nanoUFO, avatar

One million people playing at 1080p and 60fps


I really don’t understand these people. I’m currently playing the game and love it, not once has my experience made me even think about the resolution and frame rate. I swear that’s all PC gamers care about, how crispy a game looks, even if it’s a pile of shit.


Yes, pc gamers only care about graphics, that’s why pc is the biggest indie platform, because indie games are known for the best graphics

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Indie games in 8K though.

Infynis, avatar

The James Webb Space Telescope is my favorite indie game


I’m late to the switch party, as I’m just messing with one for the first time since Christmas. I’ve been a PC gamer for decades. Decided to try out breath of the wild, and I’m having a blast with it. That being said, I would be lying if I said there weren’t times where the frame rate dropped so low it’s distracting. This new one may not have that issue, but I’m betting it’s similar. I would absolutely be interested in emulating the game on better hardware. Hardware I already have at home.

You may not understand this side of the argument, and that’s fair. I also don’t understand yours. If someone wants to improve their experience with the game, it costs me nothing to give them a smile and a thumbs up for enjoying their own time/money however they like.


I think it’s probably worse. They added in new mechanics, which probably means higher CPU load. I’ve heard reports of poor framerates on Switch, but can’t confirm because I didn’t bother getting it (I didn’t like BotW that much, I prefer more classic Zelda games).

If it was available on PC, I’d probably get it because playing a BotW-like game at 60fps at higher res may be worth it. I’m probably not getting it for Switch though, because I’ve already decided that experience isn’t worth the cost.

subignition, avatar

I mean this as nicely as possible but if the difference between 30fps tops and steady 60 isn't obvious to you, you're either ignorant of what you're missing, or you're too casual for it to matter


I mean this as nicely as possible but if his being able to notice a difference in graphic fidelity is that important to you, you’re either a maladjusted antisocial weirdo, or just an egotistical twat who has to be right 100% of the time


fps isn’t graphical fidelity, it’s litterally how it feels to play. It defines your whole experience.


Yep, on my first PC I chose to limit my resolution to 720p and low settings if necessary to hit 60 fps over 1080/30 higher settings. So quite the opposite of being a graphics snob.

subignition, avatar

My comment didn't mention resolution or quality of graphics at all. I'm only talking about framerate, which has a major impact on how responsive and fluid the controls feel. All else being equal, a higher framerate typically just feels nicer to play. Compare Super Mario 64 (30fps) to Super Smash Bros. (60fps).


So twat then, thanks kiddo.


People have given you a lot of snarky or rude answers, which isn’t warranted. I partially agree with you, but partially disagree too.

For ToTK, High resolution doesn’t matter a ton because the game is well optimized for its intended platform, for playing on a switch can still give you great vistas and pictures. This is where I agree with you.

However, the difference between 30 and 60 fps makes a big difference in this game. Controls, motion, and fights all feel a lot smoother and natural at 60 fps. And while vistas and pictures still look great, a lot of the game has additional beauty when in motion. The improved frame rate does make a difference and can enhance the experience for a game that deserves it. The people who made this game clearly put a lot of thought and creativity into and the switch isn’t always able to deliver that experience to the players. Think of it like going to an indoor play with sunglasses on; it may still be enjoyable to but some of the experience is lost.

circuitfarmer, avatar

The original comment was pretty snarky so I see about as much snark as I’d expect, tbh.


game is 30 fps and looks like crap in my opinion. 30 may be the minumum playable framerate but it still looks choppy as hell and feels unresponsive to play which you can notice after experiencing as low as 60 fps. and the landscapes have no saving grace either, anything 5 meters away has a ton of LOD applied and just looks bad.


In my experience switch doesn’t even do 30 fps locked well with 20s not being rare in lot of games. Some exceptions being Bayonetta games that actually hit 60.


lol imagine thinking metrics make a game good.

You’re perfect for middle manglement.


I am not sure what you mean by metrics but bad performance makes a game feel bad to play, a game barely running at or below 30 fps (I remind again 30 is the minimum number of frames for it to look fluid at all). Not just that but the input latency is gonna be terrible. Paying full price for a game on it’s own console and than have it run badly is a “fuck you” to the consumers but you are still insisting that the crap they have shitted out tastes good because you don’t have anything els to compare it with.


