
Oh no haven’t they seen the Oceans series?

@Assman@sh.itjust.works avatar

O Brother, Where Art Thou? is my favorite movie

@tal@lemmy.today avatar

Yeah, I was gonna say, I really prefer that to the Oceans movies.


That soundtrack alone is pure gold, let alone the story of Odysseus told in the deep south.

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

As well as The Wizard of Oz!


I knew about the odyssey but what’s this about wizard of oz?

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

Taken from Whatculture:

While O Brother, Where Art Thou? was eventually credited as an adaptation of The Odyssey (the first Coens script to adapt an existing source), it was a different quest to return home that served as Joel and Ethan’s original inspiration, one that provides another slice of sepia-toned 1930s Americana. “We were thinking of it more as The Wizard Of Oz,” Joel revealed on the movie’s 15th anniversary on 2015, “We wanted the tag on the movie to be: ‘There’s no place like home.’” Even after the story moved more toward picking up on the episodic beats of Homer’s classical epic poem, there still remains a few residual elements of Oz in the film as released. The scene in which our three bumbling heroes disguise themselves as Klansmen to rescue Tommy from a lynching, for example, is an homage to the similar rescue of Dorothy from the Witch’s castle by her trio of bumbling sidekicks in the children’s fantasy classic. The Klan even march in formation with low rhythmic chanting just like the Wicked Witch’s guards.


Woa TIL! It’s one of my fave movies

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Fantastic film. Have you read The Odyssey by Homer?

@Assman@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, forced myself through it back when the film first came out. I’m glad to have read it but I’ll take the American south version any day lol


I thought it was fun to notice the little nods, like the “cyclops” wearing an eyepatch.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar
@FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world avatar

Meh, he’s been in much better. Those are just OK heist movies.


Out of Sight being the best one.


They’re perfect cable TV movies.
If you happen to have that still.


The Russian dub of Fantastic Mr Fox didn’t get Clooney and putin’s been pissed ever since…


Or The Peacemaker. He killed a lot of Russians in that movie

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

What is this from? I guess I’ve never seen him in his youth

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar


Of the killer tomatoes!

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

Productly placed

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

“G’day mate!” “Hey hoosier!”


Pump toothpaste! I forgot all about those. Why did we think that squeezing a tube was so hard we needed a pump?


George likes his chicken spicy.


Gee, I wonder who paid for product placements in this movie.


Beer and an Oh Henry?

Yeah, feed him to the Siberian Tigers. That’s as bad as beer and a PBJ.

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

That combo might go with this:


Not that I would ever drink such an abomination.

@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

Peanut butter stouts are some of the most disgusting, vile, sacrilegious beers on the planet. We should be boycotting them. What is the name of the brewery that created this filth? Specifically, what brewery? And do they distribute to Oregon? I’ll buy them all so no one else has to suffer their creamy sins.

ummthatguy, (edited )
@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

Idunno, but I definitely wouldn’t glance at the glass to the right of the beer. No matter what you do, don’t look at that glass.


@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao, I was so busy looking at the can art for a logo I never even looked at the glass.


Already answered more it less but:


First time I’ve seen something from my home area pop up on Lemmy. CCB is a solid brewery.


Whats wrong with beer, and a personal blow job?

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Personal bj? ❌

Public bj? ✅


Do you have just like a trillion gifs saved somewhere, or do you make them on demand?

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, I just have a “trivia night” kind of memory and find them as needed.


How come my gifs aren’t moving when I upload? They’re moving on my phone.

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

One thing I’ve noticed is that if the file is a gifv, remove the “v” and it tends to work better. For anything else, no idea.

variants, (edited )

Not op but if I need a specific gif of some movie I was reminded and I cant find it online I’ll go on my plex app and record my phones screen and then use that to make a quick gif on imgur haha

@vanontom@lemmy.world avatar

Do you have just like a trillion gifs movies saved somewhere


Basically, whatever my family and some friends request my server sources it plus some lists of latest movies and shows that are released automagically get pulled so I have about 100tb of movies and shows at any given time depending on when my deleter docker purges old stuff


Damn bro, you must be loaded to afford all the licensing costs!

@Silentiea@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh. Um. Sure, yeah. Yeah. Definitely.


Honestly, I really enjoyed Solaris.


The Tarkovsky one is a great movie too. One of my favourite films ever. No George Clooney though, just Russians.


I need to see it. I enjoyed the book as well, while we’re at it. Really really good.


Yes, Stanislaw Lem is great.

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

I love Tarkovsky but Solaris is… a lot. Maybe you could call it atmospheric and ahead of its time (still love that they got widescreen TVs right), but it’s also loooooong


Trump will call him a mediocre actor in one of his upcoming rants because Trump is Putins cock holster


You shouldn’t degrade cock holsters by lumping Trump in with them.


