gregorum, to politics in Rudy Giuliani Should Be Forced To Sell Florida Condo To Pay Off Debts, Creditors Say

He should be forced to sell of ALL of his assets and then be forced to live in a rented rent-controlled apartment in Brownsville on SNAP and Cash Assistance for the rest of his life, riding 3 busses just to get to the subway while working a minimum-wage, overnight job at Target. If he’s lucky.

Why the fuck should he be treated any better? He’s a senile traitor. Fuck that guy!


Not to mention: remind us again why I should give a shit about a rich old asshole gangster lawyer going broke, when at the same time, said rich old asshole gangster lawyer would absolutely not care if anyone less fortunate was in the same position.


So you’re saying you’re no better than him?


Lol nah dude, not playing that game. Nazis and Nazi sympathizers do not get the benefit of the doubt. Rudy is a USDA Prime Grade-A unrepentant asshole gangster, and due to his obvious and direct connection to the worst elements of the Trump admin, is pretty clearly a fascism enthusiast.


He should also be forced to sue all of his own debtors and collect on outstanding debts, including the millions that Trump owes him.

obelix, to games in GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

Sounds like someone wants me to not buy their overpriced game.

abbotsbury, avatar

Rockstar’s games are the rare few I’d say are worth a full $60


That was before they started diarrhea shitting themselves since the founders left. GTA Trilogy, GTA+, and removing cars people paid for in Online is just a taste of things to come.

abbotsbury, avatar

I specifically mean their in-house single player games, so only GTA V and RDR2 for the last decade.


That’s what I mean, Rockstar was a brand you could trust until after RDR2. Founders left right after and you can see how things changed right after.


Yeah, they left and the change was IMMEDIATE. Holy moly the shit show that was RDO. If you were playing that game back then, you could see the crumbling of the company happening in real time, it was wild. RDO being left to rot is my Roman empire, and I wonder if the founders feel regret at all with how their creation was treated by the company they left. Or if they just dry their tears with hundos these days?

Heck, I don’t even feel like RDR2 lived up to it’s full potential before they left, what with post-game being the most buggy and unfinished-feeling part of the whole game. It felt like it was just waiting for DLC content to be added, since it was a huge patch of map with hardly anything going on. Sigh, who knows.


Too bad it will be at a minimum $70, and i bet with the hype, even $80, while also being chockful of microtransactions.


It’s Rockstar Games, they love microtransactions and Sharkcards and will more than likely implement more greed tactics into their next big game (GTA 6). I’m still pissed off over the bilking they did with the bunker series in GTA 5. They’re a ruthless, greedy company. And don’t forget those times they went after those fanboys/talented game designers who were revamping their old games like GTA 4. Those kids were super talented and Rockstar busted their asses like the mobsters they are. Fuck Rockstar and their next GTA greed fest.


Don’t call them mobsters, they probably think that sounds cool. More like corporate sell outs.


Yup. For every idiot like this, there’s an indie game or even a Larian Studios offering MUCH better bang for your bucks.

Rocketpoweredgorilla, to games in GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

Theoretically he can go fuck himself. All that is going to do is make games drag out mindless crap with no actual value entertainment-wise.


The most successful games are already like that, and I hate it. Give me a good story in a compact experience (luckily, still many examples for that).

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

First thing that comes to mind for me is Far Cry 6, where there is a few missions you have to find certain things without the aid of any quest markers.

Imagine a game like that with absolutely no markers and they take your map as well. At best you’d spend 3 times as long trying to finish the same game, and now they think they can charge you 3 times as much? Fuck that noise.

Kolanaki, to games in Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some avatar

These are the same people that thought the machine RATM was raging against was a refrigerator or something.


Thats amazing… also Jeez he is old… oh jeez… I’m old…


Also that Homelander was someone to idolize.

pandapoo, (edited ) to world in Another One Of Russia’s Nuclear-Proof Transports Just Got Blown Up In Ukraine

Intentionally misleading headline, but not technically incorrect.

These are designed to carry troops through an irradiated battle space and keep them safe from the fallout. At least while they’re inside and the filtration systems are functioning properly.

That doesn’t mean they were magically enhanced to be impervious to antimaterial weapons, or other types of kinetic damage that happen in combat.


