YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU, to linux in NVIDIA switching to open kernel modules by default in future driver update for Turing+

I’ve procrastinated getting an AMD gpu for so long that I’m not going to need one! It’s still fuck you nvidia, I’m not a goldfish.

sunred, avatar

You have to keep in mind that this is only about the kernel module (and only for Turing GPUs and newer). The userspace components stay proprietary. You are still not going to use the mesa graphics stack using an Nvidia gpu anytime soon.


with the recent development in NVK and Nouveau (and futurely Nova), you probably will relatively soon

chloyster, to gaming in Microsoft closes Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin and others

Absolutely devastating. Prey, high fi rush, evil within. All amazing games. Hate this shit. Love that one of the wealthiest companies in the world bought these studios and are still closing them. Fuck this shit


Arkane Austin was hemorrhaging talent before and during Redfalls development. In the end, there wasn’t much left of the studio that had developed the Prey reboot. Hi Fi Rush and Evil Within are critical darlings, but the former only got its player base thanks to Game Pass and both didn’t sell enough to keep a studio of more than 130 people alive (for perspective, that’s about as many people as worked on Skyrim).

I get how sad it is to see these studios disappear and it’s of course devastating for individual employees (at least in the short term), but it isn’t all that surprising. Also keep in mind that the talent doesn’t evaporate into thin air. We as players should pay far more attention to game credits and individual developers than the studios these people are working for. Talented developers are very likely to reappear elsewhere and continue making great games.

I think the blame for the demise of these studios is at least equally shared between Zenimax, Microsoft and the studios themselves. Blaming it all on Microsoft is a bit simplistic.


Idk id argue it is surprising. Say what you want about the performance of these games financially, but these studios were bought by one of the wealthiest companies in the world. Sure maybe the games weren’t a huge hit, but like… So? You have money. One flop and they’re axed? Xbox said they want to be bigger in the Japanese market, yet they closed their only Japanese studio. A studio with a bunch of talent and training that is gone now. Xbox has a huge problem bringing studios up and getting good output. Their best exclusive (at the time) of 2023 is now without a developer. Why not eat that cost? Yes I get a lot of studios are closing right now but that shouldn’t be happening at a company like Microsoft. But line must always be going up I guess


One flop and they’re axed?

I think this comes from the mindset that if someone isn’t generating immediate success. It’s time to fire them. We see this a lot in sports. Team off to a terrible start with a new coach? Fire the coach and start trading players.

It really highlights how organizations see people as disposable. If people don’t make line go brrr, out the door they go.


Yeah, lot of em moved on to make Weird West, as Wolf-Eye Studios.

It’s a good game if an out-there im-sim is what you want.

SnotFlickerman, to games in Team Fortress 2 has a 64bit and Vulkan update for Linux in testing avatar

Makes me wonder if Valve has actual plans for TF2

Don’t break the community’s heart anymore, I don’t think they can take it.


the only reason why i think they do is because they had recently shut down the source 2 tf2 port project, but kept other fan projects like portal 2 prequel and oked it. makes it seem like they have something in store for team fortress, albeit the port job was illegally moving assets into a different development ground.


I think that it’s just on life support, which is fine. Many companies would have completely abandoned TF2, so Valve putting in some effort to keep it alive is nice.

A proper sequel would be very cool, but I don’t think we can have such nice things.

LordKitsuna, to games in Steam Deck officially hits over 12,000 games Playable and Verified

And I guarantee you it has more than that because honestly the verified system is kind of bad. I literally have five games in my library marked as not supported but they play perfectly fine with no issues¯_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, i’ve seen a couple of “Unsupported” titles and I’m like “but they work fine with Proton Experimental or GE tho?” Maybe it has something to do with the ProtonDB reports, or are those two unrelated?


They’re unrelated. It just means that it didn’t work well when they last tested it, which could’ve been a long time ago.

Chais, avatar

Or that it’s literally not supported by the publisher. It may run fine, but you’re on your own.


Most Proton games aren’t supported by the publisher on Linux, and that’s separate from the verified status. Unsupported just means Valve hasn’t confirmed that it needs their expectations on the Deck.

Here are the guidelines for how the program works.


Conversely, “Verified” does not necessarily mean “runs at a consistent or pleasant framerate.”

I bought my Deck in part to start working through the massive mountain of unplayed games in my library because I spend enough of my day sitting at a computer as it is.

But a lot of the titles I had in mind, despite being Verified, can barely run at a consistent FPS in the mid-20s even at minimum settings. The Outer Worlds, Outer Wilds, Wolfenstein II to name a few. Baldur’s Gate runs okay, but chugs battery despite looking absolutely terrible with DSR turned to max performance.

