Unprecedented GPS jamming attack affects 1600 aircraft over Europe

A 63-hour-long marathon of GPS jamming attacks disrupted global satellite navigation systems for hundreds of aircraft flying through the Baltic region – and Russia is thought to be responsible

Russia is suspected of launching a record-breaking 63-hour-long attack on GPS signals in the Baltic region. The incident, which affected hundreds of passenger jets earlier this month, occurred amid rising tensions between Russia and the NATO military alliance more than two years since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“We have seen an increase in GPS jamming since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine, and allies have publicly warned that Russia has been behind GPS jamming affecting aviation and shipping,” a NATO official told New Scientist. “Russia has a track record of jamming GPS signals and has a range of capabilities for electronic warfare.”


Not at all- but definitely not to US or NATO. I also dislike Russia with a passion! Maybe now you can switch and get me on hate speech? 😂


You could argue ‘who benefits from blaming Russia n Europe?’ - and then look at the propaganda campaign for nato. It’s not in European interests to fight an American war.


You’re either a delusional cunt or a russian Ivan on a paycheck as tiny as your limp dick.


It’s not an American war, they have literally attacked a European country.


Yeah, it also doesn’t help with the situation that half of Europe has multiple past Russian invasions in their history, and Russia’s leadership has repeatedly voiced territorial claims to multiple European countries.


Nice fresh account, vatnik.


All right, we’re Jammin’

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Jammin’ in the name of the lord.


I was always a fan of Log Jammin


How do you stop a jammer like this, short of turning off the transmitters responsible for it?


You can’t. Think of it like two radio stations that are too close. It doesn’t matter how good of a receiver you have it will only ever pick up the signals being transmitted. And when there is noise on the frequency then that is what it will pick up.

@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

Well there’s always the option of outcompeting each other in signal intensity, but I guess that that’s not really possible in this case.


Destroy our otherwise turn off the source of interference.


As others have said, you can’t passively bypass GNSS jamming. The signal more or less has the same amount of power as a 60 watt light bulb, transmitted from a satellite out in Medium Earth Orbit. You throw enough energy at the same frequency as the signal and it’s over. There are ways to improve the receivers resilience by giving it more signals to connect to (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou) or several signals being transmitted by the same constellation (L1, L2, L5).

Also, many different systems occupy pretty much the same frequencies, just with different characteristics which makes all the signals more susceptible.https://images.app.goo.gl/TTK8fgog6pJpdUUD6


Best way to mitigate is have an inertial system. It’s a calculator that, based on where you are and where you’re heading, keeps track of your updated position.

The math is not that crazy, but with enough time the sensors errors crop up and you’ll be slightly off course, then a bit, then a lot.


I would suggest HARM Missiles launched from F/A 18 Aircraft. That will teach the effing russians to mess with GPS


Might be worth some degree of suspicion around including GLONASS as a part of GNSS. Russia could create worldwide issues if they decided to fuck around with their constellation.


It would probably be easier for them to mess with it and not affect themselves than it is with GPS and Galileo.


I feel like these planes should be able to fall back on other GNSS. Like Galileo, GLONASS, or even BeiDou.


I would guess this is a matter of the media talking about all GNSS as “GPS” rather than the planes only supporting the US military’s navigation system.



Fall back to the Russian GNSS constellation to defend against Russian GNSS manipulation?


I mean hey, why not?


Let’s be real, they probably aren’t jamming themselves?

Who am I fucking kidding, they probably are with how the war has been going.


Russia, Russia, Russia. Whenever they start crowing about those fuckers I can be sure that the truth is something entirely different.


I invite you to check the multitude of examples and references here. Russia’s history of cyberwarfare goes way beyond the US media’s recent obsession.


Recent? As if the cold war never happened.


They never said “recent”. The cold war ended in 1989, and GPS became fully operational in 1993. Not sure what your point is…

laughterlaughter, (edited )

I’m talking about “the U.S. media’s recent obsession.”

