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And the best tutorials are a blurry notepad window while this song plays


You’ve laid out one potential development cycle: FOSS from the get-go, and open collaboration welcome.

However, that’s not the only way that a FOSS game might be developed. The code could be freely licensed, but the upstream developers refuse to accept outside patches. In that case, there’s one “original” and then if you don’t like it, build your fork.

Alternatively, a game could be developed entirely in-house under proprietary licenses, and then only made FOSS upon commercial release. Contributor patches could improve the project, but conception of the game would be entirely the domain of its original developers.


Barony is fun as hell. Engine is FOSS, but the default game assets require purchase.


The man is a monster. I don’t know how many of my build jobs have been murdered by this fiend.


How about writing a script to automate the deletion, thus minimizing the chance of human error being a factor? It could include checks like “Is this a folder with .git contents? Am I being invoked from /home/username/my_dev_workspace?”

In a real aviation design scenario, they want to minimize the bullshit tasks that take up cognitive load on a pilot so they can focus on actually flying. Your ejector seat example would probably be replaced with an automatic ejection system that’s managed by the flight computer.


For anyone wondering, this was done on the virtual console version, so the floating point glitch that lets you skip the climbing pole from Bowser in the fire Sea is available.

The A Button Challenge still stands for the console versions.


“Still stands” means that there is no known way to achieve it. Not that it’s known to be impossible.

Until the discovery of the virtual console glitch for BitFS a few years ago, the A button challenge “still stood” for all cases.


Not sure if you’re able to edit the title, but this doesn’t look like FOSS, just open source.


Did you mean source-available?

I guess? Always thought there was some pedantic Stallman-esque argument for the differentiation between FOSS and OSS, independent of the Open Source vs Source Available distinction.

SSH login without user name? (

I was reading GitLab’s documentation (see link) on how to write to a repository from within the CI pipeline and noticed something: The described Docker executor is able to authenticate e.g. against the Git repository with only a private SSH key, being told absolutely nothing about the user’s name it is associated with....


It would have to iterate over all saved keys, which sounds rather inefficient to me and potentially unsafe (timing attacks etc.)

sshd only checks for matches in the user’s authorized_keys file, not system wide.


They would not even need to open source the servers. Just making the server available for users to run (even under a proprietary license) would be enough.


People have tried that, and failed for various reasons:

  • You can’t move the ship out of any port without insurance
  • Insurance for a rusting hulk isn’t cheap
  • No nation on earth will let you park your uninsured rusting hulk offshore, as it will pose an environmental and navigational threat to the area
  • Even if you anchored outside a country’s 12 nautical mile economic exclusion zone doesn’t mean their navy/coast guard won’t bother you. They have maritime rights outside that area nonetheless.
  • You’d still need to take the ship in for maintenance somewhere, and now all your regulatory problems begin again.

Ahh, sorry. Our prior emails accidentally got sent to a family of 4 on their way to a birthday party. We promise our next job offer won’t miss!


Even if you love him, don’t forget to love yourself. It sounds rather abusive to me for him to threaten his own life for a choice you make.


I needed to find large directories on disk the other week, and found the tool btdu to be quite useful.


It could be a firmware update. I noticed on my machine that there was always one update in the discover program that appeared as ready but never got installed.

Turns out I had to manually run fwupdmgr update to install it.


He’d rather have a GNU contributor take a diarrhea dump on his pull request.


The female founder can definitely do humanoid faces, I thought. No hard evidence, but I thought she transformed a few times. I also recall a quick line when she meets Odo, saying something like “I take this form to match you”.

I assumed it was the same story for that one-off episode changeling who taught Odo to become a ball of orgasmic light.


Since legalization in my area, I feel like strains have all melded into a same-y collection. So few places sell the old strains that actually have distinctive qualities. Give me less Banana Brainlet Glue and more Super Lemon Haze. Less Smack Daddy OG Citrus and more Cherry Pie.


Reverts work because users have equal write access to all the data. You can mess things up in the codebase, and even if you die of a heart attack 10m later, my revert is just as valid as your commit.

It’s not really the same when every user has “sovereignty” over their address in the ledger. A bad actor has to consent to pushing a revert transaction onto the chain, or they have to consent to using a blockchain system where 3rd-party reversion is possible (which exists on some systems, but also defeats the concept of true sovereignty over your address).

Whats your thoughts on Ai in your terminal? (

Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help. I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They...


You are not in the sudoers file. This incident has been reported and your account suspended.


VNC is a security hole unless you route it through an SSH tunnel. If you’re managing a docker container for jellyfin there’s not much UI work to be done anyway.


So we’re back to “If we all ignore the government, it will wither away” type anarchism?


Neither shrooming, nor dismissing. It just reminded me of that school of thought. I don’t know any anarchist theory, so I assume it’s evolved since the days of the Paris commune.


It’s interesting that the glass is still full of beer. Presumably its contents must have all been accelerated at an identical rate, or else they would have spilled across the cosmos.

Did it emerge, fully-formed, from the primordial energies of the big bang, or is it a probe sent by alcohol-based life forms?


I think because such an undertaking would require a wide breadth of extremely specialized knowledge. It would require intense coordination of many experts to work together over many years, all to design something that:

  1. Will eventually be obsolete within a few years
  2. Is outside the realm of replicability for individuals (I never heard of anyone with a nanometer-scale photolithography room in their house)

Item 1 is OK for hobbyists, who might value open source over new-ness, but item 2 all but guarantees that only big corporations can actually get involved. They don’t care about free and open source. They just want a computing platform that their engineers can develop a product for. As long as there’s enough documentation for their goals, open source is irrelevant.

The power of modern computing comes partly in how it enables abstraction. You don’t need to understand the physics of electrons through a transistor to write a video game. Overall, the open source community has generally converged on the idea that abstracting away the really hard stuff is an acceptable tradeoff.


I guess it would depend on whether or not the project spawns a dedicated community that lasts for a long time. Without a wide pool of knowledgeable contributors, I think it would be hard for an original team to both support the one design while also developing the next iteration.

Not to bring it up as a whipping boy, but let’s take the case of Wayland, which is “just” a software protocol. It was started back in 2008, and is still under active development. As more projects support it, more edge cases are coming up, which is why new features are added to the protocol all the time. In those 15 years, they’ve had to adjust to technologies that didn’t exist back in 2008, like widespread adoption of 4k HDR displays, or Vulkan. Now imagine that, but with every aspect of a computer. In 2008, DDR3 RAM was just a year old. Today we’re on DDR5 and you (probably) can’t buy a new machine that takes DDR3. PCIE 2 was the latest shit in 2007. Now I see that PCIE 7 is planned for next year.

A global corporation can support old products while also developing new technologies because they have unfathomable labor and capital at their beck and call.

I think that free software can keep up with proprietary offerings because the barrier to entry is relatively low. You just need free time and a source control client. I think it would be different if your project toolchain involved literal tools that cost millions of dollars.


I thought she already had the cat before starting the self destruct sequence. She started looking for it while everyone else was getting ready to leave.


oh does this mean that one day we might play all of f:nv in a better game engine?

Yes, and that engine is called OpenMW. Don’t expect NV to be playable for a long time, though.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


For any RPG (especially one with multiple characters):

Highly flexible keyboard controls to manage inventory.

I want text-editor levels of search, move, drop, swap, open, and close. Give me regexes, custom filters, and macros. Give me unlimited tags for items, and simple interfaces to manage them (eg: sell all that have a tag, move all items tagged with a characters’s name to their equipment slots).

It doesn’t need emacs keybindings, but that would be a big plus.

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