I’ve tried streaming games from my PC but with mixed results. It’s great for performance and battery life but it’s not good at recovering from dropouts in connectivity.

I live in an apartment complex with pretty crowded airwaves so it’s hard to get a good connection sometimes, even just through the wall between my bedroom and living room.

Any hiccup in the connection leads to an immediate desync and I lose video completely, but it seems incapable of detecting and recovering from this. The only fix I’ve found is to restart the stream, either by restarting the game outright or putting the Deck to sleep so it disconnects and then waking it up and reconnecting to the running game.

I love the concept of the Deck and I realize that this is the kind of stuff to expect as an early adopter, but its performance and usability was definitely oversold.


Yeah you definitely can’t expect extended runtime on battery for anything other than light games like rimworld. I haven’t had any particularly large performance issues with the majority of my library thankfully but I also have a portable battery pack capable of 65 watt charging that is also larger than the steam decks own internal battery so I’m able to more than double the life of my steam deck when I’m not directly next to an outlet


Yeah using the built-in steam deck streaming has been very very poor for me. Like when it works it works great, but when it drops connection just like you. It desyncs and i lose video and it’ll stay like that for minutes.

I switched to using Moonlight and sunshine, though decky and moon deck. and that seems to work a lot better for me. When I desync, the quality temporarily drops, but the game is still playable. And it’ll usually pick itself back up within a couple seconds. Way better than the built-in streaming on Steam, and moondeck will also utilize your custom controller input profile if you have one.


It’s definitely going to run afoul of current-gen only titles.

The PS4 and Xbox One had utterly shit CPUs. Even at launch, they were half the speed of average PC desktop chips.

PS5 and Xbox Series X have pretty good CPUs. And games will now be doing extra shit to utilise that and keeping to the target framerate.

Graphics can nearly always be toned down to low levels, to run at 720p (even if upscaled to that), reduce quality of all assets, etc. But the base things the game needs in order to run at all often can’t be. While I’m sure you could mod Baldur’s Gate 3 to take away every NPC that isn’t vital to the story in Act 3, it won’t be the same game.

Nia, to gaming in Terraria dev Re-Logic donates $100K to Godot Engine and FNA, plus ongoing funding

Just for some extra clarification as not everyone will read the article (not meant rudely), this is $100k to both Godot and FNA each, for a total of $200k, and $1k monthly to them both as well, for a total of $2k per month.

bolexforsoup, to pcgaming in Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck

That’s actually lower than I thought it’d be. I sort of assumed it hovered in the 3-4% range. No clue why I did though lol

RootBeerGuy, avatar

I think your number is from a statistic on share of desktop usage. But I could be wrong about that too.


that’s the desktop usage which is different than steam userbase

ceenote, to pcgaming in With a Nintendo Switch 2 on the way, I hope Valve make a Steam Deck 2

I’m highly skeptical the hardware in the switch 2 will even be able to compete with what the steam deck already has.



Nintendo is running on good will fumes from previous generations of games. Its basically the same strategy Marvel/ Disney/ Starwars, etc… use with franchise management.

nave, avatar

The leaks say ps4/ps4 pro levels of performance + games will be optimized specifically for it so it might end up running games better than the steam deck.


Leaks say a lot things, and are almost always wrong. The idea that you could put a PS4 level of performance in a handheld with reasonable battery life is absurd.

Valve put a damn good custom amd apu in the deck, and it’s limited to 15w if they really wanted they could just slap a higher power limit and get way more performance. But then it would run too hot and it’s battery life would be practically non-existent. And considering that was a partnership with AMD to help design that I highly doubt Nintendo has magically figured out something that neither valve nor AMD new in terms of how to get that kind of performance out of a small power budget

nave, (edited ) avatar

But it’s not just a handheld is it? I imagine they would unlock the wattage only when docked.


That still requires a cooling system capable of handling the higher power, which will make the unit bigger, heavier, and less portable

nave, avatar

The dock could take care of that.


This just shows you have no idea how cooling works. The most you could add to the external dock will be a fan, there’s only so much a fan can do the bottleneck is that your systems cooler is simply not large enough. A fan cannot make up for a copper heat sink that is too small, take a good look at the iFixit teardowns of the steam deck and look at how much copper that thing is working with and that’s already one of the larger handhelds. You couldn’t put a ps4 amount of power through that no matter how much fan you gave it

nave, avatar

You couldn’t put a ps4 amount of power through that no matter how much fan you gave it

The steam deck is already about as powerful as a ps4 though? Also, the switch uses arm which is more efficient.


