cannibalkitteh, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

So, open season for Biden to get some Supreme Court justices an “early retirement” then?


Be sure that everyone knows it’s official and then sleep easy.


Yes, but in classic dem fashion he’ll do absolutely nothing with this new power, and also do nothing to stop its use. Then will continue running a dogshit campaign to get trump re-elected come November. We are well and truly fucked.

Beaver, to world in In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals avatar

Down with fascists

Zos_Kia, avatar

I see the folks organising and the protests, I honestly think we could clutch it. If only for the pleasure of telling Emmanuel to fuck off. The far right has wind in their sails but they are also terribly uncooperative with each other. Not saying it’s a done deal but there’s definitely some hope.

FuglyDuck, to world in Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine avatar

Maybe we should sanction them.

Yeah. Probably.

“Sorry best we can do is more bombs, officially define antisemitism as calling these guys assholes, and, uh, oh yeah, giving their military benefits packages!”


Don’t forget threatening to sanction the ICC over the Netanyahu arrest warrant.

FuglyDuck, avatar

sooo much shit, it’s hard to keep it all in one post.


Yeah this is the one that made me finally go “really Biden ?”


All that work putting together a “humanitarian help” system which was only ever meant as propaganda and never meant to actual put a dent in Israel’s Final Solution of death by Starvation, and Biden throws all that aways like this.

Bet even his Campaign and Press people are pissed of at that one, though probably not for “normal person empathising with the suffering of others” reasons.


Not sure how the Jewish would think about this but I’m starting to think it’s antisemitic to link the Jewish and Israel (apart from Israel defining itself as a Jewish state). Funny how that might go full circle.

FuglyDuck, (edited ) avatar

I dunno. It definitely will incentivize “otherising” of the Jewish diaspora. Which may be a tertiary objective of it. And it will definitely lead to increased conflict.

Which is a shame because most the Jews I know well enough to talk to about it, are extremely anti-genocide, and they’re vocal about it because… they know “I’m Jewish, [awkward stare]” is a great way to not get dinged for politics at work. (At least when the political topic is Gaza.)

FlyingSquid, avatar

You are absolutely right on that. It keeps many anti-genocide Jews silent. It kept me silent for a very long time. I didn’t even like talking about being Jewish. What changed my mind was a British documentary by a British comedian named David Baddiel called Jews Don’t Count (based on his book of the same name), which is specifically about the “othering” of Jews, especially how many white people don’t see Jews as white, but most non-white people don’t see Jews as non-white. It’s made me more vocal about things. I had already seen the documentary a few years before, but what has truly cemented it for me was the “you have said the actual truth” tweet by Elon Musk in response to someone who said Jews were oppressing white people.

It was streaming somewhere where non-Brits could see it (I think Dailymotion), but it doesn’t appear to be there anymore.


especially how many white people don’t see Jews as white, but most non-white people don’t see Jews as non-white.

There are people who are Jewish and non-white though - Ethiopian jews for example.

Which seems to negate the (Zionist-created) argument that there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity in the first place, as opposed to Judaism simply being a multi-ethnic faith like Christianity or Islam.

Clearly though plenty of people who are Jewish are also white. And clearly there is a history of denying them this Whiteness once their faith is “discovered” by those they know. Same as Irish or, to a lesser extent, Italians and Slavs. Which is wrong - as is the concept of race/ethnicity/“Whiteness” in the first place

FlyingSquid, avatar

The vast majority of Jews are white. Yes, there are a few exceptions like Beta Israel, or what you call Ethiopian Jews (less than 200,000 people) or Yemenite Jews (Around 400,000 people), but considering there are around 16 million Jews on the planet, around 11 million Ashkenazi and around 2 million Sephardic. I think “Jews are white” is, as a general rule, a correct statement whether or not someone like Elon Musk think otherwise. I mean there are non-white Icelanders, but I think most people would say that claiming Icelanders are white without specifying that that’s only a generality is acceptable as a statement.


But there’s a difference between saying most Icelanders are white and saying whiteness is a necessary condition to being Icelandic.

Either ethnicity/race is a necessary component of belonging to a group, or it isn’t. And if it isn’t, then idk how one can claim that such a group is an ethnicity.

