jordanlund, to world in Biden Claims Israel Isn't Starving Gazans. Rights Groups Say 'It Is Clear as Day' avatar

Israel is not only starving Gazans, they’ve BEEN starving Gazans for DECADES.

That’s been the whole point of the blockade.…/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip

Phenomephrene, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar

I was genuinely not expecting this. As little reason as this Supreme Court has given to inspire confidence, I thought this was a bridge too. I feel sick to my stomach.

snooggums, avatar

“We can go lower.”



It’s absolutely sickening. The fact they took up the case to begin with was sickening. We need Biden to take hold of this decision and make some official acts that can restore democracy. Biden can be the first president since Washington to do what Washington did, heal our nation and then surrender power back to We the People. Dead King Geoge III is laughing at us and the blood of the American Revolution groans in disgust at these Injustices!


I had felt the same way, until they ruled that partisan gerrymandering is constitutionally protected, that racial gerrymandering can only be unconstitutional if it doesn’t provide a partisan advantage to one side, and that the court must assume that legislators are acting in good faith because their need to not be embarrassed outweighs the constitutional rights of the people and the need for honest elections. I read that decision and said “shit, they’re gonna rule that Trump’s immune.”

I never thought the Court would put out a decision that could rival Dred Scott for worst in history, but these asshole’s have put out multiple contenders for that title in a single term.


You’d still have to beat Citizens United.

Plus it’s kinda John Roberts’ whole jam, taking away voting rights


Unfortunately they strongly signalled this move in the oral questioning bit. It was pretty much expected. Now bonking a porn star will become classed as an official act.


The act the con man committed was before being elected. That one will be a poo stain on him for much longer.

Synthuir, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

I wouldn’t normally put this much stock in his assets actually getting flipped, but…

Someone or some company signed me up for Trump fundraising emails recently. The subject line of one from 2(?) days ago read: HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER, so it sounds like they’re preparing some kind of mobilization/campaign to play the victim now that their options are quickly drying up.

jballs, avatar

it sounds like they’re preparing some kind of mobilization/campaign to play the victim now that their options are quickly drying up.

Not disagreeing with you, but just wanted to point out that’s kind of their thing already.


Oh for sure, the spoiled child is ready for their tantrum du jour.


Letitia James did say she had her eye on that building in particular, so of course they want to keep it out of her hands.


I think I’d actually welcome that tactic from the Trump campaign. The base aren’t going to change their mind no matter what they hear but I’d be willing to bet a good portion of swing voters will hear about Trump losing his tower and realize that hey, maybe he’s actually not a great businessman. It makes him look weak when the only tactic that really works for him is the strongman one.

zarkanian, avatar

Won’t somebody think of Trump Tower?!?!

iegod, to world in Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine

Fuck israel.

JimSamtanko, to politics in 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams

Keep this in mind when you see the bots urging you not to vote against him here on lemmy. Maybe call them out for trying to destroy democracy.

And vote like lives depend on it.


Voting is the beginning of acting to defend yourself from tyranny, not the end.


Absolutely, especially those idiotic accounts like respectology and givesomefucks that try and play the “I’m not voting for Biden” but Trump is also a terrible choice angle. Both Side noise for sure (or they truly are that naive and foolish).


I think Givesomefucks might be somewhat legit. But the other one… yeah. I can’t agree more.


This logic isn’t sustainable.

30 years from now you’ll still be arguing against leftists for not voting for 99% hitler as opposed to 100% hitler.

I swear, liberals will still be screeching about “if you don’t vote for the candidate who wants 3 genocides as opposed to the one who wants 5, you are a Russian bot!”

Lesser evilism is what got us here. The American experiment has run its course and we have a duty to dismantle it.


How do you think it’ll go down when Trump is elected? Hmmm? Think held going to go easy on them? Or you?


This is a bullshit argument. You want strong progressive change? Run in down races to prove the platform works first. Gain momentum instead of going for the gold ring on your first try.


