Harry_h0udini, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡 avatar

Give a shot for Fedora!

just_another_person, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Then…I guess stop using it? What’s your issue exactly? You have a plethora of alternatives.


How dare people complain about something they don’t like!

That aside, the article is shitty lol


When you start thinking that everyone on the Internet deserves to hear your opinions on everything, it’s time to shut the fuck up. This guy is at that step, and this “article” has no information in it that could be deemed useful to a reader.


I think they had a point, but they didn’t care to make a high quality writing out of it. It’s basically a rant


I think he has a point that Canonical is sabotaging Windows emigrants' core user experience to force their Snaps


for sure! Just didn’t like the presentation.


I wish Ubuntu wasn’t standard


How do you mean?

exscape, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡 avatar

Ubuntu is just getting worse and worse. I was pretty happy running Ubuntu server for years after moving from Gentoo; I jag lost interest in spending time taking care for that server and wanted something easy.

I went to Debian half a year ago and it's been great. Should've done it earlier.


I gave up Ubuntu when they switched Firefox to a snap

leadore, avatar

I gave up Ubuntu when they switched to the Unity desktop. ugh!


Yup, that was a whole kerfuffle. That is what got me to stop installing Ubuntu.


I never understood why people run Ubuntu on servers. It's madness. Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages. You don't want unstable on your server!

Ubuntu on Desktop I can understand. Back in the days the Debian release was really long so much software was a tad outdated after a couple of years. But Debian had a much faster release cycle now, and had pretty much incorporated all the good stuff from Ubuntu and left the bad behind.

woelkchen, avatar

You don’t want unstable on your server!

“But they are maintaiend for 5 years!”


Ubuntu on Desktop I can understand.

Not anymore. A whole extra, unneeded, proprietary, locked-in package system. Ads in the default install.

There’s Mint, Pop!, and plenty of other options that actually respect the user.


Definitely. But back in the day it was good for desktops. Ubuntu has never been good for servers.



jyte, (edited )

Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages

And where do you think debian stable packages come from exactly ?..

it’s basicaly the exact same thing. In both case :

  • At some point freeze unstable (snapshot unstable in case of ubuntu),
  • fix bugs found in the frozen set of packages,
  • release as stable.

Mhm I have Ubuntu LTS on my server because my VPS provider provided me with it. :/


Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages. You don’t want unstable on your server!

Unstable does not mean crashes all the time. What makes them unstable on Debian is they can change and break API completely. But guess what, Ubuntu freezes the versions for their release and maintains their own security patches, completely mitigating that issue.

There are other reasons you might not want to use Ubuntu on a server but package version stability is not one of them.


It was awesome back when during the install you could just select "LAMP", and a full stack web server suite would be automatically set up and configured correctly out of the box. But those days are long gone.

AnUnusualRelic, (edited ) avatar

A lot of distributions do that. OpenSuSE does that. And at least it’s the kind of industrial rated system that will just keep chugging along no matter what you throw at it.


Yeah now they do. Back in the early 2000s, I only remember Ubuntu having just a single option to install everything needed to be up and running on first boot. Everything else needed some tweaking of configs and quite a bit of domain knowledge to get started at the time. It's what jumpstarted me into PHP development.


sudo tasksel lamp?


We should be clear on our terminology here. Debian Unstable is called that because the package “versions” are not stable ( change ). It is not really a comment on quality although more frequent change also implies more opportunities for issues to be introduced. In Unstable, Debian may introduce disruptive changes either to configuration or even to the package library itself.

Regardless, taking a snapshot of Debian unstable and then separately supporting those packages completely eliminates these issues. That is what Ubuntu does.

Ubuntu LTS now offers up to 10 years of support without having to upgrade a release. This is far more “stable” than anything in Debian, including of course “Debian Stsble”. In fact, it exceeds the stability of Red Hat Enterprise.

I have not used Ubuntu in many years but I have been considering using it again for some server use cases precisely because it is now so “stable”. I still do not like Ubuntu on the desktop and do not like snaps in particular. I do not think snaps impact any of the server packages I would use though and I do not expect Canonical to introduce them during the support lifetime of a particular release.