So long as human beings who are black, Arab, Asian, etc can be Jewish, then idk how we can say that Jews are an ethnicity

FlyingSquid, avatar

No one is saying whiteness is a necessary condition to being Icelandic or Jewish. The point is that when Elon says “you have said the actual truth” to someone who claims Jews are oppressing white people, he isn’t thinking of Beta Israel or Yemenite Jews. He isn’t even thinking of Sephardic Jews. He is thinking of Ashkenazi Jews, who are white. He just doesn’t understand that. He very likely doesn’t even know non-white Jews exist… but the Jews who are white are often not considered to be white because they are Jewish. It is the othering of Jews we’re talking about.


the Jews who are white are often not considered to be white because they are Jewish. It is the othering of Jews we’re talking about.

Yeah I agree. But those people would be white regardless of if they were Jewish. Whiteness as a social construct is determined by skin color or national origin or both. Religion doesn’t have anything to do with it, although clearly through history it has - which catholics have also dealt with to some extent, especially in the WASP areas of the southern US.

FlyingSquid, avatar

But those people would be white regardless of if they were Jewish.

Except we aren’t. Many other white people don’t consider me white. I know that for a fact from personal experience. It doesn’t matter that I am genetically European and my skin is light.

And it is not just religion. I’m an atheist. That wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference to the SS or any of the people chanting, “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville or Elon “you have said the actual truth” Musk. I am a Jew regardless and, thus, not white.

By the way, this is also true of Roma people. They are (or can be anyway) in almost every way visually indistinguishable from the rest of the European population. It doesn’t matter, they’re not white anyway.


Yeah we’re saying the same thing. I recognize that there is a long history of denying Whiteness to people who have white skin. As I said, Irish, Italian, Slavic, and other catholic/orthodox peoples have been denied Whiteness at various points in history, in the US and elsewhere, in addition to people who are Jewish or Roma.

My point though is clearly the typical Irish person is white even if they are not seen as “White.” The typical Bosniak is white, even if they are not seen as “White.” And yes, clearly the typical Jewish person is white, even if they have not historically been seen as “White.” But that’s because really only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants are reliably considered to be White in the United States - which is a 3-part conjunctive test, of which people who are Jewish only satisfy, at most, the first two parts.

The point is that Whiteness doesn’t even objectively exist, and is a socially constructed tool used to maintain the historical/current superstructure of Anglo Bourgeois hegemony in the West. So we should reject the classification of anyone as White rather than merely try to expand its definition to include historically oppressed peoples with white skin

Nevertheless, my point originally was that you don’t need white skin to be Jewish. And because there are Ethiopian and Polish and Arab jews, it seems difficult to believe that there could be a Jewish ethnicity like the Zionists claim. And it seems that claiming that Jews are a distinct ethnic group is itself highly othering - and that othering is the intentional goal not only of White supremacist bigots, but also, for different reasons, is the goal of Zionist ethnostates such as Israel


I’m starting to think it’s antisemitic to link the Jewish and Israel

It definitely is. There’s few things more antisemitic than assuming that all Jews approve of the fascist government of an apartheid ethnostate committing genocide with impunity.

It’s right up there with the Alex Jones “globalist” conspiracy theories.


Oh, have no doubt about that.

And it’s pretty straightforwardly so: for example claiming that somebody demonstrating against the killing of children by Israel is an anti-semite is implying that killing children is a Jewish thing to do, which is incredibly close to the “Jews eat babies” kind of propaganda from the Nazis: even the worst actual antisemites in the present day weren’t going around claiming that murdering children is a Jewish thing to do.

That’s just how out of control the Israeli ultra-violent and extremelly racist Fascists and their racist Fascist supporters in places like the US are.


I grew weary if anti-genocide protests being framed as pro-palestinian.

Neither side is entirely free of bloodshed. It’s about stopping the bloodshed which means, I’d think, reducing the us vs them, not entrenching it.

Does anyone know how that framing became so consistent? Not in a speculative way, but with evidence?

Aceticon, (edited )

Well, in the tribalist kind of thinking everybody must always be pro-some-faction or against-some-faction and the far-right (including Fascists tribes such as Zionists) are seldom deep thinkers and skeptics, so are almost without exception tribalists.