The word “recent” is in the comment I replied to.

They never said “recent”.

Are you one of them gaslighters Gen-Zers keep referring to?


The wiki site does say ‘claimed’ for all those attacks


Have you watched the news in the past 2 years?




*70 at least


Look at J.Edgar here ;p


New troll account just created to post this garbage. Mods block please.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Who else would have the interest or capability of jamming GPS over Europe? Curious to see who you think it could be if not Russia.


I’m betting on Russia being the culprit


Drone pilots are going to have to learn how to fold paper maps!

@deafboy@lemmy.world avatar

Isn’t that kinda pathetic? Jamming GPS is not hard, nor impressive. It’s just annoying.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Seems like a message is being sent.

I love to be a fly on the wall behind the scenes, as far as what’s going on between the two sides, that they actually decided to do something as annoying as this.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That’s all they’ve got left after throwing all of their troops into the meat grinder.


Not all. Just too fucking many.


The thing about Russia is, they’ve always got more sausage they can make


That’s why you cotta carve it up so its not ‘Russia’ anymore.


Yeah, it worked so well last time.

@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, their recruitment rate is at a record high 😕


Its on par with bringing the dog out when merkel was visiting. Thats all they have.


looks to be pretty effective to me


And that effect was…???


Threatening the lives of EU citizens and commerce in an effort to force the European nations to withdraw support from Ukraine.


It was GPS spoofing. The navs fucked up.

Don’t pilots still learn to work with a compas or stars? Radio guidance? Like, nothing that uses GPS is new.

It was just really inconvenient for a bunch of people.


Inconvenience is the point.


So, what, order a bunch of pizzas? Spam everyone with dick pics? I’m not seeing it. This just looks impotent, unless there’s more to it.


You’re missing the point.

melpomenesclevage, (edited )

So is your mom.

Or maybe she’s just being really polite about refusing my advances. I don’t have a chance, do I?

Seriously though; what do you think the point is? That Russia’s willing to cross boundaries and do unethical shit? Remember when they stole a major party in american politics?


Maybe they were just testing reaction time


On a mostly civilian system with known fallbacks?

Edit: fuck em. You don’t have to fight Russia, you just have to fight Moscow. If they manage to provoke Europe, they lose. Badly. They’re barely managing to hold against supported Ukraine.


I thought GPS had been kept restricted from civilians for ages for its military uses, I may be wrong though


Yeah but at this point that’s all redundant, right? any military planner worth shit knows this can happen.

@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

I dont think they are doing it to impess.


As if being impressive is the goal of these attacks.


Guess it's time to dust off those VOR navigation skills, then..

And, as ususal, fuck Putler and his cronies.


Hopefully a few VOR and DME approaches left in the chart book.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but VOR can be jammed just as easily? It’s effectively just ground based GPS.

There are actually devices, that can to a certain extent resist jamming by rejecting signal coming from some direction while amplifying signal from other. Typically they amplify signal from space and reject signal from ground where the jammers would be. So in a way GPS is more resilient against jamming if you can use this device. But AFAIK they are only used for military purposes.


That device is called a CRPA (pronounced serpa). They are very effective at anti-jam.

As far as VOR jamming, those use a VHF omni-directional antenna, so it can be jammed. It might be hard because of the omni-directional part and the numbers of them, but definitely doable.


Might have to break out the ole INS


Inertial systems are good enough for rockets going to Mars, so why not a plane flying in a straight line?


They are used for planes. The problem is the usable ones are stupidly expensive and/or classified millitary hardware.


So I read about it on Wikipedia and apparently they’re still the main navigation tool for modern airliners. GPS is just used to maintain the accuracy of the INS.


According to wikipedia all modern aircraft should be equipped with an Inertial Navigation System. A system that gives the position of the aircraft by using a buch of accelerometers and gyroscopes.

The GPS is just there to adjust the position given by the INS.