For personal use, the 10 years of support is entirely free. That is pretty compelling.


I feel that.

Three years ago I moved to fedora and RHEL based distros like Rocky for my devices and servers because I’ve gotten suck of Canonical’s shit. Don’t regret it.


I’m personally interested in Rocky Linux (for servers)

banazir, (edited ) to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Disappoint is a sober word here. I am actually pissed at the casual arrogance of Ubuntu and its parent company Canonical.

I’m actually baffled that this would come as a surprise to people. Canonical has been like this for a long time and you’d have to have blinders on to not see it. They are hell-bent on doing things their way and ignoring the wider Linux community and even their users. That is, of course, their prerogative and to some degree I even welcome their attempts at differentiating their distro from others. As a user though you should be aware of their history and the apparent direction they’re heading.

I just wish they’d stop stalling and went all-in on snaps already, since that’s pretty obviously where they’re headed.


Remember Unity? They got it popular and well liked and then killed it.

Vincent, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

The sheer audacity and arrogance of giving me something for free and not caring* about me.

  • “Not caring” presumably means “not doing something about my pet issue”, but I’m not going to take the clickbait.

The software is broken in an obvious way, even though it used to work and they could just roll it back for the release.

They are actively trying to harm the community to somehow “force” users into snaps.


It’s about not being able to install .deb packages through the installation GUI.

The whole snap issue is hardly a pet peeve. Let alone in an LTS release.

troed, avatar

Ubuntu user here. You can/could install .deb packages with the UI?



as far as I remember I could always double click the .deb and the GUI would let me install it, pretty handy. Aaand it stopped working some time ago. I’m not using ubuntu outside of work and there’s not much system package installing in work environments so I’m out of touch now, but it was handy at the time.


The discord snap is basically unusable for me so that’s the only way I can have discord installed. I’ll probably switch away from kubuntu next time if it inherited this problem.


There’s the flatpak too, that’s the version I use alongside webcord in arch.

Moghul, (edited )

Does that have auto updates? It’s kind of annoying to download debs every week.

I’m not super well versed, I’m a Linux casual.


you can go into the command line and write “flatpak upgrade”, but every time I open the discord app it apparently downloads something, idk if it’s self updating correctly or not.


I’ll see if I can enable it in Discover and run updates through that. Thanks for the tip.


You can everywhere else


giving me something for free

What are you talking about? It is not even “for free”, they get a lot value from the community.

They’re nothing without the users, it’s not that they would be making it if nobody uses it anyways. Users used to love them, they trusted them, they went on spreading their system, reported issues, created tutorials, flavors, videos, tools, and so on, they helped Cannonical become what it is now.

I don’t think they’re giving us anything “for free.”


They’re getting “exposure”?

fox2263, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Is this snap stuff something the Ubuntu variants avoid I.e Ubuntu studio and Ubuntu budgie?

Rustmilian, avatar

Does Linux Mint count as an “Ubuntu variant”?


Well, it’s complicated, isn’t it?

Ubuntu is built on Debian’s skeleton. RHEL is built on Fedora. Many more examples.

Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, but in a much deeper and more connected way than Ubuntu is based on Debian. It even shares many of the same software repositories.

The next closer level is how Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Kubuntu are just slight variations of Ubuntu. People like to call these “flavours”.

Finally, you get to the closest layer—the thousands of people who have taken a stock Ubuntu installation and swapped out one or two components to meet their requirements. We don’t even think of these as distros in their own right.

It’s a continuous spectrum, and any labels we try to apply will be pretty much guaranteed to have fuzzy edges.


No. It based on Ubuntu but without all the bullshit. .deb ist standard and flatpak is also built in. Whenever both are available, you get a choice right from the software manager. Mint is very much its own thing and great if you want to ditch Ubuntu.

syaochan, avatar

@Rustmilian classic Mint is basically Ubuntu without snap. Then there's Mint Debian edition which is built on Debian (sort of insurance if Ubuntu goes Red Hat way).


Ubuntu variants are required to use snap if they are to be considered official

avidamoeba, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡 avatar

I could barely make out the straw man hiding between the ads. The author is working hard for them clicks!


