jordanlund, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Roblox? Are there that many radicalized 8 year olds?


Gotta catch them early if you want to have nice obedient corporate drones.



TragicNotCute, avatar

Have you met many 8 year olds? They are all fucking radicals. I’d say at least half are terrorists.


Letting them out from the mines was a mistake

ivanafterall, avatar

Can't even fit their plump little bodies down chimneys anymore.


That’s a preexisting condition though, 8 year olds have always been menaces to the rest of us

neidu2, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

I remember feeling like a webdesign master when I figured out frames. I was always more of a backend guy (perl + CGI = ❤️), but frames enabled me to produce pretty decent looking


I’m afraid that’s not a very strong legal defense.


Its not a legal defense, its a warning. We all like our fingers, be a shame is some of us lost em.


Warning of what? Gamergate-types not supporting Biden?


Not necessarily gamer gate types, I dont trust the FBI to keep it to just them. Wouldnt put it past em to go after anarchists for example. But if they can keep it to gamer gate types they can keep their fingers.

TheBat, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Extremist gamers as in? Playing Call of Duty while strapped to an aeroplane wing?

starman2112, avatar

Lmao getting a 360 noscope while base jumping from the Burj Khalifa

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

The people who say the n word through their mics


Extreme =/= Extremist


Those would be X-tremeists. It’s an easy mistake to make.

hal_5700X, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Go away, glowies.

bazus1, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

First they came for extremist gamers and I did nothing because… fuck those guys.

thebardingreen, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Scratch under the surface of this, you find angry, noisy white boys who think the woke and feminism are coming for them…


Why so racist?

PerogiBoi, avatar

That’s a good question we should ask these white boys.


White supremacists trend to be white for some reason.

Outtatime, avatar

Oooo! So scary! Angry white boys… hahahahaha!! You can’t be serious


Careful! You’re gonna rustle their jimmies… Oops looks like ya did, all these howler monkey replies lol.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited ) to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

This article quotes Hasan Piker and thats all I needed to see to know everything I need to know about this article. Nobody should be quoting that guy as the authority on anything except for having the evident need to continually hear his own voice, and having some of the most hypocritical, worst takes I have ever heard in my life.


What makes you view Hasan so negatively?

Outtatime, avatar

Hasan is a grifting fool who promotes socialism and communism and takes people’s donations but is already rich. His takes are complete garbage.


Because socialism is when you’re poor

candid, (edited )

Yeah I honestly expected more nuanced takes from decentralized Reddit but I guess I expected too much. Nobody has provided any examples of his “bad takes” except that he makes money off his work, as he fucking should. So I’ll just move on with my day. Been watching the guy on and off for years, haven’t donated to him once so not sure where I’m being grifted lmao.

Also is this place being brigaded by incels/right wingers? Some of the comments on this post are concerning.

Edit: nice username and profile pic, I’m a big fan of King Gizzard myself, Infest The Rat’s Nest gets a spin weekly!!!


This place has a lot of lib/leftist infighting, it’s generally the most left social network in my experience though


He’s grifting them into not listening when he says “I’m a socialist propagandist”, I guess


Hasan was quoted by this article because he was notably outspoken about the original gamergate, had the correct take on it, and the current trend is literally just an attempt at relitigating those same issues.

Here’s an exercise for you: can you name a single person on the planet that would more appropriate to quote on this issue than Hasan, and why?

Even if I accept and agree with the position in your comment, there isn’t.


Anita Sarkeesian. Ja Rule might also have some deep personal insight into the video game bigotry pipeline. He’s a face and personality I respect.


I think in your rush to namedrop someone else involved you maybe neglected to consider whether that’s actually the case. Anita went into hiding and gamers don’t know who she is anymore


I get the not so vague feeling of contrarianism and I honestly dig it. Lemmy’s inability to keep sticks away from posteriors is exhausting.

gila, (edited )

Hasan was the biggest driving force behind anti-gamergate sentiment originally and that deserves to not be disrespected in the comments because of some unrelated gripe you have with him that is founded on a logical farce, that’s it


I’m not the person you originally responded to so hold your assumptions. The journalist who still actively works in this specific field a decade later, after becoming the subject of its ire is an objectively better choice. Don’t blame me for having the capacity to answer your question.


Sorry for assuming, I’d encourage you to check Anita’s own opinion about speaking on gamergate though. She doesn’t want to.


Wait, what? I was at an event where she spoke about it and she seemed comfortable enough speaking about it in that context. I guess feelings can change over the years, my mistake. Sincerely.


For sure, she is still a media critic in public (following intially going into hiding), and has talked about it numerous times. Her historic stance hasn’t really changed though, I’d imagine at a certain point you’d just want to move on to something else, in her case to pivot toward speaking on female empowerment etc indirectly related topics. Pretty sure she’s not done any gaming-specific media work for a number of years now.

I was wrong to make the proposed exercise such a zero-sum game though, I just mean to highlight how ridiculous the opposing position (that any article quoting Hasan for any reason is auto trash) is, in this particular case.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

People can choose to not donate to him. Also he does plenty of fundraisers.

