criitz, to 196 in Google assistant rule

If you switch to Gemini, it will understand you the first time, and still not do what you want!


It’s the new goddam piece of shit that doesn’t do the one fucking thing it’s fucking supposed to


My man knows x


This feels like it was written by children who just learned about swearing.


I love bullshit like this


How can ya? I’m running a pixel 6 and am hoping to get that feature…


Not sure, my phone asked me if I wanted to use it (Samsung). It’s probably being rolled out selectively.

tja, avatar

I believe there is an app you can install. But that’s only available in the USA


You can, you can even replace assistant since it’s hosted in the Google app (why does that sound like something malware would do?)


I’m running the furthest phone from a pixel, and I got asked today. I told it to fuck off, I only use it for timers


But instead of ASDA it directs you to BLACKDA for diversity

ComradePorkRoll, to 196 in rule moldy monday FACTS

All y’all👥 gotta chill🥶❄️out on this emoji hate😡😤 we 💑are 👾just💀having🗣️fun🍑🍆💦🤪

Dagnet, to 196 in In June of all months... (Rule)

if heterochromia is having two different eyes colors then it means Im homochromatic


What causes it. What colours are they?

That’s so cool.


Genetic mutation. If you want to see something even cooler, image search feline chimera.


I love it. It’s like two cats in one. Reminds me of the mood octopus plushies that you can flip to the other side and then it has a different colour.


It kind of is two cats in one for real, the two sides have different dna!


Your eyes may be homochromatic. Are you the same color everywhere on your person?


yes, Im green all over, just like the other brazillian, Blanka


Didn’t Blanka have red hair?


Don’t worry, its just a phase

riodoro1, to 196 in Mayonnaise Rule

The future of information ladies and gentlemen


Wow it’s so realistic and smart and easy to use I can feel my knowledge being revolutionised

A_Very_Big_Fan, (edited )

Tbf I’m sure this is an unpaid version of some online LLM, you can only expect so much lol.

When I use GPT3.5 for things like finding specific quotes from famous books, it’s excellent… but asking it to play chess gives you blatantly illegal moves. Then GPT4 kicks my ass in chess.

cloudless, to 196 in Graphics rule
Sorse, avatar
spicytuna62, avatar
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

ace_garp, avatar

Lunacid has some of the best graphics of the last 5 years

Bizarroland, to lemmyshitpost in Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too avatar

I don't care if you're on or off the Taylor Swift hate train, but this is freaking funny.


Hate plane*

FlyingSquid, avatar

I guess someone had to have the Hate Plane since Snoop has the Soul Plane.

GluWu, to 196 in Flipperule

I spent longer than I would like to admit making this for like 3 people to hear.


Amazing 🦆


Just like the sounds mummy and daddy used to make on their special nights.




Thank you sweaty I had a good chuckle

Eagle0600, avatar

Thank you for your service.


I have nothing to say but want to validate your efforts


Thank you. Turns out my nonsense made at least 100 people feel something. Which makes me feel a lot better about doing stupid shit. I should have asked if anyone could figure out how I made it.

Kolanaki, to 196 in In June of all months... (Rule) avatar

Homophobia means they hate gay people.

You mean hypochondriac.


No, that’s a person who always believes they’re sick. You’re thinking of hemophiliac.


It’s heterochromia guys, jeeze.


No, I use Firefox.


I use Arch, btw


No, that’s hating the monochrome straight people flag


This that thing where if you want the right answer you just post the wrong answer on the Internet.

It’s called Ohms Law


Nah, ohm’s law is one of the fundamentals of electrical theory. V = I R

voltage = current x resistance

You’re thinking of Murphy’s law.

YarHarSuperstar, avatar

No this is that thing from redd… Wait how did you make me do that??


No thats when someone’s blood doesnt clot and they bleed to death from a paper cut.

You’re thinking of homosapiens.


No that’s humans. You’re thinking of homeostasis.


No, that’s self-regulating body temperature. You’re thinking of herpetology.

BluJay320, avatar

No, that’s the study of amphibians and reptiles. You’re thinking of horticulture

janus2, avatar

No, that’s the art and science of raising plants. You’re thinking of hors d’oeuvres.


No, that’s European cuisine. You’re thinking of homesickness

Frozzie, (edited ) avatar

No. That’s being far from home and missing it. I believe you meant homeopathy.

itslilith, avatar

No, that’s a medical pseudoscience. You’re thinking of heliosphere


you’re mistaken, since that term refers to the outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun. the term you might want to use here is “histogram”.


I believe your statement might contain a slight imprecision, as a histogram is a bar graph displaying the frequency distribution of some value. Did you perhaps mean to say “homogram”?