IRSs drifts like crazy. If anything irs is the backup to GNSS currently.


the US GPS backup

I’m assuming there’s a European backup to GPS, is there?

@rammer@sopuli.xyz avatar

Europe is using same or similar systems. Also Europe has Galileo satnav system. But it has the same drawbacks as GPS.


How much more will we allow these assholes to get away with? When does it stop?


When the West decides it’s willing to risk flash dessication.


I’m not sure what flash dessication is, but I’m willing to bet Putin would bring the world down with him if cornered.

APassenger, (edited )

Nuclear blast, where I focused on the heat and excluded the long, painful radiation deaths that would also occur.

Edit: radio - > radiation


As shitty as Putin is, I don’t think he has a death wish.

I think we’ve made it clear we know where he is at all times. First reply we send is on his head.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

As shitty as Putin is, I don’t think he has a death wish.

How certain are you?


Remember his affinity for comically long tables for meeting people during the pandemic?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Doesn’t mean he doesn’t think he’ll be fine inside his bunker.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

What if putin was going to die soon from something?





It is highly likely that exactly zero Russias nukes work. Nuclear maintenance is extremely expensive, and there is a zero percent chance that corruption that we witnessed in tank maintenance and other areas of their military did not spread to their nuclear program. It has also been 34 years since they successful a launched a nuke.

Russia as a country has never launched a nuke (USSR did) so it’s seriously debatable if they even have the capability.

And I’m not advocating for war, but Russia needs to have consequences for their actions, and the world needs to respond resolutely and immediately before this gets any worse.


Yeah I’m not gonna go to war over gps spamming attacks lol


…because that’s the only thing that russia has ever done to Eruopean countries…



I’m talking from my perspective


oh I don’t live there so it’s not my problem

First, they came for my friends, and when they asked for help I said, ‘it doesn’t affect me.’

Then, they came for my direct neighbors, and when they asked for help I said, ‘not my house not my problem.’

Then they came for me, and there was nobody to ask for help.


Why are you not yet volunteering in Ukraine then?


Well the taxpayer’s money goes towards funding Ukraine.

Anamana, (edited )

And that’s the same as going to war yourself? I never said I have a problem supporting countries fighting Russia monetarily.


You volunteering to be cannon fodder?


No, it’s your turn.


You want war so bad you can be the cannon fodder.


You’re fucking nuts if you think people want war.


It stops only when they are forced to stop and not a moment sooner. Who has the will or the ability? In the U.S., conservatives are on Putin’s side, so as long as conservatives have any power (like they do now), they will back him.

The EU is sounding the alarms, but only France is stepping up to the plate ready to fight. As usual, the EU will just hope France will protect the rest of them.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

Russia is really stretching this out, aren’t they. Maybe they need some proper ass kicking to fall back in line.

At some point the west has to react.


Never mind Russia, I’d be happy with anyone making a “special military operation” on Putin’s whereabouts. NATO doesn’t have to fight Russia. They only need the head of the snake.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

don’t think that this will work. Russia is rotten to the core and there is always another head.

we are fighting a hydra not a snake.


Anyway, we should start at the top and work downwards. It’s a waste of ammo to kill all the involuntary cannon fodder. If the top goes, Russia would have to reconstruct, however that might turn out.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Russia would have to reconstruct, however that might turn out.

Balkanization boogaloo?


Yes, I’d take that over the status quo.


Likely not. Everyone who wanted to leave Russia did so in the 1990’s


Middle out


Like tip to tip? No thanks.


A state can’t fight like that though. Needs to be a non state actor.


It’s not just Putin, and it’s not all of Russia. The Kremlin+oligarchs are the problem.


While this is true, I think it’s more likely than not that a successor doesn’t share the same amount of Soviet fetishism. Putin is kinda out there and doing things that aren’t great for Russian business. You only have to be slightly less mad than Putin to realize that.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Humanity really needs to figure out how to handle corrupt people in power.