You can’t say lesser evilism got us here when we chose the greater evil in the election before last. If we kept voting lesser evil maybe, but we don’t consistently. Not nearly enough to make the greater evil not think they stand a chance without lessening themselves.


I’m pretty new to Lemmy and was really hoping this wouldn’t be the same level of problem as it is everywhere else. Oh what a sweet summer child I am, apparently.


Yeah, they’re pretty bad here.

jordanlund, to politics in Biden's Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump's Would Be Even Worse avatar

I’ve said this before… if you hate Biden’s policy on Israel and Gaza, Trump will be even worse!

Remember when Israel illegally invaded Lebanon to set up “a security zone”?


Yeah, Trump wants to do that with Mexico.…/donald-trump-mexico-military-c…

Deceptichum, avatar

I’m a said this before… You can hate both.

jordanlund, avatar

Sure, you can hate both, but unless you want Trump policies here, you have to vote Biden.


More to the point, in a FPTP + EC, a failure to vote for the candidate you hate least in certain states gives the candidate you hate more a better chance of winning the presidency.

While the propagandists would have us believe otherwise, this is not "supporting 'genocide'." It's just math.

Do you live in Illinois? Idaho? Vote for whoever you want. Illinois is going to send its electors for Biden, and Idaho is going to send its electors for Trump, and your vote is not going to change that. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona? Check yourself before you wreck fucking everything.

jordanlund, avatar

Yup! But not knowing the state someone is posting from, way easier to go “Vote Biden!”


They're probably posting from Russia.


And even if you live in Idaho, stop telling people on the internet to abstain!!!


Local and state elections also matter. Watching Trump deal with a Dem Congress might even be amusing. But yeah, vote Biden because Trump already fucked up the Supreme Court enough.


Trump will rule by executive order and the supreme court will ok it in that scenario.


Not a chance. If Trump wins, it’ll be by Democratic abstentions. With 33 Senate seats on the ballot, if he wins, Republicans will have control of Congress too.

Neato, avatar

I wouldn’t bet on sure states anymore. We saw in 2016 how inaccurate polls were because Trump supporters just lie and hide.


because Trump supporters just lie and hide.

It’s amazing how I live in a very red county and yet all over these dating sites all I see are “moderate” or “centrist” or “other” I almost NEVER see someone openly admit they’re a “conservative.”

samus12345, avatar

Illinois hasn’t voted R since 1988.

reverendsteveii, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

“about 30 surety companies” have refused to accept assets

well yeah they’re lending him money to pay off a court judgment against him for lying about what those assets are worth. I wouldn’t lend someone money if their collateral was worth anywhere from 10%-1000% of what I lent them and there was no way for me to verify either. Besides, you know if he owes you money it’s gonna be years and millions before you can recoup anything at all.

TheDeepState, to world in Biden Claims Israel Isn't Starving Gazans. Rights Groups Say 'It Is Clear as Day'

Why does Biden support genocide?

random_character_a, avatar

Because certain closely knit ethnicity has significant power and wealth in US economy, so neither Republicans or Democrats want to fuck with that setup?


Black people?


I wouldn’t say ethnic group.

To be more specific, the lobby group, AIPAC, has immense political power.

TallonMetroid, avatar

Because he’s a self-proclaimed Zionist and the end goal of Zionism has always been genocide. Now, why is he a Zionist? shrugs


The end goal of a Jewish homeland has always been genocide of Arabs?

I suspect that isn’t true but am willing to read whatever you are basing this claim off of.


Well, when you want to establish your homeland somewhere that people are already living, yeah it takes displacement. But they’re not just displacing them, they’re killing them.


Where else were the survivors of the holocaust credibly being offered the establishment of their own government beside their actual homeland?


of their own government

Dingdingding and there we have it, antisemitism by calling all Jews zionist.




If being a victim of the Holocaust entitles you to your own government, how comes you’ve never argued for establishing a homeland of the Romani people?


What are you suggesting should have been done with the Jewish survivors if returning to their homeland itself is unacceptable to you?