My bad


Any Cock Holster used by Putin is automatically degraded.

@ulkesh@lemmy.world avatar

<Noob Noob>: God damn!


As someone who’s had a grudge against Clooney since 2001, please don’t make me agree with trump.


But Clooney didn’t act in 2001. Or was there a remake with him, like with Soderbergh’s Solaris?


Maybe Clooney stole a hit part from that poster that said poster believes would have launched their career.

Poster has been holding this grudge for 23 years!


I don’t know if whatever he filmed was released in 2001, but he definately did filming in 2001.


Return of the Killer Tomatoes was 88 btw I learned further down thread


Why the grudge?


What the hell did George Clooney do to you in 2001?


Uh oh. Now Fox News has to run non stop breaking news about fabricated stories involving Clooney. Can’t wait for house republicans issue subpoenas to George Clooney for investigations into his woke agenda


God dammit…as someone who loves absurd comedy, and has had a grudge with clooney since 2001, don’t make me watch fox news for what sounds like a hilarious feel good onion-esque “news” report. I don’t know where we stand in life anymore. Life feels like satire, so a satire news report is just being presented as real news.

All I know is watching the squaking heads make up fabricated insanity about Clooney sounds like a hilarious watch. This coming from someone who’s never watched any more of fox news than the little bytes they play on the daily show, or John Olivers show. Just clips used for context of their own show.

@sarcasticsunrise@lemmy.world avatar

Alright, I’ll bite. You mentioned it previously, what’s your “personal” beef with George Clooney? Are you David O Russell or something?


I was 16, and got out of high school. I used to walk 30 streets, because I didn’t want to ride the bus packed with kids.

So I’m almost at tower city, about 5 streets away, when everything is blocked off, and a crowd blocking everything. I’m trying to get through, but he’s in the alley, that they’ve since renovated and made a trendy spot, but back then it was just a gross alley. He had his trailer in the alley, filming something on the other side.

I’m trying to get through, and it’s just this mob of people, and everytime I say “excuse me” they’re like “WHERE ARE YOU TRYING TO GO??? THATS GEORGE CLOONEY!!!” and I do not care. He had been a massive celebrity by this point.

The whole crowd is facing south where Clooney is, and I’m trying to go west. I get like 25% through this crowd, and Clooney points at me, and a minute later these two guards are now trying to get through the crowd trying to stop me. Difference is, I’m a 200lbs high schooler, and these guards are big buff dudes, like 300lbs. So they were having more difficulty getting through than I was.

I give Clooney the finger, because what the fuck, and he sarcastically waves like the queen of england.

Finally I get through to the other side (what should have been a 20 second walk if nobody was there took 15-20 minutes), and now I got Cleveland police on me. They question why I’m trying to attack Clooney, I tell them I don’t give a fuck about him. I’m trying to get to tower city to catch the red line. They let me go.

But to think Clooney thinks he’s so important that he can just block other people from their daily lives, and try to send cops on you if you’re ignoring him.

And ever since then I’ve had a grudge against him. And yes, I AM attracted to Francine Smith in that 2006 episode of American Dad where she hates him for being (her words) “a self centered smug prick”. I said “So THIS is what it’s like having a boner for a cartoon character!”

That being said, I still don’t see the appeal of those sites that draw cartoon mothers having sex with their cartoon kids…even if you draw them as adults, it’s still weird.


That was a hell of a ride with a really weird destination.


Even I gave you an upvote for this one!

@sarcasticsunrise@lemmy.world avatar

Dude, that’s hilarious and I’m so glad that I asked.


I used to live in Shreveport LA where weirdly enough they shot a bunch of major motion pictures after production was moved there from New Orleans after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. One day I was walking to work downtown and outside my office building I passed a really scabbishly-dressed and overly made-up prostitute (not a common sight there). I kind of scowled at her and she gave me a what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you look as I passed by and went into the building. When I got to the office everybody was lined up at the windows and they told me that I had apparently walked through a movie set and that had been Demi Moore dressed as a prostitute (it was some movie with Kevin Costner playing a serial killer). They were all kind of outraged that I had interfered with the filming but I had the same attitude towards it that you did with Clooney. Like, why the fuck am I supposed to be happy about a film production interfering with my existence? I didn’t get any money out of the deal, and it wasn’t even a good movie.


I think this story would be so much funnier if you would have tried to negotiate prostitute rates with Demi Moore, who in turn was confused because her rates for her work were set in stone with contracts and agents. Meanwhile, she doesn’t even know what you’re suggesting.

And while small, almost nonexistant, there IS still the chance that her husband would have gotten involved. At the time? That would be Bruce Willis.

I cannot contain my giggles as I imagine your confusion why Bruce Willis cares what price you pay a prostitute.