So it makes absolute sense that Zionists (and members of other political tribes whose “chiefs” have decided to support Zionism) claim that people who are demonstrating because of their Principles (in this case Humanist ones, like “though shall not kill innocent civilians”) are doing so because of being pro-some-faction. Further, I would even say that the Zionists absolutelly believe that claim they’re making and are speaking the truth as they see it: they simply cannot conceive of people being anything but tribalists who will put tribalism above all else (even any leftover Principles they might have) so people must be pro-some-faction or anti-some-faction to be demonstrating.

(PS: Whilst this is not evidence, it does match what I’ve observed first hand in situations like the Brexit Referendum in the UK. It also matches my observations as member of a political party in my homeland, since most political party members tend to be tribalist, even in leftwing parties, which as somebody who returned from abroad with no pre-existing “love for the team’s shirt” and chose a party to join and help based on the principles they seemed to support, made me quite an atypical member and gave a wonderful chance to observe political tribalists in their “natural environment”)

This is also why I believe a lot of the propaganda techniques being deployed by the Biden Campaign to try and get votes from people who are against the current actions of the Zionists because it goes against their Principles are incredibly misguided - Principled people aren’t pro-Biden or even anti-Trump, they’re pro or against some kinds of action no matter who does it, and things like “aversion to the murder of children” tend to be some of the stronguest principles around so likely to be much stronger for a non-tribalist that the “uuh, those other guys are bad” tribalist-heavy arguments.

I wouldn’t be surprised if many people don’t end up in the voting booth, intellectually ready to swallow their Principles and vote Biden purelly to stop Trump, and can’t actually bring themselves to cast a vote.

Anyways, all this are theories and if Biden keeps on supporting the Zionists and their Genocide, we shall see.


It is deliberate. Zionists love antisemitism. They love it when Jews are attacked outside Israel so they can claim to be the only safe place for them in the world. They love to use antisemitism to attack Jews, who do not want to be associated with Israel or are even critical of Israels practices or worst “questioning their “right to existence””.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I am Jewish and yes, it is antisemitic to consider all Jews as Israelis. I do not support Israel, I have no affiliation with Israel, I have no interest in going to Israel apart from the archaeology. I’m from Indiana and I have a hell of a lot more in common with a Christian from Fort Wayne than an Israeli from Haifa.

Also, I know this is totally anecdotal, but every Israeli I have met in my life has been an asshole, which doesn’t exactly endear me to their country.

Netanyahu is the one who benefits most from people thinking all Jews are Israeli. I sure as hell haven’t benefited from it considering how many times I’ve had to justify myself just for who my ancestors were.


Thanks for your input!

It’s crazy how the media portrays the ‘critisizing Israel is critizing the jewish’ position. Even politicians, at least in the west, lean in to it, but this could be due to the geopolitical position of Israel as an ally I suppose.


I have met a few cool Israelis, but I still wouldn’t want to visit that country. Kinda like Iran, I played video games with a group from Iran for a long time and they are good and kind people, but I wouldn’t ever want to visit them because I wouldn’t feel safe in their country.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m sure not all Israelis are assholes, it’s just amazing that I’ve met a good two dozen Israelis and all of them have been assholes. Just arrogant as fuck.


But oil

queue, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar

Cool, Biden should use those new get out of jail free cards to do a lot of shit to improve the lives of Americans and probibit Project 2025.

The party about of rule of law just got told it’s rule of law to just do whatever as president, so go nuts. Pack the court. Forcibly remove the supreme Court. Ignore it.

Hell the constitution never even said the Court has the right to interpret and block laws, that was due to the Court expanding its own power. We just went with it because Jefferson had his own Xanatos Gambit played on him.

Come on Biden do something really cool with this, make them regret it.


Have the GoP and the traitors on the supreme court taste the death penalty. Then repeal all this crap they put in place (no way to override the GoP all being dead after the fact. I'd go with banishment or any other number of things if it was guaranteed to work, but the only thing that can't potentially be lifted after the fact is death)


Murder and political persecution are the weapon of the enemy. We do not need it, we will not use it.

Jaysyn, avatar

Self-defense isn't murder.


Bullshit. Go John Brown on them. The oppressed have not gotten freedoms just by asking nicely.

queue, avatar

Oh man lemme just persuade the fascists that I shouldn’t be killed. Lemme just vote out my neighbors and corrupt cops. Free market place of ideas, where the owners of the marketplace decide what’s neutral, what’s amoral, and what’s being sold.

some_guy, to politics in 'Absurd!': US Billionaires Pay Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class for First Time

If we tax them they won’t be incentivized to make more money, thus depriving the market of needed jobs. /s


Wouldn’t they need to employ more people to make the same amount of money?