For a person born in Germany, raised in Germany, taught to speak, read and write German, their homeland is Germany. German Jewish victims of the Holocaust ought to have been extraordinarily repaired, and given the pleasure of seeing their victimizers fallen in disgrace, tried, condemned and punished (part of which did happen), not told to pack their bags and leave to a country they’ve never set a foot in. The idea that someone who’s born in a specific ethnic group has their “homeland” at some special, historical place is an extremely ideological view that has much more to do with nazism than with the ideals of freedom and human rights.

By the way, you haven’t answered my question. In your racist worldview that ethnicities belong to specific strips of land, where do the Romani belong?


Well, Germany was split in two after the war, and most Jews who survived the holocaust weren’t German Jews, so if we were to send all of European Jews to West Germany, you are still having to deal woth the displacement aspect that you are currently using to build a case for genocide.

I’m also going to set aside your childish accusations of racism, because it isn’t true. You willingly chose to enter a discussion, the bare minimum is mutual respect and if you can’t accomplish that, there will be no discussion going forward. As for the Romani people, the Romania’s homeland wasn’t still under British rule, and thus couldn’t offer to have them go back India. I’m not even sure the Romani people wanted to return to India. Is that something they were pushing for or are you just making a hypothetical?


Can you connect two and two? I used German Jews as an example, didn’t say that Polish Jews or Russian Jews or French Jews should have been taken to Germany. Also you can migrate to a country, rather than occupy it and have the population that already lived there displaced, as the colonizers who founded the State of Israel did with Palestinians. I genuinely cannot believe you wrote this:

you are still having to deal woth the displacement aspect that you are currently using to build a case for genocide.

In good faith.

I’m also going to set aside your childish accusations of racism, because it isn’t true.

It is, you just don’t understand it yet. A Romani born in Spain who wants to live in Spain has one homeland: Spain. As of today, they have nothing in common with India, nor did they 50, 100, 150 or 400 years ago - much like Ashkenazi Jews didn’t have anything to do with Palestine in 1750. We just have the good sense to practice policies that allow for the healthiest pluralist society possible that respects both Romani and non-Romani, unlike 1940s dumbfuck Brits who thought that a sensible solution for Jews was to invite them to get the fuck out of Europe in a colonial project. Would you tell Italians living in the USA to leave to Italy during the time of the Italian mafias? Would you tell Arabs to go to the Middle East after the 9-11? If you don’t think telling an immigrant ethnicity to leave after or during a tumultuous period where they have or might be the target of hate is usually a good idea, dogmatically changing that principle to argue that it was sensible to ethnically cleanse Palestinians after WWII is indeed a racist bias. But I have faith you will eventually outgrow it, after one month or fifty.


…so you would be against the Native Americans of the US and Canada being given their homeland back?


Ethnic nationalism is just racism, whether practiced by white supremacist MAGA Americans or Holocaust survivors. In a liberal democracy, the government serves all people regardless of race. I’m confused by your premise that Holocaust survivors were entitled to their own ethnic state for some reason.

Also, the Zionist movement was not a response to the Holocaust. It was a colonial enterprise that began well before the Holocaust in response to widespread persecution especially in Central Europe. Many Jews opposed the Jewish nationalism undergirding Zionism for the same reasons liberals today reject virtually all nationalist movements. Many emigrated to liberal democracies like the United States where they could live free of ethnic discrimination. Zionists instead chose to respond with their own ethnic persecution.

It is worth recalling in this connection that at the turn of the century, Zionism’s similarities to other projects of colonization were not a source of embarrassment or shame for most of the movement’s adherents; indeed, they often saw them as a selling point. Zionist leaders studied and sought to learn from the experience of European colonial-settlement enterprises in places like Algeria, Rhodesia, and Kenya, and many imagined their own endeavor as similar in certain ways. Moreover, the Zionist movement readily used such terms as “colony,” “colonial,” and “colonization” to refer to its activities; thus, for example, the original name of its financial arm was the Jewish Colonial Trust. It was only later, after the First World War, that colonialism came to have strongly pejorative connotations for many Europeans. As a consequence the Zionist movement sought to dissociate itself from other European projects of colonization and settlement, began to stress the uniqueness and noncolonial character of its mission and methods, and stopped using such terms, at least in languages other than Hebrew.