They’re frustrated because the game could easily be better if it wasn’t forced to run on a tablet. So easily in fact, that it’s just a button, and it’s unlocked. It’s right there, but Nintendo makes more money if you can only play it on their tablet.


Again though, this game is fantastic, and if you can’t enjoy it because of something that trivial, then I feel sorry for you. You must have hated every n64 game or any video game released before 2020 if you can’t enjoy it unless it has top of the line, current gen graphics


People were playing 60 fps minimum on most games before 2020. What era are you stuck in that you think 60 fps was a difficult target before 2020 haha. Even consoles have moved onto 120 fps options now.


Never said I can’t enjoy it. I beat it on Switch. It was great.

I’m saying a better game is available, and to deny yourself that game solely because of Nintendo lawyers is dumb.


I played TotK at launch on my Switch and also loved it.

The point you’re missing is that, whilst the game is already good on original hardware, the game is better when emulated and running at the full 1080p 60fps.

Think of it like Nintendo is giving you a ice cream sundae, and the emulator is adding extra toppings.

Also man, try to get out of the habit of doing the “Oh you like pancakes? Why do you hate waffles?” thing, it’s just combative. I mean unless you’re looking for an argument then by all means go ham


You really don’t understand how a crisper image and smoother controls can’t enhance the experience? Like when you have the option of watching a video at 1080p or 4k why opt for 480p or less? And that’s not even a video game.


By that logic you couldn’t enjoy a movie like the godfather or gone with the wind prior to 4k technology because it wasn’t clean enough for you. I bet you also love watching old films with true motion and grain smoothing


Haha cinemas existed. Old people watched old movies at home on 4:3 ratio with tiny screens. It’s not that it can’t be enjoyed, but what we have now with restored aspect ratio and better scans is an improved product.


Most of those movies were never meant to be watched with “improved technology”. Just like how ps1 games look trash on a 4k tv


Haha. First off PS1 games were made with CRTs in mind which don’t use pixels to begin with so a 720p or 1080p screen would be terrible. Which lets be real. Outside of hardcore enthusiasts the average person isn’t going to have a heavy CRT in their house.

And actually 4k oleds are great for emulating CRT effects with CRT Shaders over lower resolution non CRT devices and more resolution would make the effect better.

And film actually…

35mm film is thought to have a digital resolution of 4K, whereas 70mm Imax is closer to 12K and 35mm Imax film has a digital resolution of 6K. Most movies will be edited and colored and enhanced digitally, regardless of how they were shot. (Called digital intermediate and usually at 2K resolution). Even Imax projection systems cannot play back anything higher than 4K, even when certain movies are scaled back to a digital or film print for distribution.…

So yes old films on new TVs are definitely closer to the cinematic experience in theaters than CRTs. Not to mention the wider aspect ratio of films leading to content not being cut like they were for old TVs.

Not sure why you are so resistant to the idea of using better technology. If you are that resistant to 60 fps+ and higher resolutions you can stick with it, but other people will opt for the better performance and visuals if it’s an option.


I literally make this choice almost every day. Why? Because I can have either my dvd player or the ps3 hooked up. I do not like using the latter for playback so I’m watching the DVD version if I have it. I’d have to run the calculations but I’m pretty sure at least 75% of my collection is DVD only. I get whatever is cheapest for most movies since the quality only matters for a small amount. Office Space isn’t any better at 1080p or 4k.

Doesn’t really apply to streaming since I don’t even pay for 4k and I’m pretty sure 1080p is default unless the show isn’t available at that res.

parachaye, avatar

What a weird hill to die on.

How can someone else’s experience and enjoyment of something differ from my own criteria?!

Not least because switch was old hardware when it launched, it’s aged hardware at this point, and equivalent games on other platforms have far better performance.


I’m just saying, PC gamers only care about graphics. Switch costs like $300 a gaming PC costs like $3k, why would Nintendo give up it’s exclusivity to please your tiny niche market, a market of unpleasable gamers as PC gamers are known to be.

parachaye, avatar

Forgive me if I say that might sound like a biased take.

