencast, whatever). This doesn’t need to be automated, esp. since it seems to require 25-50 GB of diskspace to do anyway.

For users, this is a solution seeking for a problem. For megacorpo this is just more data harvesting, even if it’s “only local” for now. Hard pass, nopety-nope-nope, also arch btw and so forth.


I would use this constantly, if it is good. My understanding is that it runs locally.

Also Arch is far less functional than windows. I switched back.

hand, avatar



As someone willing to switch to Linux now that I’d be forced into using Windows 11, shut up. Linux is, unfortunately, not ever perfect. Windows has become functional enough for the average user, Steam OS has a corporation behind it and still requires command line and other hacks to function.

Unfortunately, we’re fucked unless we start taking more drastic actions against big tech. The only way this will be fixed is public demonstration demanding that OSes and other critical IT software be open source, whether that demonstration is peaceful… or not so peaceful.

hand, avatar

I think you’ve misunderstood; I was laughing at them claiming Arch is less functional than Windows. It was stated so factually, when in actuality it’s nothing more than an opinion (and a debatable one).

With that said, my partner has been using a Steam Deck for a little over a year now, to date they haven’t needed to use the console once (or “hack” anything). You’re being disingenuous or doing it wrong.

Good luck with your peaceful / not peaceful demonstration and let me know how it goes; the image of a small group of people with placards protesting against “OSes and other critical IT software” gave me a good giggle.

ToyDork, (edited )

You misunderstood. I’m a power user… on Windows. I don’t have a choice but to switch to a Linux distro now, but I have found 3 different issues requiring use of the command line to fix over the course of trying to shift to linux over the past 6 months. I understand a command line, what I don’t know is the lingo. Without experience in that lingo, I literally cannot properly figure out many features I could access in windows purely using mouse and keyboard shortcuts, even if it meant navigating an extensive menu system.

Now imagine someone who uses windows because they have dyslexia trying to use the command line. Or how about VR? If I’m understanding discussion from another site I frequent, Wayland or some other critical code for VR is not able to be handled by Linux and even if you run a windows install on the side it’s now going to be windows-fucking-11 bullshit until someone gets VR working on linux, and I do not have the coding knowledge to fix that myself because I don’t have 30 fucking years to become an expert in that shit. I’m not saying windows is good or that linux is bad, I’m saying this whole situation makes me want to fucking burn Redmond to the ground becausae it literally is holding my LIFE hostage. I live on the internet, I don’t interact with “reality” because I’m fucking sick of how things have unfolded over the past ~15 years (2008+) and if you force me to do so, I do in fact become physically violent. Don’t take away my circus or there won’t be anyone left to worship big brother, I’ll fucking kill you all.

hand, avatar

I’m not reading all that.


Also Arch is far less functional than windows. I switched back.

I tried Linux from scratch one time and found it less functional than Windows so I switched back to Windows. Why would Stallman do this to me


I didnt try it once, I did Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, PopOS, and prob Fedora. Every time a drive wouldn’t work, dependencies conflicted, programs had less features, so on.


My understanding is that it runs locally.

Yeah, for now.


Well, for now Ill love the feature.


Intel Management Engine was on the local machine too, and oopsie hackers could gain access by sending a null password response and have full access to the machine hardware


Presumable most software is compressible. The more services you have, the higher the risk, but that is not unique to any particular feature in windows.


Just saying, even a security device addition like IME was hacked, so user based stored snapshots of your screen and activities is going to get breached. Even microsoft leaked all their Internal teams data. security attack vectors increase with more services so this one is a disaster waiting to happen

helenslunch, avatar

If something I do is important enough to remember later, I do save it (bookmark, screenshot, screencast, whatever

Sure, assuming you realize at that moment that you’ll need it later. That’s not what this is for.


Microsoft needs this.

The OS is no longer your property.

Microsoft is not in the business of providing what users want from their computer.