Zachary Lockman, Comrades and Enemies: Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948 (University of California Press, 1996) 21-57.


Why did you respond to a question yet refuse to answer the question?


Trusting Google results? In the days of the LLM takeover? Nah


You don’t trust the Google result for defining a word? Really? You think this is an LLM mediated result? Really?


You’re not going to get far using a definition of Zionism that practically vanished after WII and the founding of Israel, least of all in the current climate. Simply not the opportune moment.

Also already back then there were Zionists who saw it as an explicitly settler-colonial project.


why is he a Zionist?

The world may never know

Also notice that he taken more money since the start of the Gaza slaughter


Zionism doesn’t imply Genocide

PumpkinSkink, (edited )

The fact is, however, that they impinge— as they always have— on the Arab residents of the territories, and then they have a distinct cutting edge to them. Both in theory and in practice their effectiveness lies in how they Judaize territory coterminously with de-Arabizing it. There is privileged evidence of this fact, I think, in what Joseph Weitz had to say. From 1932 on, Weitz was the director of the Jewish National Land Fund; in 1965 his diaries and papers, My Diary, and Letters to the Children, were published in Israel. On December 19, 1940, he wrote:

_“. . . after the Second World War the question of the land of Israel and the question of the Jews would be raised beyond the framework of “ development”; amongst ourselves. !t must be clear that there is no room for hoth peoples in this country. No ‘development’ will bring us closer to our aim. To be an independent people in this small country. If the Arabs leave the country, it will be broad and wide-open for us. And if the Arabs stay, the country will remain narrow and miserable.

<span style="color:#323232;">When the War is over and the English have won, and when the judges sit on the throne of Law, our people must bring theirpetitions and their claim before them; and the only solution is Eretz Israel, or at least Western Eretz Israel, without Arabs. There is no room for compromise on this point! The Zionist enterprise so far, in terms of preparing the ground and paving the way for the creation of the Hebrew State in the land of Israel, has been fine and good in its own time, and could do with ‘‘land-buying ’— but this will not bring about the State of Israel; that must come all at once, in the manner of a Salvation (this is the secret of the Messianic idea); and there is no way besides transferring the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, to transfer them all: except maybe for Bethlehem, Nazareth and Old Jerusalem, we must not leave a singlevillage, not a single tribe. And the transfer must be directed to Iraq, to Syria, and even to Transjordan. For that purpose we’ll find money, and a lot of money. And only with such a transfer will the country be able to absorb millions of our brothers, and the Jewish question shall be solved, once and for all. There is no other way out."_

These are not only prophetic remarks about what was going to happen; they are also policy statements, in which Weitz spoke with the voice of the Zionist consensus. There were literally hundreds of such statements made by Zionists, beginning with Herzl. and when ‘salvation’ came it was with those ideas in mind that the conquest of Palestine, and the eviction of its Arabs, was carried out.

~The Question of Palestine, Edward Said

There’s literally dozens of other quotes like this one from people instrumental in the founding of Israel in this chapter, and they are similarly genocidal. It was honestly pretty transparent what they were going for.


The existence of Zionists who wish to erase Palestine (of which there are many) does not change the situation.


Because the calculation has been made, he will lose more votes from people who support Israel than people who support Palestine because the first ones don’t mind the alternative which will support Israel even more and the second ones will be in deep shit if Trump gets elected so they have no choice.


Are we always going to be prisoners to these types of choices?


Lol are you even American?

Your account is two weeks of posting dumb shit and then comments like this.


No, you could also elect a dictator like China or Russia did.