Personally, leaving aside the legal argument of piracy, I would be fine with paying Nintendo the money but playing on my steam deck and having stuff like steam input and having my save games for future PCs. I haven’t played TotK yet but the 90+ hours I put in BotW is locked to the switch which I sold after getting a steam deck. I don’t care for high end PC performance.


You dont need a 3k gaming pc to get started. PC has lots of options, thats part of the appeal.

Steam alone has as many monthly active users as the switch has lifetime sales. Its not a tiny niche market.

Its also not unpleasable. There are certain technical standards, sure. But that is true for all consoles as well.


Its not juat about looking nice. Sub-30 fps is genuinely uncomfortable to many people. You aren’t sensitive to it, good for you.


For your sake I hope you’re a bot.


I really don’t understand these people. I’m currently owning an Honda civic in the default color Satin Silver Metallic and love it, not once has my experience made me even think about changing the paint or using decals. I swear that’s all car enthusiasts care about, how crispy their cars look, even if it’s a pile of shit.

People have preferences, man. And they don’t settle for the default option, even/especially when corporations try to enforce them.


Damn you made the hivemind angry


Nah, some do be playing at 1440/2160p

nanoUFO, avatar

Damn I heard you can inject ray tracing and even “mod” the game.


Don’t be fooled. The real issue here is that Nintendo is trying to use this case as a wedge to eventually outlaw or effectively ban all emulation software because they think it somehow massively affects their bottom line, or they want to have a scapegoat for weak profits.

I’ve never once in my life had a Gamecube, for example. I never will. So if I wanted to pirate Gamecube games and play them on my computer, it is literally victimless, and has zero negative affect on Nintendo’s profits. In fact, I might love the games and decide to buy official merch. Same with the Swtich. I haven’t pirated either, but you get the idea.

Even if you can somehow prove how many people pirated a game over the years, that tells you absolutely nothing about lost potential profits, because people that pirate probably never had the money to buy your hardware and games to begin with.

This is all just corporate propaganda.


And I imagine a fair number of those who pirated also bought the game legally, either to have a digital backup or to run on a PC emulator.

So your main groups pirating a given game are:

  1. people who never would’ve been customers
  2. actual customers who own a copy and want it on PC as well
  3. pirated first, and ended up buying the same later
  4. actual lost sales

I imagine #4 is such a small percent of the total number of downloads that they probably help more than they hurt (e.g. word of mouth advertising).


This goes to show that people want to play Nintendo’s games but don’t want to get a switch, Nintendo has a big opportunity in untapped market potential for PC gamers

photonic_sorcerer, avatar

They’d never open up to the PC market. Their whole business is based on selling their propreitary hardware.

Also, that would open the floodgates for modding. Nintendo hates modding.


But their switch is crap. Breaks constantly, is low power, the software is painful (IMO), games are expensive, and save game backup is a subscription.


What nintendo hears

Breaks constantly - Money

Low power - Less costs

Software is painful - Less costs?

Games are expensive - Money

Game save backup as a service - MONEY


My experience:

  • never breaks
  • low power - irrelevant for the games we get for it
  • software is fine
  • save game backup - I don’t need it

Here’s where I’m disappointed:

  • parental controls - need to use an app for most features, and they’re still disappointing; I just want what the Steam Deck has
  • games are expensive - I’d spend far more if games were cheaper; net result is I use my Steam Deck and PC far more, the Switch is just for exclusives

But that’s about it. If they sold games for PC, they’d get more of my money, especially if I could swap between PC and Switch. I spend far more on games for my Steam Deck than for my Switch (I get like 2-3 Switch games, and like 20+ Steam games per year).


That’s fair. It is popular for a reason, even if I don’t see it myself.


Nah TOTK runs like garbage on the switch compared to it’s potential you can say it ‘doesnt matter’ but it’s a mess. I played for a couple hours on my actual switch but got so annoyed with the horrendous aliasising of shadows and jagged camera movement that I stopped and spent a couple days of free time setting up yuzu on my PC. The difference is NIGHT and DAY! You are just sitting in Nintendo’s cave watching shadows on the wall if you think it doesn’t matter. The difference is in fact enormous it just might not matter to you.

ProfessorProteus, avatar

IIRC it runs worse than BotW which is kind of shocking to me. I mean, yeah the game is much larger in scope, but it runs on the same engine, and you’d think they would have been able to optimize the hell out of it.