Not in this country…

gregorum, (edited )

This is true in the way they may just move overseas, but the frees up the local market for new business and competition!

OR aggressively union-bust and lobby the hell out of congress until, well, we get what we have now: corporate plutocracy.

Lavitz, (edited )

Just like we never should have bailed out corporations we should not worry about taxing corporations or the rich. The void will be filled and more rich people will be made. That’s how the “free market” works. If you do not let companies die innovation slows and the economy rots. Rich people may not be motivated but some poor people will be.

FlyingSquid, to world in Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah avatar

“Go to Rafah and you’ll be safe. Also, fuck you and get out of Rafah or we’ll kill you.”

Andromxda, avatar

You just summarized zionism (fascism)

BananaTrifleViolin, to world in Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine

Russia threatened “severe consequences” for sanctions and supporting Ukraine.

Israel is not doing itself any favours threatening other countries.


I wish the US would send as many weapons to Israel as it sends to Russia


Technically the US is sending lots of weapons to Russia. Ukraine are even being real Bros about it and trying to deliver the munitions first cuz Russia keeps misplacing their stuff. Not their fault Russia is doing a very poor job of accepting their deliveries.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

They should be using the tanks for drone baiting

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Real Moneyball strategy

Linkerbaan, avatar

The weapons keep breaking during transport. Maybe they should include a warning label


Hey are Boeing airplanes part of the weaponry?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I’m a bit surprised Russia is even on the “Supports Palestine” list, given that they’ve been increasingly hostile towards Arab people and cozy towards Israel.

empireOfLove2, (edited ) to politics in 88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose 'Expensive, Risky' Nuclear Power Expansion avatar

This is the one side of the aisle I think Bernie is always on the wrong side of. Nuclear power of some form will be required for a full transition away from fossil sources, and it should be telling how fast other nations like China are dumping money into it. It is cleaner and causes fewer accidents per GWh than any fossil source ever has- it’s just been demonized for decades by those who stand to benefit from it being restricted and painted as a “non-green” energy source.



  • Loading...
  • HuntressHimbo,

    We have not in fact always done better


    MrJukes, avatar

    We have not in fact always done better

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    57 major accidents-

    It should be said that most of our accidents don’t result in Chernobyl like death tolls, but then, Chernobyl is in a class all its own.

    As bad as TMI was, and it’s the first one that came to my mind, it didn’t have any direct deaths. It was ridiculously close to having a massive death toll, and it cost like 2 billion to clean up over… decades…?


    There are industrial accidents, like fossil fuel plants catching fire and/or exploding, with more casualties than every nuclear ‘disaster’ combined.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Pretty sure people kill more people than any other cause combined.

    Could be wrong. Depends if you count manufactured famine and healthcare crises as part of that.

    We should get off fossil fuels, but I don’t see nuclear as a way of doing that. Solar, wind, and hydro (tidal is interesting. Micro hydro could have uses without destroying entire ecosystems.)


    .you just can’t get around needing consistent base load capacity. I wonder if the cost of a few GWh of batteries or complicated pumped dam/lake systems is reported in solar/wind figures to make an apples-to-apples comparison.

    maybe once we have a huge fleet of plugged in EV‘s serving as battery storage, variable sources will make sense as primary generation


    I’ll be the one to point out that TMI is exactly what you want to happen in a “nuclear disaster”. Nobody got seriously hurt that we know of, the problem was found and dealt with quickly once identified, and we’ve implemented TONS of extra safeties to make sure that can’t happen again without massive alarms and Serious Lights. Could it have not happened at all? Absolutely. But in a disaster, it’s the perfect “disaster” - nobody died, nobody got seriously injured directly, the plant got screwed up, and $2b to clean up ANY disaster site is honestly pretty damn cheap when we’re talking radioactive heavy metal remediation.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Radioactive materials (particularly gases,) were released so, it’s not quite perfect, but yes. TMI was much, much to be preferred over other possible outcomes of the accident.