That’s what they’re thinking at any rate. Unfortunately in Pennsylvania it doesn’t seem to have been a campaign issue at all for the Pro Palestinian congresswoman and the Arab American demographics in the rust are what got Biden over the line there last time. There’s a serious question as to whether the rust belt is now in play again because of this.


There’s almost 6 million reasons why.


The man is from an era long past, when Israel was the USA’s fault and responsibility, and when it’s presence was necessary to defend against other world powers.

Socsa, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

Remember he testified that he had that kind of liquidity several times. He is absolutely fucked.


Hopefully his continued complaints and stalling would result in perjury?

AnAngryAlpaca, (edited )

Ok guys, i dont want to sound like a conspiricy theorist or anything, but sometimes i get a slight suspicion that he might be lying to make himself look better…


No waaay. Why would a guy with a gold toilette have an ego like that?


Who would lie under oath though?

captainlezbian, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

“Let us kill the undesirables or we’ll kill you too”

The man should be hanged

thr0w4w4y2, to politics in Sanders Rips Colleagues for Attacking Student Protesters Instead of Netanyahu | Common Dreams

actually it appears as though the House voted today to change the definition of anti-semitism to include criticism of the state of Israel, so in fact it now is anti-semitic to point out those things.



Its still not anti-semetic to criticize Netanyahu. Just because it’s a law, doesn’t make it right.


It’s not a law that you can’t criticize Netanyahu…


Well not yet. Its on its way to the Senate now.


What’s on its way to the Senate has nothing to do with criticizing Netanyahu and only applies to the Department of Education


[The bill] requires the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws

This is what the bill actually does. I don’t like it, but there’s no reason to mischaracterize it


This is getting really irritating today. This and the Boeing whistleblower death. People seem to think that just because they’re on the right side of an issue, they can just make shit up or not do their due diligence in looking into things. Thanks for correcting it.


And if you had done your due diligence by actually looking it up, you would see that it does exactly what they say, and has been heavily criticized for it since at least 2005.


This comment makes no sense. What is “it?” Who are “they?” What has been “heavily criticized,” and for what?


I’m still pissed about you not getting an answer to this question. It’s upsetting that you can post nonsense that isn’t even related to the issue at hand, but that seems to be pointed in the right direction, and that’s enough for some people. I guess that’s a good sign of the times.


I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but we’re talking about a bill that didn’t exist until only recently.

hark, avatar

Let’s check out this “working definition” shall we?:…/working-definition-ant…

Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

These can be stretched to call any criticism of israel “antisemitic”, especially given what israel is doing now.


Department of Education

Did you miss this part

hark, avatar

Did you think that makes it better?


No, but it is completely different from the mischaracterized representation of this bill as broadly covering all speech from the person I originally responded to, which was my entire point

hark, avatar

It often starts with an attack on education.


How cryptic


The DoE would be involved with the public university system where many protests are occurring. It is a law that is being made only to target these protestors expressing their speech. There’s been a slow steady march of these since 9/11.


The House is free to define pi as 3, that doesn’t mean it is.

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

They’ve passed their bill… now let’s see them enforce it.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they go all on on it. Its not just mask off these days… it’s underpants off as well.

rayyy, to world in 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified

People will be fleeing famine, uninhabitable areas, rising sea levels and wars. The areas that can support life will grow smaller, more valuable and crowded.


Will we be assholes if when this happens we be like. WE FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN, but y’all more concerned with arguing over pronouns and protests (I support both).


I get your frustration. I feel it myself. Still, I fear, calling people assholes won’t be helpful and prevent folks from admitting they did wrong. At the same time, it can always get worse (hotter) and I think it would be best to win as many people over as possible, to do the right thing.

I don’t know. We’re fucked anyway, I guess.


Yes yes, suddenly we shouldn’t mock because it’s unhelpful…not see through at all.


mocking is pointless. most conservatives don’t care if you mock them. neutralizing their threat to democracy is the answer.


stop worrying about being polite and start attacking the root of the problem - conservatives.

dojan, avatar

I mean the ones that think that trans people shouldn’t have human rights also tend to be the ones who don’t believe in climate change so…


so ____ all conservatives for the sake of humanity. i’ve been saying this for decades.

dojan, avatar

Given that they’re anti-humanity, it seems like a logical step.


it is.


