Even_Adder, (edited ) to 196 in Pokémon Rule

Is this Claude? What a square.

Copilot chose violence.


Copilot is the most gamer-y of all the chatbots I’ve seen.

Which is wild as it’s just a snapshot of GPT-4 behind the scenes.

My best guess is that there’s a context bias by its association in the System prompt to Microsoft which brings it closer to topics like Xbox and gaming than models that don’t have that alignment cue.

Dasnap, (edited ) avatar

Microsoft products have always been like this.

“How do I self-oof?”

Google: “Naw dawg don’t do that get some help buddy :(”

Bing: “Here are 18 different methods, 12 that are quiet and 6 that will leave scars in the minds of the local community for years to come.”


Claude: Destroy him.

LinkOpensChest_wav, to 196 in 0% defrost speedrun rule avatar

Please don’t do this. It’s ok to be late.

wrath_of_grunge, avatar

that depends on where you work. at some places 3 late clock ins, can be a fireable offense. in the world of contracting its usually not a big deal.

LazaroFilm, avatar

Then it’s not a place worth working at

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

Fortunately, I’m in a leadership position at my workplace, and I say it’s ok no matter what! No matter what happens because of lateness is not worth someone potentially hurting themselves or others.

nyahlathotep, avatar

Fired is better than dead or alive but responsible for a family’s death

experbia, avatar

for most Americans, fired also just means you’ve probably just become responsible for your own family’s ruin. for most of our working poor, being more than 10 minutes late is a quick route to eviction and years of more crippling debt for them and whoever else might be at home with them, which could well immediately destroy other’s major life plans like college for kids, moving somewhere cheaper, eldercare, even medical treatments or medication, etc.

this doesn’t make driving like this less dangerous or inadvisable, of course, but the folks saying what you’re saying should be aware that for a lot of folks, the certain risk of the firing is often similarly dire to the uncertain risk of driving like this.

if you knew your partner on your work health plan was going to suffer or die without continued treatment if you’re ever more than 10 minutes late to work, you’d probably consider driving like this too when you overslept because you’re sick or something. it only takes one little slip-up.


Another option is leaving earlier. Don’t drive a car you can’t see out of.


Right? Am I taking crazy pills here or is Lemmy so cringe we are literally at “capitalism is when not looking at the weather and leaving for work with 60s to spare.”


While there is certainly a lot of criticism of capitalism here, I don’t think this particular thread is among them, to be honest.


I mean then don’t get yourself into a situation where spending a minute cleaning the windshield will make or break you. Any nontrivial commute has that much variance in it anyway, so if you are routinely cutting it close, three late clock ins seems inevitable.


Better be late to work then a late worker.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

Better to be a smart feller


not in America when you can get fired anytime

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

I do understand, but it’s still not worth killing yourself or others

Lemminary, to lemmyshitpost in Government bonds anyone?

>Visit a park for free

> Realize that you’re theoretically owing everyone in town roughly $0.01 for your “free” stay


Not really, that’s what I’m paying taxes for

synae, avatar

that and unlimited military action around the world


The second one not really, the German army is staying mostly at home these days


Listen here, buddy, we can either suspend our beliefs the easy way or the hard way for the sake of this joke!

brsrklf, to games in Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest

No way they can enforce that. I hope nobody is going to intimidated by this.

themoonisacheese, avatar

This isn’t a “we’ll sue you” clause, it’s a “we’ll never do business with you again” clause


Which is usually unwritten but understood. It’s wild that they put it in writing.


Well normally they just tell you you aren’t allowed to talk about the game period. This is a slightly relaxed position from that stance.

PseudorandomNoise, avatar

Yes but it still looks bad because it’s saying “you can talk about it, but only if you say nice things”. A full embargo would’ve made more sense and wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows. This current contract leads me to believe it’s a shit game.


Yeah, I think they normally do full embargoes for that exact reason.


Embargoes do get a bit of backlash sometimes, but not nearly enough.

When I am aware they are a huge red flag for me in any case.


Embargoes do get a bit of backlash sometimes, but not nearly enough.

Why should a full embargo get backlash? They are trying to get input for an understanding, controlled population before unleashing it on a wider public. The whole idea is that the preview is not representative enough to start setting expectations for everyone. But it is far enough along to get the general idea and get feedback to address.