I’m sure you’re getting that from the many Reddit comparisons. But in every one of those I’ve looked at the one thing that they forget is that the PS4 is playing at 1080P and the steam deck is playing at 720P.

If you use the official dock on a 1080p monitor the steam deck starts to fall behind the PS4 rather quickly. It is true that on paper the steam deck Apu is getting close to the PS4 but that’s without taking into account the TDP that the steam deck has set or the fact that steam deck is running at a lower resolution.

It gets even Messier when you take into account that not all games will run at 1080p on the ps4, some of them have Dynamic resolution support to maintain better performance at which point comparing the games becomes extremely difficult.

But if you just look at Absolute raw CPU and GPU compute numbers the steam deck isn’t quite at the level of the PS4 which makes sense because it doesn’t have access to quite as much power. It is much newer which is why it gets as close as it does. And if it had a 20 watt TDP I’m willing to bet it could beat it in most things, but as it stands because of the limitations of the cooling necessitating a lower TDP it’s not quite there.

You are correct that arm is generally more power efficient but that’s only the CPU, we don’t know what type of Graphics they will be using and for a gaming device that’s a fairly important piece of information. Nvidia doesn’t really make mobile arm gpus anymore so they can’t go with them, and if they go with one of the Arm based gpus those are significantly behind in terms of performance. They are good enough for your cell phone but they don’t compare to AMD or Nvidia.

nave, avatar

They probably will use an Nvidia chip, every leak suggests they’re going to use the T239 and even if they don’t use that chip specifically it would make sense to use an Nvidia chip, because like you said, nobody else really makes good mobile gpus.

Way back in June 2021, noted technology leaker kopite7kimi posted a detailed picture of Nvidia’s T234 processor, revealing for the first time that Nintendo would be receiving a customised variant, dubbed T239. In the two years that followed, a wealth of overwhelming evidence has essentially confirmed that they were right. The T239 is an advanced mobile processor, based on an octo-core ARM A78C CPU cluster, paired with a custom graphics unit based on Nvidia’s RTX 30-series Ampere architecture, combined with some backported elements from the latest Ada Lovelace GPUs - and with an all-new file decompression engine for fast engine. It also supports Nvidia’s console-specific graphics API, all but confirming that it’s destined for the next generation Switch.

helenslunch, avatar

A fan cannot make up for a copper heat sink that is too small

…yeah? It can?


No, no it can’t. Plenty of videos of people putting absolutely stupid powerful fans on tiny heatsinks with big overclocked cpu and it’s unable to keep up until they swap to a bigger heatsink.

There is a limit to how much heat a given amount of heatsink can disperse and there is a limit to how quickly that can transfer to air. If the heatsink is too small no amount of extra airflow will fix it.

helenslunch, avatar

You’re not reaching those limits on such a tiny and weak processor.


The ratios are the same, you just can’t find videos of people doing it with small things because that’s not as interesting. There is still ultimately a limit to how much a given amount of heat sink can transfer heat to air even with a small processor.

20w TDP would be possible with some extra forced air from a dock. Mainly because some handhelds can be put to 20 tdp, and they technically work although they hit thermal throttling at 90c almost immediately. With a little bit of forced air from a dock you should be able to bring that down to a much more reasonable 80c

ChairmanSpongebob, to linux in Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop

I am in the top 4%


Haha! Team 4% FTW

HipsterTenZero, to games in Paradox Interactive has completely cancelled "Life By You" avatar

boo. Oh well, at least there’s that other sims-like in development i’m blanking on the name of.



HipsterTenZero, avatar

Yeah, that’s the one!


That also looks like it isn't performance like complete garbage. When I saw the first videos for Life By You I was kinda shocked that they even put that out to the public. I'm really not surprised they canned it.


I wonder how that’s going. When the devs started they were clearly overpromising things that they thought would be cool to have without any idea of how long it would take to implement them. I always suspected it would remain in development for many many years, but apparently it’ll be playable next year.


There’s also AlterLife.

derbolle, to pcgaming in ZOTAC Zone is yet another AMD [Windows] gaming handheld

putting a full blown Windows on a gaming handheld is such a waste. this is one of the reasons why the steam deck reigns supreme

QuadratureSurfer, avatar

While you’re absolutely correct, for those who don’t know, Windows does have an IoT version of their OS that removes most of the bloatware.

canis_majoris, avatar

Yeah, but it doesn’t come standard on these devices. It’s literally just a full install of 11, with Teams and everything.