Lol ook.


hear hear! please stop fighting over the petty things and get to work on the things that matter. electing a president that will fight climate change is far more important than what happens in the middle east.

jabjoe, (edited ) avatar

What worries me is that combined with anti immigrants sentiment. I fear beaches of dead as people are prevented from fleeing. I read a SciFi with that and it chilled me as I can see it happening.


Prevented from arriving is how anti immigration works, not leaving. Jesus. Think. If you can.

fox2263, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

Despicable and deplorable

MeanEYE, avatar

Can’t imagine war being any other way.


Hi, resident American combat vet here. This is egregious by any standard but a genocidal regime. It’s a pretty clear rule, if they aren’t armed or uniformed, you don’t shoot them.

MeanEYE, avatar

If it were like that, it wouldn’t be as bad. But internet is full of videos proving otherwise, USA soldiers included.


Oh? There are videos of US soldiers shooting civilians just walking around without guns and in civilian clothes?

Please send them to the Pentagon and NYT. There’s some people who would be very interested in them.


There are. See “collateral murder” or the guy we literally prosecuted for this which Trump pardoned. We also kicked down a lot of doors and dropped a lot of missiles on slim intelligence knowing we were killing hundreds of thousands of innocents in aggregate. None of this info is secret. We kidnapped people in Iraq and tortured them to give up names of their confederates and kicked down doors and murdered people based on this intelligence. See the Salem witch trials for why this method of intelligence gathering isn’t worth shit.

At one point we dropped missiles on people purely based correlating data about sim card usage to speculate on who was associating with terrorists in a program we now know is mathematically impossible to have been accurate.

Not only do we have hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths on our hands directly there is all the indirect harm we are responsible for by supporting bad actors.

None of this justifies anyone else’s bad acts. You just ought to be more aware.


The collateral murder video is sold without context. The Army’s report has pictures of the RPGs on the ground.

Trump had to pardon that guy because the military was going to put him in prison.

None of this is a culture so reckless we’re just bombing random civilians walking down the road. Even the torture had to be kept secret from everyone else and resulted in court martials until it was just completely removed from the normal military.

We’ve certainly had our problems but at the end of the day the difference is we at least try to have accountability. We keep fighting against war criminals and forcing them to find other ways to work.


What kind of accountability do we have where even the few people punished for the direct crimes are let off


We absolutely put war criminals in prison before Trump, and we will again. One high profile shit stain doesn’t invalidate over a decade of prosecuting war crimes.


And the US Army released the investigation done that day. There were RPGs on the ground there. There was also a pattern of attacks going on with that unit and kneeling around the wall isn’t how any reporter I ever met overseas took a photo. Hell half the time they waved at us to make sure we knew they were there.

It sucks that the Reuters guys embedded with anti coalition forces, but it’s a risk just like embedding with us was.

MeanEYE, avatar

So now you trust US army for analyzing their own footage, but not IDFs analysis of their own.


The IDF hasn’t earned it.

They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

Also, the US Army didn’t just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement. When I say pictures of the RPGs, I don’t mean video stills to argue over. I mean actual pictures taken by soldiers.

MeanEYE, (edited ) avatar

They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

So did USA, multiple times. Link. You don’t even have to search hard to find it.

They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

There was a humanitarian corridor before. Not sure why there isn’t one now. But claiming they won’t let them pass is not really true since they did let them pass.

There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

Same with USA, see Collateral Murder leaks page on WikiLeaks. Direct video link

And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

I’ve never seen this. From the news I read, aid is going in there but civilians are being beaten by Hamas and stolen supplies from. There were also reports of shooting at people getting the aid because IDF soldiers were afraid of stampede. So either people are getting aid and getting shot at or not.

Edit: As claimed by COGAT, there’s no issues for aid to get to the people. UNRWA is not allowed though due to their ties to Hamas.