Thanks for this, I didn’t know people thought that nuclear-proof meant that it could literally take a nuke. I certainly hope people haven’t been thinking that a MOPP suit will make one a super soldier impervious to nukes or anything considered a chemical (which could be interpreted as all matter).


That’s what I’d assume based on the name. If it’s radiation/fallout proof, I’d expect them to list it that way.

FuglyDuck, avatar

I assumed it was designed to survive some proximity to a nuclear strike. But definitely not a close-hit, or direct strike.

Far enough away and shielded enough that the flash of radiation doesn’t render its occupants immediately dead.


I know I was assuming that the Russians claimed that they were nuclear bomb proof, at least for the 30 seconds that I knew about them before I read this thread. Seeing the picture I didn’t believe that they were in in actuality.


Most people still think the explosion at Chernobyl was an accident.

What are you talkin about, everyone knows the longer you sweat in a MOPP suit the more rad resistance you develop, especially on a hot day


Plus, even if it was that kind of nuclear-proof, all that really means is that it can take the pressure of nuclear explosion over its body. Devices based on point pressure, like the kind used in anti-armor rounds or bunker buster bombs, can and do punch through nuclear-hardened targets.


As an example, RPGs use shaped charges to send a jet a molten copper through armor steel. Even though the devices may seem antiquated, they are extremely effective at burning holes through tanks. If that molten jet happens to come in contact with ammunition, it’s generally game over.


Just duct tape some EREC (explosive reactive egg cartons) on that bitch and you’ll be good to go.

Wizard_Pope, avatar

As far as I know the copper doesnt actually melt.


I have heard a few things, TBH. Everything in the range from simply vaporized and hot to the vaporized metal being in a near plasma state. Shrug.

Wikipedia gives a few numbers ranging from 660K to almost 1200K (copper melt temp is 1358K) from testing it quotes. It seems to be dependent on the cone alloy and the explosive type.

In practice, it’s probably is all over the place in regards to temperature. If you can round up a few RPGs, I would totally be down for some testing…

Wizard_Pope, avatar

Sadly I have neither the ability nor the funds to procure a couple RPGs.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

The article’s premise is that it is a very particular vehicle, the use of which points to scraping deep into the reserves.


Yeah, that’s the real story. They’re dragging out museum pieces. People who have been anticipating the T34 showing up are getting real excited.

JJROKCZ, to games in Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some

Same thing happens with WH40k and GW has to put out memos telling Nazis to fuck off every few years.

Media literacy is apparently difficult


Some people somehow miss the over the top, in your face satire of the Starship Troopers movie so I’m not surprised.


Professional reviewers missed the satire of the movie. Or pretended to as fake outrage sells papers better and being the loudest to scream offense means you’re the most right.

Honestly, I can’t tell anymore what’s an act, what’s shitposting being misread and what’s genuine. There’s no way to tell what’s a widely held belief and what’s a hand full of idiots in the corner being put on blast. Take Forbidden West and Stellar Blade. How many of the people making hours long rants about either actually play games? How can they? They’re spending all their time just chasing the outrage algorithm.


I personally choose to believe the people complaining about Aloys peach fuzz have never seen a real woman


If anyone says their favorite primarch is Konrad of the night lords… Keep an eye on em

melpomenesclevage, (edited )

Simple solution tho, ‘american gods’ nailed it.

See, they knew they were gonna have a Nazi problem; having one of the main characters be ‘sleazy grifter ultra american Odin on a quest to restore The Old Ways’ even though he’s transparently a total piece of shit and everyone knows it and hates him. (Especially with an actor that good playing him)

So they added a bunch of really explicit queer Fucking every season. Just gayed it UP. You think the taxi driver doesn’t do anything for the plot? He doesn’t directly. But he does keep the Nazis away for a whole season.

We just need to do this with all media! Just add long explicit queer fucking to everything, with no warning. Yeah it might be boring when the big climactic fight cuts from its beautifully choreographed martial arts set piece to some side character sucking his girlfriend’s dick outside, including foreplay and pillow talk, but I think we can agree; it’s worth it.


They put out a notice on the topic more than once?


If they want Nazis to stop liking Warhammer, they should try putting the satire back in it. It’s been fascist sympathy for decades at this point.

Short of the Emperor coming back and correcting his title to “Dictator of the Proletariat” I don’t even know how’d they’d fix it now.

