andros_rex, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

These kinds of programs are important in high poverty districts. Super transient population - sometimes students might attend for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Parents don’t speak English, or can’t read, so they can’t fill out the paperwork to get their kid on the free lunch program. Many of these kids come to school TO eat - when COVID shut my district down the schools were kept open as feeding sites. We provided breakfast and had a school food pantry.

I don’t think people understand how many children would starve without free lunch programs.

KingThrillgore, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I’m cool with it if we also ban free breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and gym access for Congress.

jordanlund, to world in Honduras Ratchets Up Battle With Crypto-Libertarian Investors, Rejects World Bank Court avatar

Clearly it’s time for me to sleep because I read that as “Crypto-Librarian” and was very confused for a minute…

Rekonok, avatar

Whatever you do, don’t call him a monkey or suggest turning him back into a wizard…

Rekonok, avatar



Good point.

xmunk, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

“Hey brown kid, give me your lunch money so we can buy more bombs.”

Republican compassion


hey kid, give me your money (I will send it to oil companies)

gregorum, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

It’s a good thing that there aren’t enough of them to pass a fart let alone this bill


Have you seen/heard some of their fellow elected officials? I’m pretty sure some are just congealed farts using air pressure to make noise.

HulkSmashBurgers, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Because house repubs are trash.

RampantParanoia2365, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Carlson: what’s the big deal? We all know there’s no such thing as a free lunch program, anyway.

DogPeePoo, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Republicans are radicalizing the population and it’s exactly what Putin wants


Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that… It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen in a long time and it’s strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it’s crazy

He even says

“Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized.”

Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda


I did see that. It was crazy.

I think Putin has the goods (kompromat) on Tucker, Elon, Dershowitz, Trump, and most of the Congressional Republicans. Probably all were avid frequenters of Epstein island.


I think it’s less blackmail and more just knowing what buttons to push. Tucker needs attention, he’s that kid saying “look at what I can do” but grown up and completely lacking ethics. If you offer him a platform and reach he’ll agree to anything.


Remember Matt Gaetz attempting to blackmail him in an extremely awkward interview, which Tucker subsequently changed the subject on and ended the interview?

I bet he’s a freak and Putin has the goods.


Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia?

Putin made fun of Carlson afterward for asking such weak questions. I mean, I’d serve up softballs too if the alternative came with a risk of unexpected acute polonium exposure, but it’s still humiliating for Carlson.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I say we eliminate the CEP and make breakfast and lunch free for all kids in public school.

user1234, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

What gets me is that so many of these idiots put We the people… stickers on their trucks. And they have absolutely no clue what the rest of that sentence is, or that it specifically mentions promoting welfare of said people.


Me the people


Well not those people! Seriously though, Regan made that a dirty word for them.

FuglyDuck, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

imagine being such a giant fucked up asshole that you think “oh, some people’s lives suck a little less so lets fuck over everyone that struggles to feed their kids.” is the way to go.

Imagine being such an asshole that you think this guy is doing god’s work and should be supported.

uberdroog, avatar

It’s a Jesus thing, you wouldn’t understand


So pathetic. People these days need more Christ in their lives! or else they don’t see the compassion and love in reads notes taking food from children.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches
cyd, to world in Honduras Ratchets Up Battle With Crypto-Libertarian Investors, Rejects World Bank Court

I haven’t seen any explanation of why the current Honduras is so dead set on shutting down Prospera. At worst, the development is not an economic success, and the cost is borne by the investors. At best, it creates an economic boon to Honduras. Seems like a no-lose proposition, the same reasoning behind many other special economic zones around the world. The only explanation I can think of for the Honduras government continuing to chase this issue is ideological/political hostility. It feels like their energy would be much better spent elsewhere.

Rekonok, avatar

This is an organized crime scheme to wash drug money and fuel right wing paramilitary so yes hondurans will pay.

This is the shit RICO act protect US citizens from. And the law is a shit now used in union busting still better than a corrupt arbitration court.