There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

Even if there is to be accountability, it won’t come now but long after the war. And it’s nothing new for any guilty party never to get condemned for anything. USA did it number of times, China does it all the time, etc. Hell even NATO bombed refugee convoy in Serbia killing thousands of civilians without armed escort and nothing. This is nothing strange. Rules for the big countries are not the same as for smaller countries.

Also, the US Army didn’t just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement.

Actually no. They did cover up things multiple times. Also many videos leaked, which is the reason why Julian Assange is a wanted man across the globe as is Edward Snowden. You think they are hiding abroad in countries who oppose USA because they expect fair legal process? No, they will be swallowed by the darkness the moment they enter any country allied with USA.

Also let us not forget that in Iraq, at peak there were 29k civilian deaths per year. PER YEAR. And war went on for 6 years. So where are calls for genocide there?

As far as I can see you guys are picking favorites and turning blind eye. While pointing fingers at others.


Every international aid NGO out there is saying Israel isn’t letting in enough food. But you’re going to cite a puff statement from Israel on Twitter? That dog doesn’t hunt.

And I feel for that reporter but his facts don’t align with reality. That’s a story I’ve seen in a lot of people with moral injury PTSD. If you convince yourself the facts are different then you can get some relief. It does not however change the meaning of words or the actions of the group the reporters were in.

It’s also a far sight from shooting unarmed civilians who are just walking.


You’re a disgrace. A perfect fit in Israel, I bet you’d be buddies with fuckhisfaceyahoo or you wish you were.

MeanEYE, avatar

So I am despicable for thinking war is disgusting. Thanks I suppose. Goes to show how all these Hamas supporters think.


People are replying to you because you are trying to downplay genocide. You also just called people getting mad at children dying as Hamas supporters. You are being obtuse.


He is getting paid for these comments for sure


It’s something we will never know. I did hear Israel has a division of people meant to astroturf reddit and other sites (which is supposed to be against reddit’s terms of services). Always be careful when dealing with internet strangers.

Interestingly, someone who defended Israel tried to shift some of the blame to the Romans last week (yes, I do get it was sarcasm but now all I hear in my head is: “The Romans, also are Hamas.”)


The other way would be that they weren’t genocidal and maybe the problem wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Israel and Hamas are both despicable groups but there’s a clear instigator in Israel.

cyberpunk007, to world in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

Another day, another disgusting thing done by Israel. And another day other countries governments just don’t seem to give a shit. What the fuck.


What can other countries do? Invade? The US bullies Nato into compliance, the rest of the world can only sit there and be appalled.


The US: “Oh no, more innocents died, that’s sad” sends more bombs


What can other countries do?

Same they do to Russia. Freeze foreign money and ceace all trade


Most of Israel’s trading partners are Nato or Nato aligned. They can’t sanction Israel because they will be sanctioned in turn by the US.


As an American we should sanction the fuck out of Israel. The founders would have revolted by now.

ad_on_is, avatar

but… but that would be anti-semitic


I’m definitely not equipped to have an answer, but it’s not right.

Excrubulent, to world in Biden Claims Israel Isn't Starving Gazans. Rights Groups Say 'It Is Clear as Day' avatar

This is genocide denial plain and simple.

Also remember that whenever anyone tries to tell you that you shouldn’t be bringing up Biden’s genocide support because it might hurt his chances in the US election, they are also doing genocide denial. They are genocide deniers.

They may not be denying that the genocide is happening, they’re just denying that we should talk about it. They’re denying its importance.

And sure, Trump would probably be worse at this, so vote. But if Biden genuinely needs widespread genocide denial to win then that is not only not an acceptable thing to ask of voters, it is also unhinged. People know about the genocide, they know Biden is dragging his feet on the issue and pretending that’s not happening just to protect him makes his case look extremely weak.

If you really think that no amount of denouncement and excoriation will influence him to stop supporting genocide then again, you are saying awful things about him without realising it.

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