I also hate every part of this and will turn it off as soon as it shows up.

But in terms of who actually wants this. If an AI assistant were to exist, and if it was actually going to be useful to someone, it would need to know just about everything in your life. At least in theory… In order for an assistant to be useful you would want to be able to ask it “what was Italian restaurant I was thinking of trying” and you would want a response.

I’m not sure this privacy nightmare of an implementation is the correct path to that, but that’s roughly what I suspect the desired outcome is.


For my work PC I feel like this could be really handy honestly. If it actually worked. Which AI never reliably does (nor Microsoft for that matter). AI feels like a pyramid scheme to me at this point, I mean this is bad and I get that, I’m just being honest. But I’ve never been able to get it to do something I actually wanted to that wasn’t more than a simple task.

But then all this said, any desire is immediately cancelled when I think about stuff like my work could probably use this to spy on me, and I’m pretty sure this means somebody could spy on my work, so I’m not so sure they’d be super for this tech either.

ultratiem, to pcgaming in Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck avatar

What’s wild is that the EU went after Apple because of “gatekeeping” yet MS has a 96% market share on Steam and Steam itself basically owns gaming on PCs and it’s just crickets.

I think it’s wild Valve has built such a crushing monopoly on top of MS’s monopoly and no one seems to care. If you’re releasing a game outside of a console, you just can’t not ship on Steam and survive. What an age we live in.

PlzGivHugs, (edited )

The problem is that, at least for Steam, they’re not a monopoly, nor are they necessary even within their market. Devs can and do distribute and/or market successful games without going through Steam and players can play games without ever getting Steam. I mean, if we were to take what I’d estimate are the most popular games right now:

  • Roblox - only a dedicated storefront/launcher
  • Minecraft - Up until recently, only a dedicated storefront/launcher, even now, not Steam
  • Fortnite - Originally only dedicated launcher, built a storefront off of that, still not Steam
  • Counter-Strike 2 - Steam
  • CoD - Not Steam? I think? Honestly its been such a mess in publishing I don’t know.
  • League of Legends - Only a dedicated storefront/launcher
  • Valorant - Only a dedicated storefront/launcher
  • GTA V - On Steam
  • Apex Legends - On Steam
  • Overwatch 2 - popularized off Steam, turned to Steam after massive mismanagement butchered the game

Its absolutely possible to launch and maintain a successful game off Steam, and people have and continue to do so. Even exclusively talking about 3rd party storefront/launcher combos, theres a lot of options. Steam its just popular because its not only worth using (a bar most of the competition already fails to pass) but offers a lot both to users and developers from cheap, effective marketing, to tools to support Linux, to better controller support.

ultratiem, avatar

I’m not talking about billion dollar studios. I’m talking about indie devs. And Steam is 100% a monopoly regardless of how the nerds on Reddit and here feel about Valve. They are not your friends; they are a business. Moreover, they take a 30% cut and no one has ever batted an eye, not even today. Everyone went after the Apple App Store.

Their success has been to convince gamers they are friends. That’s all. Apple on the other hand garners insane antipathy from the public.

It’s wild how public perception ignores facts.

PlzGivHugs, (edited )

I’m not talking about billion dollar studios. I’m talking about indie devs.

Billion dollar studios like Notch, Battlestate games, and Roblox (pre-Roblox).

Moreover, they take a 30% cut and no one has ever batted an eye, not even today.

Because unlike Apple, you can choose to instead or also sell on dozens of other storefronts that also charge about 30%, such as Humble, GMG, Fanatical, Epic, Microsoft, GOG, IndieGala, or GamersGate, or one of a half dozen or so that charge less such as, or you can just put it on your website. A monopoly doesn’t mean something costs money, it means there are no other options. Theres more competition in the games retail market than there is most other areas.

Their success has been to convince gamers they are friends. That’s all. Apple on the other hand garners insane antipathy from the public.