It's 2024, use an adblocker


Ublock origin


Why anyone browses the web in 2024 without an adblocker is completely beyond my ability to understand. You get zero sympathy from me.

avidamoeba, avatar

Yeah, I wonder why the author puts ads on their website in 2024 too.

LittleWizard, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Does this mean you have to use apt-get to get the deb version again? Or is there an even more complicated command? I’m wondering what happens for the other Ubuntu flavors. I’m usually running Kubuntu.


Canonical even patched apt a bit so it prefers to install snaps first.


That really pissed me off in 2018


Even apt is deliberately broken:

“[If] You use ‘sudo apt install chromium’, you get a Snap package of Chromium instead of Debian”




Why does this break apt? Just because, I assume (I am using Debian btw), it installs a placeholder deb-package which, while running the postinst script, installs chromium via snap commands?


It doesn’t break apt, apt just prefers snaps now.

This is as they designed it.

The issue here is that people don’t like this other thing and so the distribution which has been moving towards this other thing for like a decade now I guess is the bad guy for continuing to work towards that goal.


It doesn’t break apt, Canonical just broke their version of apt just to prefer snaps now.



OK, so it’s actually apt itself that’s different on Ubuntu, not just fake/virtual/transitional deb packages in their repos.


This was where I rage quit. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea?

woelkchen, avatar

Who in the hell thought it was a good idea?

Marc Shuttleworth


I have serious doubts about that due to the role of early Ubuntu in popularizing desktop Linux. For many including me, Ubuntu was the first taste of GNU/Linux and it was a breath of fresh air compared to the contemporary clumsy and cumbersome distros like Fedora. Only Ubuntu from those days has any resemblance to the experience we expect from desktop Linux today.

The problems at Canonical seems like a systemic institutional issue, probably related to egotistic management with temper issues. That of course means that Shuttleworth is the source of those personality disorders. But still…

woelkchen, avatar

I have serious doubts about that due to the role of early Ubuntu in popularizing desktop Linux.

Ubuntu didn’t move overall Linux market share at all. It just took the “gateway drug” role from Mandrake/Mandriva.


Same here, it’s the reason why I kicked Ubuntu off my laptop. They removed any way to choose and made it such a pain to get around the Snap bullshit. I’m on Linux because I want to choose what I do with my system.




It is a good idea. Imagine you are completely new to Ubuntu and want to install chromium. You’re gonna search on Google how to do that and you will probably find an old article telling you to use APT. If ‘sudo apt install chromium’ did not work it would be very frustrating.


Only reason it wouldn’t work is Canonical killing the .deb package. That was an unforced error. So no, still not a good idea.


Seriously? Wow. That moves the whole thing into asshole territory. I’m glad I went with a distro that prioritizes not being shitty.


Same with firefox


It is about installing .deb that you manually downloaded from somewhere. You can’t install them by double clicking on them, you have to install from command line.


You absolutely could in the past.

0xtero, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Someone being enraged about snap on behalf of Windows users was certainly a take I didn’t know I needed.

barbara, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

It’s astonishing.

Fedora introduced a whole new distro where you can’t install anything with dnf anymore and people love it. People love using flatpaks instead (yes I know of all the shortcomings, but you can always choose another install method for that broken package). And ubuntu users just hate ubuntu for what they do. The difference may also be that fedora gives a choice to the user and does not directly force it

Rustmilian, (edited ) avatar

Fedora Silverblue is in an entirely different ball game. You can’t use dnf because it’s an immutable image based system where you can’t make direct changes to the Root system without making use of the rpm-ostree & VCS mechanisms. You’re making a conscious choice by using Fedora Silverblue, and the pros out way the cons for most people making that choice.
In contrast Fedora Workstation allows you to use dnf just as normal because it’s not an immutable image based system.
Ubuntu doesn’t make use of any such system so their reliance on containerized user-space apps isn’t a technical one.

skullgiver, avatar


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  • technom, (edited )

    Mir is not a good example of distro engineering, because it’s an extreme case of NIH syndrome. Unlike what it is today, the original Mir was an alternative to Wayland.