I am constantly testing pretty well known products in advance of their release and they are frequently crap. Like one thing I’m working on hasn’t been able to work at all for a week due to some bugs that something I did triggered and they haven’t provided an update yet. However when they actually are available to the general customers, they are pretty much always solid and get good reviews. If I publicly reviewed it, it could tank this product even though no one could possibly hit most of the stuff that I hit.

A full embargo seems fair. The selective embargo seems like an unfair idea, but also is a bad idea. If everyone knows they are allowed to talk about it, but only the good parts, then people will be speculating on what is not said. One product I tested had someone fanboying so hard about it they were begging the product team to lift the embargo so they could share their enthusiasm. They said no, they didn’t want partially informed internet speculation running until they could address all aspects of the product publicly, and frankly there was too much crappy parts even if he was over the moon over the product and didn’t really use the bad parts.

I suppose I could see being uncomfortable with the “testers” also being the likely “reviewers”, because your are developing to the tastes of specific reviewers and tailoring for a good review in the end even if those reviewers aren’t fully representative of the general population. It’s easier to get a few dozen key influencers happy by catering to them/making them feel special, than releasing a product and hoping you hit their sensibilities.

sbv, to 196 in Competition Rule

It’s not a competition

That’s loser talk


Better git gud


Skill issue


Yall joking but bottoming is definitely a skill, just sayin

itslilith, avatar

can someone teach me?


I can’t teach you, but I can help you practice.

itslilith, avatar

🥺 👉👈


And I’ll supervise


git gay


<span style="color:#323232;">git: 'gay' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The most similar commands are
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        stage
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        tag
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        var

If you want to let git know that you prefer dick, the correct command is:

git branch -d main

TheControlled, to 196 in Dresses are pretty rule

I was literally playing as a girl before it was cool in the early-00s (as a straight cis guy). My friends called me gay or thought it was weird and so did other gamer guys. Now all my friends do it and it’s popular in general (again, in relation to straight cis guys).

I sometimes want to play as a guy now because it’s too mainstream and I’m a hipster asshole. Only half kidding.


Them: “You play a girl character? That’s pretty gay.”

Me: “I’m not the one staring at man-ass for several hours each day.”

programmer_belch, avatar

I also play girl characters when avaliable, I like how badass is having a girl gunning down or slicing enemies.


They have a smaller hitbox! Probably!


I relate 100%

abfarid, to 196 in rule avatar

Ultimately, both of those commenters are annoying. Saying “I use Arch btw” is a useless self-serving statement that provides no benefit or information to the audience. But engaging with that message in the manner displayed is also pointless and stupid, even if the statement is correct.
The saving grace for the “Linux user” commenter is that they are self aware about being annoying, judging by their last comment. So hopefully they were just being ironic. Or rage baiting.

I use(d) Arch, btw.


I don’t use Arch btw.

Resol, avatar

I use Arch-imedes btw. (Ngl this should be a new Linux distro)


I don’t know, I think it was pretty fun trolling after someone coming to say something as dull as “you want a medal or something”

abfarid, avatar

Sure. But the original statement is just as dull. Assuming no specific context.


Made sense after watching the video the comment was made on(if it really is the right video)

abfarid, avatar

I checked the video and found the comment. Commenting about using Linux on that video is the equivalent of finding a turkey recipe and commenting “No thanks, I’m a vegan” on it. Then why did you open this video?!


Hahahahah yeah yeah you make a very valid point


My comment is still being compiled


Ah, a Gentoo user.


I (can’t figure out if I’m) us(ing th)e( correct drivers on) Arch, btw.

TheFriar, to games in Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest

I hope there is a bunch of really sarcastic positive reviews, listing everything they hate about the game as if it’s what they really love about the game.


Yep, this is the move 👍


The ToS forbids satirical reviews. I’d start a review by reading out this portion of the ToS and then make a list of things I hate, just saying I’m not allowed to talk about this aspect of the game, or this aspect of the game, etc, etc.


Judges are smarter than that. So are juries.


A judge would probably throw this out long before it went to a jury.


Yeah, I sometimes forget that the law isn’t a code to be broken with this One Neat Trick. That goes double when you are going up against power.


It’s a mobile game from NetEase. I think it’s a excellent opportunity to be a madlad and review it like that because fuck them.