Canonize Chaos just being rebels with no demons? Horus Heresy already canonized them as being even more fashy than the Imperium. Tyranids or Necrons or whoever winning wouldn’t do shit either. The chuds would just whine about people diverting resources from the war by fighting for “rights” and “food”

De_Narm, (edited ) to games in GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Sure, great idea, why wouldn’t I want more low quality padding content in my games? It’s not like they already have too much of it.

shalafi, to world in Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For ‘Withholding’ Weapons From Israel In Harshest Criticism Yet: ‘Inconceivable’

So why can’t Israel support itself after decades of the US pumping weapons and money?

I’m 100% done with Israel, and that’s coming from a middle-aged guy who was always a supporter. At this point, I honestly don’t care if the Arab world stomps them flat. Who could I possibly give a shit any longer?!

So thanks for bringing the plight of the Palestinians into my worldview and trashing the country’s reputation. I get it now. Clearly.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Israel can support itself. This is a huge con.

The defense industry of Israel is a strategically important sector and a large employer, as well as a major supplier of the Israel Defense Forces. The country is one of the world’s major exporters of military equipment, accounting for 10% of the world total in 2007. Three Israeli companies were listed on the 2022 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute index of the world’s top 100 arms-producing and military service companies: Elbit Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries and RAFAEL.[1] It is also a major player in the global arms market with a 2.3% share of the global exports of major arms as of 2023.[2] Total arms transfer agreements topped $12.9 billion between 2004 and 2011.[3] There are over 150 active defense companies based in the country with combined revenues of more than $3.5 billion annually.[4] Israeli defense equipment exports reached $7 billion in 2012, making it a 20 percent increase from the amount of defense-related exports in 2011. With the war in Ukraine, arms exports reached $12.5 billion in 2022.[5] Much of the exports are sold to the United States and Europe. Other major regions that purchase Israeli defense equipment include Southeast Asia and Latin America.[6][7][8] India is also major country for Israeli arms exports and has remained Israel’s largest arms market in the world.[9][10]


This is correct and I wish was more widely known.

mozz, avatar

I honestly don't care if the Arab world stomps them flat.

Standard disclaimer, this isn't an attempt to excuse Biden's support for Israel which is and has been unconscionable. But that being said:

I think the possibility of Israel being stomped flat is part of the calculus that underlies American support for them. They're surrounded by powerful enemies like Iran, and a whole unanimous coalition of nations full of military and political leaders who go to sleep at night dreaming of the lifelong stamp of heroism that would stem from being part of the holy alliance that finally wiped them out.

Whatever crimes against humanity their "defense" forces commit and are committing, the TV scenes of Arab soldiers gunning down fleeing Israeli civilians, ripping down the flags in Tel Aviv amid burning corpses, taking city after city, fighting a 20-on-1 dogpile of a war that would end with Israel erased from the map forever, guilty and the innocent alike, would get played on American TV in campaign commercials for 50 years. If it happened under Biden, the Democrats wouldn't win another election for at least a generation. Probably more.

And it could happen. The world is not a nice place. Part of running the State Department is dealing in horrifying outcomes like that, and it happens every year in a few places across the globe, to people we haven't taken pains to make friends and allies of (and sometimes even to people like the Kurds that we have).

We used to love like brothers and sisters various leaders all over the world who did genocidal things like Netanyahu, and I'm sure we still do, but it's not an everyday thing now like it was in the 80s and 90s. But there's some kind of crazy disconnect that fuels American support for Israel. There's a popular theory on Lemmy that it's simply because Biden is evil and loves genocide, and certainly AIPAC is a part and simple racism and lack of care for dying civilians in the Mideast is a part, but to me I think one of the powerful drivers is the fear of what might happen if the rest of the Middle East ever got the idea that they could try to fuck up Israel and the US might not be there to make sure it didn't happen.

Let the accusations commence. Like I say, I'm trying to explain, not to excuse, and besides nothing in any of that above would have stopped them having the CIA snatch Netanyahu three months ago and deliver him to the Hague in a rubber sack with a note that says "We still love Israel but this guy can get fucked."

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

having the CIA snatch Netanyahu three months ago and deliver him to the Hague in a rubber sack with a note that says “We still love Israel but this guy can get fucked.”

Oh, I wouldn’t do that. Just drop him in the middle of Rafah and let him walk home.

mozz, avatar

"What's the matter, tough guy? Don't they have a right to fight their enemies? Don't they have a right to defend themselves, with or without international support?"