It seems like we ran into a misunderstanding, because a homogram is a type of poem. I believe the term you were looking for is haplotype.

Sanctus, to 196 in Google rule avatar

Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!

But seriously wtf Google. Commit to something besides advertising. I thought I was bad at never finishing my projects.

glouriousgouda, (edited )

I am definitely still bad at the projects thing. Like, I’m not even sure I still have projects. More like things I used to want to do, but can’t because my “I don’t wanna” gets in the way. But I still want to finish them.


Forget never finishing, you should see the stuff they’ve killed:

Never trust Google with anything long term. They’ve got the commitment of a teenager who just decided they want to learn guitar.


Note that a few of these are misleading…

AngularJS no longer exists because the library switched to TypeScript (which can be used with JavaScript code) and is now just called Angular. For the non-developers, TypeScript and JavaScript are mostly cross-compatible, and having a typing system makes way more sense for what Angular tries to accomplish. They didn’t actually kill the project.

The Google Duo app also got more or less facelifted into Google Meet, so it’s not like it’s actually dead.

Those things being said, the amount of things on that list is pretty crazy. Especially the ones that were straight up canceled and not rebranded/replaced.


Hey hey, now I feel personally attacked and wasn’t even a teenager when I quit learning guitar.


You guys quit learning guitar? I haven’t even started learning yet

chetradley, (edited )

I’m still salty about reader, now, trips and play music.

Jakdracula, avatar

Well, they’re a platform that sells ad space.

sunoc, to 196 in rule avatar

Windrones coping is always fun to see


Not sure it’s cope as much as being unable to accept that their attempted put down is having no effect. Bully is in their own head about their inability to get under someone’s skin.

A raging douche.


You basically explained that it is coping?


cope /kōp/

intransitive verb

  1. To contend or strive, especially on even terms or with success.

    “coping with child-rearing and a full-time job.”

  2. To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them.

  3. To form a cope or arch; to bend or arch; to bow.

As a foreigner it’s really jarring seeing this verb adopting a new meaning of “failing to cope”. I’ve seen it many times, it’s definitely not you and not new, but it does make the English language just a tad more inaccessible.

alsaaas, avatar

it’s mostly just internet lingo. English is not my native language either and I sometimes have the opposite problem: I know/use the internet definition/meaning but not the “official” one lol

Urban Dictionary is your friend in such cases, that’s where I usually go for stuff like this

alsaaas, (edited ) avatar

understandable, but tbh my terminally online brain finds it funny and sometimes genuinely interesting what kind of bs ppl come up with


Im kinda an english native depending on definition but for a very long time i mainly used it on the internet so sometimes i use too many contractions and slang with people who are not as good with it which can lead to confusion.

princessnorah, (edited ) avatar

it’s mostly just internet lingo.

Spend more time around people under 25, while they’re around other people who are also under that age. I hear it a lot.

Edit: To be clear, I’m not even under 25. Just spend a lot of time with people who are. Makes you feel old when younger folks ‘code-switch’ and use different language choices with you…

alsaaas, avatar

one could call that an “oof moment” lol

but tbh I will probably feel the same when I have to talk with the “skibbidy toilet” generation (aka gen alpha) in the future
(I only recently found out what that even is 💀)


It’s their insecurities dripping through because they deem themselves power users and learn that they don’t actually know shit so they usually very ignorantly and incorrectly put it down. It’s a hard pill to swallow when they realize they are just LTT gamer bro Windows users that struggle to use something my grandma runs.

Cylusthevirus, to 196 in Google rule avatar

Someone in that org needs to be an adult and say no to pointless rebrands and brain dead consolidation. Literally nobody, even Google, is benefiting from this spastic behavior.


Plenty of people are benefiting you just don’t see it because it’s internal.

The incentives are such that new thing is better and looks better on your year end goals.

Plus when an org gets large enough and siloed enough the left hand rarely knows what the right hand is doing.


Yep. Making a new thing is how you get promoted. Maintaining or improving an old thing is nearly useless, even at companies with competent managers.

This is the same reason why a lot of companies have awful security practices. From the managers’ perspectives, they’re burning valuable engineer time on something that doesn’t produce any tangible benefits besides reducing the possibility of a lawsuit. And that lawsuit is probably cheaper to just pay up, rather than pay for all that engineer effort.


People with cerebal palsy can’t help it, google did this deliberately.

HuddaBudda, to games in Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest avatar

No satire? Guess anything on the internet is out of the question then.

Engaging or providing subjective negative reviews

What do they think a review is?! If they wanted an advertisement, buy an ad spot on Google ya cheap bastards.