    The BP Deepwater Horizon spill cost like $60B to clean up, so even with inflation $2B is comparatively small.


    all reactors are built near water and susceptible to some sort of flooding though. i realized that after German Biblis was hit by a flood earlier this month

    empireOfLove2, avatar

    So is nearly every coal/gas thermal power plant ever built. Steam turbines need water and cooling, thr type of thermal generation used doesn’t change that.


    the point is: other types of power plants just spill less hazardous materials when destroyed by a flood and don’t have the additional risk of a meltdown.


    Coal ash is arguably a bigger contamination risk.


    Nuclear is the most expensive energy technology used, so expansion is only useful if all renewable sources are already built out to the limit

    This is not the case, so investing in renewable is the smarter choice environmentally and fiscally

    Of course, the route we took in Germany reducing nuclear to upscale coal is even stupider, but it is far too late to reverse that


    don’t y’all buy excess power from France’s nuclear base capacity? Like 1.6TWh a year?

    sparkle, (edited )

    It’s the most expensive if you don’t already have the infrastructure & experience needed to support it. Of course in places where nuclear is barely used or not used at all, it’s going to be more expensive than others. But the US doesn’t have such a problem – in large part due to lifetime extensions (which allow plants to operate for another 20-40 years, up to a maximum of 80 years), which bring nuclear’s cost down to comparable to renewables. Without lifetime extensions though, nuclear indeed would be more expensive than renewable energy.

    Renewable energy also gets subsidized significantly more than any other form of energy – in the US, solar and wind both get roughly about 16x the $/MWh of nuclear, and 2x the total amount of budget. The EU also puts like half of its total energy subsidies into renewables (and a third into fossil fuels) and almost none in to nuclear. That should probably be taken into account too.


    It is not the most expensive for any intrinsic reason. It’s not necessarily that complex to operate. It’s expensive because bureaucracy that has been strapped to it to make switching to it harder, which was designed to keep dirty energy in demand longer. It is the safest power source we have available (including renewables). There’s no reason it’s so expensive except to attempt to kill it.

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

    I’m pretty sure that bureaucracy was also about controlling nuclear materials because they’re dangerous and potential weapons.


    Some of it, yeah. Obviously some is required. Not the amount that it has though.


    The problem is that humans cut corners for power and profit, and the nuclear industry is no exception.


    i’m not sure what you’re talking about… The nuclear energy industry has a track record of safety and extensively regulated engineering that surpasses virtually any other industry

    • Fukashima happened because they skimped on the wall height and generator placement.
    • Enerhodar is currently under siege in Ukraine, future unknown

    Those are two within the last 15 years. I’m glad when things are happy happy joy joy nuke plants are safe, but don’t think for a second that it’s a steady state. Ready to see what happens when a spent fuel pool gets hit with a bunker buster?


    That’s ONE in 15 years. In fact 18 years, because the previous one was in 2006.

    But look at this list of oil spills ……/largest-oil-spills-affecting-us-water… and list of most contaminated coal ash disposal sites…/coal-ash-contaminated-sites-ma…

    We have seen what happens to oil infrastructure in a war:…/exposures-kuwait-salgado.html


    Cool, now do solar and wind.

    CleoTheWizard, avatar

    Solar power, as great as it is, is only available during the day and wind is also not a constant source of electricity either. Solar panels are also made through slave labor in China. The cobalt needed for a lot of our batteries to store renewables also comes from slave labor, though we’re working on that part. And almost all of the renewable sources don’t have parts recycled and instead put their heavy metals into landfills.

    They’re still a lot better than fossil fuels but they’re by no means perfect. That’s why we need at least some nuclear to help with those issues


    Nuclear disasters vs not producing consistently due to nighttime.

    I do find it interesting the method of resource extraction matters for solar components, but rarely any other minerals mined inhumanely for energy.

    Like human rights policies are inherent to a solar panel.

    aubeynarf, (edited )

    producing enough energy consistently is the key figure of merit for electric generation infrastructure. Not a hand wavy optional nice to have fru fru thing.

    CleoTheWizard, avatar

    Nuclear disasters are becoming incredibly rare and plus a nation like the US for instance has plenty of wide open and otherwise unused land. Ask the military. So even if there were a disaster, they could be pushed far away from cities.

    The only disaster in recent memory required a tsunami to cause it and its effects are very minimal. Mostly it just cost a lot to clean up which again, is miles better than the radiation from coal and spills of oil and release of natural gas. The standard for which nuclear must meet is way higher than any other energy source when it comes to contamination.