I don’t remember if she was still married to Bruce Willis at this point, which was 2006 or thereabouts, but she was hanging out with Ashton Kutcher in Shreveport because I kept encountering the couple at restaurants and bars. Also had dinner with Ted Danson one evening because he was sitting alone at the table next to me and my friends reading a paperback book and looking sad and lonely so we invited him to join us - he’s actually a nice, normal, friendly guy.

@bappity@lemmy.world avatar

my heart goes out to George Clooney for accidentally falling out of a window tomorrow ♥️

@Silentiea@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There’s defense, and there’s defenestration.


I guess they’re over hating Alec Baldwin…


Alec Baldwin is bulletproof, unlike camera crew.



Still, tho, I hope he gets a fair trial. It seems unfair that he should be held accountable for a mistake made by somebody else.


Even if they find him guilty (and it looks like the defense is still insisting he didn’t pull the trigger, which is both a pretty wild claim and something you’d think would have been filmed, right?) he’s apparently only looking at 18 months for involuntary manslaughter.

He’ll be fine. Something tells me his time will be served under house arrest at worst, and it’s not like he can’t afford good lawyers.


Even if

And I’m gonna stop right there. Your absurd, ridiculous, imaginary hypothetical has no meeting here. You are wrong, and if you cannot accept that you are wrong, I will always be here to keep telling you that you are wrong.

Your inability to deal with your own faults is a character flaw within yourself. That is not my responsibility to deal with, it is yours.

You will give up and stop commenting, or I will keep replying to you and telling you all of the way you are terribly terribly wrong.

You are doing this to yourself


Pretty bold statement to claim you know how a legal case you aren’t personally involved in will work out when the courts still don’t, lol


The only bold thing here is your presumption that I bare any responsibility for your mental illness.

Get your shit together


Lol, okay buddy


Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery. Congratulations.


Alec, is this you?

It will be okay buddy, you’ll make it through this.

Times are darkest before dawn, etc.


So, when you have no rational argument, you throw around lies and false accusations.

How does that usually work out for you?


I’m not sure if you’re reading too deeply into this comment chain or don’t know that Alec is back on trial, but, spoilers, they don’t generally do trials for rich old white people with open and shut cases of innocence.

What Alec will get is the best legal defense money can buy, and if that defense proves it wasn’t negligence on his part, good for him.

What no one but Alec can say at this point, and maybe not even him, memories and denial being what they are, is that they know for sure how the trial will go.


I’m not sure

And that’s where you let your delusion take hold. See… you made up a fantasy world in which you invented a situation that didn’t exists but in which I was wrong in a way you could rationally counterargue— but this was only a fantasy.

In reality, you’re just a troll.

Take your seething rage back to Reddit. They love irrational trolls there. You might even get paid by Trump!


I’m honestly wondering and worried that you’re actually Mr Baldwin at this point, with your weird level of anger over this fairly benign exchange.

Good luck with that!


When you come down from your drug trip, let me know what you took. Clearly you had quite an extraordinary time.


lol ok russia


This would explain the other article I saw about a US-Clooney $20 billion arms deal.


No, actually. Totally unrelated if you can believe that. /j


Everybody’s a critic.


It stinks! It stinks! It stinks!


Makes me chuckle to think that Russian propagandists are like ‘Well no one will believe us if we call him a bad actor’


It’s like during the crusades again when they accused the other side of acting in bad faith.


Pretty sure Clooney could put together a better army than Russia.

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

Clooney doesn’t have millions of prisoners to recruit

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

We hope


I’m sooooooooo confused by this story. First off, how is George Clooney authorized to arrest anyone??? Under what authority? And where would arrested convicts be held?

I guess the russia side of the story makes sense from their perspective. State run media, is spewing state run propaganda. That I get. I don’t agree with it, but I understand what is happening.

But I don’t understand how George Clooney is arresting anyone. Can Tom Hanks set up a foundation and arrest people? What would happen if Tucker Carlson moved to russia, and set up a foundation to arrest American reporters?

I do not understand the rules here at all.


I assume his nonprofit is finding people with arrest warrants, and telling police where they’re located?


And where would arrested convicts be held?

Why, in the batcave, of course

@rammer@sopuli.xyz avatar



George doesn’t have any authority to do so. His wife, Amal however, is a prosecutor with the ICC.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s about time someone makes Clooney pay for his role in Batman and Robin.


He’ll just use his Bat-Creditcard


This sits right in the middle of the Bat Water Faucet and Mr Reese and I’m all for it.


Well now you have just gone too far.


The greatest batman of all time is gonna bring it to them.


Nana nana nana na gratuitous nipples!


So, Kevin Conroy’s ghost is going to haunt Putin?

@kinther@lemmy.world avatar

You can spread propaganda about Israel but we draw the line with George Clooney

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