The scenario you describe is so far from reality that it’s hard to take as something other than a creative writing exercise. Israel is not existentially threatened at all. The IDF is far better equipped than all the other countries in the region and Israel was just in the process of normalizing relations with some of its neighbors, including Saudi Arabia. All the military support from the USA isn’t saving anyone, it’s just funneled there to keep the military industrial complex happy and kill Palestinian children as a byproduct.

mozz, avatar

The IDF is far better equipped than all the other countries in the region

Individually, probably so. Collectively?

There's a fuck of a lot of countries there. Some of them (Saudi Arabia) have bigger militaries than Israel even individually, and some of them (Iran) have lots of land and people and some certain amount of money, and lots of alliances with lots of rowdy guys with guns and rockets.

Israel and MBS and the West being all buddy buddy with each other and fuck what 99.9% of the people in that part of the world think about it, is one of those things that can change.

it's just funneled there to keep the military industrial complex happy

I won't at all disagree with that. All the homies love big weapons packages. Whatever else is going on in the world, throwing over a hundred billion dollars to weapons suppliers is always a popular decision in DC.

and kill Palestinian children as a byproduct

I don't at all believe that killing children is affirmatively a priority in Washington. I think that depending on the nationality of the children, it can be an acceptable item on the balance sheet to be factored in against other priorities. 😢


But there’s some kind of crazy disconnect that fuels American support for Israel.

Lemmy is stupid, so you shouldn’t pay attention to popular lemmy theories. But you’ve got it wrong too.

Christians need Israel to exist in order for their prophecy to be fulfilled. That’s the reason for the vast majority of the support Israel gets in the US. They don’t care about Israel as a state, or Jews, or anything else. It’s just a practical matter. One of the preconditions for the End Times is Israel existing.

mozz, avatar

That variety of "Christian" certainly exists in America but I don't think they are as powerful as they used to be and I don't think they are in charge of the State Department (I mean... not currently, at least.)


You probably only think that because you’ve gone out of your way to exclude them from your life. They still very much exist. They’re a majority of people who care about the middle east in any way.

and I don’t think they are in charge of the State Department

Anything that popular has sway with the government.


You don’t live here and aren’t paying attention then…

Those are exactly the people in control of the Republican party right now and the ones Trump is promising the world to in his bid to get elected. (And become a dictator)

mozz, avatar

Hence why I said not currently


But the Republicans have that power NOW. They don’t have complete power, but that doesn’t mean they and their policies aren’t affecting the US.

Baroness_Buttslut, avatar

Surrounded by powerful armies like Iran

Take a good look at a map, buddy.

mozz, avatar

You should definitely color Lebanon.

mozz, avatar

You are correct. I wasn't trying to be super accurate about it, just trying to make the point, but Lebanon is an important omission.


Fascists make the world their enemy and then claim everyone is out to get them.

It’s actually a pretty core aspect of the 40k universe btw, just throwing that out there because no one seems to bring it up.

mozz, avatar

It's absolutely true. I'm just talking about how the US may be viewing the realpolitik of the situation and their interest in it, not saying anything about if it's just or unjust. If you want my judgement about it, Israel did it to themselves this situation, yes, 100%.


There are many bases in other countries willing to work with the US. Saudi Arabia appears a more conforming “ally” than Israel.

theacharnian, avatar

Some of the blue countries are in very good terms with Israel.

hark, (edited ) avatar

the TV scenes of Arab soldiers gunning down fleeing Israeli civilians, ripping down the flags in Tel Aviv amid burning corpses, taking city after city, fighting a 20-on-1 dogpile of a war that would end with Israel erased from the map forever, guilty and the innocent alike, would get played on American TV in campaign commercials for 50 years. If it happened under Biden, the Democrats wouldn’t win another election for at least a generation. Probably more.

But if footage of what’s actually happening to Palestinians right now is shown then nothing happens? Their lives aren’t worth anything in the eyes of Americans?

mozz, avatar

You broke the code yes


It is changing slowly but that doesn’t do anything for someone whose child is dying quickly, right now

Part of it is just the news. They would present it VERY differently and in a much more compelling fashion than they present what’s happening in Palestine today. But that’s only part. The average American also cares far more about white people and countries that are “our friends” than they do about people who are neither of those things.