I started my TotK playthrough a few weeks ago and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been taken out of the experience when the FPS dips below like 10. And this is with no action happening in the scene. Not to take anything away from the overall product—the game is magnificent—but I’m really curious as to what their lower bound was in terms of acceptable performance.

I haven’t been bothered by any shadows, and I think the camera is quite nice (so far), but I’m right there with you regarding emulation. Pretty soon I’m gonna try to dump my own cart and get it working on a more capable machine. I don’t need 4K res, or AA, or texture filtering. Just let me get a little immersed without poor hardware standing in my way. And if I want to play it on the go, I’ll use my Deck.


BotW was mostly tolerable for me, though some parts felt a less smooth. But I honestly didn’t like the game all that much, so when TotK was released, I bought Skyward Sword and Link’s Awakening instead and enjoyed them much more than BotW. Both of those run fine, and while I don’t know FPS, they’re probably stable 30FPS.

I almost always play docked though, and it runs on my 4k TV (so upscaling). The art style of most Nintendo games look fine when upscaled, so I’m more concerned about smoothness of the gameplay. If TotK doesn’t run at 30FPS stable when docked, I’m not interested at all. I’m already not particularly interested in the general game design (I like dungeons and boss fights, and BotW was disappointing in both), so I don’t see much reason to go out of my way to get a pleasant experience.

ProfessorProteus, avatar

I feel ya. The two most recent titles are anything but the traditional Zelda experience. I do love open-world games though, so I’m cool with both of them. But I do miss the classic Zelda adventure game, where every location has its own theme music and more emphasis is placed on the temples/dungeons. It’s a shame Aonuma said that the future of the series is open-world, but honestly it’s amazing that they’ve been able to keep it fairly fresh, if a bit formulaic, for 30+ years.


I’m cool with both of them

I enjoyed BotW, but it was a letdown as a Zelda game, and there are better open world games IMO.

And I generally don’t like open world games much, they’re usually filled with a bunch of low-quality content to pad it out, and the good content is scattered a bit too much. I really enjoy well-done open world games though, like Morrowind, but so many of them just fill the world with fetch quests and other forms of padding (Morrowind’s fetch quests were at least interesting and thematic IMO).

If whatever comes after TotK is open world, I probably won’t bother buying the Switch 2, since Zelda games were my primary reason for buying the console in the first place. I grew up with TLoZ and ALttP, so that’s the style that I like. If the Zelda series won’t provide that, I’ll find something else (Ys series is close-ish).


You don’t have to list all the highlight features Nintendo uses as selling points we know what a switch is


I still think the amount of money they’d generate from expanding their sales platforms would outweigh that philosophy, but I’d like to see the numbers as well

samus12345, avatar

Past experience has shown that you’re probably correct. There are lots of people who pirate games, but there are more who will pay for them if they’re good. Many do both.


Nintendo is not ready for the Mario cast naked mods. They most likely never will. I’m surprised there is even any Nintendo IP hentai floating around at all, really.
Can’t say I blame them for that, really.


From a business prospective, If your whole idea is to sell your console as often as possible it’s not a good idea to make your games work on every platform. Console exclusives are a big part of the selling strategie.

Also, as always, if you own the money you should buy a game to show support (especially if it’s an indie title). But when it’s an old game owned by a company who still thinks we are in the 90s. Which dosen’t want to sell the game to you anymore but at the same time forbids everyone from making a copy of the said game, you should absolutely pirate it.

It’s sometimes the only form of game preservation we have.

If we somehow discover a second library of Alexandria and it also turns out that infringes on a Nintendo IP, I have no doubt that Nintendo will burn it down immediately.

therealjcdenton, (edited )

Let’s say a Nintendo switch is $300, and a game is $60, that means if 5 people buy one of their games outside of their console theyve already made back their money. I don’t think that out of 5 people 1 person would be willing to buy a switch just to get a game they want, it’s most likely like 1/20. Which means they’d end up making more money. This is just my speculation of course


This could be the case if we would talk about one game. But the whole Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid and etc. Franchises are exclusive on Nintendo and they are objektiv good games (maybe pokemon has fallen of but it’s still a money grab) you don’t have that many exclusives on PS4 and 5 and Xbox one and X/S together. And it shows. The Switch and Switch light still outsells Sony and Microsoft consoles.