    The story started when Canonical decided that X isn’t good enough and they needed an alternative. They chose Wayland first, exciting the entire Linux desktop community. But then they dropped Wayland in favor of the new in-house Mir project, citing several drawbacks to Wayland. The Wayland community responded with several articles explaining why Canonicals concerns were unwarranted. But in typical Canonical style, they simply neglected all the replies and stuck with Mir.

    This irked the entire Linux community who promised to promote Wayland and not support Mir at all. This continued for a while until Canonical realized their mistake late, like always. Then they repurposed Mir as a Wayland compositor.

    Now this is a repeating story. You see this with Flatpak vs Snap, Incus vs LXD, etc. The amount of high handedness we see from Canonical is incredible.


    FYI my understanding is that Incus is forked from LXD, because nobody trusts Canonical any longer. I don’t think LXD itself is them doing the thing that makes them untrustworthy.

    You might be referring to something they have done since then, apologies if I misunderstood. Wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to make it a Snap or force Snaps into it.


    LXD was under the Linux containers project earlier. After the Canonical takeover of LXD, the following changes were made:

    1. The repo privileges of the original LXD developers were revoked. Those developers are driving the development of Incus now.
    2. LXD’s license was changed to AGPL+CLA

    The first point means that Incus is the true successor of the original LXD. The current LXD is a jealously guarded pet project of Canonical in the same manner as Snap and Mir.

    As for the second point, I’m usually a proponent of AGPL. But CLA corrupts it so much that it’s more harmful than with a permissive license. The real intention of this license change is to prevent Incus from incorporating changes from LXD (since the copyleft license of LXD code is incompatible with the permissive license of Incus). Meanwhile LXD continues to incorporate changes from Incus, although the Incus developers haven’t signed any CLA. This move by Canonical is in very bad faith, IMO.

    So yes - I consider LXD to be untrustworthy. But that doesn’t cover the old LXD code, its developers or its community. Those transformed fully into the Incus project the same way OpenOffice was forked into LibreOffice. And I don’t trust the LXD name anymore in the same way nobody trusted the OpenOffice name after the fork (before it was donated to the Apache foundation).


    Oh, yep, that’s shady and bad behavior. Thank you.


    Well there is immutable, which you probably refer to with Fedoras new distro, and then there is Canonical pushing their shitty snap format, and kinda non-sideloading. Can’t wait for the day when apt only ever allows to install snap packages.

    Guenther_Amanita, (edited )

    The difference with Fedora Atomic, which I think you refer to, is that it’s totally open. For example, people started using the OCI containers differently than Fedora intended, which resulted in uBlue and stuff like Bazzite.

    Also, no one forces you to use Flatpak. You can still use Distrobox and use Pacman/ APT/ DNF/ whatever you prefer and export your apps that way. It’s just that Flatpak “won” and doesn’t have many drawbacks, and is very convenient. I mostly like them.

    And, most importantly, Fedora is the fronteer of innovation.
    There were many projects and ideas that failed, but many more succedded (Wayland, image based distros, etc.), and Project Atomic is just one more “testing ground” that is well thought out imo. Therefore people are expecting to “test out” new generation Linux stuff, it’s just part of Fedora. If you don’t like that, use Debian instead.

    I can recommend you to give Fedora Atomic a chance, it’s an extremely nice family of distros (e.g. Bluefin/ Aurora, Bazzite, etc.)!

    Edit: one more thing is that Fedora is, in contrast to Ubuntu, not controlled by a company. RedHat doesn’t have nearly as much influence as people think, it’s mainly community driven, and therefore choices aren’t (in theory) influenced by $$$

    woelkchen, avatar

    And, most importantly, Fedora is the fronteer of innovation.

    What I find impressive about this is that they turn this into a stable product. Early Fedora Core was more of an experimental distribution but those times are long gone (IIRC around Fedora 19).


    Fedora Atomic a chance, it’s an extremely nice family of distros (e.g. Bluefin/ Aurora, Bazzite, etc.)!