QuadratureSurfer, avatar


canis_majoris, avatar

Yeah, the Windows handhelds are basically glorified laptops. This was kind of the approach with the ROG ALLY anyways with the XGM port, allowing connection to an eGPU enclosure with up to a 4090 inside. It just runs a full blown version of Windows and you can even put on a pro license and do dumb shit like have WSL or Hyper-V available on the device.

I have a ROG ALLY and I’ve debloated it to hell, but it’ll never match the power savings I would achieve if it was Linux-based.

I’ve been following Chimera and Bazzite on their progression for developing distros for the Windows handhelds, but it’s going to be a while before they will be fully viable on any handhelds.

Steam will always be ahead because they control the hardware and the software and they are able to fine tune the software to their very specific hardware, which is simply not happening for the Windows handhelds.

ChihuahuaOfDoom, to pcgaming in Microsoft's new Recall AI will take screenshots of everything you do - freaky [Mircosoft: "capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds"]

Every time I hear something like this it lessens the sting that I felt moving away from Windows. Fuck Microsoft.

helenslunch, to pcgaming in Netris is an open-source cloud gaming platform with Stadia-like features using Proton avatar

You can only log in with Discord or GitHub account. That’s an instant dealbreaker.

And secondarily, it uses Nvidia GPU.

graphito, avatar

The service is not ready yet. Login is simply a way to sign up for the waitlist. Auth through social media tries to cut down bots and even if you login it has read only access to your email address and nothing else.

Also it’s a single dev who spent few years making it work on nvidia. At this point in time it’s too early to be dismissive about projects roadmap.

helenslunch, avatar

Auth through social media tries to cut down bots

I understand. I don’t care.


access to your email address

That’ll be a no from me

bjoern_tantau, to linux in NVIDIA switching to open kernel modules by default in future driver update for Turing+ avatar

I just wish they’d support older cards as well with the new open source stuff.


as a 1050Ti owner (which still is more than enough for my usage), same


That explains the pain I was having with 650M.


I’m afraid that there is no profit for Nvidia to justify the work for supporting older hardware.


I guess nouveau and friends (nova?) are there already for older cards?


yeah it’s a bit sad. My 1080ti is still strong enough to support modern day games, and I couldn’t care less about ray tracing. Pretty annoyed with the fact they don’t support older cards.

daddyjones, avatar

Yeah, my 1070 is still going very strong.


Honestly I think they want the older cards to die

possiblylinux127, to linux in Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop

Let’s stop pretending that Linux has a small market share. It is flipping 4%


For gaming. For gaming its 4%. Which is the thing everyone says its bad at.

tarsisurdi, (edited )

If the latest Steam survey is anything to go by, it’s actually lower of a percentage when it comes to gaming, representing 1.94% of the market. The stats mentioned in the article come from StatCounter which monitors web traffic.


The problem with steam gaming analyltics is it bases it on your first two weeks? OS use. So if you always play it on linux for like a year but the first X number of hours you tried it on Windows first it logs it as a Windows tally


I’m aware there are problems with the way their survey works, but I don’t see how that’s the case…

To me it seems like it’s done on a monthly basis by selecting a random pool of users and prompting them to participate by collecting stats at that moment, only once they opt into it.

AFAIK the data is not aggregated over a certain period of time (i.e. “a year”)


Yeah I think we are talking random survey stats vs a different metric. There was an article before on how they determine which OS was hosting the game for dev stats. So if you wanted linux support going forward, game the first few weeks of it on Linux and that set a flag for OS percentages


Found the article.

When buying games from Steam, how is the desktop platform counted? From what Valve told us (February 2020), they first take the desktop Steam client platform used to buy it, then whatever has the most playtime in two weeks. However, Android and Web Browser purchases default to Windows and then what has the most playtime in two weeks. If you want to ensure developers see a Linux sale: play it only on Linux in the first two weeks, don’t buy it and leave it.


Hmmm, now I get it, thank you!


Ah, I keep seeing different labels on both those numbers.

Darken, (edited ) to linux in Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop avatar


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  • cyberpunk007,

    Which distros use this? I don’t think I’m using them.


    Also wonder what the hell is your 2MB package that carry a need of 70 runtimes?

    Even stuff like Steam for me only pull in like mesa and stuff that are a lot. And barely happenes

    In fact. Last time I installed Arch (2 days ago) and I redo my flatpak. 10 apps, pull in 34 packages in total. Further apps only pull in themselves and maybe 1-2 packages with maximum because everything else are covered.



    I’ve personally never had an issue after the gnome and KDE frameworks were installed


    probably just a flatpack issue. I don’t bother using flatpack at all and still have not ran into anything that truly needs it (From a gaming use at least)

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