    I also didn’t say that mining of other types didn’t matter. Coal has always abused its workers. Oil is bought from nations with large human rights abuses procuring it. Meanwhile Uranium is often easily accessible to nations and doesn’t even need to be traded for.

    Using nuclear energy is such a brain dead easy decision. Only barriers are upfront costs and public perception.


    While I am inclined to agree: those upfront costs translate directly into time. Time that we don’t necessarily have. Solar and wind are deployable and much less complex of a facility to run overall. For me it isn’t about the best energy producer as it is whichever method gets us of fossil fuels the fastest.

    Nuclear has long term capabilities and should be used, don’t get me wrong, but solar and wind are bridges, if you will, to when it can have all the time and money it needs.

    CleoTheWizard, avatar

    Yes but that doesn’t have much to do with what I was speaking on. In the short term, we should be heavily investing in solar and wind but we shouldn’t have an anti-nuclear stance.

    So when people come along with an educated view of nuclear energy and talk about disasters and what not, I’m just making sure they know that’s not the sticking point. Nuclear isn’t dangerous, it’s just expensive and takes time to build.

    Nuclear needs to be invested in for the long term, that’s the clarification. Until then, it’s wind and solar all the way. However, I’m concerned that we could end up in a future where wind and solar rely on these massive batteries which aren’t much better for everyone involved unless we recycle.

    I’m not a nuclear absolutist, it’s just uneducated to say that nuclear is bad and shouldn’t be supported. It has applications, just later in our future


    Well no one in this chain of comments was saying nuclear is bad and shouldn’t be supported.

    There is commentary on the kind of profit motives that result in things like: failed nuclear energy facilities and cobalt slave mining, though.


    So, Fukushima was a story of incompetence and bribery, not under-engineering. It was perfectly safe when built. In the 30 years after that, the owners bribed investigators again and again to cover up deficiencies that were known.

    I’m not sure what the nuclear plant being occupied by Russians who forced the entire safety team out at gunpoint has to do with the plant not being safe. The team was willing, by their own words, to keep working even with the Russians occupying the plant, even just keeping a minimum skeleton crew there to safely shut down the plant if necessary. That was shot down, almost literally - and Ukraine has been VERY careful about shelling that plant for political and infrastructure reasons even though enemy combatants are using it as a shelter to launch their own artillery strikes from.

    empireOfLove2, avatar

    sure, and you think this isn’t also happening in every single other industry right now?

    That’s a regulatory problem and not a fundamental mechanics problem. the logic of “well it’s good but humans will cut corners” means we should never do anything at all.

    BigMacHole, to politics in Progressive Dems Call for Codifying Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling | Common Dreams

    It’s a Good Thing the Justices didn’t take ANY Money or Gifts from Billionaires who stand to gain BILLIONS of dollars from this decision!


    They’re not bribes, they’re gratuities …… given before important court decisions


    No, that’s still a bribe. They get paid after the decision and as of their latest ruling it’s totally legal.

    givesomefucks, to politics in Invited by Congress, Outraged Critics Say Netanyahu 'Should Be Arrested on the Spot'

    I mean, he literally should be…

    That’s not hyperbolic, he legally should be arrested and held the second he sets foot in any halfway law abiding country


    Which is why he’s coming to the US instead.

    FenrirIII, avatar

    We have laws. They just only apply to the peasants.


    Hence the “abiding”.


    The problem is according to the State Department, he hasn’t broken any laws.

    Jamil, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    Disgusting. Justice for Palestine.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    And no justice for others who were savagely killed for going to a concert. Or going for an ice cream, or buying groceries on the market.


    I think they had their justice about 29,000 deaths ago, if lives are considered equal.


    Or if killing a human could suddenly undo killing one.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    It doesn’t and that’s the saddest thing. But with some people you simply can’t reason.


    Regardless of your political views… The fact you can watch civilians being blown up and be like “justice” is pretty raw dude. I think you need to have a think about how you relate to the world… and other humans.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Also that’s not what I said. Guy above me asked for justice. And I said justice for all innocent people. But apparently no, you Hamas apologists don’t accept idea of innocent people in Israel.


    The whole “but do you condemn Hamas?!” thing is long passed my dude.

    That you’d even mention it is pretty funny and makes me think you’re just a troll and not actually a Zionist.