Buelldozer, avatar

At this point, I honestly don’t care if the Arab world stomps them flat.

You would likely end up caring a whole helluva lot when Israel hammers their red funni button and turns the capital cities of the attacking nations into glass.

People can claim that they wouldn’t do it but THE use case for nukes is existential threat…and that’s exactly what you’re describing. Its in those exact situations that Atomic Fire comes out to play.


That's an interesting thought experiment you prompted. I think Bibi would hit the button before Kim or Putin. It's a craps shoot though. Pun not intended.


Who is bibi ?, I know who Kim and putin are but not whoever that is


Netanyahu’s nickname is Bibi.


Definitely Bibi first no question.

The other two are way more of a toss up.


Idk, but it's interesting to contemplate, especially since I just learned after I posted that that Kim and Putin have entered a new agreement. This timeline is certainly exciting, but I'm ready to jump to another!


Right? Benny nets has completely ruined any good faith left in the world for the jews after the holocaust. (by that I mean Israel, not Jewish people abroad)


Israel has plenty of supporters. I'm sorry for the Israelis who view this with dismay and will suffer for it.

cabron_offsets, to world in Incredibly, The Russian Air Force Has Lost Another Rare A-50 Radar Plane

Fuck russia. And send the republican traitor filth to fight for their motherland.

BunkerBuster, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ At 200 Peak Steam Players: At What Point Do You Abandon A Live Roadmap?

At What Point Do You Abandon A Live Roadmap?

Sometime during the design phase if you ask me.

sylver_dragon, to world in Ukraine packed a Cessna-style plane with explosives, added remote controls and kamikaze’d it into a Russian drone factory 600 miles away

This is pretty embarrassing for Russian air defense. Though, I also wonder if they were hesitant to shoot down an unidentified aircraft after multiple cases of friendly fire bringing down VKS aircraft. I’m also amazed that there was seemingly no Electronic Warfare (EW) systems in the area to prevent remote control of drones. Sure, there are EW countermeasures, but this seems like a pretty significant failure that this drone could be flown in from that far away.


maybe it wasn’t remote controlled as much as pre-programmed?


Seems probable yes. Although it would still require GPS to keep its heading which can be jammed

Xtallll, avatar

Commercial aircraft have IMUs that carefully measure acceleration to get its position, IMUs are more accurate and reliable than GPS so GPS is the backup system.


Right, totally forgot about that


“dead reckoning” is the technical term for precalculated navigation, adjusting the path only from sensors like IMUs

(unless they used stuff like cameras and POI based navigation, but that seems unlikely)

I don’t think it’s correct to say normal planes use IMU more than GPS, they’re all complementary. GPS tells the general direction and the IMU helps keeping the plane stable (no sudden jerks to turn when the GPS drifts). And ground radar tells the plane when it’s too far off the path.


“Dead reckoning” as in “dead reckoning” as in “deduced reckoning”. It’s the same kind of navigating people have done on boats for millennia. You start from a known point and move in a specific direction at a known speed for a specific amount of time. Then you change your speed and/or direction for another specific amount of time. And so on. If you have the ability to do so then you update your known position along the way via known landmarks you might pass.


Yeah but the errors creep up, so if you don’t see the islands of hope after sailing for 18 days at speed x, you’re fucked :-)

That’s why you have several systems, like gps to periodically try to get a good signal, or manual override.


An alternative is terrain mapping. You look at the terrain bellow you and compare in a database. Tomahawks navigate that way.

That navigation system was originally designed for the US nuclear powered doomsday cruise missile which would have zoomed across the USSR at supersonic speeds, low altitude, spewing radiation as it goes and dropping the occasional nuke. It could have done this for days.

Thrashy, avatar

Given what they’ve done elsewhere I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 100% remote-piloted via satellite internet (most of their sea drones are controlled via Starlink, for instance) but in the case of fixed infrastructure, a smart fusion of GPS, IMU, and potentially video image matching for terminal guidance (these aren’t big bombs in the grand scheme of things and it’s important to hit the right part of a sprawling refinery or factory complex in order to knock it out for an appreciable amount of time) could overcome GPS jamming, and be well within the technical capabilities of the Ukrainian arms industry. TERCOM as implemented in the Tomahawk runs on early-80’s computing power, and it’s only gotten easier. Machine vision frameworks are widely available and well-understood software these days, and can run on fairly modest hobby hardware to boot.