Prospera is still subject to Honduras criminal law, so if there’s any real concern about organized crime they can go after them using the criminal justice system. They wouldn’t need these legal shenanigans.

Rekonok, avatar

If there were reals investors they dit not need those crypto scaming shenanigans


I haven’t seen any explanation of why the current Honduras is so dead set on shutting down Prospera

Then you clearly haven’t read and understood the article you’re replying to.

At worst, the development is not an economic success, and the cost is borne by the investors. At best, it creates an economic boon to Honduras.

You can’t possibly believe that bullshit yourself. Do you work for Prospera or are you shilling for free?

Seems like a no-lose proposition, the same reasoning behind many other special economic zones around the world

“Special economic zones” are specifically made to circumvent regulations meant to protect and otherwise benefit workers and consumers to maximize corporate profits while minimizing corporate risk. Their very existence is harmful to regular people.

The only explanation I can think of for the Honduras government continuing to chase this issue is ideological/political hostility

Yeah, some of us have ideologies that put the interests of the majority of people over the interests of the ultra-rich and their corporations. Baffling to a corporate shill like yourself, I’m sure.

It feels like their energy would be much better spent elsewhere.

Than protecting their people from corporations looting their country? Not really, no.


In the real world, sensible governments know that getting companies to make investments is a good thing, not a bad thing. Over in the States, Joe Biden is making the investment incentives of the IRA the centrepiece of his re-election campaign. That’s why it’s remarkable to see a government actively trying to drive away investors.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

I love it when shills pretend that blindly swallowing pro-corporate propaganda makes them the only adults in the room rather than the perfect marks for con artists. So adorable.


It’s only “remarkable” if you don’t know anything about the economic and political history of the region.

Anyone in their right mind would reject this thing after seeing the so-called benefits of the United Fruit Company, or the invitation of American plantations into the Kingdom of Hawaii.

In the actual real world, investment is only good if it’s beneficial to the populace and doesn’t undermine its sovereignty. Getting, say, the British East India Company interested in your country was a curse not a blessing, same as having these clowns interested now.

TimLovesTech, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

So this isn’t about actual gamers, this about bad actors looking for chuds to recruit through games, which is not a new concept. It used to be chat rooms, and then forums, then social media, now games (as many have social features).

I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

Rezbit, avatar

Officially, the military does not recruit anyone under age 17. In this case, “recruit” means the formal process of signing a legally binding agreement to enlist. The military does, however, advertise to and interact directly with minors for the purposes of military recruitment.

Grooming. Non-sexual grooming. Just wonderful.

Aussiemandeus, avatar

I was in the Australian airforce cadets from 12 until 18 at which point i went to join the airforce but got am apprenticeship at the same time that paid more.

Many of my friends enlisted though.

Its certainly grooming, though

altima_neo, avatar

I mean they show up to schools to tell kids about military careers and jrotc and stuff.


Thanks GW Bush!


Are they pretending the JROTC doesn't exist? The US military absolutely targets minors under the age of seventeen for recruitment.


I think that’s the point, not ignoring it. They don’t have them literally sign up, but they do everything they legally can to capture them.


The recruitment starts the minute they pressure kids into worshipping a piece of colored fabric.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Someone tried recruiting my sister and a couple of her Special Olympics teammates into the Marines in Rec Room. I got on my sister’s mic and told the dude to fuck off and to stop preying on obviously vulnerable people. He was so pushy with his recruitment, that he was making my sister uncomfortable. She asked him to stop and he didn’t. After telling the dude off, I advised my sister and her teammates to try a different game for a bit. It was disgusting to see this dude try to get people with intellectual disabilities to literally throw their lives away for a country that’s constantly fucking them over.


Jack Teixeira.


Hell, Steve Bannon got his start using WoW gold farms to find and target lonely young men.…/trumps-campaign-ceos-little-known-wor…


It’s been happening for over 20 years


I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

Somehow I don’t think that’s the kind of extremism they’ll be clamping down on…

TimLovesTech, avatar

Didn’t say it was. It was an example of a group that has been recruiting via games, the point of the article.