    You’re a disgrace. A perfect fit in Israel, I bet you’d be buddies with fuckhisfaceyahoo or you wish you were.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Am a disgrace for wanting justice for all innocent killed. Hm, okay buddy, maybe it’s time to take your meds or gets yourself checked.


    If you wanted justice you would recognize the apartheid, that Israel was founded on ethnic cleansing that has escalated to genocide, advocate for a permanent ceasefire, and a solution to the conflict where both Israelis and Palestinians have equal rights.


    This is an untenable position. There is no good side, but Israel is committing atrocities beyond recognition.


    Who said that? I’d be happy for the people who did Oct 7th to be brought to justice. I doubt you’d say the same for the criminals in Israel’s leadership and military.

    I doubt you’d say the same.


    certainly these 4 kids had nothing to do with that


    Just imagine controlling the drone and thinking that this is ok

    nilloc, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

    If you owe the bank half a billion dollars, it’s the bank’s problem right?

    Sounds like the banks don’t want this problem.

    JoMiran, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer avatar

    how dare you be so critical of Biden


    Is this sarcasm? I’m neurodivergent and can’t tell


    They’re one of those people that magically appear only when there’s some news about Biden they can shit all over. Check their comment history. If you have any doubts.

    For the record, I’m neurodivergent as well, I’ve just had a lot of experience with these people. It gets easy to spot them after a while.


    Yes it was. So many people come out of the wood work to say we can’t be at all critical about how Biden has handled this

    supersquirrel, (edited )

    …Biden doesn’t want to support the genocide of Palestinians, he is just forced to given the fact that if he looks weak to independent voters from not unconditionally backing Israel’s genocide of Palestinians than he is going to lose the election. Do you honestly think he would be supporting a genocide if it wasn’t a smart political strategy?…/majority-disapprove-israeli-act…

    Ok fine so maybe even independents think what Israel is doing is awful in Gaza, but can’t you people be patient and wait until the dust settles after the election, and after all the Palestinians are dead and removed from their land? We can have a discussion about whether the Palestinian genocide was right or wrong then! Stop sabotaging Biden in the meantime, he is trying real hard to swoon those independent voters and they clearly are rabid supporters of the IDF committing genocide which is definitely a fact I didn’t contradict a second ago!

    /s <------


    4 hours and not a single right-center douchebag has come out of the woods. Maybe they’re catching on that their rhetoric isn’t working and Biden is going to flat out lose the country because of his genocidal friends.

    itslilith, to world in GOP Senators Threaten ICC: 'Target Israel and We Will Target You' avatar

    Yeah, what are they gonna do? Invade the Hague? That’s absurd

    Hague Invasion Act



    There aren't enough of them to do so.


    Rules for me, rules for thee


    This is just how the world works tbh. The ICC has no mechanisms for enforcement. They rely on participating countries, because they don’t have an international mandate to do well, anything, without the approval of the international community. There is no world government, or world police


    Yes, but this is basically saying “try to enforce the laws we helped write and we invade”


    Yeah sorta. But there’s no way to force the US to participate, there’s zero international law that has enforcement mechanisms. In order to pursue an ICC trial, they rely on the armies/police/prosecutors/judges of other nations, and none of those nations are going to risk fucking up their relationship with the US. In this case, the US is literally not beholden to the laws

    That’s kind of the point of being a (near) hegemon


    That’s one quick way to destroy America’s position in the global system. But Trump would order it. We all know he would.

    Andromxda, avatar

    enacted August 2, 2002

    Of course Bush did it, who else would do something like this (except for Trump maybe)?


    That’s um a bad look even by America in 2002 standards jeez

    Ok Europe why the fuck haven’t you prepared for conflict with us‽

    Th4tGuyII, to world in Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine

    So their punishment to other countries for recognising Palestine is to intensify their Palestinian genocide?

    How can anyone see this and not realise that this whole thing was never about Hamas, they were just an excuse to finally get the ball rolling.


    They get paid very well not to see that, or in the case of Germany get paid very well and used support for Israel as a smokescreen to deflect from the antisemitism they rightfully fear to be accused of. Israel is helping German Antisemites to push the blame on “immigrants” while Ethnically German Nazis get to attack Synagogues and have it downplayed. Zionists and Antisemites are allies.

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