The difference is that Apple follows the same sort of business practices as much of Steams competion, and the industry in general. They invest in measures to stifle competition, often at the cost of the user, rather than using their position for R&D or development that might help users. People view Steam positively because they’re one of a very small number of companies that try and make a good, or at least innovative product, even if their end goal is still to get your money. Compare that to Epic, where they immediately started limitting consumer choice by buying exclusivity and by doing things like removing the Linux versions of games they bought (even after they had already been paid for), or what you’re complaining about, Apple, where they prevent installing anything they didn’t approve (esspecially anything indie), and don’t allow devs to use services other than their own.

ultratiem, avatar

Sorry how is forcing me to run their stupid app that gobbles system resources, ugly as hell and super invasive to run every game good for the user?

You can’t move purchases out of your Steam account and Steam won’t even let you transfer it after you die. Not sure how that’s good for me like I’m dead you can’t let my kid have it because you’re so nice.

They will ban you indefinitely even over a small dispute, like say a charge back or sometimes just a random violation of their TOS which says they can ban you for no reason.

Needing an internet connection even for single player local games is also great stuff.

If you own a game and then buy a bundle with that game, they don’t give you another copy (that you could gift to someone) which is wild because you literally paid twice for it.

You like Vavle as much as Apple fanboys like Apple. I get it. But they are just as shit of a company as every other company. Like I said, they aren’t there for you. They just have good marketing and a good front facing VP. Also they control so much that just wait another 5-10 years when management changes. It won’t be good for the user I can tell you that.

PlzGivHugs, (edited )

Sorry how is forcing me to run their stupid app that gobbles system resources, ugly as hell and super invasive to run every game good for the user?

Valve doesn’t force you to run it, game devs do. Steam’s DRM isn’t mandatory for developers to implement. For example, I know FTL is drm free on Steam. If I remeber right, SteamPipe can also be used for a much more lightweight experience as well, if you don’t want to do anything but install games (and not use their DRM or features).

You can’t move purchases out of your Steam account and Steam won’t even let you transfer it after you die. Not sure how that’s good for me like I’m dead you can’t let my kid have it because you’re so nice.

They will ban you indefinitely even over a small dispute, like say a charge back or sometimes just a random violation of their TOS which says they can ban you for no reason.

This isn’t good, but its standard and unless licensing laws and/or other big publishers change, I doubt this will. Its not something that makes Valve any less of a standout in the market when every other company does much worse than this.

Needing an internet connection even for single player local games is also great stuff.

For developers that do chose to implement DRM, the offline mode on Steam is relatively permissive.

If you own a game and then buy a bundle with that game, they don’t give you another copy (that you could gift to someone) which is wild because you literally paid twice for it.

Again, this is set by the publisher/dev. Valve offers the option to discount the pack by the given amount. Not as good as traditional physical software, but again, its not as bad as basically all of the competition so…

But they are just as shit of a company as every other company. Like I said, they aren’t there for you. They just have good marketing and a good front facing VP.

Yes, because providing tools for gaming on Linux doesn’t affect the customer buying/using their products. Neither does VR, or portable PC hardware as they’re exactly the same offerings as a desktop PC with better marketing. Neither does improved controller support - its just flashy UI for what was already easy to do. Neither does providing tools and hosting for a modding API - any dev who doesn’t launch with a home-made one is just too incompetent to be selling games anyway. None of these things are anything more than flashy marketing, so we should just be using’s VR headset for the lower rates and Epic’s Linux compatibility tools for those who don’t want to support Microsoft’s anti-consumer practices. And of course, instead of doing these things, they’re secretly buying exclusivity to every game and preventing you from repairing your devices despite the repair information provided (but you don’t realize because of marketing).

Also they control so much that just wait another 5-10 years when management changes. It won’t be good for the user I can tell you that.