Fizz, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Its times like this I wish I used matrix instead of discord. Even though my friends and I are not extremists you can definitely make us look like extremists if you took jokes out of context.


If your jokes look that bad out of context, you might need better jokes

Fizz, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

For example this shane gills joke looks bad “That’s the thing about these countries, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia. No Black people.” but when you add the next part it makes it funny.

“And I know what you’re thinking. No, you need Black people to keep the whites in check. The last thing you want is a whole island of whites that think they’re the coolest people on earth. A disaster. That’s how you end up with Conor McGregors walking around.The foreign whites are out of control.”

Regrettable_incident, avatar

That doesn’t seem funny at all to me, maybe it’s in the delivery.

Fizz, avatar

The clip of him saying it funnier but its not everyones cup of tea


…you do need to get better jokes

Fizz, avatar

How would you know you have never heard a joke from me.


Humorless people telling you to joke within the confines of their neurotic sensibilities. Best ignore them and carry on.


That’s a shit joke. Racial essentialism just ain’t funny, and the context is kinda irrelevant.

Carighan, avatar

There are plenty of jokes that look bad if you strip away the intention and context. They aren’t bad or offensive jokes they just seem offensive if you take them out of context and present them in a different way.

Yes, and as humans we are quite able to understand that we should not immediately suspect anybody who says something without any context, assuming in the situation we know we are lacking the content.

Tell me, what makes you look more suspect to a federal agency:

  • The odd (frankly pretty bad, but then it’s by Shane Gills so that was expected) joke that lacking context could in theory be interpreted as a racial diss?
  • Encrypting and hiding all your chat traffic?
Fizz, avatar

This is exactly the problem. The fbi shouldn’t be able to snoop on you based off suspicion. I can encrypt every thing and be as edgy as I want and they still shouldn’t pull my discord message history because they have no reason to suspect I’ve committed a crime or am going to commit a crime.


What the fuck


It’s telling how you think that the context somehow makes this ‘better’.

It doesn’t, at all.

Jokes that are the product of a bigoted mind always carry the stink with it but people who align with said bigotry never notice because they are STEEPED in it constantly.

Just like when people grow up and leave 4chan and the realize in horror that what they thought is normal there, is VERY much not normal.

Which is why when edgelads try to repeat jokes they got off of forums in real life, it always comes off as creepy and flat.

Fizz, avatar

Outside of extremely lefty places like lemmy jokes like that are acceptable and if you called that joke out as bigoted then people would consider you odd. It’s not even an edgy joke it just has a racial punchline.


I get the feeling that your only experiences outside of lemmy are 4chan and new.reddit if you think bigotry is that normalized.

Fizz, avatar

Please never join the fbi. There won’t be a single gamer who isn’t an extremist in your eyes.

Also you’re delusional to assume my only internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. There is no one on this site who’s internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.


Shit son I’ve been a gamer so long my first controller only had one button.

You got zero induction going on in your thinkmeat but you assume you know everyone.

That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.

As if they weren’t here day one. You’re blind if you don’t smell the reek of underbed cumsock in the bottom of most popular threads.

Or just hiding your power level.

Fizz, avatar

I don’t care how long you’ve been a gamer its obvious you’re old and out of touch.

How could this new reddit/4chan user have been here day 1 if the fediverse dates back much longer than new reddit.


The interesting thing about insulting people for being old is that barring horrible accident, you’ll be there some day too being told by arrogant idiots how ‘out of touch’ you are.

Sure the fediverse may be ancient but Lemmy’s popularity hasn’t been until relatively recently, and there were already hard right lemmy users before the subreddit protests, which is what kicked off the biggest migration so far.

The more I read your words, the more they remind me of places on the internet that no one should visit. Your grammar and even thought processes are shaped by the places you socialize.

I wonder how far back in your post history I need to go before I find a reference to ‘genocide joe’ or some other basement troll nomenclature.


Literally these guys in a nutshell and they don’t even realize

altima_neo, avatar

Thankfully all our jokes are dick jokes


I just watched a doco on Jack Teixera/Luca, last night. Perhaps you should.

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