Grifting is a strong word for someone that is very well educated and doesn’t just pick the mainstream position in every subject because it’s easy.

The man does good work let him earn some money from it.

gila, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

Just to add context because this is a somewhat polarising headline, gamergate shit is back on the rise. Gamers generally aren’t being considered potential extremists, only literal extremists that happen to consider their opinions as representative of gamers

Fizz, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Its times like this I wish I used matrix instead of discord. Even though my friends and I are not extremists you can definitely make us look like extremists if you took jokes out of context.


If your jokes look that bad out of context, you might need better jokes

Fizz, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

For example this shane gills joke looks bad “That’s the thing about these countries, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia. No Black people.” but when you add the next part it makes it funny.

“And I know what you’re thinking. No, you need Black people to keep the whites in check. The last thing you want is a whole island of whites that think they’re the coolest people on earth. A disaster. That’s how you end up with Conor McGregors walking around.The foreign whites are out of control.”

Regrettable_incident, avatar

That doesn’t seem funny at all to me, maybe it’s in the delivery.

Fizz, avatar

The clip of him saying it funnier but its not everyones cup of tea


…you do need to get better jokes

Fizz, avatar

How would you know you have never heard a joke from me.


Humorless people telling you to joke within the confines of their neurotic sensibilities. Best ignore them and carry on.


That’s a shit joke. Racial essentialism just ain’t funny, and the context is kinda irrelevant.

Carighan, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

Yes, and as humans we are quite able to understand that we should not immediately suspect anybody who says something without any context, assuming in the situation we know we are lacking the content.

Tell me, what makes you look more suspect to a federal agency:

  • The odd (frankly pretty bad, but then it’s by Shane Gills so that was expected) joke that lacking context could in theory be interpreted as a racial diss?
  • Encrypting and hiding all your chat traffic?
Fizz, avatar

This is exactly the problem. The fbi shouldn’t be able to snoop on you based off suspicion. I can encrypt every thing and be as edgy as I want and they still shouldn’t pull my discord message history because they have no reason to suspect I’ve committed a crime or am going to commit a crime.


What the fuck


It’s telling how you think that the context somehow makes this ‘better’.

It doesn’t, at all.

Jokes that are the product of a bigoted mind always carry the stink with it but people who align with said bigotry never notice because they are STEEPED in it constantly.

Just like when people grow up and leave 4chan and the realize in horror that what they thought is normal there, is VERY much not normal.

Which is why when edgelads try to repeat jokes they got off of forums in real life, it always comes off as creepy and flat.

Fizz, avatar

Outside of extremely lefty places like lemmy jokes like that are acceptable and if you called that joke out as bigoted then people would consider you odd. It’s not even an edgy joke it just has a racial punchline.


I get the feeling that your only experiences outside of lemmy are 4chan and new.reddit if you think bigotry is that normalized.

Fizz, avatar

Please never join the fbi. There won’t be a single gamer who isn’t an extremist in your eyes.

Also you’re delusional to assume my only internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. There is no one on this site who’s internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.


Shit son I’ve been a gamer so long my first controller only had one button.

You got zero induction going on in your thinkmeat but you assume you know everyone.

That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.

As if they weren’t here day one. You’re blind if you don’t smell the reek of underbed cumsock in the bottom of most popular threads.

Or just hiding your power level.

Fizz, avatar

I don’t care how long you’ve been a gamer its obvious you’re old and out of touch.

How could this new reddit/4chan user have been here day 1 if the fediverse dates back much longer than new reddit.


The interesting thing about insulting people for being old is that barring horrible accident, you’ll be there some day too being told by arrogant idiots how ‘out of touch’ you are.

Sure the fediverse may be ancient but Lemmy’s popularity hasn’t been until relatively recently, and there were already hard right lemmy users before the subreddit protests, which is what kicked off the biggest migration so far.

The more I read your words, the more they remind me of places on the internet that no one should visit. Your grammar and even thought processes are shaped by the places you socialize.

I wonder how far back in your post history I need to go before I find a reference to ‘genocide joe’ or some other basement troll nomenclature.


Literally these guys in a nutshell and they don’t even realize

altima_neo, avatar

Thankfully all our jokes are dick jokes


I just watched a doco on Jack Teixera/Luca, last night. Perhaps you should.

TimLovesTech, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

So this isn’t about actual gamers, this about bad actors looking for chuds to recruit through games, which is not a new concept. It used to be chat rooms, and then forums, then social media, now games (as many have social features).

I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

Rezbit, avatar

Officially, the military does not recruit anyone under age 17. In this case, “recruit” means the formal process of signing a legally binding agreement to enlist. The military does, however, advertise to and interact directly with minors for the purposes of military recruitment.

Grooming. Non-sexual grooming. Just wonderful.

Aussiemandeus, avatar

I was in the Australian airforce cadets from 12 until 18 at which point i went to join the airforce but got am apprenticeship at the same time that paid more.

Many of my friends enlisted though.

Its certainly grooming, though

altima_neo, avatar

I mean they show up to schools to tell kids about military careers and jrotc and stuff.