My friend group got switches mainly because of pokemon. But I dropped it for other games because Gamefreak underdeliverd IMHO.

Also we know that Nintendo is overprotective about their IPs. I guess they think that if they solely sell their games on their closed system they can decrease the chance of pirating. And it’s not far fetched because you need a decent PC to emulate and play switch games. Also know how on how to set it up. (which why I belive, that the onemillion is just a fantasy number from Nintendo in this case)

Of course they would make a fortune selling their old games on pc. But it’s Nintendo we talking about, they are super conservative about things like that.

Outtatime, avatar

Sorry, a game that’s been out for years shouldn’t be $60. Start discounting these older games like they used to do.


Did Nintendo ever really discount their games?


nah, best you’ll get is a deal like “buy this $60 game and we’ll give you uhh, $10 in credit or smth, idc just buy the game”. sometimes physical shops discount their games but that’s entirely up to the owners of the shops.

Nintendo’s flagship titles are basically immune to sales


Even the old ones aren’t particularly immune. A pokemon gold cartridge sells for only $10 less than a brand new Pokemon game at a fair few of the games stores I’ve been to.


That is more a mix of “collectors” and existential crises. People want to own the games they grew up with (nobody look at my shelf of Armored Core games…) and that went into overdrive when we were all expecting the world to end because of COVID… so expect another massive burst of sales come November.

And then you have the people who decide that, much like with baseball/pokemon cards, their scraped up pokemon yellow cartridge will be their retirement fund because it will be so valuable.


To my understanding, Nintendo actively opposed doing so.

But when Nintendo was “competing” with Sega/Sony, brick and mortar stores had a LOT more power. EBGames/Gamestop could basically do whatever they wanted because moving the Nintendo shelves to be behind the Sony shelves would lead to noticeable sales changes. So it was a lot more common for Toys R Us to run their own sales to move merchandise.

But in the past twenty years or so, Nintendo have actively shitlisted anyone who puts a discount on their games. Amazon famously got shitlisted at least three or four times which led to a lot of weirdness in terms of what “editions” of a given game was available for purchase.


So it was a lot more common for Toys R Us to run their own sales to move merchandise

Ah, I remember that. I used to buy most of my GBA and Sega Gamegear games at Toys R Us, and most games went for $20 or less, and I think I got some deals around $5-10 for older games. This was a long time ago, so I don’t recall specifics, but I do remember Toys R Us being the place to go for video games.

Kolanaki, avatar

All my physical Switch games (which is most of them) I got used at GameStop because they were all about 50-70% cheaper than buying new or through Nintendo’s store. Even TOTK which I got maybe 3 months or so after release was only $35 used. Games that were even older were mostly $10-20.


And gamestop paid the original buyer of that something like 5 dollars so they could sell it back to you at 7x the price.

Utilizing stores like gamestop can be beneficial to a consumer but the entire business model is built on exploiting children and idiots.


Funny fact: the game stores here are so greedy you can find used game for more than the online shop price 🤷

Kolanaki, avatar

Where is here for you? I wanna make sure to avoid it.


France… It’s great besides that haha


It won’t be so fun when Nintendo shuts down the online shop in 2 years after they drop the Switch 2. Because fuck you that’s why.


Yeah, back in the late 90s, Circuit City exclusively sold PlayStation and didn’t even offer Nintendo products until closer to the GBA / GameCube era.

CompUSA did the same too.

Everyone forgets the old retailers, but one big argument to PlayStation beating the N64 was that the games were cheaper and available in a lot more retailers than Nintendo’s products.


They run discounts all the time. So do places like Target. This myth of Nintendo never lowering prices of games is insane.


They don’t reduce the retail price, but they do go on sales periodically, but rarely more than 30% or so. Link’s Awakening (2019) and Breath of the Wild (2017) still retail for $60. A good sale might bring it down to $40 (probably more like $50), and used on eBay go for $35-45.

For PC games of similar age and initial launch price, you’d probably spend like $10-20. Yes, you can technically get a discount, but it’s not going to be that much.


TOTK came out not a year ago. This article is specifically about how TOTK was allegedly downloaded 1 million times before it even was released. You did not even read two sentences of this article.