    Can you elaborate on this? I landed on nix for my PC turned server and haven’t regretted it, but I’ve been hesitant to go all in on my main laptop (I’m wary of my laptop iGPU and GPU switching becoming a config issue, and I’m dreading having to configure my wsl dev environments again…)

    Windows is getting blatantly terrible enough I know I’m just putting it off, maybe a cool new technology might help make it sound more fun


    I don’t know what I should say tbh 😅
    For the start, you can read my post about image based distros:

    Imo, Fedora Atomic is NixOS made easy. You can go to the uBlue-builder and modify a custom image if you’re a tinkerer.
    NixOS is down-to-top (local config file that defines your host), while uBlue is top-to-bottom (you modify an image, image gets built on GitHub and then shipped to you).
    This allows you to fork or create an existing “distro” without having to maintain a whole distro yourself.

    Other than that, especially uBlue is extremely user friendly imo.

    • It updates itself in the background, updates get staged and applied after you’ve shut down your PC in the evening.
    • You can rebase anytime you want to another flavor, e.g. I switched to KDE 6 from Gnome after it came out.
    • You have to use containers for everything (mostly Flatpak, but also Distrobox or Nix)
    • It’s ultra low maintenance and even more reliable, you can boot into an old image if a new update broke anything or made something buggy
    • For a casual user, not distinguishable from regular Fedora
    • And much more

    I love nothing else more.


    Ok, when I googled it earlier I saw “containers and roll back to previous version” and I made a note to do more reading

    Your write up was good, much clearer than what’s on fedora and Wikipedia. And the fact you pitched immutable OS’s in general first caught my attention… The concept is a no brainer. Decouple the os and the rest of the software, and don’t bother digging into one of a kind conflicts when updating things - just make it rebuildable and create it fresh. You never know when the wrong bit will flip

    Nix’s “learn this one thing, configure it once, and you’re done” stuck in my head. And after a different distros, a couple lines installed Nvidia, Nvidia’s docker package and docker

    But then I had to configure WiFi and spend half an hour learning why I couldn’t mount an external drive and how to manage it… I still have no regrets, I’ve got a USB that should start converting my friends and family’s old PCs into a self organizing AI/self hosting cluster… Hopefully it works next month lol

    But not what I want in a daily driver. I want something that’ll quickly do what I tell it and gracefully handle the fact I have 6 versions of Java and no idea why I need a version from 2018 specifically. And that I’m going to add a repo to install something and instantly forget what I did if it seems like the best path forward at the time

    You’ve sold that pretty well - my takeaway was that atomic fedora is very modular and low side effect and also an interchangable foundation I can swap out and roll back easily… At this point, if it can run containers and the drivers I need, it sounds like a great option.

    I used to use VMs so every 6-12 months I could start clean with the latest and run setup scripts for my dependencies… It was just easier than debugging some conflict. This sounds even cleaner - I swap out the base at will, and the stuff I’ve built on it should stay intact. Plus it sounds much more testable

    So my main concern is will it run on an HP omen - it has zero Linux support and a bunch of concerning driver needs, but it does have a second m2 slot… What’s the worst that can happen? Except apparently some models forget they have fans in Linux and I just know the iGPU-GPU switch will cause some problem with sleeping… But Windows is only going to get worse

    Now that you’ve convinced me this might be the best course (I only see less problems than other distros would have), and I’ve talked myself into giving it a go, is there any recommended reading or key concepts I should look into? Any particular flavor(s) you’d point me to first?


    Now that you’ve convinced me this might be the best course (I only see less problems than other distros would have)

    Sometimes, software, especially install scripts for something, are less common for Silverblue, but executing those is very risky anyway and I never felt the need for it.

    And, as I said, some things just work differently. But NixOS is one million times worse than that in that regard, so don’t worry about it. You shouldn’t have many issues.

    any recommended reading or key concepts I should look into? Any particular flavor(s) you’d point me to first?

    I don’t know. In my opinion, my post should cover most stuff concepts and differences.

    Don’t worry about it, you’ll use Flatpak anyway most of the time, and it updates itself automatically, so the package manager (rpm-ostree) doesn’t matter much for you.
    You can still use your prefered package manager (apt, dnf, etc.) in Distrobox.