Thanks GW Bush!


Are they pretending the JROTC doesn't exist? The US military absolutely targets minors under the age of seventeen for recruitment.


I think that’s the point, not ignoring it. They don’t have them literally sign up, but they do everything they legally can to capture them.


The recruitment starts the minute they pressure kids into worshipping a piece of colored fabric.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Someone tried recruiting my sister and a couple of her Special Olympics teammates into the Marines in Rec Room. I got on my sister’s mic and told the dude to fuck off and to stop preying on obviously vulnerable people. He was so pushy with his recruitment, that he was making my sister uncomfortable. She asked him to stop and he didn’t. After telling the dude off, I advised my sister and her teammates to try a different game for a bit. It was disgusting to see this dude try to get people with intellectual disabilities to literally throw their lives away for a country that’s constantly fucking them over.


Jack Teixeira.


Hell, Steve Bannon got his start using WoW gold farms to find and target lonely young men.…/trumps-campaign-ceos-little-known-wor…


It’s been happening for over 20 years


I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

Somehow I don’t think that’s the kind of extremism they’ll be clamping down on…

TimLovesTech, avatar

Didn’t say it was. It was an example of a group that has been recruiting via games, the point of the article.

deegeese, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

If terrorists chat on Facebook, of course they’re on Roblox and every other site too.

Would be foolish not to monitor because it’s “only a game”.

Linkerbaan, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

They targeted GAMERS.

Wodge, avatar





I hate everything in this subthread





bl_r, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt?

I wouldn’t say trigger a witch hunt since one has been ongoing, albeit with some breaks (such as the all hands on deck for insurrectionaries after Jan 6th).

Even the most pacifist vegan-anarchist orgs that simply feed the needy and unhoused get surveilled under suspicion of ecoterrorism.…/fbi-files-food-not-bombs/

Hopefully other mutual aid organizations don’t catch the extremist label for being made by and composed of anarchists, but that might be too optimistic

Linkerbaan, avatar

Whereas right wing nutjobs just shoot up schools and pizza huts, lefties tend to blockade the correct institutions which cause harm. For example Occupy Wall Street. Which is a big no-no.

hex_m_hell, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt?

As a reminder, the FBI was built to kill anarchists and they’ve been doing unconditional shit to hunt anarchists since before they were the FBI.

The FBI will do anything to avoid fighting actual terrorism like the Klan and all the Nazi groups that have infiltrated the police and military. Nazis infiltrating the military literally tried to build s dirty bomb and the FBI is still more interesting in people protesting against police brutality.

gAlienLifeform, to politics in Will Aaron Bushnell’s Death Trigger Anarchism Witch Hunt? avatar

Since 2019, the FBI has used five “threat categories” to describe domestic terrorism: Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism, Anti-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremism (AGAAVE), Animal Rights or Environmental Violent Extremism, Abortion-Related Violent Extremism, and “All Other Domestic Terrorism Threats,” which is defined as “furtherance of political and/or social agendas which are not otherwise exclusively defined under one of the other threat categories.”

“Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” used to just be “Black Identity Extremism” until somebody told them they were making their racism a little too obvious.

Behind the scenes though, according to congressional testimony reported here for the first time, the FBI maintains a program specifically for combatting anarchists, called the Anarchist Extremism Program. In Senate testimony, the FBI says that it had increased its targeting of anarchist “violent extremists” across the country by using both human and technical sources to spy on them. Since the nationwide protests after the death of George Floyd in 2020, the bureau has tasked field offices to tap confidential informants to develop better intelligence about anarchists.

]Bolding added]

CIs who will make shit up just to keep getting paid and are usually getting a plea deal on real crimes for their work. Here’s a podcast episode about a rapist piece of shit the FBI paid to spy on BLM activists around Denver a few years ago.

In 2021, the FBI more than doubled its domestic terrorism caseload; and Wray told Congress that arrests of what the bureau calls “anarchist violent extremists” were more numerous in 2020-2021 (the months around January 6) than in the three previous years combined.

An internal FBI threat advisory obtained by The Intercept defines Anarchist Violent Extremists as individuals “who consider capitalism and centralized government to be unnecessary and oppressive,” and “oppose economic globalization; political, economic, and social hierarchies based on class, religion, race, gender, or private ownership of capital; and external forms of authority represented by centralized government, the military, and law enforcement.”

This is what they’re doing instead of going after Republican political corruption, Libs of TikTok and other right wing extremists, police brutality, etc.

Linkerbaan, avatar

“There’s more leftists extremists, the existential threat to the 1%.”

Pat_Riot, avatar

That’s a pretty good acronym. I guess I know what I’m naming my next band.

snooggums, avatar

Although we have massive amounts of example of police extremism, including shooting people in cold blood with no consequences, the FBI goes after the people responding to the police violence.

The while AGAAVE acronym even existing to label people who don’t like being treated like shit by authority is depressing.


There is some statistical sleight of hand happening here, I think. This category includes both fascists and similar ideologies, along with anarchists. They then use this stat to imply that there have been many cases relating to anarchism, when most of the incidents I know of were right-wing in nature.

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