Given that Gabe Newell owns a majority share from what we know, and he has shown a desire to build a stable, competitve company rather than just trying to join the race to the bottom, it’ll likely be longer than 5-10 years. That said, yes, this is a concern, but thats unavoidable, and “but someday they might not be good” isn’t a reason to dislike them as they are now.


forcing me to run their stupid app

you don’t… for non-DRM games you can just launch the executable from the installation directory

Needing an internet connection even for single player local games

see above - therefore not true

You are just mad about things that aren’t real, yet scream about fanboyism. Cute.

alessandro, avatar

For indie developer you got… then the void.

How this is Valve fault? You can’t blame a company in both direction for the same argument, you have to pick a side for your criticism.

Valve was accused to allow all sort of shovelware by indie developers… then you got the competition like GoG that say: " sure, we will have store curation: we will give indie developers the discipline that Valve won’t "

How things gone for GoG in the indie sphere? You remember any indie recently booming on GoG… Because surely can name few on both Steam and

There are different types of monopoly: the one that attempt Epic by using bribe money just so everyone come to their Battle Royale… and one you get because all the companies around you ignore what customers and business (indie Dev) wants: a democratic platform like (in which Valve is closer with its approach)


Here are the Call of Duty series games that are on Steam:

  • Call of Duty
  • Call of Duty 2
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 (the older one)
  • Call of Duty - World At War
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops (and notably, there is a separate game ID for the macOS Edition)
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops II
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops III (which has very good Steam Workshop Support!)
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops Cold War
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (the newer one)
  • Call of Duty - WWII
  • Call of Duty - Vanguard
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare Remastered
  • Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition
  • Call of Duty - Ghosts
  • Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III (both the newer ones), and Warzone

I was talking about whatever the current, popular CoD is. I don’t follow the series, thus my not knowing. Last time I tried to play, it was Battle.Net exclusive.

ultratiem, avatar

It’s now an MS exclusive and they have shitty plans for it because MS is a dumpster fire of a company that doesn’t give two shits about people and has been leveraging its monopoly since the 90s (they had to pay out millions over their practices with licensing of Windows and Office).


MS wasn’t designated a gatekeeper in the EU Digital Markets Act? 😮

Anti Commercial-AI license


Plenty of games succeed without steam tho. Fortnite for example.

ultratiem, avatar

Plenty. Lists one. One that is powered by a multi million dollar company. Got it.

bolexforsoup, to pcgaming in Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck

That’s actually lower than I thought it’d be. I sort of assumed it hovered in the 3-4% range. No clue why I did though lol

RootBeerGuy, avatar

I think your number is from a statistic on share of desktop usage. But I could be wrong about that too.


that’s the desktop usage which is different than steam userbase

GlitterInfection, (edited ) to pcgaming in ASUS reveal the ROG Ally X with more RAM, more storage, larger battery

If I haven’t seen the first 9, will I understand the plot of ROG Ally X?


I hope they go with Apple OSX numbering. This is the Ally X, next is the 10.1, 10.2 etc.

Andromxda, avatar

And after 10.15 they switch to 11, 12, 13, 14

Potatos_are_not_friends, to pcgaming in Athena Crisis looks a lot like Advance Wars and now its code is open source

This is incredible.

Athena Crisis is an example of how to build a high-quality video game using only JavaScript, React, and CSS. By open-sourcing Athena Crisis, we are following through on our commitment to open source our core technology and help push the Web forward as a game development platform.

I absolutely love browser-based gaming. But there’s not a lot of resources to learn how to build anything advanced beyond the casual games. After a while, every browser game migrates to a “real” game engine. Which makes sense. But doesn’t help push web games.


After a while, every browser game migrates to a “real” game engine.

Godot and Unreal can export to html5


That’s what I mean. The exported code isn’t readable or something that can be modifiable by web developers.

In the perfect world, you’re not using a game engine to export web games. You’re building directly using web languages.

ILikeBoobies, (edited )

In a more perfect world C++ is the web language

For your use, check out rpg paper maker - it uses js

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