Because they want the benefits of advertising with the power of word-of-mouth, all at the expense of free.

That they think they can get away with it is bananas to me.


If you say “x and y is broken it not implemented yet” that’s an objective negative review.


If both x and y are broken, then it’s totally unplayable.

Y’all heard it here, this person says Marvels Rivals is unplayable. Do not preorder!


I actually looked into the game because I didn’t know anything about it and figured I should inform myself a bit.

What makes this whole overreacting raging we are seeing here even more funny and ridiculous is that the game is going to be FTP. So basically, once released, anyone can go and try it out, for free, to see whether or not it’s worth any investment by them.

So, yeah, if someone is offering you to pre-order this game, I definitely suggest you not buy it because they are trying to scam you.


Y’all heard it here, this person says Marvel’s Rivals is a totally unplayable pay to win scam!


I saw that line and immediately thought “oh ho ho, we have a loophole. This wasn’t a subjective review, it was entirely objective. The game is objectively shit.”


you can do a non subjective review.

Product X has Y thingamagingies which is better than their previous model and Z percent more than their competitors product

huntrss, (edited ) to 196 in Mayonnaise Rule

It’s so human how - instead of admitting its error - it’s pulling this bs right out of its ass 🤣


🤔 I wonder what the hell it is that’s so scary about admitting they’re wrong to other people.


Growing up in an environment where mistakes were unacceptable sets the stage. Our willingness and ability to understand that that’s fucked up and change our attitudes about mistakes takes more growth.

For some people it’s easier to dig in their heels and double down.


🤔🤔🤔 I guess I can empathize. People are always traumatized by whatever their parents tell them. What a shame.

xx3rawr, to lemmyshitpost in Let π = 5

Pi is now 5 due to inflation

samus12345, to 196 in Google assistant rule avatar

The assistant said to say what time and still they gave a place. That’s on them.

criitz, (edited )

I think “when I get to this store” is still a time. Android used to be able to handle reminding you “when” you got to a place, but I guess they dropped that feature. So IMO this is on the assistant for not doing what it used to do.

samus12345, avatar

It’s a time, but it’s an unspecified one. It very specifically stated “say what time you want your reminder” after a location was given, indicating that doing it by location wasn’t an option. The user wasn’t paying enough attention.


I see what you mean, on like the fourth try the assistant explicitly said “just give me the time”.

I guess it’s philosophical whether you say the user was “wrong”. Continuing to ask wasn’t going to get them any closer to the reminder being set, so I guess you could call that “wrong” if you want to say they should be savvy enough to know that. They might have even known that but still carried on, I do that sometimes just because.

IMO this software should be pushed to adapt to natural language if they want to keep pretending it’s s m a r t. If you were asking this to a person (who was somehow always with you…) and they said “just tell me the time”, you’d say I don’t know what time it will be, just remind me whenever we get there!

samus12345, avatar

The main reason I think of the user as “wrong” in this case is because they got angry at the end, fair or not!


They got angry because it forgot what the reminder was.

It asked for information A, then it asked for B repeatedly, and once that was finally settled (with an answer that is technically supportable but absolutely not what the user wanted) it then asked for A again.

If this were a real person, I would definitely be thinking “should I just ask someone else?”

Swedneck, avatar

this is what “the customer is always right” is supposed to mean, it doesn’t mean the customer can demand anything, it means that you can argue however much you want but in the end the customer wants what the customer wants and you can either try to please them or leave them unsatisfied.

looks like a lot of people here should never open a business as they’d stand there arguing with customers that what they want is WRONG and actually they should be wanting THIS OTHER THING instead…


I think what’s key here is that you used to be able to do this. I used to use Google assistant regularly and I feel like I’ve discovered dropped features through frustrated exchanges like this. It’s easy to miss that it specifically asked for time when you’re in autopilot mode and expecting that if there’s an error, it just misheard you

samus12345, avatar

Yeah, I saw that it used to be able to, but its prompt made it pretty clear it no longer did.


And this is why you have a qa team.


That’s not a time, that’s an event. The event can happen at a specific time, but you only know that time after the fact. So you want the assistant to react to an event, which it apparently doesn’t support.


It used to support it though. I could tell it to remind me of something when I got home or something like that, and it’d pop up the reminder when the GPS coordinates matched up.

No idea if they removed that functionality (you never know with Google), or if Assistant is just being shitty here. Either way, something changed somewhere along the line.


I think they removed the functionality

Swedneck, avatar

it’s still on google, because people expect it to be able to do such a basic thing and there is absolutely nothing preventing them from implementing it.


Time, Space , all the same anyways

samus12345, avatar

If you have a TARDIS, sure.

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