    Other than that, just don’t worry and use your laptop for whatever you want to do.

    And about flavor choice, there are a few options:

    • Bazzite is mainly if you game a lot
    • Bluefin and Aurora are the same, just in Gnome or KDE. It’s basically Bazzite without gaming stuff
    • Secureblue, which features security hardening tweaks
    • Wayblue, which is with River, Wayland, and more
    • And of course all different DE-spins, e.g. Sway, Budgie, etc.

    Just go to the uBlue homepage and see for yourself what appeals to you :)


    Well hey listen, I appreciate it. I would’ve spent who knows how long waffling between distos that I don’t feel drawn to, and even if I came across an atomic flavor, I probably would’ve just assumed it was marketing fluff

    Good ideas need advocates, and this is a good idea… It’s a promise of an OS I want, not just running from one I don’t

    I’m probably going to look at bazzite first. If I have containers that can run LLMs on my GPU, that checks off everything on my wish list except gaming. I’ll read up on it though, you’ve given me the context I need to care about learning more

    Dirk, avatar

    People love using flatpaks instead (yes I know of all the shortcomings, but you can always choose another install method for that broken package).

    Not on Ubuntu nor Fedora, but yes: If a “larger” package breaks on update and there is no fix available and I use that application on a pretty much daily basis, then I remove it and install the Flatpak variant.

    Flatpaks are slower, do not work super well with Wayland (especially scaling, some applications have GIANT text, some have 5 pixels large text, but fortunately I was able to circumvent those issues for most applications I use via Flatpak), and you need to run another system for updates and updates are friggin slow.

    There is also this monstrosity ...It is not fault-proof and it throws an error if there no older drivers, but this prevents accumulation of outdated Nvidia driver packages (at one point I had nearly 30 different variants installed, resulting of a couple of gigabytes of unused drivers that are “updated” every time I ran flatpak update). bash flatpak-update () { LATEST_NVIDIA=$(flatpak list | grep “GL.nvidia” | cut -f2 | cut -d ‘.’ -f5) flatpak update flatpak remove --unused --delete-data flatpak list | grep org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia- | cut -f2 | grep -v “$LATEST_NVIDIA” | xargs -o flatpak uninstall flatpak repair flatpak update }

    On the other hand, the applications provided via Flatpak just work.

    And messing with 32 bits multilib dependency hell for Steam or installing pretty much half of Kde just for Kdenlive simply isn’t something I want.

    fortified_banana, (edited )

    I think they got the nvidia driver accumulation thing straightened out. On Fedora 40, I had it automatically remove a bunch of older versions and now it only lists the 64 and 32 bit versions I expect it to.

    <span style="color:#323232;">$ flatpak list | grep nvidia
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">nvidia-550-76	org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-550-76		1.4	system
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">nvidia-550-76	org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-550-76		1.4	system
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">

    Edit: looks like it’s fixed by this.

    Rustmilian, avatar

    I think you have a typo in your last paragraph.
    Flatpak should run better on Wayland compared to Snaps. Not to mention Flatpak has much better XDG Portal Integration.

    Dirk, avatar



    It is absolutely a different situation if it is opt-in. If Ubuntu made Snaps opt-in, people might not like them but it’d be a minor critique instead of fleeing the distro.


    Right. I just installed OpenSUSE MicroOS to try out, and it’s the same idea. I agree with some of the anti-snap rhetoric. Closed, Canonical-centric system for profit; linking placeholder debs to download a snap. But the philosophy of all user applications come as chunky but robust packages that (almost) don’t interfere with each other and the system - I think that might be the future for safer computing for non-technical users.

    xilliah, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech

    The time is nigh that I’ll get to see a relevant ad. Finally a system complicated enough to able to store that I’m into pc games.

    TheWoozy, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech

    Google is an advertising company. Their goal is to maximize profit from advertising. Avoiding government regulation is part of that goal. By imposing “good enough” self-regulation they hope keep governments from stepping in. Their solution is definitely better than the currently dying 3rd party cookie free-for-all.