I doubt an imu could have so little drift that it could hit a certain building though. I bet the gps just worked, I mean this was a place that people lived and used tech, not exactly an active warzone with gps jamming.


The IMU probably drifts by some small percentge but an intermittent GPS signal every few kilometers should ensure that it never gets too far off course.


But this thing a particular building at 600 miles. I doubt IMUs can be that good.


They were busy jamming the European airspace


While embarrassing, the environment in which that happened was entirely different. You had Regan and Gorbachev actively working to improve relations. And no one was actively trying to blow up Soviet infrastructure. You’d think the Russian air defenses would be a bit more sensitive to small aircraft coming from Ukraine in this environment.


I heard they can stop nukes. I don’t believe it.

NOT_RICK, avatar

Having a massive landmass has been a huge boon to Russia historically, but we’re seeing the inverse now with all these long range precision guided munitions. They have too much land to cover with adequate air defense, it seems

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, to politics in Companies Targeted For Pride Support Last Year Go Quiet On Social Media In 2024 avatar

Oh look, there it is…proof these companies never gave a flying fuck in the first place.

AutistoMephisto, avatar

At first I was going to disagree, but then I thought about it and realized that if they truly gave a fuck, they wouldn’t have let the crybullies win in an attempt to claw back their dollars.

PunnyName, to world in Ukraine packed a Cessna-style plane with explosives, added remote controls and kamikaze’d it into a Russian drone factory 600 miles away
Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

There were so many moments like that in this war. The grandma giving Russian soldiers sunflower seeds to put in their pockets so they grow when they die. The guy berating Russian soldiers saying “Every other woman here is a witch! All your dicks are going to fall off!” Zelensky saying “I don’t need a ride I need ammunition.”

Though I don’t know what else I’d expect from people who told the Ottoman Empire to go fuck itself.

theodewere, to world in Incredibly, The Russian Air Force Has Lost Another Rare A-50 Radar Plane avatar

As much as the airframe loss hurts, the loss of 15 experienced airmen might hurt worse. Russian air ops “are constrained by the availability of pilots with sufficient experience to carry out key missions,” analysts Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds wrote in a recent study for the Royal United Services Institute in London.

maybe the pilot situation is causing the high rate of airframe losses recently

nexusband, avatar

It’s definitely not helping - especially since Russian planes are quite difficult to fly. Most of them have zero automation


That’s sad considering their shuttle could basically land itself. I guess those engineers were on the Ukrainian side

nexusband, avatar

I mean, Russia was pretty shit overall and they’ve been trying to change history books and inventions for something in russia. Computers famously where made in Hungary, Rockets and basically anyhting that properly flew in ukraine…and so on.


The best parts of Russia always leave.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

To paraphrase Maciej Cegłowski on the Space Shuttle, when the Russians steal your design and then add safety features, then you know you fucked up.

SteefLem, to games in WB Thinks ‘Hogwarts Legacy 2’ Should Be A Live Service avatar

Seriously. There isn’t a single live service thing I enjoy. Windows 11 has a bunch of live service integrations, one of which effectively bricked my gaming laptop because Microsoft can’t be assed to git revert a change to their website. I’m rocking Linux now and not looking back.

SteefLem, avatar

Live service if done right can work. Problem is these companies do the absolute minimum and that just doesnt work. Like most thing they have to put some effort in it, but hey that costs money and thats a no no So im not necessary against live service but knowing these companies just do fuck all, then well just No


Right. Wasn’t Overwatch considered live service? I put tons of hours into it before they shut it down permanently.


I put tons of hours into it before they shut it down permanently.

Which is one of the major problems with Live Service. Sure, not everyone plays older games, but I know I have a number of titles I return to regularly. Hell, one of my favorite games of all times was released in 1989 and I still go back an re-play it from time to time. Any game which releases as “Live Service” and requires an always on-line connection to some server which I don’t host can go eat a bag of dicks.

Zorsith, avatar

Hell, if they can at least be decent enough to ALLOW self-hosting servers, that’d be great


Let’s call Live Service what it really is, company hosted anti-piracy because they don’t want to pay/implement Denuvo


That’s just always online. Live Service is milking customers for more money on top of the already full priced game, because just releasing a product that’s good and is the best selling game of that year wasn’t profitable enough for the vampires at the top of the company.

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