We have. It’s just against the ToS on most forums.


Is it that thing that Korea did after the fall of the Dai Nippon Empire? How is that going for them?

Or maybe we could use some Middle East examples, like Iran or Afghanistan? Are those good examples of handling corrupt people in power? South America might have a few examples…?


Yep, can’t ever improve anything, world has to suck this much in these ways.


I feel like it sucks a lot less than it used to in most modernized countries, especially European Nations and Canada. Even the USA didn’t use to have Medicaid or overtime pay (Fair Labor Standards Act was in 1938), etc. It’s just that these improvements weren’t caused by things that talking about would put you on a watchlist, they were caused by slow progressive reform and political activism.


No, they were caused by workers fighting the US army with guns in the 20s, and all the industrialized nations of the world failing to stop a bunch of dipshit peasants in the ass backwards frozen nowhere from walking into the palace and painting the walls red, then dispossession g the entire propertied class, and giving a substantial chunk of them the wall.

Why would they give you shit when you beg, if they aren’t afraid? Common humanity or some shit? Have you ever read a history book or news story in your life?


Followed immediately by the global Great Depression in the 1930s and both World Wars? I’m not saying correlation equals causation but it sounds like those 1920s dudes accomplished jack shit. Plus, deposing of the ruling class of Russia led to the USSR which… Did not end well…


Oh we know how, it’s just not pretty.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Oh we know how, it’s just not pretty.

Lol, okay, that’s my fault. When I wrote that I was thinking in a non-violent sort of way, legislatively/investigatively. A system of governance that would prevent somebody from warping the system and becoming all powerful and above the system.

The problem with what your advocating is it doesn’t solve the problem, it just punts the ball down the field, and then sooner or later the same scenario problem comes back again.


Well, you could say that with nearly any solution besides peace… which is hard to maintain too. So, pick your poison.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

So, pick your poison.

a non-violent sort of way, legislatively/investigatively. A system of governance that would prevent somebody from warping the system and becoming all powerful and above the system.


I blame the French Revolution for giving these romantic notions. On the surface, it looks like people overthrowing the rich. But when you read into what followed, it was a violent power struggle where yesterday’s new leader was next up at the guillotine tomorrow.

And what came of it in the end? Napoleon, another powerful centralized ruler.


We did, we must get murdered by shitty people in power when we say it too loud.

Short version: don’t have these huge power differentials.

Duamerthrax, (edited )

Except Putin’s behavior isn’t sane even by oligarch standards. Another corrupt leader would just take Putin’s place, but they might not be inclined to continue with Ukraine. They could just blame it all on Putin and quietly retreat the military. It’s not the best outcome, but at least Ukraine would be safe.


But doing it suddenly will create a power vacuum, which usually gets filled by the most ruthless people


Doesn’t Russia have lines of succession?


In theory


“Oops! All Putin!”


In what world would Putin allow anything other that a yes-man be his official backup?


But not the same shitty, abd since they’re not Putin, they can disown this whole shit show and shut it down without looking weak.


So let the other heads see what happens when you fuck around too much.


Like many things political, you start doing outside political killings from another country, pretty soon you can find yourself dead as a political leader. It’s playground tit-for-tat rules.

Plus, unless you are prepared for a “You break it, you buy it” situation, can and always will get something worse. See: the Middle East at this moment in time.


So the actual people need to be the ones to do this.

It really would be better for future stability if the people of Moscow did it anyway.


See: the Middle East at this moment in time.

Or pretty much any point in time in the last several decades.


That’s why none of them will do it.


There is no way to convince me that the CIA, MI6, and/or Beijing couldn’t take him out if they wanted him gone, which makes me wonder why they wouldn’t, I guess World War III but it’s not like that’s not already a possibility


The CIA attempted to assassinate castro between 8 and 634 times


Different world between then and now, any claim of an attempt after the fall of the USSR is as sus as an Alabama national championship prior to 2000. Also I meant as mostly coordinated effort


Yes but he was a communist, not an oligarch, and by most accounts a pretty okay dude. So killing him was okay.