Aww boo hoo I can’t review any more of their shitty gacha games?

ThrowawaySobriquet, to lemmyshitpost in democracy in Russia

Welp, time to go take the longest shit of my life.

-that Russian cop


Thats not a cop, but a “vote support officer” who help you vote for the right candidate even if you already have one in mind 😄😉

He saw that the lady clearly did not need support making a decision and went to get some coffee.

After all this is just a prime example of a far more efficient democracy in action. Why waste time voting individually? Its clearly faster to vote at the same time.

crusty, to 196 in 0% defrost speedrun rule

In Norway you lose your license immediately if the police sees you driving like this


In the U.S. you might lose your job if you don’t. One missed alarm.

Good luck.


Yeah but the US is fucked when it comes to the working situation and workers rights.


Sure. Though that doesn’t change the shittiness at all. It just represents the issue the loudest, and one that occurs in more places than just the U.S.: Abysmal working conditions and shitty bosses. Forgive me for pointing out something I think everyone already understands, though we are part of a global economy. To create effective change we should also act as a global force to promote those changes.

In a perfect world, at least. Sadly, problems on our own doorstep takes away a lot of energy to do just that.


But if you hit oncoming traffic you’ll still be late for work and also potentially kill someone and end up incarcerated for vehicular manslaughter.


We’re doing that thing where we blame the person and not the system that provokes these choices. Statistically, a significant number of people in the U.S. are living paycheck-to-paycheck. To them their life almost literally depends on making it to work. I am not saying it isn’t stupid and dangerous. I am saying that being a few minutes late for safety shouldn’t decide if you get to eat that week. It should, by any reasonable account, be requested to make up. Not placed on some arbitrary point system or lofted lazily over the person’s head as a form of control.


Just to add on to what you are saying, around 62 percent of us live paycheck to paycheck. On top of that, we have at-will employment laws in most states, that allow an employer to fire a non-union employee for any reason they want, as long as they don’t violate federal labor laws. It’s also easy for employers to make up a reason for termination, even if they are violating said labor laws.

We need to unionize and get some power to the workers back in this country. People won’t do this kind of thing nearly as often if their livelihood isn’t at risk of being taken away.


If you are incarcerated you don’t have to worry about the mortgage. Win-Win!


I legitimately cannot imagine a scenario where you have time to clear this eye hole, but don’t have another 30s to clear the rest of the windshield. It’s pure laziness, regardless of how exploited your surplus labor might be.


Having been this person, I can assure you it’s not laziness. Sometimes you really are that late, and 30 sec can be the difference between going through traffic lights or hitting a red light. It could be the difference between being in front of or behind a school bus on a one lane road.


You DONT have time to clear that eye hole

It’s done as you pull out, that’s why it looks suddenly wiped with your sleeve!


it is unlikely that they see “you” driving then. just to mention ;-)


Good punishment. If you don’t consider this extremely dangerous you shouldn’t really be allowed to operate any machine bigger than a lego set.


I was literally going to say that exact thing. Det er veldig slitsomt å kjøre i Troms :(

phuntis, to 196 in Weird Explorerule

a fruit that was once highly sought after but now has been mostly forgotten

ah the horrors of twink death

flamingos, to 196 in Dutch rule avatar

Dutch not beating the fake language allegations.


Houd eens even heel snel je mond

givesomefucks, to games in Larian Studios has two major games in development and opens new studio in Warsaw

I’m so glad they haven’t sold out to a large American corporation yet.

It’s gotta be hard to turn down all that money, but large American corporations would want to buy it just to squash the competition


Or Tencent


Tencent wants market share, not money.

The money comes later, like how Uber used to be a good service.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Uber used to be a good service

The biggest cost Uber has is recruitment. And as the cost of vehicles has risen, the efforts they have to go through to get and keep productive drivers has climbed with it.

This is less about Uber market share than the real cost of operating an automobile between 2008 and 2024.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

They did though. Tencent had like a 30% stake in either BG3 or the company.

EDIT: As seen here.


Tencent has the stake in the company and apparently it is non-voting stock.

Etterra, to 196 in rule moldy monday FACTS

Nothing can save her from having an emoji whore mother though.

vox, to 196 in Mayonnaise Rule avatar

“where?” comes across as confrontational, you made it scared :(

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