    Mozilla is right to question whether “targeted” ads are a good idea at all. I personally find it easier to ignore non-targeted ads, myself. But, if Mozilla decides not to cooperate & holds out for the Platonic ideal tech, they may cause ad dependent web sites to block Firefox completely. That would not be good for any of us.

    TCB13, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech avatar

    Questionable ethics corporation #1 stands against questionable ethics mega corporation #1.

    Outtatime, avatar



    How is Mozilla questionable?

    TCB13, avatar

    Do not know why you are being down voted, you are correct.

    I am thankful Mozilla exists because it provides some choice but if you have to changed the user.js --a non-trivial action for regular end users-- or use a fork like Librewolf, or Mullad Browser or even Tor to maximise Privacy that should mostly come available as an easy opt-in setting out of the box, it educates me that Mozilla is not the angel fanboys would like it to be.

    Also, their telemetry collection is not trivial either, even more so in their Nightly builds, which in fairness is sort of expected. Also, do not forget that FF has pushed XPIs to end users without their consent in the past.

    electricprism, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech

    How is Mozilla literally not controlled opposition? Their main source of income used to be Google.

    How are they not just a antitrust prop so Google doesn’t get split up by the EU.

    mino, avatar

    Does such an angle exist from the google perspective? Probably.

    Is it ‘just’ this and nothing else, I’d argue no.

    Matters tend to be more complex than simple black and white statements.

    I for one think Mozilla is one of the most visible actors with regards to privacy promoting thought and FOSS, with widespread ‘mainstream’ reach. If it wasn’t for Firefox I’d have to use chromium for instance, and that would make the world a sadder day.

    I do agree that funding from google is an obvious conflict of interest and probably influences policy in a way not a 100% aligned with humanitarian goals. This is definitely less than ideal and I think everybody involved on this side of the fence would like to see that change. Maybe you could help them with that?

    Zerush, avatar

    It’s only a problem in browsers which log the user activity, also if the user use Google for searches.


    Partially yes, the other concern would be who does the DNS lookups? In my opinion there should be no DNS monopoly so there is no single point of failure if captured.

    The entire concept of DNS is predicated on decentralization too.

    Zerush, avatar

    There are dozends of DNS providers, there isn’t a monopoly. Eg I mostly use Quad9, because is one of the fastes and reliables, apart nothing to do with Google.


    Are you familiar with the phrase “the perfect is the enemy of the good”?


    The echo chamber is strong. I am a big popularizer of that phrase for at least 2 years now. Agreed. Still the questions had to be asked to keep the concern alive.

    kbal, avatar

    If Mozilla is just a convenient prop for Google, then you and I are are just convenient sources of data to be fed into the machine for Google.


    Sounds basically like qanon for the Left but sure yeah totally


    My sibling in Christ you commented this on a post about Mozilla going against what Google said. If Mozilla was a puppet this article would not have been written.


    Controlled opposition can criticize so long as it’s ineffective


    I seem to recall Mozilla’s opposition to FLoC being fairly influential

    Zerush, avatar

    Mozilla has signed a contract with the devil, this is their problem. Although Mozilla is very privacy focused, its movement is limited to what Google allows. It is always a problem when a company depends on external investors, since they have a say in the decisions it may have. They may object to accepting FloC or other Google mechanisms, because Google does not require them to do so, because it already has its googleanalytics and googletagmanager built into Mozilla with which they obtain their data. I only hope that Mozilla manages to free itself from this contract this year, as it has announced, because only then will it have a free hand to be truly private.

    eveninghere, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech

    Maybe just get rid of cookies instead. Can’t one disable them?


    Cant really log in on any website anymore without cookies.


    You can make logging into websites a one-click process with a KeepassXC and then clear all cookies when the browser closes.

    starman, avatar

    LibreWolf does that automatically. I highly recommend it.


    Ah… I think I will ban cache for sites in my black list like Medium.


    Reading Medium article with Scribe and Libredirect works very well for me.


    Tracking technology has been relying on so many other, hard to evade techniques for years.

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