Yea they even got OBL murdered when they wanted. It seems that they just don’t want Putin gone for now, profits or “escalation” as a reason.

@MataVatnik@lemmy.world avatar

Because then Russia will try to assasinate US leaders


And that would be… Bad?

Presumably for like reasons or something?

@MataVatnik@lemmy.world avatar

Aside from the instability and resource pit this would cause, if you were making these decisions and you were to be the target of the retaliatory assasinations you can see why it would not be in your best interest to go down that path.

melpomenesclevage, (edited )

Yeah I see why they wouldn’t do it, but I don’t hate the idea. I could see a politicians name in the news, and feel some glimmer of hope.

I’m mostly pointing out (maybe elsewhere in this convo) that millions are dying to make some octogenarian kleptocrat shit heads whose raison fucking d’etre is grinding the young into a bloody paste by the millions to no tangible benefit.

@MataVatnik@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I feel you


Nah. These are all state actors. They don’t want to break the taboo on assassinating world leaders when they do atrocities, because they may want to do atrocities later.

So millions of poor fuckers die in the mud.


There isn’t a replacement in place for Putin that would be any different. Everyone that thinks and acts different is kept away from power in Russia. Pushed out of windows, deaths in prison or the aircraft falls out of the sky. There is a possibility that he is replaced by someone worse.

It’s much better if he is removed from power by Russians. The next leader has to be different and havs the support of the people. Intelligence services taking him out won’t achieve this. Your likely to get an extremists that tries to escalate the war in Ukraine.


That remains true as long as he doesn’t start a nuclear exchange. If he starts really leaning in that direction I would expect a change in calculus


There are smart people in Russia who need better things to do. This bullshit is out of control.


There needs to not be a ‘Russia’ after this. Split it up. Try to keep the regions peaceful and shit, but absolutely divide them politically, so one cannot say ‘Russia’ is a meaningful entity.


Yeah, we know how it went with Africa. Sure. You’d like to do that from the comfort of your home, right?


Africa was carved up with the intent to be exploitable, with minority regimes that needed colonial support in power and intentional ethnic and resource conflicts aplenty.

Don’t be a dick about it, carve it up based on extant cultural regions with balancedish resources, and it could work. At least closer to ‘works’ than having a ‘Russia’ is right now.

@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Russia will be paying back for these years, for decades to come.


Or just carve up Russia so no part us big enough to pull this shit again, and people there are less under the thumb of a handful of shit heads in Moscow/st Petersburg.

@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know really… carving up Africa, did not really work too well. Although it does make sense to divide it into smaller independent regions, I don’t see this happening to other mega countries like China, USA, India etc.


It basically has in the united states. I will be killed if I go to the CSA, but I’m only gonna get social murdered here on the west coast. I’d be pretty okay splitting off.Lotta people here would. Biggest problem is water, abd that’s going to shit anyway.


I’ve read some of your posts, and you seem a hell of a lot more murderous and psychotic than anyone I’ve ever met in the south.


Oh that sounds easy and like it surely would backfire spectacularly /s that’s how you get a nuclear war or similar.


You can’t convince me Russia’s nuclear arsenal works for shit, much less the missiles.

And even if one or two get through; still a net gain on human life over another year or ten of meat grinder warfare.

And if you put a bounty on Russian warheads…


Bring back Novgorod.


“…and Russia is thought to be responsible.”

Nooooooo… Russia? Really? They would neeeveeeer?


If anyone died that would've been article 5. Are they nuts?


Yes, but only if it can be proven it was absolutely Russia. And then it has to be proven that it was approved by their government as an official act, not just some vodka-soaked hackers somewhere in Siberia…


Russia already shot down a passenger jet and nothing happened.


That's quite different than attacking directly over the airspace of NATO members.


Also arguably an accident.

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