Nintendo filed a civil lawsuit on February 26 against Yuzu software developer Tropic Haze, claiming that the team’s tech let folks illegally pirate 2023’s The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom over one million times a full week and a half before it even came out.

Outtatime, avatar

My comment wasn’t about the specifics of the article, rather, more about why people pirate games in the first place. For the most part it’s because of the price.


i don’t care what he linked article is about, let’s talk about what i think is important…

Outtatime, avatar



You can’t even spell your username right how the fuck do you expect anyone to take you seriously lol

Squirrel, avatar

Not buying a game that literally only runs well on emulators. Fuck you nintendo.

N_Crow, avatar

Should have made it cheaper…

macisr, (edited )

Yeah I pirated it, played it for 5 hours. I didn’t and don’t have any intention of buying a nintendo game ever, even if I couldn’t pirate it. They are almost never worth the asking price. Most have the quality of a 40 usd steam indie game, some even of a 20 usd one. I know that this doesn’t have anything to do with the creative departments, but nintendo can go fuck itself. Also, a friend of mine whose a fan of Nintendo pirated it even before it came out, but he played it in the switch lol.


I played botw. Never would have on a switch. That thing is technologically pathetic. From what I hear it hardly makes 20fps? In what world is that playble. I used to play a fps called combat arms back in around 2006 on an x1600. Both my frame rate and the textures were better than botw. Every tower you climb you just look out at all 4 polygons and wonder if the game is even complete.

If totk was on the same technical level as botw, it’s no wonder people emulate their legit copies. They want to play the game they paid for in 2024 with shadows and textures at a playable frame rate. Nintendo won’t give that to them but modders usually have texture packs ready to go on new releases that reveals how much their shitty handheld holds their games back.

How cool the building and freedom is means shit if it’s a miserable chore to play. You can’t even turn the camera sensitivity up high enough to utilize a lot of the building freedom without a camera fix making some cool mechanics or build utility you see people performing in clips literally impossible on the native switch.


30fps, I played both games on a 65" TV and they both look amazing even if they’re in 1080 and are amazing to play as is. Not excusing Nintendo for being assholes, just saying that your criticism of the game is unfounded.


The game isn’t even 1080p btw, renders at 1600x900.


I mean they’re assuming everyone who downloaded it was using it with yuzu and not, for example, hacked or modded switches.

samus12345, avatar

How can they possibly know how many times it was pirated? This was the last Nintendo game I bought, actually, and will now remain so until their next console comes out. Those of us with older Switches don’t need an emulator to play your games pirated, Nintendo!


Some unpaid intern was tasked to go onto public torrent sites, put in a search on Zelda, and just tallied up the number of times the various torrents were downloaded in a Excel spreadsheet using =sum(AX:AY).

That was turned over to the lawyers and charges 1k an hour, billed 20 hours for 1 hour of work a paralegal took to modify what came out of ChatGPT, bought some coke and here we are.

Godthrilla, (edited )

Wait… they’re asking for 150k and part of their 30k/month patreon? That’s literally nothing for a company like Nintendo…what am I missing?

Edit: k, I misread, they want the entirety of the supposed 30k per month, and for the yuzondevs to stand trial, but that’s still such a tiny number for Nintendo. If 1 million copies were pirated, then I would expect them to go after 1 mil x game price. This almost seems like a reasonable slap on the wrist


They’re not trying to make money just shut them down.


Nintendo suing a company for a “feature” they accidentally implemented on the first gen switch. (First gen meaning early to late 2017)


I know nothing here, please explain more.


The first gen switch has an exploit that allows you to extract the decryption keys needed to play your games on an emulator at a higher visual quality with support for mods


Gotcha, thanks. So any game that can run on that unit can run in emulator.


Correct. Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this now.


May Nintendo should build consoles which are capable of running there games in playable fps.


I don’t think that would help lol


So… Exactly what they did then?


I have a GameCube, Wii, Wii u, 3DS and a switch with multiple games on all. I’ve also used emulators to play modded Zelda games with increased performance.

Nintendo made shit ports on switch and took a premium. They can get royally fucked.

They are not losing revenue from piracy. Stupid greedy orcs.

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